RE: Newcomers are Welcome

Alas, I really should apologize; my prescription was low and ...all is fine! CS is fun, silly, tranquil, even boring at times and volatile; something for everyone even if you are shy, arrogant, intellectual, a dullard couch potato or even a mouse potato!
CS is filled with all sorts of people and some are even human, oops, nevermind ; writers, poets, anarchists, maniacs of persuasions; Oh Nurse! Vere ist you?! Nevermind, I shall get my own prescription cocktail! Cia! Welcome to all strange peoples! We are strange too!
(by zee vay, our new straightjackets are due any time, in assorted colours, I'm reserving one in cerise %), reserve now y'all!)

RE: Vive La France

how typical, the sanitarium is out of Prozac, Valium and Zoloft...
so much for a discussion....

RE: A Dark Horse

It is just a rumour; he will not run and I doubt that he will even give anyone his endorsement. Al Gore is not the one that would have to sever all economic production with either the Defence industries or virtually shut down the giant polluters of heavy industry in favour of the Kyoto Accords let alone the enviorment of either the US or the planet, if there were no Kyoto Accord...
President of tor for Mother Earth...surely that is/ was a typo! What is it with American politicians wanting to rule our planet??? Isn't that criminal lunatic Bush enough, wanting to have a "Planet America"....somehow I see it like the 3 Stooges playing with the globe from one of their films; Americans have no mandate to presume such a potentially horrendous nightmare, as it would boil down to an extension of the US Gov.'s pro zionist stance with Isreal; we would not like to wake up and hear from a "Planet America" their motto of "Zionism Mach Frei!". This opens far too many doors, all negative.
Stick with trying to comply with the Kyoto Accords and leave our planet alone, your nation's industries are polluting it far too much as it is, and its increasing....

RE: Vive La France

I'd like to see them both as President, one to balance out the other; there is a potential because of social circumstances there, for a total fiasco if things go wrong in trying to correct them. The French can become quite volatile on social issues, especially with the immigration issues, with Le Pen ever lurking in the background. The one item that Sarkozy has on his side,(other than the blessings of the EU financial ministers) is that he made the right to have a home in France a Human Right. Scotland will do likewise in 2 more years, if I'm not mistaken and a few other countries also; most are economically scared of what it might mean to their county's economy.
Both would be suited to govern France, given their platforms; neither radical in any way, but ideas for reforms long overdue, economically, worker's rights, employment in general, students and their rights as well as their obligations; everything has been left to slide far too long especially the mess with the airbus...with a possible tie, who knows, maybe they can both win and everyone in France wins...%)

RE: How can we get the "Men" out of Men o pause

Wow sounds nice; hey aren't most females "wow" anyways...%) but why only to English; perhaps substitute either French or German, that could work,even weib/ weibchen, or the ubiquitous "Frau" or the British slang "bird" for females. The possibilities are as endless as they could be hilarious, thinking of the many euphemisms the English languages has for woman/women or then again phonetically wimin(singular) or wimmin(plural).... Can't get rid of "war", too many would get very upset if there was no war; the entire US economic system would collapse! Millions in the War businesses would be thrown out of work parents would be upset that they couldn't give their little Johnny's toy guns for Christmas...the streets would be filled with unemployed warmongers wandering around not knowing how to show off their love of their God or, can't delete the word or the concept, unfortunately War is as sacred as Mother, Apple-pie and trailer courts...and a few other things...%)

RE: How can we get the "Men" out of Men o pause

Taking the word "men" out of menopause requires a new word/ term; so does taking "man" out of woman(please, spare the puns...about no man wants to be out ...%D) this nevertheless, could be quite creative for 2 new words ie; taking out man from woman leaves us with wo...sounds too much like woe, never mind rhyming! so we need either a prefix or suffix; maybe both; could it then replace :men: in menopause...sounds a bit like an oxymoron as when "Mother Nature" is acting up on a females system, there is no let-up from all the discomforts...English is a bit weird, a mix of too many languages methinks; but it is fun to play with once you know it!


