RE: Albright slams US handling of Georgia crisis

I can just hear the Russian leaders singing their own version of Ray Charles's song Georgia On My Mind before the Russian troops went into Georgia...%D
It is starting to remind me of the Cuban Missile Crisis build up but in total reverse...only these Russians aren't going to wait around for US missiles to be put next to them. This has been going on since 1991! Russian troops have been openly involved in the on going 'civil war' on the side of Abkhazia and the now newly recognized break-away provinces. No big deal except for the totally corrupted Georgian Govt. and their drug and weapons dealers with their US
Makes me wonder at all the Soviet-Russian fights to DC to protest the US attacks and invasions on Nicaragua, Panama, Grenada, Dominican Republic, etc. etc.
During the 'Cuban Missile Crisis',(as no 'crisis' existed in Cuba) and the US Govt. made a fiasco with the so called Bay Of Pigs invasion, today's Russians weren't going to do the same to their very real threat. I would imagine that Poland will be hit if US missiles are deployed there. If I were Russian, I'd hit them but good. I'd much rather have Russians on my border any day as they are Europeans, not so with the US.

RE: NSG waiver for India

Oh GOOD!! Perhaps Libya will be next or hey, maibe even Egypt and Yemen, they could really use nuclear power...but let's not leave poor Iran out; that just would not be fair , or the new and upcoming Iraq or Syria also! Hell, let any country that wants to go nuclear, even a new Palestine if it ever comes into existence, go for's a free world.....isn't it....

RE: Is a creationist fit to lead a "developed" nation?


RE: Bush Extends 9/11 National Emergency Yet Again

Good for you! Keep at it; spreading facts, especially historical facts around is the best way to become an enemy of the State. %D Go for it(another item not talked about at the Iran-Contra hearings was about the American mercs cut loose and left to die in Nicaragua by Olie and Co.'s version of 'patriotism'... 'classified'

RE: Is a creationist fit to lead a "developed" nation?

I believe that the world would be a better olace without any politicians....pass the tokes around %D

RE: Is a healthy relationship towards money a must for you?

HA! Even Larry Flint took in 'charity cases'! %D

RE: whats your best thing to do on a sunday, eat roast or be tied to the bed post?

Taking turns at it actually and being beaten mercessly by a feathered Boa...or a silk whip...%D

RE: Can you read this?............Who said spelling is imporant?.............

LOL! What's next pray tell, the dialogues from the film "Quest For Fire". Now THAT could be a bit challenging! %D

RE: Woman leading men to their downfall???

LOL! Me thinks that he prefers the darkness and loneliness of his mind's Cave Time. And just for the cord, since he brought up the bewildering allegation that because he has 'a bit of German blood' it justifies his opinions and self deluding truths of believing in and promoting domination of women both psychologically as well as physically, that if he ever should find himself near a large building that contains a lot of things people call books. The building is called a Library. Libraries usually have a section for what are referred to as 'Classics' The one that he should seek out and at the very least attempt to read if entitled "Germania' written by the Roman Historian Tacitus on how the found the Germanic Tribes in all manner of detail especially the absolute shocker that all the tribes treated their women as co-equals in every way way possible, totally contrary to what was then 'the civilized world' other than Royalty. As Tacitus says, our ancestral tribes merely had extended this to all their women, including the vote in electing their chiefs... 'domination' is best played as a game in a bedroom, not in world politics nor in what passes for healthy and loving relationships between a man and a woman.

RE: OK, so it over - how do you let somebody down gently?

The best way; emotions are basically the same just a different scenario Honesty and civility are usually the best way...%)


There is a case now in Victoria, BC; a man has upset his are and city council wanting to bring in a 2 year old Tiger to his property and kill it for parts...Council has voted for new bylaw forbidding any exotic pets in the are called 'The Highlands very, very rich area of Victoria. The man says he will ignore the bylaw...see stories on line from The Times Colonist newspaper...this man is really sick.

RE: OK, so it over - how do you let somebody down gently?

You being you, how would you handle the scenario of letting an employee go that simply has not worked out...?

RE: Rule By Fear Or Rule By Law

EXCELLENT!! BRAVO!! When are you going to collect your Citizen Patriot Of the Decade Award????????? Great work!! %) Thank you!

RE: Turkey in European Union

Better to have Russia any day than Turkey; Russians are at least European. I stress the word and the concept: European. Let the Middle East form their own version of our EU and the Turks can join that one.

RE: Enacting Patriot Act... Was it Bush and Cheneys main goal while in office

Lost Rights????? Some seem bound and determined to avoid reality by a very selective and subjective way of life.
According to all the legal and Civil Rights groups all over the US , Canada and Europe, including all the various Religious groups that monitor civil liberties the world over, those 'picked up' for questioning, those arrested for being in or suspected of being in violation of the US Patriot Act have all been denied the right of council, the right to know the charges if any, against them, the right to a open court hearing to face his/ her accusers; the right to a trial by his/her peers. That is just for openers. I might suggest to these that wish to emulated the ostrich, that they wake up and do their homework, themselves instead of sitting back and bewailing the fact that no one provides;s easy to sit back and only make snide remarks while their own citizens are harassed, jailed, prosecuted and persecuted for having different beliefs or for not believing in your State Religion of world domination through war... What a shame it is that they won't experience the same as those who have had that Act used against them.


