RE: Hospital Is Full Of Vaccinated COVID Patients

Nurses quitting over "mandates" in some areas. creating more medical shortages in all areas, must be a goal of the great destroyers. they haven't built any thing back better. unless you count terrorism.

speaking of the "vaccinated", the real super spreaders, it seems other developments won't help their case against unvaccinated. other studies quote 30% or more in hospitals with covid, fully vaccinated. if any thing happens to you in under 14 days of getting the shot(s), you're considered UN-vaccinated in other reports I've read.

here's something interesting while they say lie about unvaccinated people being a problem:

RE: So Where Did They Get Those Numbers From?

I was reading today that a person isn't even allowed to know which strain of "covid" they're infected with. interesting. take the treatments but you're not actually allowed to know what's being treated except for what they tell you.

that helps explain why my brother-in-law had simple "covid pneumonia" on his paperwork from the hospital.

they can say what ever they want with no proof. they won't allow any links of damages to their "vaccine?".

there is nothing to trust in what they say or push.

again, it should be a person's choice for the vaccine. no one knows their body and system like the individual making the choice. i hope they choose wisely. something seems awful wrong with how hard they're pushing vaccines when they were stating for people not to get them before and already refusing them until certain "election" results were obtained.

RE: Quote of the Day - 9/6/2021

yes and honest "republican?" acting on behalf of demonrats.

sorry, we see the truth from the party that black lives matter only once every 4 years or so. cities burn, get looted, people die, cops murdered, and lots of rioting. they aren't run by republicans for most of those as they still have most of the highest rates of black on black crimes.

riots can be incited and fueled by demonrats but only false ideas of "insurrection" get investigated as the majority orders it. actions and current standings speak louder than a quote made falsely, when demonrats pushed for all of it and then some. they got it and the poor weak minded still try help to project it some where else.

RE: Dumb & Dumber - the governor edition

35.8 million recorded "cases?" in the U.S.. 616-617 thousand deaths. what about what can't be or isn't recorded as far as infections go?

likely to be more than two or three times the recorded.

RE: Dumb & Dumber - the governor edition

Heavy tourist and illegal immigration states but biden does nothing to stop those coming to the states illegally. THAT is by far a greater threat.

How many vaccinated went touring to spread their own infections through those heavier populated states?

It's a personal choice that should be left up to individuals. Every year, some die and some won't. Suddenly it matters when politicians play politics with more questionable "infections" and "vaccines" than anything they can be trusted with to date.

Not really much of a pandemic given the per capita numbers. Actually sad so many push with so little damages. Masking and shut downs have caused much more.

RE: "The increasing radicalization of the ex-president is of national concern"

any one concerned about the inflation being created or what might happen in Afghanistan? how about china actually gaining more courage? enough to push us out of areas they don't want us in.

we went from good for the country and sound foreign policy to destruction and being sold out again.

as far as radicalization goes, the op is a prime example of that very same thing. absolutely every thing they say the other side is and leading the way with example.

RE: What's Your Favorite Music Video?

RE: More than 1.5 billion masks will pollute oceans this year.

I wonder how the "clean" and "green" crowd are going to spin the pollution from masks that may or may not be spreading sars-cov-2.

Just wait, it'll either be hushed or played by the government(s) accordingly.

RE: mail order brides..

It's already mentioned that mail order brides might stem more for traditional values. I know a person who's bride is from china. I know another with his bride from Africa.

I see more american women only about themselves, wanting their cake, and eating it too. That doesn't mean I dismiss the fact that there are a great many males of the same mind-set. It is quite likely that a larger part of the american values that used to exist, may be no longer and eroding more all of the time.

I have to agree and admit, I myself have toyed with the idea and potential of a Russian bride. Or maybe Ukraine. Somewhere around those parts of the globe any way.

It's nothing I'm dead set on making a reality. As I look around and talk with people, I realize it's going to be worse than finding a needle in a haystack to find an actual full partner again.