Finished The Isle book; makes me wonder how so many famous explorers could have missed so much right under their stupid noses and say they had explored and mapped the eastern coast of Canada without discovering the Chinese colony remains....
Have acquired a few more to read: The Coming China Wars by Peter Navarro; China, in its relentless attempt to modernize is starting to have problems finding oil enough for its needs; a program of short brutal wars with oil rich neighbors are being planned....and the hell with any "green" concerns.
"Blood and Religion: The Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic State" Program to kill as many Palestinians as possible, to lessen a coming third intifada that may overwhelm Israel or cause it to use a nuclear weapon...and a copy, at long last of Graham Hancock's "Supernatural"; Meeting with the ancient teachers of mankind" his book Underworld about all the ancient cities, ruins found on ocean bottoms all over the world was just incredibly mind boggling!

RE: George Orwell's novel 1984 science fiction or reality in near future?

Yes, hopefully soon; to Oblivion !

RE: How can we get the "Men" out of Men o pause

Haha, perhaps that explains their penchant for cross-dressing there! Some study years ago found that British men, more than any other European males like to cross dress; oh, how frilly! %D

RE: how long have you been single?

12 years; long past expiry dates; no longer counting....I think...

RE: George Orwell's novel 1984 science fiction or reality in near future?

Just as a note of interest, there is a thread on the Int. Foruma on Microchip implants...have a look; it's interesting..... %)

RE: intelligence, smarts commonsense

Bravo! To both posts above, 2 of the best I've read here in a long time!
However, "normal" is a rather relative term...we live in quite an "abnormal" world and the term normal sounds so boring...who wants to live in "a box"!? It's more interesting, challenging and fun not being penned up in any type of box; it's not Life.
Finding a balance is they key; it is a continual see-saw and ending up lopsided can be both boring and/or degrading. %)

RE: illegal immigration

What is the latest Govt. estimate on illegal immigrants now in the US...around ten and a half million...just a bit late to reverse or change Amnesty Program is being worked on; after it passes, within a few more years there will be another ten million or so, and what then...another amnesty, then perhaps a total implosion? Sounds as if ol' General Santa Anna will get his revenge after all...seems that the Alamo will revert back to their builders...

RE: the world press dont want to touch such subjects

You got it! Same as always, falling all over themselves. to write wondrous praises about hoe marvelous they all are and what wondrous things they do for all Mankind...same as now; it never stops. So much for the Third Estate being independent, free and impartial...

RE: the european union

The operative word in all its possible interpretations in European(Europe). Correction; it shoud read "is European"

RE: the european union

From a historic view, it can be simply put as a newer version of our European "Holy Roman Empire" with out any of the Ecclesiastic or Monarchical trappings; just the usual somber anonymous grey or blue suited bureaucrats who all think alike from their respective cubicles of conformity to regulate everything. Hell, why not just adopt and expand a bit on the Swiss model of Government, hardly anyone knows who the President is, let alone the the committee that runs the country.
We have always had basic free movement of both people and goods all through our history; sometimes taxes were put on goods by various States, Duchies, Kingdoms etc, nothing new; people didn't need passports to cross borders, until the 1870's; after the Franco-Prussian "war" controls and "regulations" came into vogue. Are we making any real progress in diminishing all the regulations and controls? Some, but then it seems that something else, is made into a regulation somewhere....a see-saw effect.
Human rights? It seems that perhaps the only States not involved in the CIA prisoner scandal in the Vatican, Lichtenstein, Switzerland and perhaps Andorra!
Turkey into our EU? The operative word in all its possible interpretations in European(Europe). Turkey should have years ago formed a similar common market/union with all it's middle eastern neighbors and it's neighbors to the north. They could have created a huge, massive rival or balance to the EU....but no and then again also, the Arabic countries formerly under Turkey's rule wanted nothing to do with them. Turks are neither European in any way, shape or form; by any stretch of the imagination. Neither are they Arabic. Let them seek their own union with the peoples that they share a common cultural, religious and racial heritage with...and preserve it. Having widely different cultures, religions and Races on this planet is one of the most wonderful aspects of being able to see them, visit, etc. and appreceate all of our wonderfully divergence and unique heritages we each developed. Make of this what you will; take it any way you wish to.

RE: If you've been on CS longer than 3 months please sign in...

Same; since April/ May 2005

RE: Wanna take a shot at getting an American university degree?

LOL, try this experiment: put a real, loaded gun on a table, sit down and watch it...see if it begins to rise up and revolves around in mid air, looking for a target on which to shoot...if it rises up, turns towards you, duck! If you can escape from the room , out the door, to the nearest police or newspaper/tv news office and report it, you may be the first human in modern times to actually witness a gun, without any human assistance or direction, actually tried to kill a person!! If you survive, you will world famous! Try it, isn't it worth the risk... (hey, perhaps you should have another gun, just for your own protection , so it can shoot the other one also! by itself, of course...)

