RE: To all the men, is it true?

The other day, out of boredom, waiting for someone, I was glancing at various pages in a major newspaper when I came upon a page of Wedding Anniversary Celebrations. Out of some 30 couples with photos of the wedding with a current one beside it, I noticed 2 both celebrating their 60th anniversary, then after thinking "Wow, fantastic!" I saw more, some at 65, one at 75! I went over the entire page and just over half were 60 years or more...nowadays a married couple seems to be pulling off a miracle at being happily still married after 6 months! Let alone 6 years....
I'm amazed at all the thoughts that came to mind over what they must have done, they valued each other; how they dealt with all the same temptations in their days etc. etc. We simply cannot understand nor comprehend their sense of values...we can't relate to what bound them through the proverbial "thick and thin" issues and problems of their times...what we think or desire would have all existed then; thoughts, lifestyles, love, affairs; nothing is new or original. Maybe it is the values, or the lack of them that have led so many, everywhere in this "modern world" to regard each other as just simple commodities..."toys" be exchanged or discarded...and so many sit on a shelf waiting for someone to be interested in us, or we stroll through life like we are in a store, cheap or expensive playgrounds looking for an investment or just a momentary satisfaction of a whim...I wonder how many are "shoppers" and who are mere "items"...

RE: Just trying to find anyone that knows anything on Army Cav Scout

You'll have to be airborne qualified sooner or later; sooner the better. The best army scouts ever to form were the Selous scouts, during the Rhodesian war in the 70's, try and Google them. Go Special Forces at some point.

RE: needin a potitentail wife

Maybe he's been watching Trailer Park Boys too much....movies are so deceptive... %D

RE: Paws Ark.

lol...right on, brother; ya gotta move with the grove! Have fun!

RE: Just trying to find anyone that knows anything on Army Cav Scout

calvary???????? Looking a new Crucifixion site in Iraq...LOL!

RE: Paws Ark.

Jumping the gun a bit aren't you... the Maya and ancient Egyptian prophesies for floods, fire etc. aren't due til Dec. 2012...%D

RE: would you wait or move on

Good answer. England isn't too far from Serbia; one could hire a reliable private detective, either in England or Serbia; have a good British firm do it), and have him "checked out", but you must be able to provide a full name and place/ and name of employment and whatever else you may have.........if you actually have anything at all, other than his so called E-mail address, which also can then be traced down to location and owner. Many women on this site have done this...have HAD to do this and many have been thankful they did before it became too late. It is best to be cautious; trust has nothing to do with this. Good luck! %)

RE: Does God judge bad people???

LOL! These so called christian fundamentalists actually believe the world is 12,000 years old. Our World is only 12,000 years old, and dinosaurs existed in that time, you'd think it would be mentioned, even in passing, in their peculiar version of their Bible, sine as a part of Protestantism, which is prone to take out, omit, censor or just ignore whatever they don't like in it. Most seem incapable of getting out and away from the Old Testament rampaging bloodthirsty maniacal Jewish god. Fundamentalists also sound too mush like an extremist political campaign as in Vote Today, Vote Often!
Help Fund-a-Mental Christian!! Vote for (fill-in a name)
I think people have had quite enough of those...

RE: add the next word "with out underware" at the end of a song....

As Time Goes By Without Underwear
A Wink And A Smile Without Underwear
Make Someone Happy Without Underwear
Back In The Saddle Again Without Underwear
An Affair To Remember Without Underwear
A Kiss To Build A Dream On Without Underwear
In The Wee Small Hours Of the Morning Without Underwear...
Born Free Without Underwear!

RE: Press release 15: Iraq Body Count March 18th 2007

Aside from an actual invasion, the only real option still on the Pentagon's "wish list" and the Bush regime is a massive nuclear strike; no troops, just bombs...what is being debated is the radiation fallout and what could be US losses from that as it spreads....but since they don't care about how many of their own troops are exposed to the depleted uranium of all their munitions, missiles and armour plate on vehicles; depleted uranium being a by product of uranium 235, used as a hardening agent, that becomes radioactive inside the human body, which a person can breath in after any explosion, as it creates a cloud of toxic particles. Over a "long time" these heavy metal particles decompose internally and migrate to the bones. The type of radiation given off by U-235 is "alpha radiation. It is recognized that it is very dangerous inside humans, as much as 20 times damaging on a per unit dose than gamma radiation or x-rays. Given that has been known as "the Gulf War Syndrome", I can't imagine the Pentagon, let alone Bush or Cheney giving a damn how many soldiers get radiation poisoning from any nuclear strike on Iran...

RE: add the next word "with out underware" at the end of a song....

Stand By Your Man Without Underwear

Sometimes it's hard to be a woman without underwear------
giving all your love to just one man without underwear.....
You'll have bad times and he'll have good times.....
doin' things that you don't understand----------------
Oh, be proud of him, cause after all, he's just a man------------
Stand by your man without underwear,
give him two arms(or change to: your underwear),to cling to
And something warm to come to
when nights are cold and without underwear. Stand by your man,
and tell the world you love him.
Keep giving all the love you can;
(or change to: Keep giving him all your underwear...)
Stand by your man...
Keep giving him all your underwear you can------Stand by your man! %D

RE: add the next word "with out underware" at the end of a song....

When you're without underwear, the whole world smiles with you...

RE: add the next word "with out underware" at the end of a song....

