RE: Children Come First....Was it necessary to say so?

Frankly, I have never met, nor seen a mother that cared about their children first; it was always like 'It's My Party Time!", "Here's your bottle/ or toy, now shut up and leave mommy alone!" How any man would want a woman with attitudes like that, other than a cheap thrill was always beyond me.....

RE: Fruedian Slips

I wore one of those slips to my last Rocky Horror Film Fest; it went quite well with my Prada spiked high heeled Doc Martin boots...

RE: Liberal or Conservative ?

What a horribly narrow choice; thanks for leaving out all the other possibilities especially all of the extremities... put me down as an extreme anarchist libertarian...or could that be libertine...whatever....

RE: Guys, nothing to tell about Africa-Europe summit?

Seems that everyone has forgotten the in valuable contribution to the NASA Space Program that the Republic of Congo made back in the 1980s, according to Time, Newsweek, Speigel etc. etc. with their rapid Astronaut training program. According to all the Press at the time the Congo's African Astronaut Training Program consisted of dressing up "rocket volunteers" in old flight suits, putting one into an old oil barrel with a soldered on lid on some, and either rolling the barrel down hills or down a river escarpment while the second method was to again put the hapless would-be rocketeer into a 55 gallon petrol drum, bend back a very tall but strong tree, put the barrel onto it, cut the ropes and ..."NASA...we have a launch boss!"
The articles noted that the newly founded "Academy of Astronautics" had suffered several fatal accidents by would be Congoleese Astronauts. NASA declined to accept any at that time. They may have for all we know, in the time since then...
When I was in my first African war in Biafra, a common joke among the Biafrans was "What do you call Air Pollution? Nigerian Paratroopers!" A couple of decades later it became "what is air pollution? Congoleese Astronauts!"....
Hopefully this little reminder serves notice to look up the constantly up-dated tome entitled "The Great Achievements of The African Races"...(font cover displays a heroic African Emperor dressed as a Caesar, toga and laurel surrounded by Roman columns.) The book is for some reason only about ten pages long of which nine are blank, save the dedication page, to Robert Mugabe and co.


This could be under several categories as webaholics are everywhere and have their favourite addiction sites.
South Korea has opened the world's first internet rehab boot camp for people suffering from cyberspace addiction. The Jump Up Internet Rescue School combines military- style training by drill instructors and group session therapy with counsellors in order to break the hold of internet addiction of people, especially young men. This is the latest addition to a massive attempt by the South Korean government to prevent various mental health issues which have been blamed on internet addiction. South Korea also boasts a network of 140 internet addiction counselling centers and has treatment centers in almost 100 hospitals. "Korea has been most aggressive in embracing the internet," said the head of the government operated Internet Addiction Counselling Center. "Now we have to lead in dealing with its consequences." (NY Times)

RE: Yes...but do you Need me...

Flower said very well in her last paragraph's post to me, just above...I'm tempted to use the descriptive term "emotional vampires"; they feed on being needed which to them justifies...affirms their existence. Perhaps too strong a term for some for some.

RE: Yes...but do you Need me...

You are absolutely correct Softly...far too many good relationships become...devolve into "domestic situations" and are a "catch 22" situation" makes all the differences in the world from the positive needs to the negative needs; the motivations change with ever increasing subtlety over time.

RE: Yes...but do you Need me...

Lol! Love your analogy Flower! (Hallo BTW, long time! Nice to see ya ! %D)
Cakes, Buns, Tarts...I'm sure you have many after your cakes! Lusting after your Buns! HA!
As someone once said: "Shake yo' Cake Baby!" %D

RE: What does a man wholly smitten do about distance...

If this a development of an on-line growing relationship, it is not your heart; whatever your "heart" may be feeling is ...has been put there by your mind, perhaps your imagination. Strange things happen to your perceptions over the Internet. Perhaps several visits to the west would be better to affirm these perceptions over a time period rather than picking up and moving into territory that you aren't familiar with; caution...possible hazards ahead would read a highway sign on an old road I have travelled before.

RE: Yes...but do you Need me...

Very perceptive question Wikked; it may cause a lot of introspection in people, having observed that many do not ever to see the differences. What I find frustrating with people that I do care about is that most seem to have made others into a habit that they interpret as "love" when to others it is not as time and again they will disrupt someones growing relationship when they have no one new or are feeling down, and look them up again causing the new partner to become very uneasy....People turning to old "flames" out habitual behavior never allows either party to get over things, put it past them and move on...that kind of behavior becomes a psychological crutch, further demeans their own self image and in the end, stifles any real love from ever entering into their lives. Some "needs" should not be indulged in as if playing at being or using another as yo-yo' opinion at any rate.

RE: God Is Dead

Back in the late 60's in Piccadilly Square, there were 2 signs , one on either side facing each other; one read God Is Dead, Nietzsche, the other one read Nietzsche Is Dead, God. Same old, same old....

RE: I cant stand ..