RE: Unbelievers in Global Warming

Warmer atmosphere means warmer ocean means
released methane means warmer atmosphere means....
A very complex mix of cycles---geologic, oceanic, and atmospheric, all blending
into each other and affecting the rest. The interactions are so complex, that
already the feedbacks, positive and negative are hard to gauge in advance, the
unforeseen consequences so potentially vast, that no one can predict what will
happen next to global climate. Modeling has been tried to estimate the general
rise in temperature, and now, these have been refined to the point that there
is some consensus as to the outside parameters of change, ranging from about
a three to eleven C. rise in tempature; a very large range.....
And even if the estimates could be tighter, global averages do not reveal much
about local or ultimate effects, as people are now learning but still arguing about.
The stalling of the Gulf Stream is expected to chill the the tempature in the
northern hemisphere, especially on both sides of the Atlantic; further effects
as yet are still uncertain...If monsoons fail to arrive or turn more violent, the
effects will devastate communities all across south Asia and beyond, in
Africa and southeast Asia, will create even more unknown effects.
A predicted drought in China, perhaps within two years, longer and much
more violent El Ninos turning into "Hyperninos", desertification at an
accelerated rate in the Sahel moving south, South America with more devastating
floods because of more rains brought by El Ni`no and rainstorms in the Atacama.
Wilder weather everywhere. Each year more expensive for the insurance
companies of all kinds; a world of catastrophic deaths and destruction,
suffering, fear, insecurity, and of course, sheer massive inconveniences for the
powers that be, that assure us all is ok...
. It is hard to imagine it could happen to us, to you...
The problems we all face is that everything living depends on conditions
staying within certain fairly tight climactic parameters. Our atmosphere is
only so thick; there are no human settlements above 14, 200 feet.
Next time you are hiking in the Alps, take a real good look around and think.
Looking at the mountains, you might then really sense the size of our planet.
It will change you and afterwards you will be more aware of the invisible ceiling
low overhead containing all the breathable air under it; our atmosphere is thus
no more than a thin wisp of a skin; like cellophane wrapped ever so tightly
to the lithosphere. An equally thin layer of water, liquefied in it's low basins
of this lithosphere is our Life Zone; cellophane wrapping a planet, a mere faint
exhalation, wisping off into space....
and no one thinks it will ever really happen to them until suddenly they are
in the thick of it, thoroughly surprised to be there...."I have to run to the store
and stock up on food!!!". Of course you do.....

RE: Unbelievers in Global Warming

There will be further ramifications, the ocean bottom, where it drops, from the continetal shelves to the sea floor, is in many places a steep slope and these slopes are coated with thick layers of mud that contain methane in the form of clathrates, a chemical form of freezing that cages molecules of the gas in a frozen matrix. As ocean tempatures rise, these chemical cages will destabize more, releasing more methane would cause underwater avalanches in which even more methane is released, rising through the water to rejoin the atmosphere where it is a greenhouse gas much more powerful than carbon dioxide.

RE: Unbelievers in Global Warming

Let us see what are some of the case scenarios to come out of the
National Weather Bureau in the US are, which is still being entirely ignored...
Tornados along the eastern seaboard up to Nova Scotia, droughts of
catastrophic proportions in Ireland, major floodings in Los Angeles...
anomalies for a while but they will be occuring more each year, at a rate of
more than one a day around the world. Sooner or later almost everyone
will get caught up in some climatic event, or live in the midst of some protracted
anomaly, for the weather events will be more acute and chronic, a matter of hours
or a matter a a few years.
At the poles the results will be particularly profound, because of major
and rapid changes in the ice. For reasons poorly understood, both
polar regions are warming much faster than the rest of the planet.
In the north this will result in the total breakup of the artic Ocean's
sea ice, the imminent extinction of many species including the
current drowning of many polar bears, and the subsequent stall of the Gulf Stream.
In the south it is resulting in the breaking up of the giant ice shelves hugging
the Antartic coast, unlocking the large glaciers falling into the Ross Sea
so they become "ice rivers", moving sorapidly down their channels that they
destabilize the West Antartic Ice Sheet, the largest variable in the entire
scenario. When this happens, the sheets comming off its underwater perch
on the sea floor, the world would suffer impacts greater than what has been
seen so far, especially a rapid rise insea level, up to as much as seven meters
if the entire sheet came off.

