RE: Do you suffer from insanity?

suffering???????? Who says any "suffering " is involved; that's being very judge-a-mental isn't it! Ahhh, the waiter is here with my favourite cocktail, Valium on the rocks.....spending the evening at the Prozac Cafe...

RE: Passed Love Ones

There seems to be no discernible majorities or minorities as far as the religious issues or beliefs are concerned with those that were diagnosed as "dead" and came back. Being dead is obviously not a diagnosis.
There are some cases that have involved changing / conversion to another, but did not specifically mention any converted to. There is one case, or rather a pattern of cases that upset the late Rev. Billy Graham into basically saying if its true, then what as all this been for... when he was told of all the circumstances and findings...does make one wonder...or not.

RE: Is Obama in danger?

For many older blacks, the barometer for gauging hopes and fears is the 1968 assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

Let's not forget Malcom X. Some members of my family knew a few of those around him and they were convinced by certain things that it was ultimately traceable back via Elijah Mohamed to the FBI and others, as with Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy. All 3 were considered "a threat to the national security", especially over the Vietnam War. That was their common link and all 3 working together would have been catastrophic for the Govt. and their war.
Today, there is another war, as usual, but in no way comparable yet , really, to Vietnam other than the non foreseeable end, so Obama in any danger; yes, he is "black"; he is a popular Democrat under present circumstances, that in itself is enough to make him a target, but whether he aspires to become a genuine catalyst for real(radical) change in the entire US "system" ; he would indeed place himself in line after Robert Kennedy...imho.........

RE: Military Wisdom...

"Every attempt to make war easy and safe will result in humiliation and disaster..." General William Sherman duhhhh!
The Military Quotation Book edited by James Charlton, 1990

RE: North American Union ( Super HWY )

I think that some of you had better start reading the published journals and correspondence of Freemont and the US govt. and US military preparations for a war and actual invasion by a small force, Freemont's strategies etc. This matter was why famed former US military scout Kit Carson go out of the mess.I think that 2 new books on this so called purchase have been published within the last few years.But who reads books, six-packs are more fun...

RE: Passed Love Ones

It's a fascinating subject to read about and study all the material from those who research this and all related topics, especially the in-depth interviews of those who clinically were pronounced dead, and after sometimes as long as a few minutes, came back from "having crossed over" I'm not as some, afraid to read these accounts but just sit back and deliver old worn out hackneyed phrases from others or start the boring tossing around of various biblical verses from some armchair in their little bookless, six-pack consuming wrapped-up worlds.
There are many accounts published that are very fair and well documented that can be crossed referenced to verify the accuracies of those pronounced dead by medical staff, those that have claimed to be re-born from a previous life etc. Many of these accounts are now standard reference cases, checked and verified by others in various fields of medicine.
Many times baffling patterns emerge, such as the frequency of deaths and re-births within just several years with the "new-born" version of the deceased, knowing all the intimate details of the previous persons life, in some areas of the world than others, more cases of accidental deaths and re-births than in other areas of the one can figure out why; some nationalities more than one knows why or at least knows for certain.
One among many things known from the "returnees" is that there is for most a certain amount of time before they can return that must pass, with others it varies according to their "unfinished business" that must be completed. This is in fact what most of the Near Death Experiencers say why they were told to return, and have also said that they met their past loved ones "on the other side" Suiciders give an entirely different scenario and very graphic in their descriptions of their experiences, but from where ever they were from, the descriptions match others. Get a good list of titles available on line or at a local mall book store and have a go with a's a fascinating subject.

RE: Women and Leather

Leather and lace undergarments aren't bad; certainly a lot better than some sold in Amsterdam made of pasta...some made of candies seemed nice, some men could just suck them off...%D

RE: Women and Leather


just like the infamous "Corinthian Leather" ads with Ricardo Montalban...%D

RE: Reach out and touch someone.... How important is touch?

Having lived continuously between a non touching and a touching culture, it fascinated me as to the huge amounts of appreciation of and for others here in Europe. Over the years I've read many interesting studies on these differences and have come to the conclusion that in Europe as a whole it is, seemingly some sort of "racial memory" within us as to all what our ancestors went through and survived that we are here alive today. Our ancestors survived the horrendous Ice Age and how they survived it, even how many survived at all , we can only imagine, but I think it drove us together in ways we'll never quite comprehend. They must have greeted each other when they crawled out of their caves with similar hugs and kisses at seeing other survivors, so with others who suffered through so many disasters besides the Ice Age; all the wars and plagues...We as a whole, seem to value other people more than the Americans for sure. They have never as a people suffered together as a whole nor have had such tremendous population decimation's. Then again the many protestant/puritan religious based churches they have as a whole would only serve to make them as dour, cold and distant as the colonial Puritans and their means of expressing such a repressive a lifestyle and outlook on others, whereas Europe was for centuries primarily Catholic in its embrace of Life and all our fellow brothers and sisters, our internal wars notwithstanding. Hopefully never to be repeated again between us, whatever our nationality; We are family in the end, just differing in our branches... IMHP

RE: Music, what's your taste?