Of course, I don't really think I ever had one before. yawn

RE: What a beautiful morning !

politics did a disservice to america. there should never have been a shut down.
the virus is real and dismal damages compared to estimated infections is pitiful to make any excuse or put up with any more lies. a virus is a virus. you can fight with your immune system and maybe some meds or you can't. no matter what it is, the older the population, the harder it might become to fight it off.

the economy is strong. we can't the jobs back destroyed by the riots any time soon. as long as draconians rule, we'll have a hard time getting jobs back there too. demonrats will never let a crisis go to waste and always make sure as many suffer as they can make, to push their own lies against others.

RE: What a beautiful morning !

the only president to try keeping his promises and you people are still too stupid to recognize and accept the truth.

he is why the economy is still strong. the reason more peaceful solutions are coming to fruition in the middle east. trump is the reason we have energy independence.

your precious demonrats never brought peace any where. nor did they ever help with the economy as they kept selling it out and trying to convince every one none of it was coming back and the new normal. they never kept a single promise. right up the the last one.

if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan.

RE: What a beautiful morning !

more election fraud in the works-computer software

antrim county computer software aftermath- cont' from above

Those mail-ins need just as much hand audited as the votes from voting software in every state. Even should Trump get the second term he deserves, no matter what.

fraud is real in every form. mai-in is the ultimate steal which is why demonrats and their supporters push it. integrity and legal means nothing to them. precincts in my state that couldn't be counted last presidential election. looks like their work around this time calls for a full audit by hand and gop observers present as well. only cooks support crooked actions. if you think integrity is so high then you would have zero reason to object to it and neither would the demonrats. if they're not gaining the seats they hoped they're most likely not actually getting the votes they're trying to claim either.

RE: Once again, it is conservatives that do the real voter fraud

even the first part actually sounds more like they're trying to get people to vote in person instead of the questionable mail in.

sounds more like voter security. The very reason I'm voting in person myself, as usual.

100's of thousands of ballots in the primaries that can't be counted and more antics related to mail in voting seems, to give credit their claims of mail in dangers and real voter suppression.

RE: The USA has a little over 4% of the world population and almost 22% of the Covid-19 deaths worldwide

The death count has already been doctored. Every thing was covid and they were getting thousands to lie about it. Should we wonder about the demonrat governors that put infected into nursing homes? The real potential murder every one is trying to ignore.

Then there's the common sense factor. The virus hit the whole globe. IF IT were truly that deadly, the count should be in the tens to hundreds of millions dead. Instead, it all looks like another severe flu season with bloated politics blowing every thing up. That includes the hot air coming from people that think it's so horrible. I don't see any one mentioning how many might have died from assisted living facilities alone, thanks to demonrat policies.

RE: Another lying rat off the sinking ship

What of her worthless lying husband who has announced he's leaving the lincoln project?

they're both doing it for their families.

I have too much to do today. Can't spend much time with lost causes and empty skull cavities.

RE: Republicans FINALLY admit, that Trump conspired with the Russians

Sorry to say but the truth is, it's the obozo gate people that have started to be indicted for the unlawful acts of the regime.

They had nothing to start with which made sense that they had nothing to end with.

So we need top go back and prosecute the real problem the U.S. had for eight years when they were conspiring with Iran. Unlike Trump who has supported sanctions and more on Russia, obozo gave Iran a deal.

RE: Apparently, Trump doesn't care, if he kills MORE people.

True voter suppression is at large...thank the demonrats. It's just as they planned...blame the other guy because the weak minded can't tell any difference.

RE: Apparently, Trump doesn't care, if he kills MORE people.

It helps to read from the source.

Thank your demonrats and others for the political pandemic. You have no room to blame any one for the the obvious.

Yet people say we're the twisted ones. Many of you don't even know how to check source information.

how's that mail fraud working out as tens of thousands of mail ins can't even be counted across more than few states? It'd be nice to see what party is counted out the most....just sayin'

RE: It's a shame ...........

I see only one person attempting to turn this into a political debate. They lose hands down on all fronts. They want others to join them in the spiraling downfall.

I think we've all lost family members through out our life times so far. Some close right down to some we never associated with much for what ever reasons.