Of the active people trying in their own ways to make this a better world for their fellow humans, the two that comes to mind rather quickly are King Juan Carlos of Spain for finally telling that ill bred peon Chavez to shut his mouth,(his politics not withstanding). Long overdue that someone from his world speaks up. Second is someone that will not give up, will not negotiate and will not surrender a truly noble cause: Russell Means of the American Indian Movement who came to prominence with his band's armed take over of the Pine Ridge Reservation some thirty years ago and help off the US forces for 71 days. Today, he still is just as dedicated. Only his tactics have changed to accomplish Justice for the American Native populations.

RE: Male and Females.


It is fact, we are different.

Men have larger brains than women. (Gents, I ahve visions of you all brushing yourselves down, breating on your hands and rubbing them on your lapels)

Men have better spatial reasoning than women.

Men get caught out ogling attractive girls, because women have better peripheal vision than men, and they can usually clock an attractive man out of the corner of their eye.

Men can never find the butter in the fridge, car keys, their socks, but their three iron is highly polished and their cds are in alphabetical order.

Nobody 'turns' gay. Gay people are born that way.

Men stand brushing their teeth, legs around 30cm apart, up and down, women will fluff cushions, set the alarm, check the children, lay the breakfast table, all while brushing their teeth.

Thoughts please.

"Men stand brushing their teeth, legs around 30cm apart, up and down, women will fluff cushions, set the alarm, check the children,lay the breakfast table, all while brushing their teeth. "

Maybe this partly explains the low libido performances of women when compared to males...but a breakfast table??? (Why not her husband!?) It doesn't sound quite right...perhaps a re-phrasing is in order...%D lol!

RE: You've been dating someone for a while and realize that you don't want to date them anymore...

Either party could...should just go to a Voodoo shop with something (like their hair), purchase one of the little dolls and a handful of needles, have the shop priestess attach the hair to it, put a curse on them and then you go home and practice African style 'needlepoint' aka African acupuncture...%D

RE: I can't believe what I read here sometimes.

In somewhat of an off hand manner, we could level these 'playing fields' of 'higher learning by making it mandatory for all students to carry guns , not simply the teachers and other staff...
"Rural" states like Texas and many others kids learn to safely handle all types of guns, usually from the relatively few good parents left...many families belong to the NRA who are very conscious of teaching gun safety, not just how to hit what you aim at. I dare say that kids from the western states could and would out shoot any from the eastern states.
Armed guards??? This has been a joke for years. That means MONEY from the school budgets and when it comes to hiring guards, they all plead poverty and that is simply why no guards are in any schools; second reason was the majority of 'guards' were and are not weapons certified by a proper licencing agency. Many employ guards and hand them guns with no training whatsoever...I think postal workers handle guns better.
The police as a general rule are also hostile to the 'rent-a-cop' type guards with guns from many of the more notorious 'security firms' that rent them out. Not a good idea.
Outsiders coming in schools are still statistically less that the violence from in house students on a murder binge because of some warped imaginary slight that he found offensive to his self absorbed ego.
I went to schools in Wash. DC for years. One of the first things that I encountered in some were students bringing in toy metal cowboy guns and turning them into actual guns able to fire several types of ammunition; from single shots to repeaters in the school metal shops.
It doesn't take long to solder, change or strenthen springs etc. while teacher is either high on solvents of some sort. I had 3 and all were usually drunk by 10am...Most of those students produced guns for their gangs and school hall and classroom shootings were not uncommon. Even had one gun battle in a class when the homeroom teacher was shot by a outraged student over his math score. Teacher also pulled out his gun...what a lovely way to start the day...3 hours later more shootings , one by a shop enhanced carbine by a cadet and 2 other cowboy style cap guns turned into 22 caliber long rifle pistols all in the metal shop...ahhh yes, the Nation's Capital. It was fun...%)

RE: How important is freedom to you in life ?

Having seen "freedom' in many places around the world, I have observed that the majority of peoples couldn't really care less about it, so long as they can feed their families, and if one of theirs are carted off and disappears, well, that's one less mouth to feed and one less to worry about...the only ones that complain or whine about any lack of 'freedom' are the ones who are not on the side enforcing 'public order'.
Some actually do become enraged at what 'Freedoms' are taken from them and out of this outrage join groups along with social outcasts, opportunists' criminals etc. and call themselves 'patriots'. The State, of course labels them all as 'terrorists' and all their friends, families and relatives are put into dire jeopardy as the State begins to hunt them down. Old formula; old scenarios for old roles; a dance of death. If one is not on the side of the so called 'law and order' State then one cannot adequately take care of one's family and so, those begin to hunt down or turn in their own for some small rewards that make their own selfish lives a bit easier to bear. As the old adage goes, any policeman's life life is only easy in a police state....
And we all know that should the State finally be brought down, everyone was a secret patriot...sue they were...are; and the cycle will soon begin again...

