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Pick your super power, super hero movie, and the person who played that role that was HOT!

I got this blog idea from Didi on here when she talks about super powers.

My question to all on here is, what super power would you want for life? The choices are down below to pick from.

1. To be able to fly

2. To see through objects (including seeing peoples bodies under their clothes)

3. To be able to be invisible

4. To have super power strength

5. To breathe under water

If none of these above picks, then what super power would you want?

Bonus question:

What super hero movie and it's sequels is your top pick?

Bonus question # 2:

Who (actor/actress) was a very HOT (sex appeal) Super hero?

Mine are I would want super power strength

Bonus # 1 would be Superman back in the 80's with Christopher Reeves

Bonus # 2 would be Helen Slater in that skirt from Super Girl.
head banger
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Dinner or supper

I was at work today, and me and a co worker were in a disagreement about whether a meal at 5pm is called dinner or supper. I say dinner, and he refers to it as supper. I know a lot of country folk use the word supper, but us city slickers refer to it as dinner. rolling on the floor laughing
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Testosterone vs Estrogen

Guys lose testosterone, women lose estrogen as we all get older. Seems like we're all fighting to keep our manhood/womanhood intact. I think it's more harder on the women after they start losing their estrogen along the way than it is for us men when we start losing our testosterone. One con is menopause when a woman loses estrogen. Another con, women start developing a little bit of facial hair. One of the pros for estrogen is I feel like it's a beauty hormone. One reason why guys age gracefully than women for the most part. A lot of women as they age seem to not be able to pull off longer hair as they once had, but there are some that still can. As for guys, one con is we lose a lot of our energy levels when we lose our testosterone, along with putting on weight. thumbs down I also believe that too much testosterone when one is younger can possibly lead to hair loss, but it's also true that genetics plays a roll in it as well.

I was surprised to learn that girls around 10 years old have more testosterone than boys their age starting out. After 13 or 14, boys start developing more testosterone than the girls at the same age, and then testosterone levels of boys really take off after that.

Girls seem to run high in my family, like every 15 years, we'll have a male born in the family. Not too often. I have one child, a daughter, so could it be the "X" factor and too much estrogen in the family? Could be, I'm blessed with a lot of hair. rolling on the floor laughing

My question to both genders on here is, as you're getting older, are you taking testosterone/estrogen pills, or plan to, or just don't care, let the chips fall where they may?

What's your opinion on this topic? Please share...
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Elon Musk sued over buying Twitter stock

Oh no, the world is coming to an end. rolling on the floor laughing Well, according to liberals when they're feathers get ruffled. Liberals love trying to control people and the narrative on everything. Free speech they try to stiffle if it's a view point that differs from their own. For example, Twiiter.

Yes, I do feel that free speech comes with responsibility, but I also believe that when one has a different view point than others, it should be heard. Given Twitter's track record, they delete comments, and ban people merely for opposing views. thumbs down

I don't think Elon Musk is a conservative, nor a Republican for that matter, however, he does agree with free speech. thumbs up
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The ideal first date

* First date setting.

* Events on the first date with that special someone you meet.

* Bringing your date home after your first night out for a stay over...

* Sleeping on the first date

Share your thoughts on each above.

Pet Peeves

I have a few of them, but it seems like as I get older, the list grows a bit.

Here are some of mine...

1. People that don't use turn signals when you're behind them

2. Slow a** drivers (this includes people inside places like Walmart that hog the aisle with their shopping carts while on their cell phones, and who are not very attentive of anyone around them, care) lollygagging. I like to get in and out when I go into a store.

3. Stereo systems in cars (kicker systems) that people (mostly young guys) that turn the bass and tremble up high vibrating windows and other things. thumbs down

4. Rude and inconsiderate people

5. crappy neighbors

6. noise pollution

7. Cigarette smoke and cigarette butts people throw anywhere.

8. Spam/scam phone calls of any kind.

I'm sure you all have yours out there. Feel free to share them...
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A song that really annoys you a lot

We all have songs that annoy the hell out of us. Here's mine...

Feel free to share if you have any...
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Best and worst body and personality feature

Everyone's got a good and bad feature to them, whether it be a body feature, or a personality feature.

Feel free to share yours

NFL quarterback killed this morning

Wow, it was a bit off a shocker when I heard this sad new this morning. He had just signed with Pittsburgh about two weeks ago.

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Who Dey!

For fun, give your opinion on who the winner and score will be. I say Bengals 28-16!

Embedded image from another site
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Making New Years resolutions

Many people try to avoid making New Years resolutions for whatever their reason may be. However, I for one actually enjoys making at least one to start the new year off. Sadly, many of the ones I have made over the years had failed to stick. rolling on the floor laughing

That's not going to stop me again this year. Have always thought making resolutions were fun, and trying to improve oneself. That's how I look at it.

Have you made any resolutions over the years, and was it a success, or bust?

Plan on making one for the upcoming year, and if so, care to share?
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