RE: Love vs Attraction

Appearances are but masques; attraction(s) have an expiry date sometime in the not too distant from now; simply fades away and dies.
One can be prolonged by various means but it is agony. The other starves...


did he mean manure or mature...I guess some would think he may be manure enough....

RE: the alphabet game

Racoon! %)

RE: Say SOMETHING!!!...An open letter

I love it! Bravo! Fortissimo! For this day, Age and the run-of the mill come-ons made to a woman, its perfect! Picky one, I applaud you and your attitude. Ever think that perhaps you should have your own radio-talk show..?
From a different perspective, I can understand highfy's comments about "first contact"; like the book and movie of the Star Trek series...establishing First Contact is like trying to deal with an alien for many..."women...they look like us, sort of, but they don't think like us...that's what makes them seem like aliens...". It is a bit unnerving for most males...but that is what adds more spice to red-hot pepper sauce....%)

RE: Riots in France..

LOL! 1. You're not supposed to ask that !
2. "The Left", whatever that is, is Sacred, Holy; whatever opposes it, is "an enemy of the people"....whoever "the people" are; usually it's just those saying that....
I have lobbied for years in favour of "equal representation" for and in any riots; that all riots should also have the opposite side stage a riot, allowing people to choose which line up to join and riot,; or, simply narrow it all down to a business of professional rioteers who would, for a fee, stage a riot for whatever you wanted, just fill out the forms, pay by card or bank draft, (sorry, no personal cheques) and sign the insurance liabilities then your the no-fault clause and voila! Your riot will be between the hours etc. etc.

RE: Do you think men who are sitting down should stand up...

I find this entire thread rather amusing ; all say some things very true and some things very silly and petty. Most seem to have no idea from where or when our basic customs, manners, etiquette even come from,i.e. the custom of opening the door first or holding it open: usually the women had armfuls of cooking or /and washing, and could not open the door; it evolved in all cultures in much the same manner; it was also prudent for the man, as he held the weapons, to see "if the coast was clear" first; weapons also played the part in with which hand to shake and salute with; the French, ironically still display the palms open when at "attention", clearly showing "no weapons" for example. In England holding the door open or standing fully came in due to the dresses of the women, the fashion of the day worn by the aristocracy and commoners copied. In the lands of the Germanic tribes, if anyone has read Tacitus among others, it was a hallmark, that women were always treated with respect, voted in the tribal elections for Chief and even War Chief, fought alongside their mates etc. Child-birthing and related matters gave them very special and virtually reverential treatment, as the ultimate "bearers of Life". The Romans were horrified at our outlook...and yet, the Romans saw this also in Egypt among the Nobility, and others from the Ancient world, yet they forgot...Today, we have hundred of detailed books on customs from all countries and how they originated and when...all share the common origins of all manners, "politeness" etiquette as coming from that particular country's aristocracy, be it Egypt or India, or China. Politeness has nothing to do with this vague, insubstantial "equality" They were frames of mind established by custom due to having braved, having survived and having contributed as well as could be to the survival of the tribe, the group, whatever; it was all based on "being in the same boat" as it were.
Now-days, it's throw that one, or this one out of the proverbial boat; everyone for themselves, we're trapped like rats! shut up and speak for yourself...not good, not nice, and certainly de-civilizing as well as de-humanising....we seem to be turning into savages even before the next Deluge hits .....lovely. I won't even bother with the treatment of the elderly; so much fore ethics, morality(despite the utter disdain that many have for that term!) or even mores. Some still value our old; some of us had our old Baroness or Countess to teach us "proper manners"; some were more severe, while some were more "happy-go-lucky" about it all; but least we learned the "proper forms" that were applicable to all social situations and the pointlessness of questioning them despite the occasionally boring and hypocritical nature of some charades but at least we learned not to needlessly insult or "scandalize" others by our boorish lack of manners or insensitivity to others.

RE: Zoo's and other caged Animals

I was being somewhat facetious, as in the past, some of these weirdo groups have simply opened the cages in zoos...
The basic idea of the Game Preserve is good; it used to be a wonderful solution in countries like Rhodesia and South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Uganda, etc. Now, I'm not so sure, as many have been turned into de-facto hunting preserves by their military, friends and other assorted bloodthirsty lunatics. As one told me, while in a gunship, "Hey, they don't shoot back!" That is when you wish they could, or you think about pushing them out...but you can't because his soldiers are there.....
"Pets", are totally different; many keep our animals healthy, alive and loved as free, many would end up on some immigrants plate, especially cats...the main reason of hardly any here in Munich. It is a fact of life.
I like the "open zoo" concept of no cages, just wide ditches/ barriers, or going to Africa to see the animals; it is a bit disconcerting to get run over by a herd of wild zebras however, or Impalas....or even suddenly snagged by a Rhino's horn through your backpack as you make your way through the elephant grass and you're carried off for a few kilometers till you're fallen loose, as has happened to friends of mine...

