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Most Commented Photography Blogs (166)

Here is a list of Photography Blogs ordered by Most Commented, posted by members. A Blog is a journal you may enter about your life, thoughts, interesting experiences, or lessons you've learned. Post an opinion, impart words of wisdom, or talk about something interesting in your day. Update your blog on a regular basis, or just whenever you have something to say. Creating a blog is a good way to share something of yourself with others. Reading blogs is a good way to learn more about others. Click here to post a blog.


Photo Caption Contest - If this sea lion could talk

The best caption for this photo is............... dunno

Enter as many times as you like. dancing

My first entry is......"Wow ! That chiropractor truly screwed you up, dude !" wow

Here is the photo;

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head banger
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A Rich Reward

Awake early this morning, I headed out for a bike ride, not too sure of where I was going to go. Deciding to ride along the dike by the river, I was a bit disappointed in the lack of wildlife. Even birds were hiding, although I did see some American Goldfinch on the path, which took off as soon as I saw them. I'd like to get a photo of them on a fence post or the barbed wire. So far, one photo is on a metal farm gate covered in bird poop. Not exactly an appealing feature.

The last one I took was on the gravel road of my usual loop. It's funny how the females are so much duller than the males. The males are a brilliant yellow, while the females are a much more muted shade, verging on brown. I haven't managed to capture any decent photos of the female, as she always seems to be in the shadows.

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I was captivated by the weak sun rays stretching across the cut hayfields, highlighting the rusty wheels and seat of an old farm tractor decorating a garden. Riding on, a flock of American Goldfinches erupted from the long grass disappearing into the foliage of a nearby tree. Pedalling on towards the river, the cows that were out on pasture are still not back on it. I don't know if the river is still too high, but it was nice to see the dairy cows enjoying their pasture. They'd saunter up to the gate as I'd ride by, thinking I was there with their grain.

Rather than ride the 'loop' - under the bridge and along the riverside, I doubled back and rode down one of the side streets. After checking the slough and the path the other day, there's still part of it that's submerged in water still, so I'll wait until everything's stabilized and I don't have to ride through muck.

I wasn't going to go down towards the old heritage home, as I was there the other day and there wasn't anything that caught my eye. However, as the morning was so pleasant, I opted to take the extra time as the area is known to be a birder's favourite spot.

I've mentioned before how much I miss the lake I used to ride around as there were always squirrels and wild bunnies, something I've not seen much of here. I was richly rewarded this morning when I spotted a baby bunny crouching in the grass, giving me the wary eye. Quietly getting out my camera, I was able to get relatively close to the little thing. At one point, it almost looked sleepy as it seemed to get used to me being there.

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A few minutes later, Mom leapt out of the long grass on the other side of the narrow road, bounding across the asphalt and disappearing into the long grass and brambles. Still, baby just sat while I was able to get some good shots of it. As the school bus appeared at the crest of the hill, I rushed to move my bike out of the way, and baby probably followed it's mother, the noise of the bus disturbing all the wildlife.

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With some good shots, I turned towards home, my eyes constantly flickering towards the slough. A couple of redwing blackbirds noisily flew out of the brush, their distinctive red markings brilliant in the morning light. As I didn't have my camera ready, I did not stop to see if they'd fly from the branch they'd landed on in hopes of capturing them in flight. They are so fast, it's a challenge to get them in motion.

A good morning, I'm glad I went out for the extended bike ride, and can hardly wait until I can do the loop again. It seems to be a long, long time, - about a month I believe. It'll be great to get back into the route and routine, as my experience is, the more wildlife sees you, the more they're comfortable with your presence - which makes capturing a photo much easier.

Of course, as long as I'm not their next meal.
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Go ahead, I dare ya !

Lets hear YOUR caption(s) for the following photo laugh

(no references to any CS members ! scold

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My first offering is; 'Our neighbor unsuccessfully hunts for the definition of a shotgun wedding'. laugh

Have a nice night. peace
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You make the photo caption - horse

Add your own caption(s) to the following photo, if you like. cheers

My first one will be..............If there's a flood, bet on this horse.

