RE: Do u beleive in a blind date

I keep telling her that I'm in a condition unfit to be misunderstood...%D being disturbed is relative ; perpendicular to the conjunctions of my isosceles...%) what is your excuse(s) ??

RE: Do u beleive in a blind date

Yes; like when my daughter bursts into my studio for something utterly trivial, she has told me that she can't possibly disturb me as I'm already thoroughly disturbed...sardonic brat...%D

RE: Mediterranean lifestyles...

I'm still curious as to where Maltese go for vacations, as so many come to Malta for theirs? The surrounding European countries or North Africa, or perhaps England since so many seem to be of English background??

RE: Do u beleive in a blind date

(I'm always "out of order"'s almost like a trademark...) %)

RE: Do u beleive in a blind date

LOL! Ten minutes!?? Try abut several seconds! (if that...) %)

RE: Do u beleive in a blind date

They have always been far more successful at dating than I ever was; from all that I've seen, most of those types never even need to ask for a date; they just appear and "presto" they have them...but thank you for the nice compliment. :)

RE: Do u beleive in a blind date

On occasion I pass a local branch of the Institute For the Blind and think that I should hang around there and I might get a date with a woman that won't look at me and be repelled...%/

RE: want to find a good person

I once heard a song that was the reverse of the hit "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime". They sang Everybody Hates Someone Sometime...which, basically is quite true; it would be almost un-human to escape hating someone, sometime, to some there seems to be a lot more hatred in our world today...sometimes I think the old hippies were right, what this world needs is a lot more Love...for ourselves and our world...shame those days of Love could not have been extended to a century or two...c'est la guerre de la vie....

RE: Did US governments...

David, glad to see that you are still here despite the sanctimonious hatred shown to you by some of the vilest types of so called "patriots" imaginable; exact same type of mindset as any of the so called "terrorists".
Your alluding to Pearl Harbour; John Toland, in his book entitled "Pearl Harbor", a very accomplished American author of World War 2 History, does talk about the codes of the Japanese as having nearly one month before the attack and that the White House and various Cabinet and military officers knew full well the attack was coming and had decided to let it happen so as to eventually smash Japan and become the dominant Pacific power. Other US historians have touched on this also.
In regards to Britain, it was the Ultra secret; the allies had nearly instantaneous translations of all German transmissions and not only allowed their cities to be bombed, (so as not to give away their secret of having the Ultra) but actually planted explosives in many of their own buildings and set them off during the air raids. In most of those cases, the people had been evacuated days before. Afterwards, lots of toys, clothes broken furniture and even corpses from graveyards were planted in the ruins for propaganda photos. All well done. Several well known British authors, including one of my own relatives, working in the MI branch made known their utter disgust of these tactics after the war. On top of those revelations, one MI agent spoke up about faking many of the photos of dead at many of the concentration camps...someone, somewhere, when you least expect it...will reveal the truths...

RE: Attraction

The basically simple answer is , it would be the old Roman Emperors said,; the people only want bread and circus...that is why they try so desperately to copy the US and their "cowboy-coca cola culture"... (puke now...)

RE: If you fell in love with someone, how do you show him/her??

LOL...I thought that everyone learned how in grade school...ya hit 'em! %D (gently, of course)

RE: Communism....

Excellent post! It is estimated that this "re-education program" in Russia alone cost around 20 million lives into the Gulag system, not counting all the dead via mass starvations in the Ukraine. Then in Africa between 1959 to 1986, the number of lives lost is incalculable; no one knows how high a price was paid to their "Temple of the Proletariat"; the same in Central and South America in all their wars. In southeast Asia, the combined totals of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia run into the millions---many statistics not counting the reign of terror by Pol Pot; some do classify his basic belief system as Marxist and the destruction he inflicted there is estimated to have been a quarter of the population; into the millions, like around 18 to 20..
Lets us not forget that it was the Capitalist system that contributed the capital to finance all...ALL of the Marxist-Leninist, Communist revolutions and regimes put into power and are primarily responsible for all the deaths and destruction of so many. The financial institutions that lent, gave the moneys are still in business today; not a single one, or individual has been made to account for all this financed horror. The families that controlled those Banking firms still, for the most part, do so; not one has been made to account for this. No one goes after them, even during war times as during the Us had the so called "expeditionary force" inside Russia and China during the Bolshevik consolidation, Korea or Vietnam as Americans were being killed there and the Banks were financing loans to pay for more military supplies from Russia and China...the listing are endless as is the pain and suffering still being felt from all the lives lost to this "social experiment".
Marx wrote and published over 20 books, some with Engels. They made a nice income from those publications, especially after 1848 and all the failed revolts. I have always found it ironic that those early communists that led the revolts in Europe fled to the US and many entered military service with changed names etc. to become US generals that helped destroy the South...Several of those "ex-Marxists" formed some of those financial empires of Wall Street that later financed all the Communist revolutions around the world...and to this day, not a single US administration has dared go after them...