The best things in Life are free without underwear...

RE: add the next word "with out underware" at the end of a song....

OOPS, that was Clovers...

RE: add the next word "with out underware" at the end of a song....

I held my nose, I closed my eyes, I took a drink without underwear
Love Potion #9 Clocers

RE: Camera Surveillance~~~Is enough...enough?

It would be better to "moon" them!! %D

RE: What are you cooking today....curious???

I'm not going to spray a new or old fridge with gin, wine let alone Bourbon! Airbrushes, I use for body work, well I used to when I had a girlfriend around...came in handy during navel battles...%D
Some types of enamels will clog an artists airbrush; must use industrial type...I did design special Liquor type "perfume spray" bottles, for the elderly women who stroll along the streets, pack streetcars and buses that use gallons of cheap choke-U-to death perfumes instead of bathing...with a spray of Gin, or whatever their choice of booze, it would be better. All the major companies turned my designs down...all modelled on the 1930's to 50's styles...shame, the streetcars, buses and streets still reek of old unbathed women (and men!) who soak themselves in cheap gagging perfumes...yuk, ewwwwwwww...

RE: What are you cooking today....curious???

Spray bottle? What, Gin, wine, Bourbon?? Or could you mean a paint spray?? If so, no, it won't work on top of the finish, I have to remove the white, re prime it then paint it another colour...

RE: add the next word "with out underware" at the end of a song....

Oh I wonder who wrote the Book Of Love...without underwear...ewww %D

RE: Laws in Your Country

That in certain areas of Security/ National Security it is against the law to know all the laws...ummm, sounds a bit like Japan; it is against the law for people to know who is their head of their Secret Service...a bit like in the US where people aren't supposed to know all their IRS least it was so when I lived there... maybe now because of Homeland "Security", they can't even find their building in Wash. DC......%D

RE: What are you cooking today....curious???

I can finally cook again! I had to wait for a couple of days to get a new stove! Unfortunaly the oven element popped and burned out...I had wanted to pick out one that was almost a "self-cleaning oven" type, but in red as the store had one, and I hate white; reminds me of an "institution /asylum", but 200 euros more ?! No way; no wonder the store can't sell it or lower the price more; the idiot manufacturing company won't let it, so I suggested the store call them and tell them they will either take it back or pay a storage fee...they liked the idea. At least now I have a new, next would be a fridge....yuk, I hate white, so either I will build a cabinet around it or refinish both...gosh, I feel like....Martha Stewart!! %D

RE: Camera Surveillance~~~Is enough...enough?

With the advent of micro fiber-optics and now nanotechnology, we are under almost total surveillance in one form or another either visually or by the chip implants on our clothes and cars.
Dressing rooms and washrooms are again being fitted with the fiber-optical cameras...ostensibly being monitored by the respective gender of male or female and within certain brands of TVs that can be turned "off" but power stays on to enable lenses to watch you or whatever room it is in transmitting when you actually press "ON" and the picture comes on...make faces, give "them" the finger, or give 'em a show if you know you have one... %D

RE: what do men mean when they say they want a real woman not a wanabe

Wasn't there a song "Kinda of a drag"... "Real women", "real men" kinda leaves out the Barbie and GI Joe types, that seem to obsess so many to "own" as their "toys"...
Hallo Starlite! %)

RE: ---Age---

OH for Heaven's sake babes, same here! Ungawa!

RE: Have you ever felt lonely ... ?

Insane, off the wall British comedy like Monty Python and/ or Benny Hill works for me...sci-fi; lots to choose from, really bizarre movies (like Hong-Kong movies where the dialogue is very badly translated; where it can take 2 minutes to simply say a 2 or 3 letter word in English or the subtitles are all wrong, like for another movie...sticking needles in little dolls of people I don't care for....calling people at random and yelling at them! There are a thousand ways to get off the Blues Train...listen to some nice Jazz... while you carve up vegetables to look like animals or people; I can send you the instructions as to how ...%D

RE: ---Age---

Oh for Heaven's Sake, whatever works for you! Mentally or spiritually... %D

RE: Dom or Sub

Next time there is a Rocky Horror Picture Show revival in town, take a paper and clipboard , stand outside the theatre and take a survey based either on how they come dressed or by asking them...%D

RE: Personal Judgements

Criticizing, condemning or agreeing with or even seeking explanation for the message of a post is the point, not going after, ridiculing , praising or insulting the poster, is the easiest for many on these forums, especially by those who claim not to judge the poster... it takes less effort to attack the messenger/ poster and is regarded as " a good put down" by those with not enough wit/ intelligence to deal with the message. Personal attacks is the main staple of the Int. Forums.

RE: Forbiden Crushes

Why not!? It starts in grade schools or at least in Jr. Highs. No "crush is "forbidden" only that if you tell them; that would be forbidden / inappropriate if acted upon, as some teachers have in recent court cases in the newspapers...and even having children by the affairs...very bad taste. But things "forbidden" become all the more "sweeter" if it becomes an obsession...

RE: Do You Laugh?

I keep a can of "Instant Laughs" by my desk...I can open it, take a whiff, take a look inside and laugh until I'm able to re close the lid; comes with built in "Laugh-O-Meter" that automatically counts the laughs. Bought it from a prop sale of Hollywood Comedy shows; they were selling all their "canned laughter". %)

This is a list of forum posts created by solitare.

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