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Tools of the Trade - Final

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(Continue Final)

I’ve made such a mess of things! I’m such a failure. I’m nobody now, when I could have been king if I’d stayed in Egypt as Pharaoh’s son. But what am I now, Lord? I’m old and I’m nothing but a poor shepherd with a few dumb sheep, living on the charity of others who are not even my kindred. I guess I’ve really failed, because now You can’t trust me with anything but a few sheep and no more authority than this old wooden rod. I’ve failed to save Your people, and now it’s too late!”

I know how he felt because I was there once, thinking my life was behind me and that I’d never accomplished much for the Lord, that I only had my own little family and my children to show for my whole life’s work, living in the equivalent of a tent by the wayside watching over nothing but one tiny little flock with seemingly nothing but wood in my hands—no gold, no job, no home, no nothing but those little lives that He had given me to guide with His Word.

But one day God spoke and said, “What is that in thy hand?” I said, “Nothing, Lord! Nothing but an old worn-out wooden rod and a few kids.” But again God said, “What is that in thy hand?” And still I questioned, “What do you mean, Lord? You can see what I have in my hands! Nothing but this rod and my little lambs! What can I do with these? They’re nothing! We’re nobody!” But He said, “If you will go in My name and say only that I have sent you, I will do great things which you know not of.” And so He did, according to His promises.

With that old wooden shepherd’s crook in Moses’ hand, through the voice of Aaron, God used Moses as His instrument to free six million Jewish slaves of Egypt, plague the world’s leading power, part the Red Sea, and deliver the Israelite's from their Egyptian bondage through great tribulation into the Promised Land, although Moses himself died on the mountain and never got to see the fulfillment of his dreams in this life.

Never belittle the little things or little ones! So if you’re currently devoting your time to caring for others, or being a parent to your own children or maybe even somebody else’s children, and you’re wondering what you could possibly do with nothing but a Bible and these ones in your hands, think of Moses.—David Brandt Berg


God will start with what is in your hand even when it seems menial and insignificant. “What is in your hand, Moses?” This was God’s response to Moses’ ample excuses about why he was not qualified to lead Israel out of slavery to Egypt. The wisdom of the statement God spoke to Moses at the burning bush can still speak to us today.

Can you imagine what must have gone through Moses’ mind in that moment? After all, a staff is nothing more than a glorified stick! How was it going to make an impact in Pharaoh’s court? There is nothing extraordinary about a staff. But understand this: the common becomes mighty when God anoints it.

Offer unto God what He has placed in your hand. “What is in your hand” means whatever is in your care or control. This could be money, possessions, influence, talents, abilities, and more. What you withhold and retain in your hand reveals what is in your heart. Child of God, release what you hold. Your Father is waiting to use what He has placed in your hands.

We all have something in our hands. As we release what is in our hands, He releases what is in His! He is ready and willing to anoint what is in your hands.

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus. Show me what is in my hand. I am ready to release it to You. I will do whatever You would have me do with my life. I want to make a difference in the world today. Reveal the power of what is in my hand so I can be an answer to the problems that surround me. Anoint what I carry and help me fight with what I already possess. In Jesus’ name, amen.—Lisa Bevere

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One Solitary Life

One Solitary Life...

He was born in an obscure village
The child of a peasant woman
He grew up in another obscure village
Where he worked in a carpenter shop
Until he was thirty when public opinion turned against him

He never wrote a book
He never held an office
He never went to college
He never visited a big city
He never travelled more than two hundred miles
From the place where he was born
He did none of the things
Usually associated with greatness
He had no credentials but himself

He was only thirty three

His friends ran away
One of them denied him
He was turned over to his enemies
And went through the mockery of a trial
He was nailed to a cross between two thieves
While dying, his executioners gambled for his clothing
The only property he had on earth

When he was dead
He was laid in a borrowed grave
Through the pity of a friend

Nineteen centuries have come and gone
And today Jesus is the central figure of the human race
And the leader of mankind's progress
All the armies that have ever marched
All the navies that have ever sailed
All the parliaments that have ever sat
All the kings that ever reigned put together
Have not affected the life of mankind on earth
As powerfully as that one solitary life

Merry Christmas everyone
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A deep longing exists to share all that treasure that you have discovered within yourself, and to shout from the housetops to the people, "You are not poor! Paradise is within you.
You need not be beggars, you are born emperors." You just have to discover your empire, and your empire is not of the outside world; your empire is of your own interiority. It is within you and it has always been there, just waiting for you to come home. Love will come, and will come in abundance -- so much that you cannot contain it. You will find it is overflowing you, it is reaching all directions.

