chame1eonchame1eon Blog Comments (854)

RE: notice

Hi Scotti. wave

RE: notice

Bambiena, don't you just love it? If I were you I'd start charging admission. People say one thing, but keep coming back for more...of YOUR blogs! banana

RE: .......Wouldn't it be Great .......

lol Virgo. Would seem you have an annoying little flea nipping at your heals. Either Ribbit is jealous of you or in love with you! banana banana banana

RE: Jokes001

So this is like the SA version of a blonde joke?

RE: Witchcraft works.

Whtwhb, admittedly, I don't know SA law regarding boundaries. I'm sure you must have some legal or social rules in SA that govern physical boundaries. If so, I'd start there first. If not, then I guess I'd try to talk with the neighbor to find out why she is trashing your property and how you can motivate her to stop.

RE: Witchcraft works.

Vengeance belongs to God. I pity the fool that attempts to usurp God. sad flower

RE: Flash back

I don't date "IT's" so I really couldn't say... banana

RE: opinion on women

The problem with some men is that they can't handle being blocked. banana

RE: Love at First sight

hug wave

RE: Throwing in the towel

There's no shame in rolling with the punches. This is an awful economy. It's hard for most businesses to be profitable right now. You may be leaving the partnership, but you're taking with you the experience. It's only a loss if you don't learn from it.

RE: for those who have followed my blog


1) Your blogs are yours to write whatever is on your mind. For many, writing a blog is therapy. Others may judge, but the last time I checked, bloggers were not paid to entertain people.

2) I'll pray that you are accepted for the prospective job and that it will open up some rewarding opportunities for you.

3) In answer to your question (yeah, I know I'm not a guy), I'd tell your x that what goes around comes around. The way we treat others can and will come back to haunt us. When we hurt others, we damage ourselves on the inside. Likewise, treating others with dignity and respect, even when in disagreement with them, heals us from within and builds us up and makes us people that other people want to be with.

4) [to virgo] lol, loved your response.

RE: There's a Way to Say

I found out only recently that there is gypsy blood in my family as well. I believe I may be the only one that inherited it. grin

RE: medical marajauana

I always heard you AND I heard you 3 times! scold rolling on the floor laughing banana

RE: medical marajauana

I always heard you! grin

RE: medical marajauana

Hi Angel! How are you tonight?

RE: medical marajauana

Hey, Serendipity! Really didn't expect to see YOU on a blog advocating drugs. rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing Okay, you know I'm just teasing you, right? angel

RE: medical marajauana

Stefffffff, I PAY into SS with every paycheck that I bloody well EARN! lol Not sure my company plans to allow me to retire. So what's your point?

RE: medical marajauana

No worries, Waf. I'm in a fiesty mood tonight and I can do links. rolling on the floor laughing angel banana

RE: medical marajauana

lol My claim? Why must I disprove something that with so little effort you could DISclaim in an instant via that 24/7 thing called the internet? Please, be my guest. grin

RE: medical marajauana

sssssssh,'re supposed to go along to get along! Now be a good boy and get back on your surf board and forget about things like that! grin banana banana banana

RE: medical marajauana

Well you must be right. I mean, anything that alters (incapacitates) the human mind and facilitates (and funds) the rule of government over the masses must be a good thing!

RE: medical marajauana

C'mon Stefffffffie, I thought you were smarter than that. Since when do criminals pay taxes? rolling on the floor laughing

RE: medical marajauana

Waf, she was obviously engaged in more important things (like smoking dope) to notice who was president before the occupier in chief. rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: medical marajauana

Well Charlene, it's like this. I just don't think it's a good thing to pass a law that makes it even easier to lower the IQ of Americans. But if you want to break the law in your endeavor to lower yours, then be my guest. But let me caution you... our traitor in chief prefers illegals over Americans so you're basically not gonna get that job at McDonalds that you were hoping for. Some illegal got the job instead of you. doh doh doh But hey, peace out and go smoke some more dope.

RE: from where we left

"Rumor was that you and maddog had an escapade... that you went to Bahamas for a couple weeks... Don't tell me it wasn't true"

...says the guy wearing makeup! rolling on the floor laughing

RE: from where we left

Hey Waf, ALLCAPS works for Mikenewtothis, so it should work for you! Just sayin'. angel banana

RE: from where we left

Welcome back, NMT. As you can see, you were missed! banana hug

RE: There's a Way to Say

Good one, Virgo! I love that song.

RE: There's a Way to Say

Bien, Cailin, estamos son al mismos... I have often said that I'm only white on the outside. Gypsy on the inside. cheers

RE: There's a Way to Say

This one is my fav:

This is a list of blog comments created by chame1eon.

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