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The truth about Muslims in America

The truth about Muslims in America is perhaps surprising -- but not in the way Trump and his supporters might think.

A look at polls and studies conducted in the last few years shows that Muslims have been crucial in helping law enforcement find terror suspects in the United States. Many have served in the military protecting the country against terrorists. And in many ways, they're a lot like other everyday Americans.

Here's the reality of Muslims in America -- and how it smashes stereotypes:

They are a minuscule portion of the U.S. population
It's difficult to come by hard numbers because the U.S. Census doesn't collect religious data. But the fear of Muslims taking over and imposing Sharia law is unfounded. By some estimates, Muslims make up less than 1% of the U.S. adult population. By 2050, their numbers will grow -- to 2.1%. Of all the Muslims in America, 63% are exactly the kind Trump wants banned -- immigrants.

They're better educated than most Americans
U.S. Muslims have the second-highest level of education among major religious groups in the country; Jews have the highest. And a greater proportion of them have college degrees than the general U.S. population.

They have more gender equality
While in many parts of the Muslim world, women are confined to second-class status, that's not the case among American Muslims. Virtually all of them, 90%, agree that women should be able to work outside the home. American Muslim women hold more college or postgraduate degrees than Muslim men. And they are more likely to work in professional fields than women from most other U.S. religious groups.

They've been here since the birth of the nation ...
Scholars estimate about a quarter to a third of the Africans brought to the United States as slaves were Muslims. Most were then forced to convert to Christianity.

... and they're not just clustered in big cities
American Muslims live in cities big and small all across the United States. The first mosque built in America was in, of all places, Ross, North Dakota, back in 1929.

They're as religious as Christians ...
The general perception of Muslims has one thing right: Most Muslims are very religious. About half say they attend the weekly Friday prayers. But that makes them similar to Christians: About 70% of Christians say religion is important in their lives, and about 45% go to a weekly service.

... but they're not as dogmatic as they are portrayed
Much has been made about fundamentalist Muslims and their strict interpretation of the Quran. But most American Muslims are different. A Pew religious landscape survey found that 57% of American Muslims say there is more than one way to interpret Islam's teachings. A similar number say many different religions can lead to eternal life.

There have been Muslims involved in terrorism ...

From September 11, 2001, until the end of 2014, 109 Muslim-Americans plotted against targets in the United States. And terrorism by Muslim-Americans killed 50 in the same time period. Contrast that with the deaths from other mass shootings just last year: 136 -- more than twice as many as all the deaths from 13 years of Muslim-American terrorism.

... but they've also spoken out against it

After every terrorist attack at home and abroad, the refrain rises, "Where is the Muslim condemnation?" American Muslims have spoken out -- and done much more. A Duke University study found more terrorism suspects and perpetrators were brought to the attention of law enforcement by members of the Muslim-American community than were discovered through U.S. government investigations. And a Pew survey found that roughly half of U.S. Muslims say their religious leaders aren't speaking out enough against Islamic extremism.


To believe or not

This topic is almost as controversial as life itself and I have always maintained my own belief without necessarily be sensationalized but given all the celebrated topics on the blog lately, I am so tempted to yet again, explore a very sensitive and almost excruciatingly injurious and laborious to the mind discussion: The belief or no belief of GOD.

The question is why do you believe? Reasons? And if not, why?

Below is my personal reasons and I have maintained these reasons after so many books I have read and after so many discussions I have engaged with.

I believe because, if the collective geniuses of the world including but not limited to Dr. Neil Tyson de Grazzie, a Quantum Physicist and Dr. Richard Dawkins, both well known professors at well known Universities, can't explain to me in layman's word the origin of this universe and until today CAN'T TELL ME WHERE THE END OF THIS Vast and expanse of space, then I have to give my belief to whom I call: God, and I am just and insignificant being. Having said that, I also believe that yes, there are other planets out there similar with us otherwise, all this space would be such a waste. If we truly are just but a tiny speck on this planet among millions more of galaxies in the Milky Way. (Coincidentally, NASA reports to keep discovering so many planets that are similar to ours but can't be sure about sustainability of life yet.)