RE: The CS Olympics.

How about a Temper/ Rage one to see who among all the sophisticated, cultured and erudite members can lose their tempers, calling people names and generally fills their posts with hatred directed at those who do not agree with them...( what, here on CS, oh never!)

RE: Gorilla in Georgia, Bigfoot body recovered?

"The body that is currently being studied is being referred to as the "RICKMAT" creature, a name derived from the names of Rick Dyer and Matthew Whitton."

Poor creature whatevers it's name; it'll end up as someone's "DOORMAT" if anyone has one...

RE: What would the CS Forums be without all the yellow guys ?

I shudder to think how many would use a psycho type Rambo machine gunning someone emoticon if we had one...while other would want a rose but with lots of big thorns on the stem or even poison ivy, or cobra...

RE: Can somebody enlighten me please?

Over a dozen sites are blocked or closed. Most are 'journalistic web sites' This goes on all the time by everyone save perhaps the Dutch and French. Many 'terrorist' sites are also blocked from access by everyday people but are left open only for the military and security people including 'think tank analysts' the world over.
Never forget, that the military controls the plugs to the entire Internet and does monitor it and can pull out whatever site they or their governments want pulled off the web. The world wide web; Internet was a military invention and all bandwidths are assigned by them for civilians to use...this as always been very clear right from day one of the Internet.

RE: Gorilla in Georgia, Bigfoot body recovered?

Reminds me of a case in Georgia, or Louisiana back in the mid 60's, if I recall correctly; a woman woke up to find what she thought was a huge gorilla/ bigfoot climbing into her bedroom window. She grabbed an ax and hit it several times then went screaming to her neighbors who called the police. They came, turned on her lights and found her husband very dead....another case of a gorilla 'in a mist'...

RE: babes and guys who have power over another

LOL! Love her hair! %D

RE: What would the CS Forums be without all the yellow guys ?

To use a phrase from Sax Rohmer, I see them as a 'yellow menace' and to use them as a form of 'yellow journalism'.
I say put them all into the Yellow River....figuratively and/ or literally meaning the household apparatus developed specifically for your bodily waste products...%)

RE: Russia:Showing muscle

Long overdue. NATO is outmoded and totally dominated by non European interests that needs to get out of all things European and to take their proxy puppets with them.
Russia is and always European. NATO needs to be totally redesigned and to make it totally European, Russia should once again rejoin the community of European nations, something which it hasn't done since their troops helped defeat Napoleon . The Communist era nearly killed it but it has come back from that near fatality. If Europe as a concept is to survive, Russia should not...cannot be excluded. We must stand as one. Europe is our world. Same concept applies to other regions of the planet, as they also rid their areas of their world of those outsiders wishing to dominate their economies and dictate their policies and fund their elections to put more puppets into office. No one has need for a planetary dictatorship. Then all Nations may see each other as equal and be able to reach the goals of all our common survival and to live our own lives without outside interference, meddling, coercion, blackmail or threats of being bombed back into a 'stone age' by primitives armed with nuclear weapons and have the minds of psychopaths, in that if you don't like them, then you are against them and they may just start bombing you thinking that fear of destruction will make you like them...

RE: if you meet your partner in next life,do you stay with him/her again?

UMMMMM I think that you need to read a lot more of the testimony from people that have died, been declared dead but came back out of that Light the world over and have written on what they saw and learned during "their time" 'in the light' and were sent back to live out their time here on this plane. Evidently, some of the details long held by various religions aren't quite right as they inherited them; many who have experienced the near death syndrome have said that, yes, we do have choices as to when and who we can try to be on return. Big trouble is, we can't remember the choices. As far as I've been able to trace these cases and books, there has not been one of saying you can return as anything but human; no cows or other animals, birds or bugs. The relationships are up to you to choose. Any 'karma' involved is a 'wild card' it seems if and when applied.

RE: Our Pasts!!!!!

Sometimes I wonder just what my past experiences in this department has taught me; what have I learned that is really of any significance; does it really matter in the end...
Aside from the irritating little things that grow into most relationships and continue to grow if left alone, watered with disregard and neglect, they grow into big things that eventually can call for rather drastic measures for different toe nail clipping in bed...%D
The problem seems to be that whatever it was I learned , the same or even similar circumstances never repeat themselves to apply that knowledge; those lessons. In the end those lessons do ever seem applicable, so where does that leave one? What was the purpose of it all; the pains, the heartache, the tears, the despondency....Maybe for the other person their lessons become applicable to their situation, then again perhaps not.....I gave up trying to make any sense of it all and just watch others try and cope with their own situations that sometimes they need to tell you or someone about...and once in a while you find yourself thinking that 'I wish that I had someone even with that problem'...but no, you have no one. Your only hope is that in Time the memories will fade along with whatever lessons you may have learned as you try and deal with your immediate reality that you are not part of anyone else's by day...Is it any wonder that at times I hate this particular reality...

This is a list of forum posts created by solitare.

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