RE: George W. Bush: Freedom

To those who dare tell others especially their own countrymen that it is wrong, that it is un-patriotic or un-american to criticize your leaders, here is a quote from Theodore Roosevelt that is most often ignored, read it and try to think about it :
" To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only UNPATRIOTIC and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American people." Perhaps more of you should know your political history a lot better.
While I have your attention, may I offer this interesting quote from every one's favourite talk-show host, Johnny Carson, who never went for saying much that is memorable, but this is unique:
Democracy is buying a big house you can't afford with money you don't have to impress people you wish were dead.
And, unlike communism, democracy does not mean having just one ineffective political party; it means having two ineffective political parties.
Democracy is welcoming people from other lands, and giving them something to hold onto---usually a mop or a leaf blower.
It means that with proper timing and scrupulous bookkeeping, anyone can die owing the government a huge amount of money....
Democracy means free television, not good television, but free.
And finally, democracy is the eagle on the back of a dollar bill, with 13 arrows in one claw, 13 leaves on a branch, 13 tail feathers, and 13 stars over its head---this signifies that when the white man came to this country, it was bad luck for the Indians, bad luck for the trees, bad luck for the wildlife, and lights out for the American eagle."
A lot of metaphors in that piece; well to figure out what he meant.
Reading all these posts, I must admit that I'm astounded at the volume of coherent, well worded opinions and a general sense of agreement among so many. It is positively "uplifting" to read from mature adults who can express themselves with reasoned well informed opinions and not the usual primitive sanctimonious canned responses from political puppets who are desperate to "tow the line" of the totally corrupt and truly vile regime that presently governs you, just waiting to have your name turned in by some deluded patriot to this regime...perhaps after all this turmoil is settled and your troops are back in your own country with everyone licking their wounds over this latest blood-letting, try taking a page from other countries to try and prevent this from ever happening again; ban outright this Republican party that has so damaged your country; (remember Vietnam...same party that escalated that war...and brought you defeat by a third world but dedicated people's army). Disband it, ban it and go after it's officials; clean house for once, go after the multinationals and all the corporations that aided and abetted this war and made huge profits doing it. Close down and try their directors, chairmen and board members; follow their money trails. Try them and execute them. Don't let your grand kids endure another war for profits...maybe then the rest of the world will believe and trust you again. Tat world still outnumbers you, why keep making more enemies...

RE: George W. Bush: Freedom

Perfect timing!!! Perfect answer !!%D


lol! Did you know that fish actually do drink water, however their primary method of obtaining fresh water is through tiny holes in their skin; the process is called "osmosis"
The word "negligee" comes from the French word meaning "careless and "neglected"; the garment was a soft, loose fitting gown in contrast to the fashion of tightly corseted and laced clothing. The irony, as I see it, is that a woman wearing a negligee is most certainly never neglected!! %D

RE: What are you cooking today....curious???

Hallo Food lovers! I had a client trying to find a collection of dinner menus and recipes from Versailles Palace in the early 18th cent. and came upon this "tidbit" morsel: Mark Miller, the owner and Maestro of the famous Coyote Cafe in Santa Fe, New Mexico, has a cooking book collection of some 5000 volumes in his library covering the entire world. Sheesh, and I thought I was a bit excessive with about 50 or so...I recall times so bad, some would eat the pictures of the meals....yum!

RE: should they make it illegal to be homeless ? .. and dte some of these people of the streets ?

Excellent points to raise; from what I've read on the projected(possible) laws regarding these types of landlords, are property confiscation, heavy fines and jail time. Tens of thousands of cases are being used for trying to legislate against abuses by landlords ...and tenants alike as well as the responsibilities of those agency personnel that will be held responsible for the homes and access to them by those that need homes. This is going to come in spurts otherwise it would take too long to work out all possible scenarios and solutions. The Housing people will however be given wide discretionary powers to solve problems without creating others. Scotland has been doing this very quietly now for over 2 years. There will be some very large problems ahead however, to name just one; that of jurisdiction and disposition of any violations to the various Housing acts and then also, some cities are going to need more than others and city counselors do not want their towns with a disproportionate number of dwellings to be set aside for only "homeless" people from other areas/ regions. These are going to take time and a lot of effort to overcome to a consensus of "fairness" or "social justice" as some would put it. We'll see how Scotland makes out as it tries to achieve it first...

RE: --Imagination---

You've been reading from the Popol Vuh again..? %)
Alas, for we cannot know nor comprehend all for mist was blown into our eyes by the Creators which has clouded our sight as when a mirror is breathed upon...

RE: Are Europeans...

Strange well as strangely worded with an assumed rhetorical answer, worded as a question seeking what, confirmation?
Hallo David, welcome to the asylum of CS; you can fill in the CS to whatever you feel is appropriate: CS= Chronic Syndrome...Conundrums Symposium for example.
Perhaps you should elaborate on your question; context , your definitions of such loaded terms as "anti American" then perhaps people can make some sense of what it is that you are after and give you some answers... There could be a very wide range of answers from many perspectives. Stick around and we can get to know each other.
We don't often have members from Iran visit. Have some tea and sit down with us. %)

RE: Iraq PM: Did anyone read this???