Thank you so much for your participation and opinions.

I respect all other's belief (except those that are bent to harm and kill others) and no way am I imposing mine to anyone as I expect them not to impose their beliefs on mine.

Thank you all for your contribution and or reading.

And for the fellow members of the Christian world, may we all have a Happy and Joyful Easter.bouquet

Why alcohol is a sin.

The Bible condemns alcohol as we read Proverbs 20:1. Alcohol is indeed Satan's blood and demons are in any glass filled with alcoholic subtenses, wether it is booze, beer, and wine. Having a moderate drinking of beer or other things is a moderate drunken deed condemned by God in the Bible. Yes, any drinker likewise adulterer (remarried divorcee), fornicator, homosexual, liar, idolater, and other unrepentant proud sinner will burn in Hell, as we warned by Paul in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.
Please fear God and be wise.
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Offerings please!

I am starting a new Religion.
uh oh

All votive offerings, in form of anger, hatred, dispair, disappoint, failure, envy, anxiety, depression, pain should be left in the box, and you will be born new this instance.
grin wow

A  votive offering is one or more objects (in this case emotions)deposited, without the intention of recovery or use, in a sacred place. (professor according to Google)

You shall not covert the votive crown made of these negative emotions, and live in peace for ever till you die.

What happens after death is not my concern, and so shall not be questioned.doh

I am not a God, so don't pray for any s*xual or other favours from me. I am just a human.

But this blog is sacred. laugh

Born Again! Pt. 4

Embedded image from another site

Rejoicing in Trials

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.… James 1:2-3 NASB

25. HE'LL FORGIVE YOU FOR EVERY SIN IN THE BOOK, EXCEPT ONE, & THAT'S REJECTING JESUS!--For that is "blasphemy against the Holy Ghost," the Spirit of Truth. (Mark 3:28,29) The only unpardonable sin is the sin of rejecting the Holy Ghost, of refusing to heed the Voice of God & of spurning His Love & His Salvation in Christ. He says that it won't be forgiven in this life, nor even in the World to come. (Mat.12:32)

26. SO THE GREAT CONDEMNATION IS NOT THAT MEN ARE ALREADY SINFUL, which God can forgive & does forgive if we receive His pardon through His Son. But the great condemnation is rejecting Jesus Christ! "This is the condemnation, that light is come into the World, & men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." (John 3:19)

27. BUT IF YOU COME TO THE LIGHT--JESUS, "THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD" (John 8:12)--"there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus" (Rom.8:1), to them that have received Christ & His forgiveness. The Lord says, "Let the wicked forsake his way, & the unrighteous man his thoughts: & let him return unto the Lord, & He will abundantly pardon. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow! Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool!" (Isa.55:7;1:18)

28. YOU CAN START FROM SCRATCH WITH THE LORD, for when you receive Jesus as your Saviour, you are spiritually "born again" & are a "new creature in Christ Jesus"! (John 3:3; 2Cor.5:17) God says He will "blot out thy sins as a cloud, & as a thick cloud, He'll put them behind His back, & will remember them against you no more." (Isa.44:22; 38:17; Heb.8:12)

29. AND ONCE YOU HAVE RECEIVED JESUS, YOU CANNOT LOSE HIM, He will never cast you out! "All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me; & him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out." (John 6:37) If you have Jesus, if you have the Lord, then you have life, eternal life, & you cannot lose eternal life! You can lose your physical life, but never your eternal life!

30. SALVATION IS FOREVER! ONCE SAVED, YOU ARE ALWAYS SAVED, because God cannot lie or go back on His Word or on Himself! God doesn't change His mind! Once you've received Jesus Christ & you let Him into your heart & you love Him & you know Him & you believe on Him as your Saviour, you are a saved child of God & you're going to live forever! Once you are "born again" as His child, you will always be His child! You can't be unborn!