RE: Why do most women want it all and give nothing

This all reminds me of the song RESPECT sung by Aretha Franklyn...we all should at the onset, or just in general have some modicum of mutual respect for each other, simply as Human beings, let alone being on intimate terms. Loosing respect, is a whole other matter and certainly should not, under any circumstances transfer to others of that gender; that becomes a negative pathology. Respect and if possible, mutually complimenting one another is ideal....and more fun! (I think, anyways...%) )

RE: Todays Fashion

...and if you can't afford it, design your own! I knew 2 women that did just that. Now they can afford to buy whatever they wish, and as far as I know, they still actually keep their "hands-on" their works, unlike most of the producers on "name-brands"....ummmm, perhaps I shall design some fashions for men: fashionable Loincloths, including ones for "formal wear", for the rich and the poor; men's trousers with a "venetian blind" opening instead of zippers at the front...Galleries Lafayette, here I come!? %)

RE: Zoo's and other caged Animals

Not a good idea to let the poor animals out into the urban centers, to the traffic of cars, buses, trucks and people. Can you imagine the utter chaos and bloodshed it would cause and the sheer pandemonium that people would cause trying to get out of their way. Most of the bloodshed would be, sadly of the animals in total panic. Not a good idea, though I do agree on the sentiment, but then again, which is live in an "open type zoo" or be the prey of savages on a hunt (in Africa) using machine guns to kill them for fun, pleasure and just maybe for food....I've seen enough of that in some of those countries, even in South America, using helicopter gunships.....Zambia, Uganda, Malawi, Mozambique and others are notorious for that in the past and even some in the present; better to shoot those than any animal, let alone herds.
Perhaps most of Africa south of the Sahara should be as an animal "zoo", remove the 2 legged beasts from entire areas and let the animals live and die naturally, living with some tribes that respect and honour all animal life, like those in the Kalahari...or the Tutsi...just my thoughts on observations...

RE: Riots in France..

Generally speaking, people who riot, like to riot; political issues are always good excuses.
Time mag had a good comparison on riots,French/ European versus the US: 1, the number of dead, killed, in two weeks of riots outside Paris; 58 killed in 5 days of riots in riots in Los Angeles in 1992...not like the riots in 1848, wherein French troops simply opened fire and killed hundreds within minutes. Modern riots where army troops are used and open fire, makes me wonder how they were trained, if at all, when hundreds or even thousands are fired on/at and the papers scream "Massacre!" Troops open fire; leaving 5 dead"...Five!?? What were they using, 22 caliber rifles instead of their FN's, where one round can easily pass through 5 people ?...Ias just one officer with his pistol can kill 5 boggles the mind....

RE: germans!!!!

Could it be that because the Swiss are not members of the EU, that they still have border stions and visa permits...??

RE: Todays Fashion

I'm still waiting for Armani designed, or even St. Laurent designed men's Loincloths; silk, velvet, satin....with perhaps various jewels, brocades or perhaps Dali or Picasso inspired patterns...%)

RE: Quote Something!!! ---Your Own!

Oh The Gods! Destroyed by Freud, hung by Jung and brought to a halt by gestalt!

RE: bush definition of success

Addenda: the above was primarily for "killing time", not Homer, as my daughter pointed out, it could be mis directed or misconstrued, so just to clarify it. Apologies...%)

RE: the World's Most Powerful Club

The "philanthropy" that many of the Lodges are known for is all "smoke and mirrors" ; a guise to hide their real interests and purposes, but raising funds for various charities etc. does actually help many in dire need; the publicity is all great; they sound oh so wonderful for the truly uninitiated. I highly recommend , for anyone, 2 excellent volumes recently published dealing with all aspects of the Freemasons/ masons. Both are exhaustive studies and well worth the expense, the the time and the effort to read/ study them and even follow up on the listed sources. One is "TALISMAN";Sacred Cities, Secret Faith by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval. This is one of the best ever compiled and published.
The other is much more in the "esoteric" category and one may need some previous study on this as[ect. In a round about way it is sort of an continuing update on all related matters to do with the book The Holy Grail and The Holy Blood. It is also a total expose of one of the most "overt" but highly secret societies in Europe that is Freemasonic in origin, but plays and manipulates all sides. The book is called "THE SION REVELATION": [INSIDE THE SHADOWY WORLD OF EUROPES SECRET MASTERS], written, researched and fully documented by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, authors of The Templar Revelation and the devastating book , which IS a Must Read: The Stargate Conspiracy, as is said, they will blow your mind...

RE: wake up people!

