RE: CS listens to your feedback…. Who's Viewed Me Feature

My abject apologies, really; I was being facetious...:)
but as women avoid me like the plague, therefore I must have the plague....sheech...:)

RE: World War III or am I paranoid?

Just thought I'd throw this in for the sheer hell of it all, to add to the so called "paranoia"....
Abdullah Bin Laden, son of Osama, lives in Jedda and is enjoying the many pleasures of life. He runs an advertising firm called Fame Advertising, which has offices near a Starbucks on Palestine street, one of the busiest commercial ares. "Fame...Is Your Name" is the company slogan on their marketing brochures. Some of the firm's advertising specialties is "event management", which referds to the staging of attention grabbing corporate galas, like launching parties for new products or business'es. The firm makes this promise:" Fame Advertising events are novel, planned meticulously, and executed with efficiency."On the back of this brochure is printed a single word: "Different".And just guess the nationality of the biggest clients....:D :D LOL!!!!!! Love it!ps. are you ready to "duck" for cover.....?

RE: Hello

hi back!!:) Welcome to the asylum! Dive right in and pretend you are just as sane as everyone else, or as weird, etc. Just close your eyes and type away! :D

RE: What's in the water in Ontario?

Lake Ontario around Toronto, is so poluted that film exposed to its water, was able to be developed....maibe it is "over-developing" people now...:D

RE: Guys just wanted to share... Enjoy

Everybody wants you to "have a nice day". That's the troublewith "have a nice day"----it puts allthe pressure on you. Now you've got to go out and somehow, have a good time---all because of some loose-lipped cashier." Carlin
Have a nice day, y'awll!! :D

RE: Catchphrase of the Day

Not yet a "catchphrase; maibe it should be: Global warming is a violation of Human Rights!......:)

RE: Guys just wanted to share... Enjoy

" May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house." George Carlin......:)

RE: Is marriage still relevant.

Last evening my son turned on the tv while I prepared dinner, and the audience and MC were applauding a couple that had been married, and happily so for 75(!!) years...that is virtually so " alien" to our cultures today, most probadly could not relate to that..hell, in todays world, couples have trouble staying married a whole 75 days!!!!

RE: Guys just wanted to share... Enjoy

" Some national parks have long waiting lists for camping reservations. When you have wait a year to sleep next to a tree, something is wrong."
" When you think about it, attention deficit disorder makes a lot of sense. In this country, there isn't a lot worth paying attention to."
" Electricity is really just organized lightning." :D

RE: animal totems.

Just to throw a proverbial "monkey wrench" in this: beware of owls and deers...studies by psychologists and psychiatrists that deal with those called "abductees"--tabducted by UFO's, show that those 2 animals are used as "screen memories" over and over again , all over the world....why owls and deer????? Very strange.....:)


There is a book with both his drawings and poetry out by that name; if you have a library near you, they may have a copy, it would be in the 800's...811 or 812's using the Dewey system of is a lovely collection...:) keep writing!!

RE: Has anyone noticed.........

It is/ has..been also affecting the photos on various categories, as the other day I hit the "my matches" some where repeating at random ,it seemed and then also on the other ones, sometimes 3 or more times on different pages..weird...


Very lovely, Yellow Rose...are you familiar with the artiste, Marc Chagall? He wrote a very beautiful little piece by the same name:
In our Life,
there is a single colour,
as on an artist's palette,
which provides the meaning\of life and art.
It is the colour of love.

Oh, would it be easy to so mix a colour for my palette...:)

RE: question...

Excellent insight; I fully agree! The key word and concept being "complimentary" in that the whole relationship should, idealy, be just that; to strike a most beautiful balance for and to each other.
Yesterday some of the women I work around had a discussion regarding their various so called matches on their on line sites and found them as ridiculous and insane as here but one interesting set of observations came up in that "standards" ,ego and "values" are not really understood or the differences fully appreciated in determining who are and are not "matches" or who will or will not be contacted, if any at all.Good points were made but the bottom line was a n almost unanimous agreement that no one was going to , or should lower their own standards for what constitutes a "match" It should be noted also that in all fairness, the women here in Victoria are extremely independent and very outspoken on virtually any subjects and especially on matters about relationships; extremely "picky" and an attitude of "in your face" with males here, so any topicis in no way ever dull!
Speaking of "in all fairness" , I considered the flip side to these so called "matches" and I wondered on how many lists has my photo appeared that have left women wondering "what the hell??" So, in all deference to those poor hapless women out there, on whose lists of matches that my photo has come up on, I wish to apologize for scaring you, for nauseating you, for making you cringe...believe me, I did not choose to have my photo appear on your list. It was not under my control....sorry, ladies.....:)

RE: question...

LOL!! :) Good! Not one from my "local area" has ever been on the forums; the vast majority of those on the so called and very mis-named "match list" haven't either and about half of those on 17 pages, have no photos....why bother???I do not understand from any category how any of them could be a "match" of the profiles that I've endured wading through, hell the bayous of Louisianna were far easier and less painful....:)

RE: Guys just wanted to share... Enjoy

I loves George Carli! Have all his records and even some of his books on cd, and videos...:)\One of my favourites is " One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor." Oh how wonderful it was though! :D

RE: question...

LOL!! well time to hitch-up the ol'bay or fill-up the ol'edsel and pack some vittles and go a searchin' fur dese critters and roundem gotta a huntin' licence, btw?? :) Oh what were the verses to the ol' Coaster's song Searchin"! Happy Tails babes!! :D

RE: Is marriage still relevant.