Wow, that's what I always say... I know good music when I hear it!

I'm fairly easy; could be Alice Cooper singing arias from The Barber of Seville, or Jose Carreras singing Chuck Berry...or medieval monks with Gregorian chants, to Baroque Horn concertos...all have their place and time to soothe the savage breast or inspire the nearly dead...%D

RE: True U.S.A

How a person or persons identify themselves is one of their inalienable rights; a human right. How anyone chooses to identify themselves cannot be legislated into law, it goes against every basic principle of freedom and conception of liberty After all try forcing people to drop any recognition of their Racial or ethnic heritage and then try to explain Thomas Jefferson's belief in this context of no generation has the right to bind succeeding generations. Take a page from Woody Allen's movie Bananas where the new president declares the new law that from now on all citizens are to be Swedish...who would enforce it...and on another minor point; ethnic, National and Racial heritage existed long before the US was ever any one's dream; they come first whether some fascist elements like it or not. There will be , always, Italian-Americans, French- Americans, German-Americans, Welsh-Americans, etc. etc. It began to be used after the colonies achieved their independence from Great Britain. It is a part of history of all those that contributed to that war of independence; why should one not be proud of their deeper biological connections if they choose . The so called founding fathers all made their presentations to the Crown as British citizens and for those born in England, or under the Crown were up and coming British-Americans except for those, of course, born elsewhere...
Go back to basic American History 101.


LOL! Plans are in place to stuff/ mount him when (and if) he dies. He will simply be put behind his desk as normal just to drive the CIA and the White House nuts.
If Castro dies it will be very quiet and no announcements will ever be made, so Washington will never know...! lol!%D

RE: The Love Dress

LOL! (as if he wouldn't!) Good one!

RE: Does the word 'COMMITTMENT' mean anything to you?

Depending on the amount and the variety, it does open the doors of perception. Last month it was revealed that Francis Crick and his fellow researches all took small doses of LSD to help them "see" the human genetic codes they were working on...and they succeeded rather well...of course one can can paint, or perform any number of artistic endeavors while indulging...well, dancing may be bit off...all that spinning around...%D

RE: The Trail of Tears.....

Several National Governments around the world have enacted "restitutional payments" as it were for all the damages, deaths and pains inflicted upon native groups/ tribes and various ethnic groups, be it in Australia, Canada, South Africa, South America...Have the tribes and or peoples of "the trail of tears" received any compensation at all from the US government over the injustices, deaths etc. that their anti-native peoples policies caused???
I remember many years ago that this was one of the sought after goals of the American Indian Movement , then under Russel Means and as usual a target of the FBI ....

RE: Beef Or Chicken?

On the roads of Life, once you have figured out where you would like to go, sometimes taking the paths of least resistance is a good choice; avoid the those main highways; too many rushing to be anywhere but where they have been but with no destination in mind. Sort of taking the Zen roads least travelled...a lot less stressful but always be prepared for a sudden detour...%)
(add some cognac to your coffee %D )

RE: sunlike

lol, sounds like a case of too many moloko/molotove cocktails...%) *hic*

RE: True U.S.A

I once had an English professor in Maryland , a true character right out the classic novel Main Street. He described the being of an American: "America is a state of mind". Over the years I came to the conclusion that , yes it is which has always made me wonder why those in Europe and other places who profess to like it so much, why do they not emigrate there; leave their countries and try not to make those who do not agree, like the Americans. In other words, practice what you preach and go live there, and let others have and keep their identities.

RE: Music, what's your taste?

LOL, misinterpreted the headline again! Thought that it was going to be an announcement that Music Cd's now come in flavours! Strawberry, Cinnamon, Orange...actually not a bad concept; I'm sending the idea off to Japan...%D

RE: Does the word 'COMMITTMENT' mean anything to you?

Lol! Oh, hey, I'm easy; commited all the way,; I become the painting or part of one! ( influenced by French art schools...) %D

RE: Does the word 'COMMITTMENT' mean anything to you?

Mis-read and misinterpreted you headline; thought it had to do with being confined to either a padded cell or a concrete cell by the various authorities after you have had a good time over-indulging in some pharmaceutical substance like "pot" or LSD or too many women at a party; now that is true "commitment"! %D

Paid 3 day Holiday After Dumping You! New Idea From Japan!

While the "spirit" of Valentine's Day is still in the air, it might be a good time to ask your boss to implement a new system set up by a Japanese company which now gives paid time off after a break-up.
The "heartache-leave" is a new concept from Tokyo's Hime & Company, which offers one day off for staff members under 24 years of age, 2 days off for those 25 to 29 and 3 days off for staff aged 30 or older.
"Women in their 20's can find their next love quickly. but it's tougher for women in their 30's, and their break-ups tend to be more serious." explains CEO Miki Hiradate. (love her last name)
"Not everyone needs to take maternity leave but with heartbreak, everyone needs time off, just like when you get sick." (Reuters)
Ummmm, not a word about male staff members,(no pun intended),seems to indicate some gender discrimination there...otherwise, not a bad idea.