"...get a move on"...ok: can I have my bill? %)

RE: bush definition of success

LOL! No, I did not miss "the Barricades"; they were everywhere, in one form or another...and I paid a price for climbing one in particular to plant a land-mine...ahh, but then I retreated to Biafra and that also is another was the CIA/FBI alert about Reagan, after Hinckley...another story...%D
Well, it does seem that we are sort of in the same boat, but I have 2 children and my daughter is starting as I did in political matters, bless her heart! "A nest of vipers" as our family was referred to as back in the Barricades heyday....and all the off shoot groups of the big deal then the uproar when I became public on TV...ah, wellllllll....
Some must have the film by now, in English; it is by 20th Cent. Fox; perhaps you can get info on it via Internet Movie Database or E-Bay for purchase, i do it.
No, please, send your vegies etc. to the Conference centre in Berlin; hope you can throw!! %D I have my own items...
A contact I have, says all the security people are now drawing up lists of possible "trouble-makers" and that there are 10's of thousands of them to check over. Poor things...all that overtime!

RE: Bush politics(CAUTION: not going to be pretty)

Actually, I agree with you; it is far better to be committed , than go around like a zombie. In all of my experiences with "politics" it has the "radicals from all sides that are the most interesting and certainly the most challenging; starting from either extremes it is an "adventurous" journey to ultimately find yourselves on common ground and then end-up helping each other; after the first "collisions", it takes time for the dust to settle...
Well said Ulimaroa...


Spring 2005...oh well

RE: still alive

Long time no post! Welcome back. My condolences that things did not work out...

RE: boycot Gas prices

Some estimates are that the gas/ iol will be gone from public consumption within the next 10 years...fill up now? Harsh times ahead.

RE: boycot Gas prices

and if that doesn't work, perhaps people should think about, plan it out and bomb the gas stations; that might get noticed...%D; just a random thought from an ol' exteremist who always advocated "direct action"....%) (besides, it's fun!)

RE: bush definition of success

Isn't the "australian fascist Swarteni**er" as some call him in Calif. planning on a new movie wherein he plays "Der Fuhrer"'s long lost illegitimate, unknown son and becomes President; I had thought it was for real...damn! Maybe Bush will go into acting and make it, if he isn't arrested for Crimes Against Humanity...
By zee vay! Are stocking up on rocks, bottles, rotten vegies, etc. etc. for the G7 "celebrations" in Berlin, this June; it could be a rather explosive event....%D

RE: bush definition of success

Coming from thal ol' alchi, I'm not surprised at her saccharine feeble attempts at "folksy" wisdom...
Dumbing down as the expression goes is the perfect description of yanks at large and may just be the "subliminal" message in their new movie "IDIOCRACY" starring Luke Wilson. It is out now on DVD, rent or buy it , sit back with a note pad to note items for future is hilarious but very NOW!

RE: Bush politics(CAUTION: not going to be pretty)

LOL! Wow, talk about bigotry being the product of the uneducated! This is the penultimate of "amurican intellectualism...the final proof against any intelligent design....
This creature hates her Govt. because "they" made it a melting pot?! She has spent far too much time in her trailer, back of the junkyard...this poor thing would be dangerous if it possessed even half a mind. "Communistic ways" LOL , sounds something out of the usual cheap and tawdry propaganda the US govt. gleefully spoon fed their school children back in the 50's. Could she even define or explain what Communism is? Or define the differences between Marxism and Marxist-Leninism....and this uncouth, uneducated and illiterate raves on about hatred! She sounds like some primitive throw back to that disgusting anti southern tv show, many called "The Pukes of Hazard" put out by Hollywood.
Here is a quote from Theodore Roosevelt,(now who indehell wuz he?)
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public!" (No, Roosevelt was not a Commie, nor some anti- "murican" extremist or "fer rain terrorist"; though, a lot did when I brought this quote up in a "poly-sci" class at university, in Maryland...
This creature, this bigot is the image of America abroad that stays in people's minds...educationally challenged and full of hate of all people and things foreign, but I'll bet it is more self-hatred than anything...

RE: Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...

"...right or wrong..." this brings to mind a quote from Theodore Roosevelt, that most people do not like to hear: " To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public!"

RE: wake up people!

Ndipewo biri??? %) (shona)

RE: bush definition of success

oops; should have read: If you wish to read some stupid...etc %D

RE: bush definition of success

I, stupid, bad, inappropiate, dumb, etc. etc. Try reading an absolutely , thoroughly disturbed psychotic quotes collection of Bush called "dumba**" by Jules Carlysle; 532 pages!!!! People are put into mental institutions for saying less than this lunatic. To use a quote from Teddy Roosevelt, "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." Seems that 99% of them do not want to hear that; yes, one of their own Presidents was being unpatriotic when he said that....."dumba**" is a perfect title.

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