But I truly do believe that there is the possiblity of one person for everyone...sometimes you never find him/her because perhaps your eyes were not open when they should have been...and then the moment passes.
Regardless, marriage is relevant damnit
I rather like this portion, as I find the key word here is "possibility". It is there, I'm sure for nearly everyone, as I'm sure that there is no such thing as "the one" and only. Life is too varied for that; by destiny perhaps but not "fate". certainly.
I miss itshe died suddenly; one is never prepared, really, for that. Twice before I had met someone, but they lost their lives also, as we were in "war zones". None of these experiences had a "positive effect" on me or my outlook towards Life, to say the least, but Life goes on....
"Time measure every boring second of solitary confinement and affords no relief from it's duration, no relief from it's pains..." is, for me at least, a fitting quotation from an old Italian essay,"In Isolation From Marriage".
Despite all the moronic hoopla about the benefits of a hedonistic life-style, I would still prefer marriage to anything else for a number of reasons.

RE: Does Location matter?

Excellent point!! Disposable income to find a non-disposable mate...interesting concept...ummmm, do deposit/ deposit, refundable vs. non refundable love...ahhh yes, I suppose we do get what we either deserve or buy...or lease?
Never mind....only 2 cups of coffee since 4am...:)

RE: question...

When I first joined CS, the so called "matches" had me totally non-plussed; several pages of women easily twice my weight and very large,(my weight is about 155lbs), many with tatoos, which I find repugnant in any case,; most had no smiles, looked as if they had been living on the streets for years, most had scowls on their faces and the their profiles left me even more puzzled; none had the slightest things in common with me; not interests, not hobbies, nothing; most in fact listed nothing; their "goals" or purposes for being on CS was the usual vague, empty "read it all before" schmawltzie fluff about finding "a guy that knows what he wants" stuff ad nauseum.From the way their profiles wrere worded, I doubted most graduated from high school, let alone Lunch Period, sad to say.I had a look this morning just out of curiousity and they have now 14 pages!! after the first 3 pages, seeing several of the same photos, I'm wondering how and what the hell is CS using as criteria for anyone's "matches" It is like someone's sick joke. However, I will, for the hell of it all, try and wade through this latest puddle of mug shots, as there are no good horror movies on this week....yuk.I am not amused ,but who knows what may lurk in the depths of this latest collection...I'm still basically an optomist, even if relunctantly at times.....:)

RE: Tips on how to survive the Valentine's Day blues (for females mostly)

And the next time you slide up to a bar, you'll notice the large jar at the end labeled "Beer Nuts"; betch never look at them the same way again....LOL!! Ouch!! ouuu, you slap nice..:D (sorry, just could not let that go..:))

RE: Searching

TallmanIn Dallas, where are you, time for "Stage Right, Entrance!" :)

RE: Red Flags

And definatly for the guys also; for all you know she could have been in and out mental institutions for years with numerous attemted suicides, that no one will ever tell you about....a other things. In this day and age, back ground checks and medical exams are a must; sadly...

RE: Descriptions in a profile that turn you off.

LOL!! Or from the other side, to bring them another box of chocolats with cherries inside and a can of diet Coke...:D

RE: Valentine's Day 2006

I find it ironic that the commerce-consumer industry always belittle religions in general, then turn around and try to cash-in on a religious holiday or day of observance and demeaning it even further until there is no trace virtually of the it of any religion the world over. Commercialism certainly has put a twist on "Romance" as being limited to one day only and to base it of' dat ain't de way Romance works...while personalized gifts to show affection, etc. are one thing, Romance is and should be everyday, with , as the poets say, with every breath we there are about as many types of Love as there are days in a year, so should Romance find expressions for every day of the year; "it's good for the soul", of both people....I think...:)

RE: Has anyone ever used life mates?

I recal a similar service based in downtown Toronto; sounds like it could be the same name..a lot of ladies in the fashion and computer indistries used. Knew a few that that found their dreams and went down the aisle....hey, you live near Cherie...make a date and meet her, she would be a riot to meet in person! :)

RE: "Who's Viewed Me" feature - back by popular demand

Merci, danke, gracias,thank you,etc.etc.etc.!! Ithink..:)

RE: CS listens to your feedback…. Who's Viewed Me Feature

CS listens...Who is viewing you, still sounds "uncomfortable"...Central Security is listening...and we are watching you...we have the cameras and the binoculars....I see the new "logo" blinds slightly open and from the dark outside the window, a pair of binoculars or a camcorder with it's evil red recording light's lookin' at ya kid! :D
just a different perspective .......:)


Has anyone ever wondered about if males had to undergo pregnancy..and how their looks would change...interesting concept if the proverbial shoe was on the other foot...or about those males that empathize with their women at delivery time, take that up a noch or two and as the women change, so do the men....ooouuu scary thoughts...:)
just a different perspective.....:)

RE: Would you date an atheist?

Good point; atheists lack a good sense of humour and of the outrageous; they do tend towards being rather dark and dim, same with the polar opposite: a religious fanatic. They are too full of themselves to have a sense of humour, and they are too busy being outraged.
Give me someone who loves the Monty Python attitudes and humour any day!
When I first read this question, I thought it said anachist...might be an interesting topic...would anyone date an anarchist??? :)

This is a list of forum posts created by solitare.

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