RE: Wanna take a shot at getting an American university degree?

Well, technically the NRA is correct, provided everyone else is equally armed, you then have what is referred to as a "Mexican stand-off"; as soon as one fires, everyone fires. Democracy in action.
Homer, there are millions , repeat: millions of people in the US who own guns, guns of all conceivable types, from cap and ball to fully automatic machine guns, to mortars, even artillery and rocket launchers . If, as you say they are all deranged, surely we would have hundreds, thousands of school massacres each day, schools to colleges, mass shootings in shopping malls, restaurants, movies, you name any social settings; especially in the homes. Get real; what are you seeing, hordes of deranged lunatics stalking everywhere carrying all sorts of weapons....sadly you are very wrong; sadly because as far as I'm concerned, they can all shoot themselves to pieces, and wipe themselves out and leave our planet alone.
However, trying to be fair is a bit hard as I spent most of my childhood being shuttled back and forth , to and out of their wild west, gun-happy culture. I learned to shoot and handle weapons at the NRA HQ in Wash.DC at age 12 while in the scouts. Very efficient and very safety conscious. It was also one of their instructors who taught me the basics to qualify as a sniper,( and yes, he was an ex marine as the DI said in the movie Full Metal Jacket, that all of America's famous sniper mass murderers were ex marines! %) Their basic philosophy, before they turned into a political extension for the likes of Reagan et al, was that "a gun is usually enough of a deterrent to a criminal" (Criminal is wide open for interpretation nowadays! It could also include their own lunatic leader(s). Living there, we kept firearms due to all the incessant violent crime; it was a joke that when we heard all the sirens and gunfire late on week=end evenings, that it was just like clockwork; another gang-fight or a party; maybe they were firing on a plane taking off or landing at the natl. airport...just routine...Go there for a tour and really get to know the gun culture and the sheer blood-lust that drives it. One of my best friends all through school there, joined the Marines. I saw him several months later and all he could talk about was his gun, his rifles; even wrote poetry and prayers to them...I met many like that; far too many. I consider any gun as simply an in-animate; some are better made that others, some are fancier; no more so that with a cutlery set; in-animate objects. I have my preferences if facing a combat situation be it a firearm of some sort, or even simpler non-weapons that having had the proper training, most any household item becomes lethal. No big deal.

RE: 11 Month Old Baby beaten by daycare provider

Not as bad but an ad to sell a baby boy for $25 appeared on a Victoria, Canada, used merchandise site, with photo of boy holding a beer bottle. The unknown adult pleads for someone to buy the child so they can have a "normal" life again. Police are investigating who posted the ad, if they can trace it or the child. Lovely world we live in.....%(


I have an old blurb headline from some cheap tabloid, that I found rather hilarious: "THIS JUST IN:
Yes we know, this is shocking news to most of you.
(2 word bubbles on either side saying: NO FAIR! and Hooray, I'm so excited.) then in the middle: "More Than Words Can Say"
Unfortunately the article degenerated into juvenile toilet type humour.....but I liked the strange Headline copy. %)

RE: Why am I not permitted to drive a truck?

People do not generally weight as much as washing machines nor are usually referred to as either industrial or commercial commodities,( yes, we all know some that could be, but lo! and alas, they aren't).


Lol; I prefer Nieman-Marcus or Galleries Lafayette much more decadent....

RE: Punctuation

This is like an English movie on dvd saying English Language with English subtitles....uh??? I can understand if it was an American movie with English subtitles or even visa versa!
Reistere irritum est. Praeparate vos ad translationem in modum subiunctivum!
( Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated into the subjunctive!)
Didn't you know that "Men are from Troy, Women are from Greece" ( a book by Virgil....%D

RE: What are your experiences with ... does one apply for and receive benefits....are they taxable or deductable??? Whatever they are, they must be better than those mobile outlets on many street corners...%D

RE: Are you taken or No?

Taken?? As in the Spielberg miniseries "Taken"?? Ummm, not sure if I were, I think I was thrown back by several little things in shiny one piece suits with big eyes....%)

RE: coffee

Some Arabic cafes serve coffee with chocolate, sweet or semi sweet; very nice! Make some yourself!
I love coffee with chicory; good Louisiana style,; hard to find here...Luzianne coffee.

This is a list of forum posts created by solitare.

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