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Here is a list of Religion & Spirituality Blogs ordered by Most Viewed, posted by members. A Blog is a journal you may enter about your life, thoughts, interesting experiences, or lessons you've learned. Post an opinion, impart words of wisdom, or talk about something interesting in your day. Update your blog on a regular basis, or just whenever you have something to say. Creating a blog is a good way to share something of yourself with others. Reading blogs is a good way to learn more about others. Click here to post a blog.


Not mocking. Just saying. Oh, and this isn't politics (YAY)

This is a trust-me blog, I guess, because most of us shy away nervously from any religious blog so it comes down to do you trust Biff not to cram her views down your reluctant throat?

It's an old Dave Allan comedy skit but it should be required watching for anyone who insists their religion is simple, straightforward, and easy to understand! This particular skit is about Christianity through the eyes of a child and it is brilliant, and will turn your impatience with zealots (believers AND atheists) on its head

So that makes it a Good Thing scold


Plus he has a fab accent. daydream

In Search of Truth Pt. 2

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... the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, That shines brighter and brighter until the full day. Proverbs 4:18 NASB

This is why the rich and powerful are often the most miserable of all men.--They ALREADY possess everything that most people think can satisfy and make them happy. They've already attained all of the material things their hearts could desire, and to their sorrow they discover that things cannot satisfy or fulfil their empty hearts and starving souls!--Thus they no longer even have HOPE of happiness in riches! The famous English poet, Lord Byron, realized this and lamented, "I have drunk every cup of pleasure, and I have quaffed every cup of fame, and yet alas, I die of THIRST!"

Although many people today take little time to ponder the prospect of a Creator, of a God, when a personal crisis or tragedy suddenly strikes--an unexpected accident or critical illness, a death in the family, a great personal loss of any kind--to whom do they turn for help? A fat bank account--regardless of the wealth it holds--can do nothing to bring back a loved one who has passed through death's door. Houses, lands and a stockpile of luxury items can do nothing to rekindle a love that has grown cold or heal a heart that's been broken. It is during such times of crisis that people frequently realise that the TRUE values of life are far more important than mere material wealth.


Although Man's basic needs and heart's desires are the same, the World's great religions prescribe many different and often contradictory means of meeting those needs. A brief look at some of the most common beliefs and practices makes this evident:

Devout believers of many faiths try to fulfil their spiritual needs by regularly attending places of worship--shrines, temples, mosques, cathedrals etc.--where prayers are made, incense is offered and a multitude of different traditions, ceremonies and rituals are observed.

Some dedicated souls are willing to renounce all worldly pleasures and possessions in order to devote themselves wholly to various religious disciplines. Rather than honouring or looking to icons, idols and representations of their god or gods, many look for truth and reality WITHIN themselves, seeking enlightenment by intense concentration, contemplation and meditation.

Some seekers of Truth worship ONE god, while others worship hundreds or even THOUSANDS of gods. Some of the World's major religions began simply as moral or ethical philosophies, and their founders never intended that ANY deity or god should be worshipped.--Yet today these very founders themselves are venerated as if THEY themselves were a god!

For many believers, their highest hope and aspiration is that they will survive after death as an individual personality in a happy and heavenly afterlife. Others scorn the idea of continuing to live on as an individual, but rather look forward to the OBLITERATION of their individual self, so that they may become one with the Ultimate Reality of the Universe.

Some believe that after they die they will return to live other lives on Earth, over and over again, that their present life is just one of MANY births and rebirths that will continue INDEFINITELY until full enlightenment or salvation is attained. Others believe that Man lives only ONE life on Earth, and therefore has only one chance to live properly and to somehow secure a happy afterlife.

With so many different--and often contradictory--beliefs to choose from, the seeker of Truth can understandably become quite muddled and confused.--Particularly since almost all of the World's major faiths believe and claim that THEIR approach is THE one true path to enlightenment, bliss, salvation or Heaven!

DeepTruths TFI

my religon is human . whats yours ? ? ?

its very sad so many people killed in france.
they all are comman people.
someone go to his job and some go to his own ways.
god will punish all of them who do blasts .
really sad.
pray for them please.

"A Time For ALL Things..."

Change... no one likes change, no matter how we complain, murmur, and grumble about conditions or something that we feel needs to be changed, or done about such and such. When something is done, we continue to murmur, complain, and grumble when it effects us in our comfort zones. But as long as the change does not come near our door of what we think is our area (s) of tranquility, we are content to complain, murmur, and grumble and find fault (s), or play the blame game, as to why such and such needs to be changed, or what should be done or should not have been done, or its not right the way a thing is done, and it should have been this way or another.
Yet, those who complain have no concrete strategies or creative ideas as to what or how a things should have been done, nor is there a volunteer to get it done for the sake of getting it done to bring about a positive change. No one seems to be the first to make the move toward change. There are those who enjoy complacency and mediocrity in the mist of their complaining and murmuring, as well as finding inner relief by complaining and murmuring... its chronic and habitual.