For a split second I thought I read that you were The Borg! %D
Boredom is but rage spread really thin...the great advantage of being bored and in a rut is that when you are in a rut, you know exactly where one is; the only difference between a rut and a grave is their dimensions or looked at from another angle, be thankful that you are not surrounded by bores, as then you'd have to drink a lot to make them seem interesting! %D
You could always watch a Monty Python movie, Like Life of Brian or one from Peter Sellers, like The Party.....%D Cheer up!

RE: Which set of words best describes you?

All of the above with the exceptions of adventurous and stable; too many mis-adventures that has left me rather "unstable" as some may very kindly put it...%D

RE: My purpose on CS ..

For Wine, Women and bawdy songs; oops, wrong thread...
I'll pick 3 and 4 and other: to circumnavigate the general circumference of the equatorial mundane and be perpendicular to its tangents...%D

RE: whats wrong with letting us have a beer at xmas??????.....

You're joking...not even the old British ration of Gin or is that now restricted only to the Queen's birthday? I would suggest that if possible, sneak over to the French garrison, the Legionnaires for sure, and pick up your wine with a good dinner flown in from Paris, as is their matter where we were at Christmas, we got lots of food and great wine from Paris, even in the Sahara! %D
I'm puzzled however in that you are in the navy serving in Iraq, which sounds a bit like the SBS serving in the Sahara..or are in the Basra area... anyway...try and have a Merry Christmas! %D

RE: Do you think executions should be televised? & if they were would you watch?

Perhaps if an up-dated version of the Roman Gladiatorial matches were done, lots would watch and actually purchase tickets to attend if held in arenas around the country. Vendors and merchants would love the profits; , whole sets of Dvds could be made...oh, so many opportunities with this!
The matches to the death, of course, would allow only those condemned to death for their crime(s). The last one standing would have the sentence reduced to Life, in exile on some island "far from the maddening crowd", as it were, with other Life convicts; an island like those in the north Pacific near Kodiak Island off the Alaskan coast.

RE: Intellectual pursuit.

You'll have to find a senorina to keep it warm in this cold! %D

RE: Intellectual pursuit.

Hey, Dragon...Magic! You've now moved to Italy?? I wonder who you are chasing...%D !

RE: Intellectual pursuit.

In the best of all possible worlds; looking on the bright side of life, as it were, a couple who have consciously, knowingly committed to each other in a loving relationship facing the realities of everyday life as equals who will share all with each other, to each other, for each other is, will be striving for forever; the proverbial "until death do you part" that is , to me, at least, the essence of doing all that is humanly possible to attain a couples perfect relationship; perfect harmony ie. doing whatever it takes to make it work in harmony. Is this not what most people want, ultimately out of a committed relationship/ marriage, not some weekly motel rendezvous, with maybe a burger and movie relationship. I stand correcte4d if I said humanely, wherein I did mean humanly...but then again, consider the meaning of "humanely"...if the truly committed couple are ; if they regard each other as fully equal individuals, then it follows that their growing together will indeed be a humane relationship as well as humanly possible; Love demands that harmony, bliss, the pursuit of happiness be merged...or so it seems to me...apologies for going on so much....

RE: Intellectual pursuit.

Ahhh! Theres the key phrase describing perfection as close as humanely attainable in a committed relationship: they are a complimentary couple; they compliment each other. Hey, what more could one want...(yes, I know; the million dollars, the pseudo Manor house etc., etc., etc. %) )

RE: Intellectual pursuit.

Close enough; who would want a mirror image or character/personality of themselves I can't imagine except perhaps a nest of cone heads living in some abandoned trailer park on the side of an unused road.
Ideally, it will be a mixture of both parties who are attracted to each other, love each other and have enough respect for each others character to make their lives together as one and grow together in the same direction.

RE: The Moderators

LOL! Can you imagine what kind of emails those people would be getting if they had their photos up....maybe you shouldn't...
If they had a group photo for "the season" that would be somewhat different, but individual photos...we have far too many members getting the worst comments and proposals possible and many have been so disgusted that they left...the mods do not need that I'm sure...would anyone need that?

RE: A Non Poll.

December in Chile; skying up in the Andes all day, then in the warm ocean for a moonlight swim...that sounds perfect...maybe next year.

RE: What do you think of the new Polls feature?

Perhaps all polls should be on one separate page all to themselves...

RE: Which are You or are You any of these at all

That's all there is??? I'm tempted to pick the "Aloof" but the reasons are entirely inapplicable...I really do not like people in general and have as little to do with them as possible, if I can help it. As a general rule for myself, they have virtually nothing I want; neither their money, their opinions, their praises, whatever, let alone their "energy"; makes it all sound as if everyone is some sort of "spiritual/ energy vampire" thanks. I'm content in being a semi-recluse; I'm comfortable being with myself; I have a lot of interests that keep me busy with never a dull moment. Oh sure, I do have "social obligations" and such, but those are really just superficial and any repartee or bantering in just for amusement sake. This CS is amusing; it allows the somewhat old social character to indulge in a little innocent exchange with others , but up to a point. For things more serious, I keep those quite separate. I have enough "watchdogs" around as it is; gets rather tiring, boring and tedious but they have given me a very long leash. but with some restrictions, like no blowing up things, buildings, people, etc. or advising sedition, taking up charity donations for the PFLP or Al Qaeda, or trying to revive the Red Brigades........%D

RE: If you could name one cartoon that changed your life which would it be?

