Seaworthy...... Thanks for that info, but you haven't explained exactly how Jesus was conceived. I know he was a gift, but surely not in the form of a present? Was it, hey presto your pregnant? Magic?

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    Last Liked: Apr 29, 2022


Also, I would like an explanation as to exactly how Jesus was conceived. Was it by magic? Hey presto your pregnant. Or was there some kind of fertilizing of the egg by an extra terrestrial deity? Presumably god.
confused dunno
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    Last Liked: Apr 29, 2022

RE: Beautiful thoughts

Yes. It's great to go through life wishing for things and never receiving them. What joy that brings. At least it stimulates the imagination.


Shawn...... That's what blog says. He looked human. No disagreement with that. I look human even though I'm Captain Amazing.
wave angel
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    Last Liked: Apr 29, 2022


Maybe viruses were unleashed on us to test us. To see how strong we are and to gradually develope a race of people who are survivors. Then possibly we would be the type of being ready to meet our alien ancestors, who underwent the same tests when they were around our planet. Mars was possibly their place of existence before the atmosphere changed. No doubt exploration of Mars will reveal the remnants of a civilisation. Maybe artifacts have been seen, but not disclosed due to the usual cover up.

RE: Area 51 and UFOs

Calliop....... If you come from Nashville, you could provide entertainment on the journey. An audition required if course
dancing cheering yay yay

RE: Can true love make you live longer?

You have no choice coming into this world, so you are forced to suffer the pain, emotions, good and bad luck. When the pain of life outweighs the good, then it's not worth living. But our survival instinct still keeps us going, in most cases. Then it becomes a mental challenge. Some people fail. Others still strangely continue with optimism. I think that's me. I'm a survivor. Kindness means loads to me. And I give it out to the right people naturally.

RE: Area 51 and UFOs

Calliop....... Good thinking. At last some sense. Do you wish to join my Captain Amazing Space Force? If you have rocket experience, or of reverse engineering alien space craft it would be useful.
wave Captain Amazing wave

RE: Area 51 and UFOs

LJ.... Tea is for wimps. Back to your station.

RE: Can true love make you live longer?

Why call it passionate love? Why not talk about the subject without using the word , love? The truth is it's an emotion in our DNA to cause the human race to get close to someone and reproduce. To further the species. We don't examine our brains at the time and see what's going on.

RE: Care to test your vision and try to guess what these numbers are? Most people can't...


RE: Pick your super power, super hero movie, and the person who played that role that was HOT!

Shawntor........ If you believe in aliens, you can join my Captain Amazing Space Force. Special outfits are being designed and suggestions are welcome.
If you have any rocket experience, it would be useful.
help angel

RE: Area 51 and UFOs

LJ......... You are right to believe. You are now a member of Captain Amazing's special space force. That's 2 of us so far. Maybe others will join soon. Is there anyone else out there who believes. When the time comes we must prepare to welcome our alien friends. We probably need special out fits. No leggings. We could have hats shaped like pyramids. Any suggestions for clothing?

RE: Can true love make you live longer?

Decent love....... The risk has been taken. And I died as a result. This is my spirit speaking.

RE: Pick your super power, super hero movie, and the person who played that role that was HOT!

Shawn tor...... I have to admit that secretly, I am Captain Amazing. I can appear anywhere in the world faster than the blink of an eye. wink teleportation is my mode of transport. Given to me by alien beings. The ones that designed the great pyramids. As everyone knows.
angel wink wink

RE: Area 51 and UFOs

LJ....... It's refreshing that you're here to help open people's minds and get them to think. Some earthly beings are so stuck in their ways that everything has to be spelled out to them. They have no imagination. Here we are on this planet amongst billions of stars and planets, and some beings just accept everything they're told without using their brains to examine and question the historical evidence that has been exposed by inquisitive individuals who think.

RE: Don’t you wish you had superpowers?

Didi......... I have a superpower. The ability to read the minds of others. I can do it just by looking at them or even their photo. I know their thoughts.

RE: Area 51 and UFOs

Daniken travelled the world to research the archaeological finds and look at them himself. Other researchers did the same and they all share the same opinions. Many questions that can not be answered by mainstream archaeologists., who are frightened to admit that some other worldly power had a part to play in the progress of civilisations. If you combine this research with the many records of evidence on the experiences of people from all walks of life with UFOs, then it would appear that throughout our existence there has been an extra terrestrial presence.

RE: Area 51 and UFOs

LJ..... Have done on other blog.

RE: The Great Flood & Noah's Ark

I think I've found it buried in my garden. It smells like a zoo.

RE: Dinner or supper


RE: A good relationship

Jenny McBride......
What value do you put on yourself?
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    Last Liked: Apr 26, 2022


Orzzzzzzz.........Seems like life has been an indecisive struggle for you with clothes. How you look. What to wear. What do others think. What's fashionable. It all sounds exhausting. Have you tried dressing with taste and using a bit of common sense?


LJ...... Imagine trying to get leggings on those statues.


The Egyptians thought there was an afterlife and so mummified themselves and their pets. Where did they get that idea from? Did they see any examples of people suspending themselves in time? Suspended animation?


LJ..... I've found dress. If you check this site in Thailand section, there is lady wearing great clothes. Her reference is sakiya 200. Check all her photos.
wow wow wow

RE: Area 51 and UFOs

LJ......chariots of the gods by Erich Von Daniken is the book that started theories about visitations thousands of years ago. He was sitting in church one day and suddenly came up with this theory which made sense to millions of people. Combined with archaeological discoveries which could not be explained by mainstream experts, it made me think and ask questions of how civilisations developed without the technology that would have been required to achieve what they did. It makes you also consider biblical stories and compare them to other religions throughout the world.
Something to consider for you.


Agent Bob........The style of that dress is ok, but material looks synthetic and bit heavy. Not cotton. Can you research a bit more. I know you're an agent and can spy these things.


Thanks for support. Appreciated.


Clueless in Australia........I forgot to mention, when you go to ladies retailer, mention that Crown affair sent you. They'll know what is required. A complete makeover. When you have been fitted out appropriately you will be so excited and rush home to put on your new female clothing. Then you can walk the streets with pride. Passers by will stop and look at you and say, Wasn't that the woman who always wore smelly, sweaty unhygienic leggings? Yes the other lady replied. She must have contacted Crownaffair. You will turn round and say, Yes, I owe it all to him. What a great guy.
Suggested films you could watch for help are, Pretty Woman. Story of woman who walks the streets in strange clothing. Meets man who sorts her clothing out and also the way she talks. She turns into something respectable.
CLUELESS. New entrant to college who needs makeover. Changes her appearance for good.


This is a list of blog comments created by CROWNAFFAIR.

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