It doesn't matter what level in a life a person is at when it happens; the hole is still there.

There really isn't much one can say to another over a loss. Let's all hope for a quick emotional healing and that the memories will help.

RE: Social Security & Trump

First of all, there are several layers of payroll taxes.

We might want to see exactly what layer(s) are being addressed first. Again, something temporary for now, with the future of cuts.

No one complains when it's expanded on for pay outs it wasn't intended for but already making it a volcano with no actual details or information.

The misuse of the funds is why it's in trouble as it is. Again, no one wanted to make it an issue then but suddenly now, it's going to go nation wide with conjecture.

RE: Under Trump the national debt has increased from $19.9 Trillion to $26.5 Trillion

Because the demonrat spenders and the political pandemic have nothing to do with it.


RE: A sign of the things to come ?

A real sign of things to come. Maybe they should hold a vote at the polls like it's supposed to be. We don't know that it was an honest vote any more.

RE: His Tweets went down down down into a burning ring of fire

My priorities are straight.

With the gathered information and every thing in the works, the covid scare is unjustified. Being politicized is even more unjustified. As I said before, they're starting to put it in per capita terms as well as having to roll back very large discrepencies in the reporting.

No reason to let the demonrats commit more harm than they already have. Maybe that incident in Jersey should be a wake up. The one with the mail packages that may not have been able to be traced if they weren't bundled.

Time and again they say flat out that they can't trace the amount of fraud taking place. That's largely because the states only get audited when demonrats lose and demand a recount. Then they lose again as more fraud is discovered. It happened in my state.

RE: Dating & Relationship...about to give up.

Real life is generally better then online. I think the odds of honest assessment are a definite bonus vs. internet book writing.

There is documented success of internet based relationships.

There are real men and women in every site. Real life or online, it's still going to take at least some time and risk to have even a remote chance with dating and/or a relationship.

The bigger concern I think, is how much time and effort are you willing to put into the internet aspect? It can take a short time to maybe never. Be cautious with all of it, online and off. You'll figure it out better for yourself as you go along.

RE: His Tweets went down down down into a burning ring of fire

Considering the fact that elections have been changed, it's pretty obvious that fraud is substantial. More than two years for a pennsyvania judge to admit or get caught. That's more representative of how massive fraud could become if integrity isn't upheld. Most states won't audit. demonrat run states won't for a reason.

While they joke about twitter servers and "fact checking":

RE: Trump Hating Democrat On CNBC Loses It Because Americans Didn’t Lose All Their Savings To The Virus

I haven't seen any thing in history to present where people don't die from viruses and other causes.

What I haven't seen until about 2017 is how so many people's hatred would rather see millions to billions of people lose every thing including their lives, to stop growth and economic stability. As long as they themselves are "secure" in their own lives, no one elses' lives matter if they don't agree with them.

They're so mentally ill, from the lower level bleeding heart, to the crooked highest politician, to even the most crooked in our DoJ and pther justice systems. They use the media and would rather kill off millions to billions of people in any and every form possible, with any tool they can find a way to utilize.

Then become even more unhinged when it doesn't work the way they wanted it too. So they cry and push their twisted narratives even further.

RE: His Tweets went down down down into a burning ring of fire

Too bad no one ever fact checks the "fact checkers".

RE: Another Illegal Effort by Trump

It changes elections small and large. Fraud is more rampant than they can or have to record. THAT'S the WHOLE object of FRAUD. demonrats need even less integrity now than ever.

RE: Another Illegal Effort by Trump

We can't say all election judges are going to be honest due to money or brainwashed hatred but fraud is very real and a bigger impact than those brainwashing articles demonrats are pushing.

RE: Another Illegal Effort by Trump

We won't get into the occasional precinct where some of the "computers" for electronic voting would only vote demonrat.

I still use paper ballots. I will continue to be in person with my I.D. to vote. Except for the occasional person that can't be in country or what ever justified reason, to cast their votes, I expect the same from my fellow citizens.

This is a list of blog comments created by Draegoneer.

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