God teaches us that transformation occurs when there is a renewing of our minds, and there is a time and season for everything under the sun, which brings about change. Nothing stay the same, in the positive or negative movement and turning of life-cycles of change; our bodies change, our relationships change, our children change, our families change, our finances change, our friends change, our emotional and mental responses change, the times and seasons change from winter to spring, to summer to Fall… there is a time and season for all things under the heaven to make a change. Everything MUST, AND MAKES a change except, GOD.

All forms of change, whether large or small, or positive or negative are for the betterment of our well being, and our daily living when we surrender and accept, submit and co-operate with such experiences change brings.

Those who have ears to hear, listen to what God speaks about CHANGE that we experience in out life: "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven; A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to pluck (harvest) that which was planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down (tear/clear out) and a time to build up (restore); a time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away (get rid of ), and a time to gather what has been throw away together (bring back again); a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to throw away; a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time for peace. What profits do you have from the work that you do? I have seen the travail (pain), that God has given to the sons and daughters of men to be exercised in it. God has made every thing beautiful in His own time, also He has set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God makes from the beginning to the end…. That which has been is now, and that which is to be, has already been, and God requires that which is past."


Je Suis Charlie

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If you feel this way, say it when you answer your phone, before you say hello.
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Why Does God Allow Sin and Suffering

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Word Based Bible Discussion TFI

Many consider the fact that man is fallible and commits sin as an excuse that is not acceptable. Man could do better and be perfect, some think, if he only tried harder. According to many theorists, humans are out of control and the direct cause of their own suffering.

Does God know what He is doing? Has he lost control of his greatest creation? Has the Creator's plans been thwarted by his creation? Why do we, his greatest creation, have all the problems that we do?

So for the poor and the suffering and the starving and sick little children, for them to die is a blessing! It's the ones who are left behind that are to be pitied, the ones who don't die. But those, no doubt, God is trying to teach lessons to and prepare for the afterlife to get them ready to die--which they frequently do soon after their suffering and their sorrow.--David Berg

God knows us and appreciates our struggle. He says He will reward us for it! He wants us not only to live forever but also to have the same wonderful quality of life he possesses. He will give it to us when we overcome Satan's ways. He created man in his own image and likeness. Man's creation is a process that is not finished yet.

Where it all started.

Think about what happened in the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve's creation. Genesis does not mention our first parents receiving a warning that Satan would try to deceive them. The Bible says that Satan was one of the most intelligent and craftiest created beings. Adam and Eve was no match for the devil. God intentionally "let the gate open" for him to enter into the garden and enticed the first couple to sin.

It was a setup.

God wanted Adam and Eve to do what they did. He placed a temptation right in front of them. Adam and Eve were set up to take to themselves the knowledge of Good and Evil. He is in the business of teaching us important lessons. He wants us to be wise as serpents but harmless as doves. (Mt.10:16 & 16:18b) However, to reach his goals, his plan is for us to learn from our mistakes first, from his adversary.

God is not as interested as some think in preventing us from being fallible. There are eternal lessons He wants us to learn. His plan is to insure that no one will ever create Satan's way again. We will know that it does not work because we will have already tried it. It is through the character built in this life, built in “hell,” that will enable us to create "heaven" for all eternity.

To be smarter and wiser than your enemy it pays to know how he thinks. It is perhaps a cliché to say that God is not finished with us yet. However, it is true. He created us and then gave us to Satan for indoctrination. (Mt.8:7-9) Then Jesus comes along to rescue us from our mutual enemy. He gave us the ability to think and think about our thinking. Once he inoculates us with His way of thinking, we can compare his thinking with the way Satan thinks.

God doesn't make mistakes.

God oversees everything that goes on in His universe. He is ultimately responsible for whatever we do, including sin. When we believe in a truly all-powerful Creator, it puts an interesting perspective on just about everything. Jesus told Pilate, who thought he alone had power to kill or release Christ,

"You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above." (John 19:11, NIV).

He knows what He is doing and his plan is on schedule. It is accomplishing the goals that He set out for it. He loves everyone. It only makes sense that the Creator of everything would love His greatest creation.