Just discover your hidden splendor. Life can be simply a song, a song of joy. Life can be simply a dance, a celebration, a continuous celebration. All that you have to learn is a life-affirmative lifestyle. I call only that man religious who is life-affirmative. All those who are life-negative may think they are religious; they are not. Their sadness shows they are not. Their seriousness shows they are not.

A man of authentic religion will have a sense of humor. It is our universe, it is our home. We are not orphans. This earth is our mother. This sky is our father. This whole vast universe is for us, and we are for it. In fact, there is no division between us and the whole. We are organically joined with it, we are part of one orchestra.

To feel this music of existence is the only religion that I can accept as authentic, as valid. It does not have any scriptures, it need not have. It does not have any statues of God, because it does not believe in any hypotheses. It has nothing to worship, it has only to be silent, and out of that silence comes gratitude, prayer, and the whole existence turns into a godliness.

There is no God as a person. God is spread all over: in the trees, in the birds, in the animals, in humanity, in the wise, in the otherwise. All that is alive is nothing but godliness ready to open its wings, ready to fly into the freedom, ultimate freedom of consciousness. Yes, you will love yourself and you will love the whole existence too.

Perception...Everything is "Mental"

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What is it that you perceive???? I wish to perceive beauty....

you get it now ?


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you get it now ?

Overcoming constraints..

Watching an interesting video...

So far...not done watching it yet....however...

Basically, every person has a inner energy/being...that often times becomes constrained by that person's body. The body facilitates in that energy/being in achieving its purpose. However, the body can also be a constraint or a jail to that energy/being. According to the video: only a small amount of people use the body to achieve the inner energy/being's objectives.

As a side note: I wonder if that is why people develop such mental conditions as depression or addiction. There is a conflict between the inner and the outer. hmmm

Our body and hence our inner being/energy live within the confines of human made environments...such as capitalism. I would think in order to develop and manifest the inner being's purpose, the outer being (body) would need to be free of external constrains....thus allowing the outer body to realize the inner being's purpose. In order for that to happen, I think one would need knowledge and resources. Knowledge to know there is an inner being with a purpose that needs to be realized...and resources to allow the body to explore these inner being purposes. I would think it would be difficult to explore this inner being purpose while stressing about how the bills will be paid, stressing about where one's next meal will come from. So money to some extent would allow for the exploration of the inner being...and to allow for enlightenment to shine among whoever. Of course, not wealth to the point where you are obsessed with it.

Another constraint is one's mind. As the video points out, the mind is not the inner being/energy...but it is the connection between the two. So a "clean" mind will help remove constraints. A mind altered by alcohol, drugs, ...addictions in general....could cause one to fail to explore and illuminated the inner being/energy and its purpose.

So...if you have a feeling that something is not in harmony with yourself...a peace...a comfort...a confidence...a clear assessment of yourself, perhaps trying to remove constraints from your inner being/energy and its purpose. dunno

Operation OUTSTRETCHED HAND, corruption from within

Some point to the numbers of boys abused in the Catholic Abuse scandal and then call for the taxation and / or disbanding of the Catholic church.
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A closer look reveals that the very same groups calling for taxation or disbanding of the Church were instrumental in corrupting it with atheists and homosexuals.

I should note that no where in Scripture does it see homosexuality or pederasty as of equal dignity as One Man / One Woman holy matrimony. Indeed, Leviticus condemns it to death. God himself is enraged to hear reports of many sins committed in the cities of the plain (Sodom, Gomorrah, Zoar, etc..), with "going after strange flesh" among them, later clarified by the Biblical account of the men of Sodom surrounding Lot's house, demanding that he send the two Angels out, so that they might a$$rape them (as Ahnold might have said: "Bad idea.").

And when it comes to leading children into sin, which is exactly what child molestation is (since a very high proportion of the molested grow up to become homosexual molesters themselves.. suggesting homosexuality isn't passed down in the genes, but by the process of psychic corruption, like the bite of the vampire), even Jesus commands that a millstone be hung about the neck of the corruptor, and then he be cast into the sea.

Thus, anyone who commits such sin is an unrepentant sinner, and not a Christian, and certainly not one who should preach to Christian followers. These are apostate heretics and condemned by Scripture ("depart from me! I never knew ye.")

Isn't it convenient, that decades ago, that Communists decided that the Church, and religious faith, were their mortal enemies. Something had to be done. And that something was the Soviet OPERATION OUTSTRETCHED HAND. (OH).

