TrueBlue1986TrueBlue1986 Forum Posts (1,322)

RE: where is the god?

Within the laws of nature, the laws that govern creation, without which there would be nothing.

It's ironic that modern science has brought religon back to its most base form. Nature imprinted the idea of God in the mind of Einstein, just as it did amongst the tribes thousands of years earlier.

RE: what is the likelihood of finding a right person for yourself to be your soul mate on the internet.

Easy peasy. Just make sure you come away from the internet when you find her, remove the temptation, don't be a fool like me, let me assure you it can and will backfire.

RE: immigration law challeged in alabama

The problem really isn't how long we work, it's what work we do.

We work in call centres, the Chinese work in factories. Their entrepreneurs open superports, our entrepreneurs open pet grooming services. White kids study social and sport science, Yellow kids study real science. On top of this the West has a legion of pen-pushing civil servants to carry.

Loads of Westerners do work hard, it's just what we actually do that is pointless.

RE: Great cover songs that are very different from the original.

Nirvana ~ The Man Who Sold The World.

An early Bowie classic!

RE: Great cover songs that are very different from the original.

Certainly different from the original..

Geburt einer Nation ~ Laibach

Originally "One Vision" by Queen.

RE: Give ´Em Head Til They Drop Dead....

Be a complete and utter bureaucratic nightmare. I'd say we have enough trouble just enforcing our own laws.

RE: Revolution Calling!Another October Revolution In The Making?

Communism is too socially Liberal, too much like to society now - especially in terms of our culture and the attitudes amongst our literati.

Let's not forget the last era of revolution, when civilised, educated and skilled Europeans were pressured in the 1930's they turned to Fascism for hope, Communism was for the comparatively backward Slavs.

I'd even venture to say that we've never had a Western working class more hostile to Marxism than we do today. Some kind of Left-wing Nationalism/Populism is what I believe will occur in Europe - like the True Finns only more radical.

Either way, we're definitely in for a change, a depression always causes great socio-economic changes, with or without revolution.

RE: immigration law challeged in alabama

Native Americans would of been a lot better off?

RE: In defence......of a friend.

Rules are rules.

Is brown nosing against the rules?

RE: why wont anyone accept me?

Don't be so available, you sound like you'd accept any Woman. Apart from this sounding needy, it is also not flattering for her... Learn how to stroke the female ego, and most of all have a little faith in yourself.

RE: Re-Writing History:Have We Been Fooled?Egyptian Pharaos&Greek Statues,-Not What They Seem To Be?

And yet the Man on the street has the mental capacity to see and understand why we are where we are. It's all so rudimentary.

RE: Re-Writing History:Have We Been Fooled?Egyptian Pharaos&Greek Statues,-Not What They Seem To Be?

Of course, but it's always good to broaden horizons.

RE: Re-Writing History:Have We Been Fooled?Egyptian Pharaos&Greek Statues,-Not What They Seem To Be?


Tourism and civil servants were never going to get you anywhere else in the long run. Take a long hard look at the Turks, do what they they do, do it tomorrow.

RE: Re-Writing History:Have We Been Fooled?Egyptian Pharaos&Greek Statues,-Not What They Seem To Be?

I know what you've given us. A giant wooden horse filled with debt.

RE: Why do all religious people want to live in the dark ages?

Religion just appears that way from the cynical position of Atheism. With Atheism being the religion of intellect, and intellect itself being cold and cynical.

RE: U.S. Army Statistics

I think the mistake lies in lumping all the poor in together.

I know in the UK recruitment rates are high in Northern England and especially Scotland, where the working class population comes from the White council estates. Yet the multi-ethnic ghettos of London, who themselves are 'working class' - though to call them such is a slur upon the working poor, in my opinion - have a comparatively tiny rate of military recruitment.

RE: U.S. Army Statistics

Just what I was thinking.

RE: U.S. Army Statistics

The army today is different, you do have a much lower chance of actually dying for your country than in times gone by. Perhaps this explains why it is deemed more respectable for the middle classes to sign up in number.

Still, i'd be interested to see any figures displaying how much of your army is drawn from the White working class alone.

RE: Re-Writing History:Have We Been Fooled?Egyptian Pharaos&Greek Statues,-Not What They Seem To Be?

Cyrus, of Persia and our lineage, ruled swathes of the Middle East some 2500 years ago. It's plausible to believe that his, and so our, blood flowed through the Pharaohs some 2000 years earlier.

Simply looking at the Indo-European great cultures stemmed from the Middle East, we've seen them progress North and Westwards over the course of history. Persia and Greece, then onwards to Rome, interrupted by the dark ages, and so much later to Spain followed by Northern Europe.(I suppose one could include the US as part of this push Westwards, even though American culture - non-Native - is inherently inorganic, it being a direct product and result of European government planning and state conquests).

The way that culture has directionally and sequentially expanded away from the Middle East during the course of history, makes me consider the idea that all are connected. Perhaps great culture results from a migrating wave of innate genius, without which the truly historical cultures do not flourish.

RE: Welcome Back Beloved Disease....Kill Us,-In The Name Of PC.....

It's like the Red and Grey squirrels. Where the European(Red)squirrel is dying out due to diseases the non-European(Grey)squirrel introduces.

RE: what are you listening to now?

The Prodigy ~ Charly

RE: Behind The Towel....France´s Next President....

This would be a good thing, we want the ordinary person to hear what the more orphodox Muslim actually "thinks". Up until now politics has been wrought with woolly White folks defending Islam, and this is precisely the reason why people are not as concerned as you or I.. for the moment. So give Islam a platform and let's hear it straight from the horses mouth.

And it's not like they've rabbit-bred their way to victory just yet, it'll be at least another twenty years before they burn down parliament.

RE: songs for your mood part 3

Them ~ Here Comes The Night

RE: Iranian President Speaks

Hypocritical for him to talk of prosperity when you consider that Iran only has any wealth due to the stroke of fortune of being sat on a giant oil field - oil itself only being of value thanks to Western science.

It might be also of note that Iran has the one of the worst income inequality rates within the middle east. Something to keep in mind when he's talking about security for all and the plight of the poor.

RE: What is your Political Ideology?

I believe in equal opportunities, but not equality.

I believe in order, but not stagnation.

I believe in patriotism, but not at the expense of progress.

RE: Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society .

Perhaps, money can factor in... but beyond the material side, isolating "strangers" from the family will ensure that the family doesn't develop via outside influences, and so, this cements/stagnates the family's beliefs.

RE: Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society .

thumbs up

Definitely, it's concerning to see when there are those that choose inbreeding in this day and age.

RE: Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society .

The difference is a question of choice and necessity.

RE: Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society .

Yes, that's how they get all their cousins over here.

Inbreeding and arranged marriage - the tactics of absolutism in order to multiply the faith without compromising the faith. Obviously the Muslim doesn't regard this as such, they're not supposed to.

RE: all humaninty are equal?

From an objective point of view yes we are, and from this same view we could argue all of Humanity is equal to worms, as we're all living beings.

But it is our subjective differences that make Humanity what it is, that spur evolution and thus diversity - viewing ourselves as equal is a threat to both of these.

This is a list of forum posts created by TrueBlue1986.

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