Here's the photo (click on it to see full photo);

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'Not everyone......

....approved of the bride'.

or have fun adding your own photo caption(s). head banger

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From the California wildfires of 2009

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Christmas decorations always came down on Jan 6th - twelfth night and my ex's birthday. Last Sunday I had mentally prepared for the packing away of all the Christmas stuff. Of course, the best laid plans are always interrupted.

Instead, I had a last minute plea to take my Mom to the airport as my sister was 'unavailable'. Somehow, I knew that would happen. Fortunately, although overcast, it wasn't raining and the trip to the airport was smooth.

On my return home, I detoured along back roads and found a plethora of old barns that are absolutely amazing! I think our photo assignment for next month is abandoned buildings and although I have many already taken, I still love coming across them. They hold such mystery and untold stories.

Today, the Christmas decorations will finally get put away - which requires me to back my car out of the garage so I can get the step ladder out and get the totes labelled 'Christmas' off the top shelf. My little fibre optic tree has it's own box to be placed into, on the top shelf along with the other stuff, and that'll take care of that! Done for another year.

This past Monday was incredibly busy with a lot of errands before going to photo club. Holy cow, I didn't even have time for dinner and with Mom being away, didn't have the luxury of her making it for me and visiting ahead of time.

Getting to the club, I was anxious to see how my photo for the 'wet' assignment would do. I was quite apprehensive when we started off, as the adjudicator started giving really low marks to some of our more experienced members.

I have to admit to being quite disappointed at the lack of creativity in the 'wet' theme. There were the usual photos of running in the rain, umbrellas, waterfalls, etcetera, etcetera. I suppose, that's why the rather mundane marks. I thought I'd see a wet hen (madder than a wet hen) or the back of someone's head as they bent over a sink with water pouring behind their ears (wet behind the ears) or any other imaginative interpretations. Obviously imagination was lacking for this assignment.

Then, my photo of 'Wet Your Whistle' pops up. A glass with a whistle dropped into it and the resulting splash with a black b/g. It's totally out of the realm of what I usually photograph. I knew (which was confirmed later) that many people would think it was one of two other photo members that usually contribute studio photos.

The scores up to this point had ranged from 6.5 to 8.5, with most of them being 7.5. I hoped I'd at least get an 8. 'Nine' he called out! Woohoo!! The first 9 of the night. Yes!! My mentor, who was sitting next to me, gave me a nudge and thumb's up. His photo, after mine, also received a 9, and one more nature photo received a 9.5.

I was thrilled! My other two submissions received an 8.5 and 9 with critiques that were extremely helpful. Two women that I sit near always give me a hard time, as last year, and the year before, I couldn't seem to break 7 for the life of me. It's not that the photos didn't deserve 7's - I just couldn't seem to progress. The two women told me that was enough of the 9's for me and to just stop that. lol.

So I had a very rewarding and wonderful evening on Monday. The woman in charge of one of entering photos in the monochrome competition asked me to submit my 'Wet Your Whistle' as she thought it was an excellent photo and worthy of submission. Wow! I'm so flattered and honoured, as many of these people have years of experience and fabulous photos.

Today, along with getting the Christmas stuff put away, I have to buckle down and get my photos for the store display chosen and in to be printed, and find the other photos that have been requested for purchase and get those printed as well.

Better get to it. I now have two requests for 24"x36" canvases along with the other requests for prints. I never, in a million years, thought I'd be selling my photos and making money at something I thoroughly enjoy!
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Rising from the Rubble of Misfortune

As I've mentioned before, I post my photos to a local community site. I've garnered a significant following on there, due to the local photos I take of the area. The calendar I made for this year was solely due to people asking me for one, as I had had no intention of making one. The result was a very lucrative endeavour, albeit a mad push to get the photos together.

This year, it's evident that there's already an expectation for another calendar, which is great, although it can be a bit overwhelming trying to choose the photos. I tried having people 'vote' on which photo they liked, but instead of just choosing one photo, they 'liked' all of them, which essentially, nullified the entire process. Ultimately, the choice is mine anyway.