31. "HE THAT BELIEVETH ON THE SON HATH EVERLASTING LIFE." (John 3:36)--Right now! No ifs, ands or buts about it! No "providing you're a good boy & go to church every Sunday"! It doesn't say you're going to have it, it says you have it right now!--"Hath everlasting life!" If you stand in danger of losing it 51 times a day, how can you have everlasting life? It's not everlasting if it only lasts a few minutes, till your next evil thought or next evil deed, as a lot of misguided preachers & churches teach!

32. HOW CAN YOU BE SAVED & UNSAVED, SAVED & UNSAVED, 100 times a day like some of these poor, ignorant Christians believe? They say, "Well, I won't know if I'm gonna make it to Heaven until I'm dead & He balances up & measures all my good deeds against my bad deeds. If the good ones out-weigh the bad ones, well then maybe I'll make it." They never really know when or where they stand or how or if or what! It's enough to make a nervous wreck out of you, & that's what a lot of them wind up becoming--nervous wrecks!

TFI [Video Posted - All My Fountains - Chris Tomlin & Passion Band]

Written in Heaven - Final

Embedded image from another site

“Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change.”–Robert F. Kennedy

“Rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” What does Jesus mean by that? The concept or image of people’s names being written in heaven, written in a book of life—this is not unique to this passage in Luke. It’s all over the Bible. Let’s look at a few examples.

In Exodus 32, Moses intercedes for the people of Israel, asking the Lord to forgive their sin, and then adding, “But if not, please blot me out of your book that you have written.” In Psalm 69, the psalmist talks about the righteous being enrolled in “the book of the living.” In Daniel 12, there is the prophecy that God’s people would be delivered, that is, “everyone whose name shall be found written in the book.” Then in the New Testament, in Philippians 4, Paul mentions the names of several individuals who have worked with him in the cause of the gospel—Euodia, Syntyche, Clement—“whose names,” Paul adds, “are in the book of life.”

Finally, when we come to Revelation, we see this “book of life” and “names written in heaven” business all over the place. In Revelation 3, Jesus’ promise to the Christian who overcomes is that “I will never blot his name out of the book of life.”… In chapter 20, at the final judgment, anyone whose name is “not found written in the book of life” is thrown into the lake of fire. To be sure, it will be a fearful thing if your name is not written in that book. But for those whose names are found written in that book, the outcome will be quite different, and much better. In Revelation 21, we read about the New Jerusalem, the heavenly city, and those who will be able to enter there are “those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life.”

“The Lamb’s book of life.” “Names written in heaven.” This is where our great joy is to be found. In Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. “Rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” This is not something that you did. This is something God did. He did this for you, by his grace, as a gift. Your names are written in heaven, dear friends, written there with the blood of Christ. This is how you get in that book. Christ Jesus, the Lamb of God, the Lamb who was slain, was slain as the sacrifice for your sin. His blood cleanses you from all your sin.

So this is what Christ is on the way to doing, as he heads to Jerusalem on his Lenten journey. His name, “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews”—his name would be written on a plaque nailed to a cross, so that your name would be written in heaven, in the Lamb’s book of life.—Charles Henrickson

Always do what the Spirit leads you to do at the time -- you may never have another chance.

We're in a battle, and when there's a sudden opportunity to take advantage of a breakthrough, an open door in a certain direction where God is leading, we have to seize the opportunity quickly, even if it means some serious sacrifices on our part. -- If God says "Go!" and it's His Will, you'd better go, no matter what, and He'll take care of you! Don't look at the waves! Keep your eyes on Jesus! -- When God says "Now! Right now!" you'd better obey Him in that split second of that golden opportunity! -- And if you miss God's timetable, you'll get left behind and things will never be the same again! God bless you with His best and highest!

Anchor TFI [Posted Videos - "Ring of Fire" - Johnny Cash & "Waka Waka" (This Time for Africa) - Shakira]

Dear my friend

Semsu Thank you for enlightened them your point of view even some are not accept it.
you been here and there at least experience taught you, so you knew what actually happen. thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up

for you who have narrow minded about Islam. you better travel to Muslim countries and learn about them
if you got beaten by them because of you are non muslim.. then you have right to tell everyone about how bad Muslim is.
My ex fiancee who served in American Air force was deployed to Iraq for battle, the civilians didn't kill him or hate him because he's an American.
they were making friends, so the reality is totally different than as what mass media say.