The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, especially Boris, Natasha and "Feerless Leeder"...with my family's involvement in politics, I caught on to the hilarious innuendos and spoofs right away and loved it. The rest of the shows characters prepared me for Monty Python and when they came, it was "Oh thank God, I'm not alone anymore!"...%D

RE: Supporting Your Troops....or the War???

Lol, yes, and as far as supporting the troops thing goes, when in Rhodesia and South Africa, the gifts we all received from the various "old ladies social clubs" tea societies and Grandmothers of kith an' kin groups from all over England was just tremendous and incredible considering the so called UN embargoes in place.
To our everlasting gratitude for all the socks, gloves, balaclavas, cookies and even military equiptment such as webbing gear, ammo pouches, etc.. Many did not support Ian Smith, his government, policies etc. those "old lady" societies did support their "kith and kin as best they could; they knitted excellent quality items...hell, I still have my old balaclava, good as new from them! %) Comes in handy during snow storms...bless their hearts. The support of troops and the war they fight, are mutually exclusive; one should be very careful to think that all individual soldiers are supporting their governments policies. There sometimes are a multitude of motives to serve; one being to get away from nagging wives is a large one...alimony, etc. and yes, even to hide from the civilian law police; embezzlers, bank robbers, blackmailers...rapists etc. If the offense is bad enough, the military will, or usually does turn those over back to the police...we adjust and life goes on.
Some can shoot; all depends on is who trained them. The only groups that could were the Rhodesian Royal African Rifles and those in the Selous Scouts, most of whom were sent to the special forces of Soth Africa when Rhodesia collapsed and surrendered. Zulu special ops troops were excellent, trained by Afrikaners and Brits. Portugesees trained, were hopeless as most other African troops, barring those trained by French, German or Brit mercs...they could also actually fire without closing their eyes... and usually hit their targets %D

RE: Supporting Your Troops....or the War???

Given that all civilian populations are always larger than any national armed forces, it is safe to say that the civilians have more idiots than any army. Can you imagine it the other way around...
What constitutes idiots in any army for me is that when the politicians and those that are the so called leaders are worse than wrong, but are made up of nothing more than gangs of criminals of one degree or another that only act out of greed, vanity and psychotic obsessions and the military follows their orders...that is much worse than being simple minded idiotic automatons/ where are the real leaders of the armies when the country needs a coup or /and rebellion against the criminals ruining their country...very few indeed. (personally, I like them, having taken part in a couple and loved the idea of being "in rebellion against her Majesty" during the Rhodesian War...%D )
As for civies protesting during a war, has not "endangered" any front-line combat troops in my experiences; let them protest to their hearts content. The only dangers come from organized labour uninos that can stop the shipment of needed military equipment or to sabotage it as happened during the French Indo-China War and Algeria in the 60's. Those actions were a direct threat. But at least, the French were not about to turn the military's guns on their own people, unlike others; again, real idiots that order their army to fire on their own people and the military obeys with relish! They can't wait to start killing anyone, even their own...or the ones that are violence oriented societies, who would, at the proverbial drop of the hat, turn on each other without any hesitation, out of two main motivations: psychotic lust of killing and a psychotic sense of patriotism...who would be the idiots in that scenario...
Civilian protests never bothered any military that I ever served in; in fact, if anything it was the reverse; it gave the enemy a bad case of terminal false security in attacking us. In some cases, many of us wore our white kepis into combat so as we could lure the ters to fire on who could possibly resist firing at some crazy legionnaire wearing his kepi in a jungle...%)

RE: December 21, 2012

The ones that I have translate as Dec. 23; same with the ancient Egyptian. Have seen others by various authors who have not the linguistic skills to translate have used Dec. 12; One astronomer at US Naval observatory has used Dec. 23 2012
Coincidentally, there is a lot in the science news lately concerning magnetic storms on the sun and what has been discovered about the solar wind. Many ancient documents that relate to the end of their and other world wide destruct ions are seen by many archeo-historians and others as describing magnetic storms and the flipping of the planet's poles. Several ancient civilizations describe the sun having rose in the west , setting in the east and then reversing after a prolonged period of destruction on a global scale....I have always found it curious that the experts on global warming and its effects have never yet seem to have given any thought to sun spots and their effects on our planet with the majority of people thinking they only effect our reception of radio and TV signals...yet, a large sun spot cycle could easily intensify enough to cook our planet, then burn it to a crisp....this has unfortunately has caused one author that worked out this scenario to go ranting and raving in his book, much to the embarrassment of many well known historians, writers and others , as he did not publish a single document or any research to back-up his claims....he is left with egg on his face and so are others simple by being associated with the same general topic....

RE: If You Ever Wanted To Be Converted Into Another Religion, What Would It Be??

Ya convert rice, not some hi fallutin eyetalian pasta dish! %D

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