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The most corrupt US presidency in history

Today in The Week;

(continued in my next comment below)
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socialism ? health care

I find it funny that the word in it self, seem to set off all of that "red scare" of the past. But okay, let us have a look at history. In many places in Europe, serfdom existed. People had no freedom to wander about. They were owned by the landlords of large farms, and would be arrested and brought back if they tried to leave. Very much the same as the slaves in America.

Large parts of the emigrants from Europe, escaped those conditions if they could get a ticket to America. But Europe evolved.

In Europe, most are included in free health care, just like your social security, payed by a portion of your taxes. You call that socialism ?

So, your employer make up an arrangement with an insurance company, and you are stuck with that plan. What if you seek employment in another state ? What if you are brought to a different hospital then what your insurance company had included ?

In other countries, you are covered because you are a citizen. Very much the idea of being a citizen, to be included. Pre-existing conditions ? That is rules insurance companies make up.

I find it funny when you speak of - "the land of the free". I find it funny when you speak of socialism, when it is about a right you have, a contract you got, as a citizen - an included individual of the land.

Make America great again, is looking back at some beliefs of a past greatness. It is the words of Fascists, they always try to bring up some imagined greatness from the past. -

"You load sixteen tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go
I owe my soul to the company store "

- oh, I forgot - it is private enterprise, it is freedom. It is the USA.
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Happy Birthday United States Air Force

Happy 73rd birthday to the USAF, my former service branch for 6 years,

High Flight
By John Gillespie Magee, Jr

Portions Of This Lovely Poem Appear On The Headstones
Of Many Interred In Arlington National Cemetery,
Patricularly Aviators And Astronauts

"Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed and joined the tumbling mirth of sun-split clouds -
and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of -
wheeled and soared and swung high in the sunlit silence.
Hovering there I've chased the shouting wind along
and flung my eager craft through footless halls of air.
"Up, up the long delirious burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace,
where never lark, or even eagle, flew;
and, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
the high untrespassed sanctity of space,
put out my hand and touched the face of God."

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Vierkaesehochonline today!

Beginning to stand up to it...

...finally. On the Beeb, Mark Gregorian was being interviewed on immigration issues, by Reporterette Manuela Zaragosa. He heads up a center for immigration studies, where he and staff work to debunk the lies by the lefties, on how our formerly nearly open US borders, are now much tighter, thanks to Red Man Bad.
Like almost all of the liberal staff at the BBC, this strident lady wannabee journalist tried at every turn to make the immigration issue, basically one of national sovereignty, into something to do with race. Race cards a flappin'. As it really was, in law, for many years in Oz, and elsewhere.
At the close of the inquisition, this lady of color, openly said she wondered if US immigration was based less on the character of applicants, than on racism. To which Mr. G. said:
Just who the hell do you think you are? Falsely impugning the motives of others, to go along with your (virtue signalling) racist biases? She was quiet for a bit.
Mz. Z. then closed the interview, and began talking to a person of very different views from Mr. G. , saying, well let's now see what the facts tell us.
Mr. Trump, of course, fires back at such racist nonsense with both barrels aflame. But we're seeing much more of this from many other non racists, and it's about time. I do it all the time here on CS.
The times they are a changing. November forth.
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Antifa Goons Go to Sturgis Biker Rally — BIG MISTAKE

On Saturday a group of Antifa goons thought it would be a good idea to crash the Sturgis Biker Rally in Sturgis, South Dakota.

This was a big mistake.

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Who we are

In a previous blog I wrote, something funny took place. Watching the Trump go one-on-one with Laura Ingraham, he revealed to me, like a sort of regression, a kid not being appreciated by his father, a lot of pieces of the enigma fell into place. I shared the video, believing it would be plain for everyone to see. But it was not.

Why not ? Well, it resonated with some of my own battles in early childhood. I recognized something. For Trump, it is not about politics, it is not about doing something good for the American people. It is personal. He has been wronged.

Who are we ?

We all have a personal history. We seek support of our own beliefs. Trump supporters have a personal story that resonate with Trump, others have the opposite. If I say anything negative about Trump, a Trump defender takes it personal and react strongly, because his beliefs come under attack.

That is "who we are". We are our own beliefs and emotions. It is the lens we perceive the world through.

This is who we are. And we react. We fight each other - not because of Trump, but because of our own invested beliefs. But beliefs change. The beliefs I held as a child, did keep me safe, while they would not be appropriate today. Many beliefs may change because you get better informed. We are aware that our knowledge is not good in many areas. Because of goodwill and dependence on other people, we usually are a bit more reserved and careful or else we may loose those benefits. It is a bit strange that people so willingly seem to throw such constraints overboard and even provoke open conflicts for an untrustworthy individual in Washington that in any case will only be around for a numbered years.

Good and evil ? You shall know them by their fruits. So what does it taste like ?
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Vierkaesehochonline today!

Hydroxychloroquine, update...AGAIN?