Terrorism technique used by government to manipulate public opinion in order to further an agenda.

The entire world ruling class, ruling elite comes to see terrorism as
the preferred means, Indeed the only means to provide social cohesion to provide
an enemy image for society to keep it together.
according to Neocon theory from Carl Scmitt, you have to have an enemy image in order
to have society.
a very dangerous thing because now it means that the entire social order, the political parties,
intellectual life, politics in general all based on a monstrous myth ( Webster Tarpley)

there's no Satan verses in Quran, there's no preaching violence if you want to understand ask the the smart Muslim not the ignorant one.
and I believed in each religions, christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddha, Hindu preaching good things. only the minority people who corrupt it.
if you only read from media which spread hatred then you are totally ignorant.

if you are in religions try to dig your religion spirituality then you will understand.
and also think logically, mostly conflict always happened for Asset. The elite will clap their hands for war because they got benefit from it.
they don't care people die suffered. all they care is Money, power of controlling the world. so wake up!
when people telling all Jews/Christian/Muslims/Atheist are bad... how come? I don't believe it because I don't have Jew/Christian/Muslim/Atheist friends who are bad.
they all good to me. how come I say they are bad?
so do not justify things are bad when you are not actually experience with it.
there are only two kind of people in this world, bad people and good people. end of period.
all good christian, all good muslim, all good jews, all good Atheist, all good Spiritual.. lets become one.. pro at peace.

I hope everyone have a nice day.

THE TRIBE OF REUBEN Seminole, Calusa,Muskogee,Creek Indian descent are part of the 12 tribes Part 3

The origin of the Seminole conflict date back to Governor Moore's invasion into Spanish Florida in 1704 in which he introduced BANDS OF CREEKS into the region to destroy the Spanish Apalachee.


(Creek Indians are the same people as Seminole Indians. The names differ because of an internal family feud among this Tribe. But ultimately the Biblical name for both of these Tribes is the Tribe of Reuben. And as you can see the Seminoles commanded respect on the battlefield. We were a major help to the Tribe of Gad (Native North American Indians).
And the Tribe of Judah (so called Negros) when the Seminoles fought against America and joining forces with the Britt's (who were also Israelites from the Tribe of Judah) in the American Revolution of 1775. This is the great dignity that Jacob prophesied about to Reuben. Here is an excerpt from another Spanish explorer who witnessed the native so called Seminole Indians acknowledging that they were Hebrew Israelites from the Tribe of Reuben. They also reveal the location of the Tribe of Ephraim to this Spanish explorer.)

Lost Tribes and Promised Lands
by Ronald Sanders on pages 363

(Page 363)

“Upon hearing her words they rose, went over to Montezinos and, to his utter astonishment, said: “Shema, Yisroel, Adonai Elohenu Adonai Ehod” (Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One”). THEY HAD RECITED, IN HEBREW, THE FUNDAMENTAL CREDO OF JUDAISM.
Deuteronomy 6:4
4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:


(The Tribe of Reuben are the so called Seminole, Calusa,
Muskogee, and Creek Indians which were guides for Spanish explorers. The Tribe of Reuben would frequently visit Puerto Rico to trade back and forth with the Tribe of Ephraim on the Island of Puerto Rico. The Island that this so called Seminole Indian was referring to that was near by was Puerto Rico. Here another reference of proof that the natives of the Americas were in fact Hebrew speaking Israelites.)

Lost Tribes and Promised Lands
by Ronald Sanders on page 92

(Page 92)

"We do not know much concerning Columbus’s crew of about ninety men aboard the three ships, BUT AT LEAST ONE OF THEM WAS AN ***ISRAELITE*** WHOSE PRESENCE AS SUCH WAS NOT MERELY ACCIDENTAL

This was Luis de Torres, a convert of possibly only that year, who had once held a position with the governor of Murcia. HE WAS SAID TO HAVE KNOWN ***HEBREW,*** Aramaic, and some Arabic, AND HAD BEEN BROUGHT ALONG BY COLUMBUS SPECIFICALLY AS AN ***INTERPRETER."***

(Now you have to ask yourself... If the native Indians of the Americas were not Hebrew Israelites..... Why would Christopher Columbus feel the need to bring along a Hebrew interpreter?....
The reason for the Hebrew interpreter is because the original language of the so called Seminole Indians was Hebrew as you just read earlier in this class. Next you will be reading from yet another witness account of another Spanish explorer that learned of the history about the ten Lost Tribes of Israel.)