DeeptTruths TFI [Video Posted - Beyond The Invisible - More Answers; See also blog "Disasters, Blessings or The Purge" 4 Parts]


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You have been born ·again [or anew], and this new life did not come from ·something that dies [a perishable seed], but from ·something that cannot die [an imperishable seed]. You were born ·again [or anew] through ·God’s living message that continues forever [the living and abiding/enduring word of God]. 1 Peter 1:23 Expanded Bible (EXB)

Compiled from Dave Berg's writings 3/84

1. JESUS CAME TO TRY TO MAKE SALVATION AS EASY AS HE POSSIBLY COULD!--And that's why they crucified Him, that's why they killed Him, because the Church System of the day as good as said it couldn't be done without them, without following all of their complicated laws, traditions & religious rigmarole!

2. BUT JESUS CAME & SHOWED THEM THAT THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO GO TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY--or Saturday or Friday or any other day of the week! They didn't have to follow the Church laws & rules & regulations & the Ten Commandments & all the rest. All they had to do was simply confess that they were sinners & needed Salvation & ask Jesus to give it to them!

3. THE WHOLE IDEA IS SO SIMPLE & SO CHILDLIKE THAT JESUS SAID THAT YOU MUST BECOME AS A LITTLE CHILD to enter His spiritual Kingdom of love, joy & happiness here & now in this life--as well as a beautiful, wonderful & thrilling Eternity in His Heavenly Kingdom in the next life! He said, "Except ye be converted, & become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven!" & "Except a man be born again, he cannot even see or understand the Kingdom of God!" (Mat.18:3; John 3:3)

4. OF COURSE, NOBODY CAN REALLY FULLY UNDERSTAND SALVATION. That's why Jesus said that you must be like a little child & just accept it by faith! The Bible says that the love & peace of God "passeth all understanding." (Eph.3:19; Phil.4:7) It's a love which passes your understanding & lands right down in your heart! It is something you don't have to understand. In fact, you can't understand it, it's impossible to understand God's Love!--All you can do is receive it!

5. DOES A BABY UNDERSTAND THE LOVE OF ITS MOTHER? Does a little child understand the love of its father?--No, he just feels it, knows it, accepts it & receives it! Even before he understands language, before he even learns to talk, he understands love, he feels love & he trusts His parents because they love him. He hasn't read it in the Bible, he hasn't read love letters from his mother, he simply feels it in her love & sees it in her actions. So you don't have to understand all about God to know His wonderful love & Salvation in Jesus.--All you have to do is receive it!

6. DON'T TRY TO FIGURE HIM OUT--JUST LET HIM IN! It's just that simple! All you have to do is receive Jesus, God's Son, as your Saviour by asking Him into your heart! You can do it right now, if you want God's answer to all of your problems & His love & happiness to fill your heart & life with joy & with a new plan & purpose in living! He'll meet all your needs & solve all your problems! He's just that wonderful, & it's all just that simple! Why not try Him?

7. JESUS SAID, "I AM THE DOOR"--into His Father's House, the Kingdom of God--"by Me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved." (John 10:9) Therefore, if you want to get to Heaven, you have to walk through Jesus, the open Door. All you have to do is believe in the Door, walk through it by faith, receive Jesus, & you're saved!-- You've entered the Heavenly sphere of Salvation, Heaven on Earth, the Kingdom of God, just by walking through the open Door, Jesus!

8. THE BIBLE TELLS US THAT "GOD IS LOVE"! (1John 4:8) And what did God do to prove that He is Love, that He loves us?-- "God so loved the World"--you & I--"that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)


Another Year to Love Him

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By Maria Fontaine DECEMBER 28, 2015

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”—Ephesians 3:20 (1)

The end of one year and the beginning of the next is a good time to look back on the accomplishments and victories, as well as the mistakes of the old year, and to look forward with determination to do our best to make the new year an even better and more fruitful one!

As you commit the new year to Him, He can help you to consolidate last year’s gains, as you continue to acknowledge Him in all your ways and ask Him to guide your steps.2 He promises to direct your path, because you have placed your faith in Him. He is going to guide you and open the doors He has prepared just for you, as you commit your future and hopes to Him and trust in Him with all your heart.3

Every year can be a year of growth in the Spirit, growth in outreach, and growth in drawing closer to Jesus, if we commit it all into His safekeeping. His Word encourages you to weather any storms you may be facing, to hang on to hope no matter how big the waves may seem, or how powerful or how swift. If you’ll hang on to Him, He’ll hold you up and prosper you, and take you safely to the destination that He has planned for you. Remember, “The future is as bright as the promises of God!” and all you have to do to please the Lord is to do your best.