What I have found worse is that twice now within the last 2 weeks, both the CO of all US forces in Iraq and his President have said that they can "stabilize" Iraq in another 10 to 15 years...and no one has picked up on this??? What is the scenarios being considered off the elections after another suitable "terrorist incident"...declare a "State of Emergency"; or Marshall Law, pumping even more troops into Iraq..."another 10 to 15 years to stabilize Iraq..." sounds like they are on a verge of more invasion , not planning on leaving at all...

RE: Turkey:new member of EU?

I opened my window, looked up into the dark sky above and Behold, I also heard your plaintive moans drifting on the clouds; rushed and put on my towel, er, I mean cape and bounced out, eh, I bounded out the window then I remembered I have a computer, no need to fall, er, bound out of windows...silly me...
Turkey has absolutely nothing in common with Europe or any of our cultures let alone history. That being said, Hi Fi skimmed the immediate insurmountable barriers to our way of life, our institutions, our heritages etc. Turkey is not and never will be European. However....Many here throughout Europe have always advocated a "Middle Eastern Common Market" for exactly the same reasons we have the EU. For the last 30 to 40 years Turkey could have moved to help set one up with other States such as all the Arabic countries including Iran, though not Arabic, but because of location, influence and it's oil revenues. Then again, so to with all the African states with the assent of the populations of each country and a form of Govt, acceptable to all, thereby, perhaps eliminating the plague of "Dictators -For-Life" syndrome in so many. A collective system of mutually cooperating economic block, of allied nations to work for the betterment of all member states and mankind in general, would be the ideal. I think that the general populations of most nations have a better understanding of "peace and prosperity" than most of the so-called leaders. They seem to be in it simply for the short term gain of grabbing all they can for themselves and the hell with everyone else. No, we must all pass and grow out of that selfish narrow minded american approach ; enough of this "everyone for themselves" mentality. An EU basic model for the various regions of our planet seems to be the best formula. Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia could do this as so too the various regions of South and Central America , to survive, grow and prosper out from the thumb of the Yankee. The planet belongs to all of our various peoples, not the multi- nationals of the Yankee.

RE: ... love...evol...veol...elov...olve...lveo...oelv...vloe...eolv...lvoe..

From the title, I had thought that you were trying to spell "Aloha Vera"...oh well...nice plant though; heals a lot of things...%)

RE: should they make it illegal to be homeless ? .. and dte some of these people of the streets ?

Scotland and France made it against the law to be homeless for a good reason; mostly to force all other Govt. departments in their entire countries to try and enforce it by securing no opposition or objections to having the right to have a home made a Human Right. France kick started it when the President, before the election signed it on behalf of the EU. Scotland had done this a few years before with little or no fanfare. It is due to come into effect in about another year; the Govt. is aquiring "homes"; buildings in the mean time; other EU members are asking for delays due to what it will cost them to provide the needed homes. Sarcosy was sick and tired of seeing the streets of Paris and other cities filled with homeless people, so he forced the entire Govt. to regognize that having a home of one's own is a basic Human Right.

RE: Which topic would you never dare to post in?

For those days when you have to deal with one inflamed assehole after another, use the NEW Preparation H Suppository bullets,( also available in speed loads!) Just load up and shoot!(insert photo of revolver being loaded with suppository bullets)
Been using Preparation H for years as part of my graphics production name...%D


and so is Ego; is there actually any real difference to either...Ego seems to initiate greed and greed is all about the proverbial "ME!"..."I want!" etc. etc.

RE: Where would you like to visit that you haven't yet?

Cydonia region of Mars

RE: Flowers

Love your sign; I have no serious problem; 95% of me is occasionally rational, and there's about 5% of me that is out of my control. And I can almost feel where it is in my brain. Other than that, I'm usually in a state unfit to be misunderstood...%D

RE: Flowers

Les fleur pour une fleur, ahhh tres jolie...%)
I accidently hit the "blocked list and discovered that I had blocked myself; duhhhhh no wonder that I never get a responce when I ask myself questions....mon dieu...%D

RE: Ann Coulter for President.

Who would be her VP...Tammy Fay Baker ? That would be a dynamic duo!

RE: I was watching signs last time do you think there really are aliens?

LOL! Ahh yes, I've never understood that nor why the colour green for "Ebes" as the CIA and military referred to to aliens...I asked my father once about the term "alien" since he worked for them in that dept. at what he termed the Galactic Intelligence Agency out in Virginia for years and would on occasion talk about "those nasty little things". He told me they got the term from comic books; same with the colour green. He told me that the little ones were all a silver-grey...This was back in the 50's.

This is a list of forum posts created by solitare.

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