Lost Tribes and Promised Lands,
by Ronald Sanders page 364-365

"Francisco told Montezinos all he knew about these people from his own traditions. His ancestors, to their external shame, had indeed made war on them and persecuted them.

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Ive been noticing alot of "good"Christian women who're. Divorced or separated saying they're looking for a relationship....there's no such thing;Matt.5/32;But i say unto you that whosoever shall put away his wife saving the cause of fornication (meaning if she wasn't a vigin)causeth her to commit adultery ;and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery /Mark10;11,12);And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife :and marry another committeth adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband,and be married to another she committeth adultery
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Right and wrong

Many of us have a clear understanding of right & wrong. Many of us understand that when we do or say something, whether right or wrong, it affects our lives in either a positive or negative way. Some of our decisions & actions cause an obvious backlash that we knew or didn't know would happen as a result of said decisions & actions.
 But there are many decisions & actions that the consequences of are much more subtle or delayed. We may blame them on other people or things totally unrelated to the real reason. In a perfect world negative backlashes would come from saying or doing something wrong almost immediately which would make it very easy to know right from wrong.
 As we can see in our current events many don't know right from wrong, mainly because there have been few if any negative consequences for their actions.  Because of that many people have come to believe what's wrong is right & what's right is wrong. And because of their distorted view they have been going out of their way to punish those who have an accurate view of things. Unfortunately it looks like now they will be raising the bar on their punishment to new heights as we are now seeing the beginnings of it.
 Some may ask how we got to this point? Well it's both an easy and a difficult question to answer. The easy answer is without a relationship with Jesus Christ our lord it's difficult for people to know what is right or wrong. I'm sure some are thinking, we don't need Jesus to tell us right from wrong. And that would be incorrect thinking.
 The problem with that line of thinking is it doesn't take into account that Jesus and what is right has an adversary and that adversary is Satan, and Satan is the total opposite of what is good and right. Satan's goal is to bring as many people as he can down with him. I know some people will say, but there is no God!. And I would say again " that would be incorrect thinking". One of Satan's tactics is to fool people into thinking there is no God.
 So this begs the question: If there is a one true God why wouldn't people automatically know this, or why isn't he obvious or visible? Well because God gives us the freedom of choice, and we have the freedom to choose whether to see him or not. If you choose not to believe he exist then it is not likely he will ever reveal himself to you. Satan on the other hand doesn't care whether you believe in him or not. And there's a very bad reason for this. And it's quite simple, as long as you don't believe in God and become a born again Christian then he has you where he wants you. I will be blunt about this, if you remain unsaved until you die or Jesus comes back you will end up with Satan as your eternal torturer. 
Now I'm not 100% sure, but I believe we are all born with a God given conscience, a moral compass if you will that initially gives us direction as to what's right & wrong. But as humans we have selfish wants and needs that for some can overwhelm that conscience. I also believe that every time we ignore our conscience we bring down it's volume. So the more we ignore it the quieter it gets, until finally some no longer hear it.
 We are currently seeing what a lack of moral compass has done to the US government and it's not the Donald. This lack of moral compass is all part of Bible prophesy (Gods Word) and in all likely hood will usher in the destruction of life as we know it within a generation, possibly sooner. At 58, I hope I'm not be around to see it all but our children probably will. For all of you who think that getting rid of President Donald John Trump is going to improve things, you are just deluding yourselves and come judgement day we will all have to justify our sins which will include any participation in the destruction of the greatest Country the modern world has ever known. 

Repent before it's to late for God will soon be judging us.
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