...Few had heard of this publicly obscure, but often used, anti parasitic/anti arthritis agent, until President Trump tweeted he was giving it a try, on doctors' advice, as a prophylactic medicine. The Syndrome was immediately activated for the usual wonks, pols and pundits. And as with Stormy Daniels, and the rest of the three unsuccessful fake news witch hunts, VERY fake, we saw almost nothing else in the media. Till the next ruse was cast upon him, by the TD-HD Syndrome victims.
This drug is approved for on label use, as above, by our FDA. As with most medications/instruments/procedures, practitioners are allowed to use it "off label", for many other indications, if it has been used on many patients, its side effect profile is well documented and easily managed, and it's been around since the good Lord made dirt. Of course, the prescribing nurse or physician must have reasonable evidence that it might help and not harm a given patient. And the practitioner must have a great group of billing/collections staff, to get the shameless remuneration, so as to make payments on those second homes and sports vehicles. And hottie tarts. But here I go again.
I've blogged on the real but avoidable side effects.
Now then, plenty of physicians support this restricted use of the medicine, including prominent Epididimises at Yale Juniorversity.
So, we hear the tale of US medical doctor Simone Gold, MD, who also holds another doctorate, in the Law, so she's no chump. Two valid doctoral degrees, must be nice.
She had a web site supporting the use of this drug, which largely only included the many supportive scientific papers, and other publications. In true leftie fascist form, some liberal social media sites yanked her away.
Similarly, in true second amendment form, at least eight US governators prohibited the state licensed practitioners from using the drug. Apparently the first time an approved agent was so banned.
Now, after the immediate backlash, from medical boards, clued doctors, patients who may have been helped by the medicine, and many others,--- one governor's retracted his ban. The other leftie never Trumpers are expected to soon do the same.
Gets expensive practicing medicine without the license. But the Syndrome is powerful. What?
OH yeah, there are no media\Democrat pol biases.
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chatilliononline today!

Boycotting Goodyear...

because... you disagree with their dress code in the workplace.
I'm sure Goodyear and many other companies have established dress codes years ago.
Nothing new.
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It's a shame ...........

............when someone hates Trump so much that he can't hold back from slamming him when his Brother passes away.
It's a shame that he is so filled with hate that tries to justify his crass remarks with feeble excuses for his unconscionable behavior.

It's just a shame there is so much hate for a family on here.
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Real life if Biden elected

It is Friday afternoon, May 3, 2023. You haven't eaten in a couple of days but it is payday and your credits were just added to your implant. As you stand in line at the food distribution center, you listen to the government-run radio station reminding everyone to tune in for tonight's Presidential address.

Meager rations now in hand, you walk the three miles back to your home because you can't spare the two credits for a bus ride. Once you arrive home, you turn on the television to watch the government-owned news network. The reports are the same as they have been for months. Another 800 deaths were reported today in your district. The COVID-X virus is sweeping the FSSA after millions of Chinese-made masks were discovered to be laced with the new Super-virus. The big story of the day is yet another proposed increase in the White Tax. This will take even more of your weekly credits.

The Presidential election of 2020 is history now but it’s not one that will ever be forgotten. Joe Biden made it through almost a full year of his Presidency before he suffered a debilitating stroke that left him incapable of speaking. President HARRIS is scheduled to speak tonight in her weekly briefing. You don't really want to tune-in, but you know you'll lose too many credits for not watching.

You shuffle through today's mail and open an envelope marked "Official Notification from the Federated Socialist States of America". The letter reads: "You are receiving this letter as the recorded owner of two acres of land located in District 9 of FSSA State No.16. Our records show that your property has an active water well capable of providing more water than you are allowed under the Water Conservation Act of 2022. You are hereby being notified that your resulting water tax increase would exceed the amount of credits you earn. An agent of the FSSA State No.16 government has been scheduled to install an automated water restriction device on Monday, March 6, 2023. You will be scanned for all costs associated with this effort once the work is complete."

As the reality of this notice sinks in, you stare blankly at the television for a moment while you remember the great memories you made in this place. This is only the first step toward forcing you to move into government housing and you know they will not let up until they have full control of your property. You have been expecting this for weeks since the government enacted the new Bourgeois Eradication Act. You've never been a wealthy person but in the eyes of the FSSA, your property ownership gives you too much individualism and an unfair advantage over others. You take out your cell phone to call your only living family member. The others were beaten to death in the election riots of 2020 while trying to get home from the grocery store. You know this phone call will cost more credits than you can afford but you just need to talk with someone. A weak sounding voice answers your call and you immediately know something is wrong. You're told that your family member also received a letter from the FSSA but this letter requires the immediately surrender all stored food supplies because gardening violates the Food Availability Act.

The sound of an engine is heard outside. You put down the phone with the call still active, grab the Glock you managed to hide when the rest of your guns were confiscated, and slowly approach the door. You see six uniformed men, all wearing blue UN helmets, approaching your home and each is armed with an AR-15 pistol. You do an admin check of your Glock and swing the door open...

On November 3, 2020, one of the most important decisions of your life is due. Do you hate one man enough to throw away everything? Do you even care enough to get out and vote? The fictional story above could contain more truth than you might imagine. Choose wisely.

Copied from Facebook friend.
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