So I did away with the 'contest' realizing ppl just couldn't follow directions. There are a few photos that I definitely want included, and I know people will expect some of our local mountain. Keeping the calendar in mind, I figured that would be relatively 'easy' for this year. Although I've been asked to do one for two other surrounding areas. Ack!

Continuing to post my photos, several people have asked if I'd thought of doing a photo book of the area. I'm not quite sure why people want a book anymore, as they aren't very popular. They're expensive to publish, as well as have a limited market. I can't see that it would be a lucrative venture.

To the several people that have asked, that was my response. Simply not enough $$ or demand for it. As this area has a significant indigenous population, several of the local First Nations have asked about a book, saying that my photos really depict this area. I still kind of balked at it. One local woman asked me about publishing a book as she's part of a local publishing house. I had my usual response, however, she wasn't prepared to take 'no' for an answer. She asked me if I wrote, which I replied in the affirmative.

Oh groan! What have I gotten myself into?! She asked me to put together some photos and writing (poems, experiences, history) of the area, and she'd present it to the publishing house. She said they were extremely interested (yeah, but does that translate into $$?).

So my next project seems to be like the first one, by request. I'd best get busy trying to figure out how to start the book. It's exciting, but a bit overwhelming at the same time.

But, what could be better? Combining two loves into one project? Yeah, I'd say the move to this community was the best thing ever. Out of the rubble of misfortune, the phoenix of opportunity rises.
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StreetWalkin': Playing for Notes

On Friday, I headed down to Fairhaven in the U.S. to take my bike in for it's 10 hour check up. Needless to say, I have ridden far more than 10 hours, as Thursday alone I rode it for 9.5 hours. While waiting, I toured the town, practicing my street photography. Some of the benches have a statue of a renowned figure lounging on them, to the delight of many who have their photo taken with them.

The first one - a statue of Mark Twain outside a book store.
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The g/f taking a photo of them. Strong legs on that girl! Look how she's squatting.
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Mark Twain, himself.
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The town has tons of old brick buildings that have been renovated and add to the appeal of it.
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I could hear piano music across the street, but couldn't figure out where it was coming from as I was looking into the bright light. Two ladies told me the piano player had pushed the piano down the street and set up on the corner to play. His music was absolutely delightful.
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Two young ladies glazing outside a pottery shop.
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Down a cobblestone alley, a restaurant is set up in a courtyard. One of the tables is set off by itself by this tree and raised a couple of feet above the cobblestones.
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A cool door handle for an up-coming subject for photo club.
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Family patio dining.
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The red umbrella and dress caught my attention.
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In the courtyard, people relax and enjoy some refreshments, or read.
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Yep, the red hat caught my eye.
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Savouring some ice cream.
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Desultory conversation.
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Across the courtyard, another statue.
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Chopsticks are not a challenge for some.
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Two Mexicans outside of a Mexican restaurant loading up a dolly.
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Part of the courtyard, rimmed with restaurants (and a huge book store).
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Looks like the statue's perving...
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Wife is ahead, sampling the sweets while hubby limps gamely behind.
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His turn! And look, they even matched colours.
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Piano player returning from one of the restaurants.
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I guess this guy prefers his own music.
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Giving me the eye...
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Busy corner.
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I didn't see anyone in red tights, but this mature lady had red runners!
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This couple was from Oz and asked me to move off the bench I was sitting on, next to some statue taking notes. No problem. Another couple asked me how my date was - I told them he was a little quiet, but he was at least writing everything down.
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Another old brass door handle.
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Conversing on a round bench.
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Busker joining the piano player, maybe?
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An old chandelier in one of the vintage buildings.
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....cont. in comments.....
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Hiking with Shine

Rocky Knob, VA
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The Channels, VA
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Burke's Garden, VA
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Molly's Knob, VA
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Buffalo Mountain, VA
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McAfee Knob, VA
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Stone Mountain, NC
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Grandfather Mountain, NC
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