OH entailed infiltrating and corrupting, and thereby destroying the moral leadership of the church. The Infiltrators? Communists, Atheists, Homosexual- p*dophile, Satanists, often a combination in one person, who would be their ideal candidate.

The concept was to enter the seminary, lie low, rise through the ranks, and once at a commanding rank, start to become a gatekeeper to the seminary. Weed out true believers and good men.

In their place, recruit other Communists, atheists, satanists or pedophilic homosexuals.

This went on for decades, only coming to light when one saboteur, one Bella Dodd, had a change of heart and confessed. Her sin? Placing about 1100 such filthy men into the seminary. Her book is called SCHOOL OF DARKNESS.

Her sabotage was confirmed, years later, by the release of once classified intercepts between Moscow Center and American traitors (VENONA INTERCEPTS).

Another view from inside the corrupted seminary is by Michael S. Rose, in his book, GOODBYE GOOD MEN. It describes how some seminaries have become dens of homosexuals, harassing and driving out hetero but celibate true believers. Another source, a Vatican trained exorcist, Fr. Malachi Martin, had to couch his expose of infiltration of the Church by satanists in his (non-fictional) fiction WINDSWEPT HOUSE.

If you search the term LAVENDER MAFIA, you'll find more of this corruption of the Church by the very same Communists and homosexuals condemning the Church, for the sins they themselves committed.

Such is the way of evil.
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Let God Engineer (Part 1)

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For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. Romans 1:17

A compilation APRIL 7, 2016

Oswald Chambers coined one of my favorite mantras: “Let God engineer.” Those three words captured his trust in the overarching sovereignty of God. And it’s that kind of trust that gives us a holy confidence.

Most of our emotional problems are symptoms of one deep-rooted spiritual problem: lack of trust in the sovereign God. It’s our lack of trust in Him that results in high levels of past-tense guilt, present-tense stress, and future-tense anxiety. And if we allow it to, that three-headed monster will deplete every ounce of holy confidence we possess until we lose our sense of destiny.

Many of us find our confidence in the things we can control, but it’s a false sense of confidence. Holy confidence isn’t circumstantial. It’s providential. Too often we allow our circumstances to get between God and us. Holy confidence puts God between us and our circumstances. And when we do that, the Almighty One dwarfs the giants in our lives.

Let’s face it: we are control freaks. We want to control our circumstances. We want to control others. And ultimately we want to control God Himself. We do this in the name of sanctification, but it’s pseudo-sanctification. It’s nothing more, or maybe I should say nothing less, than a futile attempt at self-help. Lack of trust is more than refusing God’s help. It’s a prideful attempt to help God by doing His job for Him. We play God by trying to control everyone, everything. But God hasn’t called us to be God. He’s called us to be ourselves. And our control issues are really trust issues. The less we trust God, the more we have to control.

Nothing is more spiritually, emotionally, or relationally exhausting than pretending you hold the planets in orbit. And the flip side is true as well. The greatest freedom in the world is relinquishing control and submitting your life to the Sovereign One.—Mark Batterson

Getting there
“Come ye after Me.”—Mark 1:17

One of the greatest hindrances in coming to Jesus is the excuse of temperament. We make our temperament and our natural affinities barriers to coming to Jesus. The first thing we realize when we come to Jesus is that He pays no attention whatever to our natural affinities. We have the notion that we can consecrate our gifts to God. You cannot consecrate what is not yours; there is only one thing you can consecrate to God, and that is your right to yourself.1 If you will give God your right to yourself, He will make a holy experiment out of you. God’s experiments always succeed.

The one mark of a saint is the moral originality which springs from abandonment to Jesus Christ. In the life of a saint there is this amazing wellspring of original life all the time; the Spirit of God is a well of water springing up, perennially fresh. The saint realizes that it is God who engineers circumstances, consequently there is no whine, but a reckless abandon to Jesus. Never make a principle out of your experience; let God be as original with other people as He is with you.

If you abandon to Jesus, and come when He says “Come,” He will continue to say “Come” through you; you will go out into life reproducing the echo of Christ’s “Come.” That is the result in every soul who has abandoned and come to Jesus.—Oswald Chambers

God’s chess game
When the God of the chess board picks up a chess piece and moves it to a new square, the chess piece doesn’t argue about it. It doesn’t protest; it doesn’t try to keep the Chess Player from doing it. It doesn’t say, “No, I don’t want to go to that space. I’d like to stay here. No, I want to go to that space over there. No, I’m a knight and I don’t want to hop this piece. I want to hop that piece over there.”

1 Romans 12:1.

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