RE: In what countries is Freedom of Speech a right protected by law?

Can you possibly the opposite, wherein they would be all inclusive...
(the horror....the horror...%D)
The concept of democracy has shifter its primary conception to that of a "selfocracy" for lack of a better term, wherein it is now The Individual that seems to be of paramount and exclusive importance which , to me, makes it even more ludicrous. Personally, I don't care for it and have no use for it, but to plead the rights for all and focus on the individual seems to take away from the primary philosophy of "demos"...priorities seem to have gotten lost in the vast corridors of governments...

RE: Planet disease

They're like bedbugs, just roll over...%)

RE: Favorite Romantic Movie

Glen or Glenda
I'm Curious Yellow (or Blue, Red and Green)
Amazon Women From The Moon...%D


Now that would indeed be delightful but I would imagine either by themselves to be quite fantastic! %D No need to splice them; might end up with something like the types depicted on The Stepford Wives....%D

RE: In what countries is Freedom of Speech a right protected by law?

This so called Freedom of Speech, even in many countries that has it in their legal systems does not in any way guarantee you the actual right to say what the Govt. does not want you to say.
I have see far too often unofficially sanctioned vigilante groups make sure that if that right was exercised, that person(s) also had the right to die and they were going to enforce that right...does El Salvador or Costa Rica ring any bells there in the "Americas"...even in Canada, it is still apparently against the law to actually say out loud "Let's overthrow the Government" I never tested it as I had gotten in enough problems there, but it does make you wonder if you actually have to say Canada or could you say any country's name...; it certainly is illegal here to call for the overthrow of the Govt. or advocate a violent revolution, where as in France its ok...must be part of their history right...%D while here...another left over law from the Occupation Forces...they spoil all the fun!

RE: Do Animals Go To Heaven

Excellent! I've heard many times virtually the same exact thoughts from Jesuits, Dominicans, especially the Franciscan monks; never have met any that would like to go to some sort of sterile "heaven" where people are without all of the above; who in their right mind would! Anything but sitting or lounging around fluttering wings and playing Stairway To Heaven on some damn harp!
One note on the animals and St. Francis that I forgot to mention: the Catholic Church has a yearly Blessing of the Animals in all it's churches; you come and bring your pet or favourite animal or bird, what have you and the Priest(s) will formerly bless them. And no, you don't need to be Catholic and neither does your pet. And again no, having your pet(s) blessed does not constitute having the animal baptized either, nor you. If the Clergy or including the Pope really didn't believe that animals did not and could not have souls/ essences do you think this practice would have continued for so many centuries...
The day for the Blessing of the Animals is usually held on the Feast Day of St. Francis: October 4, check for which Mass and double check the day of your local Catholic's great to see all the animals being the country sides, farm animals are also is a great day %D

RE: ~~What is wrong with you Americans?~~

and now that Bush has his trillions of dollars budget, for which most of it will go to the military to keep 2 wars going with a possible third with Iran, but the bulk being for the only assessed US opponent being China in a protracted series of guerrilla wars and further "terror campaigns" if not out-right military confrontations over the last remaining natural oil and gas resources left on the planet for which the Pentagon is now starting to gear up for. Assesments for a possible alliance of Russia and China has already been dismissed as "unlikely" given their history during the last attempted alliance. If it forms, the Pentagon assessments do not give it any serious problems for the US, it will be war as usual policy with all the attendant scare tactics and propaganda barrages..lovely.

RE: Do Animals Go To Heaven

I wouldn't be so presumptuous to entirely dismiss any of this.
As far as animals are concerned, there are more than simply passing references in the writings of St. Francis that our animals do indeed have souls; not thee same as ours but they do have them; their "essence" . Nor is there any thing in Catholic theology denying that animals do not have souls as such; what St. Francis said, wrote has not been declared a breach of Church theology; it is open for clarification...I haven't met any members of any of the numerous Orders, male or female that really believes that they do not; if anything quite the opposite and in many cases whose works include research on very arcane and esoteric matters, point to all the testimony of those who clinically died and have come back to life; the Near Death Experienced who have described their "crossing over", their surroundings full of lush vegetation, forests, meadows etc. besides all their long earthly deceased friends and family meeting them and of seeing animals...The more accounts of these people one reads, the more the assumed prepositions of the "after-life" is changing, just as the levels of urgency messages for Mankind to change or stop certain things before it is too late as there is implied in those messages "from beyond" that there will be no Divine intervention" no rescues even by "space brothers".
Some have been given messages and visions that clearly imply a parallel existence to our reality; that it exists with all what we have come to love and cherish. It all exists but that we cannot see it; a totally different spectrum that we can't see, detect or have access to until we ourselves "cross over" in another form of Life. Another dimension complete with it's own version of atoms; of Life; of our pets, our trees; you name it . I find it frustrating that this topic is so widespread in so many different bits and pieces in so many different books...there doesn't seem to be a coherent way to amalgamate it all.

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