We all need to have a vision of what the Lord wants for us, something that will motivate us to keep going even when the going gets tough. Besides the direction the Lord has given you personally through His still‚ small voice speaking to your heart, He also speaks to each of us through His printed Word. Just think: He has given us His “exceeding great and precious promises,” through which we can actually partake of His divine nature!4

If you’re struggling about anything in your life, remember that it’s well worth it to hold on and to keep fighting the good fight of faith. If you keep the faith and hold tight to His promises to you, even at those times when it may seem as if all is lost, you will eventually see the fulfillment of the blessings that He has promised. He loves you, and will work every single challenge and difficulty to your good in some way, in this life or the next.

Think daily on all the gifts of love that He gives you, because He loves you—just you! He loved you enough to give His life for you. He still loves you enough to give His life for you. We just have to receive His gifts—His life, hope, joy‚ fulfillment, love, compassion, anointing, strength‚ help, and all His gifts and blessings, and His wonderful‚ life-giving words. Priceless treasures above all that we can ask or think!

He daily loads us with His abundant blessings so that we have so much we can’t contain it all! We should be motivated to do all we can to share God’s love and truth with others so they can also partake of His never-ending riches in glory. And the more we share it, the more He’ll pour it on. The more we praise Him for what He has already given us, the more room we make to receive His wonderful gifts.

God Knows

And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:
“Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”

And he replied:

“Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God.
That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.”6

1 ESV.
2 The Jesus I Never Knew (Zondervan, 1998).
3 Matthew 11:28–30.
4 Matthew 21:5.
5 Originally published June 1975.
6 "The Gate of the Year" (poem by Minnie Louise Haskins.)

Anchor TFI

The Message of the Crucifixion Pt. 2

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Neither shall they say, See here! or, see there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. - For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Luke 17:21 & Matthew 18:20 KJV

The Lord was beginning to illustrate for them what He was about to do. That night His body was to be broken, scarred, torn, pierced, lacerated, His blood shed and finally His life given. His body was broken for us. He suffered pain and agony of the physical body, as some suffer today in sickness and in pain, that He might bear our sufferings in His own body. “For by His stripes ye are healed.”5 Not by His death on the cross, not by His final shedding of His blood in His life; that was for our salvation.

He had to suffer not only all His life for 33 years all of the things that we go through, so He could sympathize with us and empathize with us and feel what we feel, but He also had to suffer the final excruciating agony of the physical body to heal our human ills, as well as save us from our sins. He said, “Take, eat, this is My body which is broken for you.” “He bore our infirmities in His own body,” God’s Word says, “and by His stripes ye are healed.”

And He said, “Take, drink, after the same manner the cup. This is My blood of the New Testament shed for the remission of your sins. Drink ye all of it.”6

In other words, He was saying, “I’m also going to suffer agony and pain and illness in My body to empathize with you and your physical troubles and distresses and afflictions to let you know that I know how you feel. I’ve been through it. I know the pain. I know the agony. I know the suffering! I’ve been through it all, even worse than you. I know what you’re going through, so don’t worry.”

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.”7 He was as good as saying, “You need all these afflictions. You’re going to have to have them to keep you righteous. But I will deliver you from them all, one after the other, time after time.” You and I are no exceptions; we have our ups and downs, even discouragement sometimes.

The common people had heard Jesus gladly!8 Thousands upon thousands had heard and believed His message, received it, been healed and fed, and they loved Him. But where were they that night when the religious leaders and their paid mercenaries were shouting, “Crucify Him!”? They must have been home watching television—they certainly weren’t there to stick up for Him. No doubt quite a few of them were even deceived by the lies and figured they had been deluded and deceived and it had turned out He was a false prophet. They thought He was true, thought He was right, but they were so easily deluded and deceived and misled.

The seed had fallen on shallow or stony ground, and had been choked out by thorns and bore no fruit, and they were led astray and led away.9 Perhaps afterward some of them were sorry when they saw how far the enemies of Christ went and how horrible it was. Let’s hope they were convicted and repented and came back, and a lot of people did. There were lots of Christians led by the apostles and disciples who were left, so that on the Day of Pentecost 3,000 got saved with one sermon, and a few days later 5,000 with one healing!10

The ground had been sown and watered and softened and prepared, so that even after Jesus was crucified, many were prepared to understand, comprehend, believe, and receive the whole truth, to then know that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God, and to receive Him as their Savior.

5 Isaiah 53:5.
6 1 Corinthians 11:24–25; 1 Peter 2:24; Isaiah 53:5.
7 Psalm 34:19.
8 Mark 12:37.
9 Matthew 13:7.
10 Acts 2:41 and 4:4.

Anchor TFI [Video Posted - The Lord's Prayer - Wherever Two or More are Gathered]
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