Is Fear the Real Virus?

Since March 2020 the world has been subjected to the most draconian measures ever applied in peace-time. Although the extent of the restrictions has varied from country to country, it’s undeniable that for the vast majority of people, at least in the western world, there has been a massive erosion of basic human rights and freedom. All this for a virus that has a 99% plus survival rate for the majority of those infected.

It has completely mystified me that so many people have accepted measures such as lockdowns, mask mandates, social distancing, testing and quarantining of people who have no symptoms whatsoever. What has puzzled me the most is that so many people have complied with most of these dictates without taking the time to consider the inconsistencies in what they are being told. For example, if the so-called vaccines that have been promoted mercilessly are really effective, why are people still required to continue practising social distancing and wearing masks? This makes no sense. Yet, so many people comply mindlessly.

In the UK the COVID response has been driven by The Behavioural Insights Team. Recently the Telegraph newspaper reported that members of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour (SPI-B) have openly admitted that their work in using psychology to influence public COVID reactions is unethical and totalitarian. Was the real aim to create so much fear and anxiety in the general population that they would willingly comply with dictates they would otherwise have rebelled against? Was it also the intention to create such a degree of fear that the majority of people, many of whom were perfectly healthy, would willingly allow themselves to be injected with these mRNA experimental ‘vaccines’ that have no long-term safety data?

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Comments (212)

Salk vaccine for polio was 3 shots - I had them around 1955-6
Don't patronise people who are cleverer than you, ana_g.

It's not a good look.

Not that you're anything more than a sock puppet who can take advantage of your other profile deleting comments highlighting your lack of reasoning.

I just wonder what you get out of endangering lives with this kind of petty manipulation. Not that it feels petty to you.

I've got some wet wipes somwhere if your screen is kinda, y'know, sticky.

You’ve summed up really well what we’re facing. Whether people like it or not we will be faced with the Great Reset and the depopulation agenda that’s all part of Agenda 2030. ‘You’ll own nothing and be happy.’ If people are unwilling or unable to see it because of being in a state of fear, as you said they will be forced to learn some tough lessons. That was the reason that I called this blog - Is Fear the Real Virus? But, unfortunately the significance of the title was misunderstood by some people.
From the very beginning, the media claimed how children are not impacted by covid.
Now, they are changing the story.
Today, I saw an article on the yahoo page claiming how 5 year old died from covid; that kind of news manipulate masses into accepting vaccination of children.

You have to be so utterly stupid to believe that children should be vaccinated.

The fact that the vaccination has been pushed to children is a good enough reason to question everything.
Define real and blame logic. rolling on the floor laughing China unleashes army of ‘warrior trolls’ to peddle myth that Covid pandemic was sparked by US bioweapon..

Embedded image from another site

thumbs up

by trolls-
The Great Reset. That's a book about getting humanity off the road to climate catastrophe? Right tell China to stop polluting this great ball we call home. twenty years of war and china didn't fall yet. rolling on the floor laughing The reset may have fueled global warming. The lockdowns shocked the earth and science can't fix stupid. I've seen some change in the weather.


Yes, I did mean Klaus Schwab. Sorry about the mis-spelling. If you took the time to listen respectfully to others that you may disagree with and stopped denigrating them, you might start to realise that Klaus Schwab along with many others on the world stage who are lauded as being philanthropists are in fact anything but. To engage in a meaningful discussion we need to be willing to look beneath the surface and consider alternative explanations, rather than be wedded to one particular view or belief system.

Good point. I wonder why all those who are so vigorously advocating that everyone should do their bit and take the ‘vaccine’ don’t pause and reflect upon that.
@ Shelora

It's difficult to have a debate with someone if your own policies and outlook on life differs from their own personal ideology.

I have no political agenda whatsoever yet am constantly scoffed at and called a "leftie"handshake

I really understand what you’re saying and I think it goes right to the crux of the difficulty in engaging with others, particularly in relation to controversial issues. Although it’s certainly not easy, I think we need to move beyond polarisation. I have friends who have different views on a number of subjects and sometimes it’s relatively easy to bridge the gulf and in doing so can be mutually enriching. But, when we’re dealing with strong ideologies, it’s clearly a lot more challenging, as we often don’t have enough common ground to appreciate the other person’s perspective. I think it benefits all of us to remain open to what someone else is saying, even if it makes no rational sense to us. At the end of the day, we’re all on a journey, life is transient and there’s so much we can learn from each other when we’re willing to listen. Ultimately no one has has all the answers.
@ Shelora

Thanks for your response. I and my partner are easy going people with hopefully no prejudices and take responsibility for our own and others lives.

I don't feel that because we chose to have a double vaccine that I am part of some grand scheme and that I have been "poisoned" as some will state. I live life to the full and am satisfied and happy and choose not to dwell on past events or even future ones. I live for the day, my partner family and pets, and if I wake up breathing I'm happy.grin
@op Fear? no I do not sense or see or feel it. Disinformation may be a virus however.

I agree that living in the present moment is the most important thing we can do. After all, it’s all we really have. No one knows for certain what the next moment, never mind the next year will bring.

Personally I know quite a few people who hold a philosophy that’s not that dissimilar to yours. I’m just a deep thinker, which doesn’t always make for a comfortable life, but I think we each have to follow where our heart takes us. For me, that’s about making sense of the world, the bigger picture and my own place within that.
In the county in which I'm residing -
Presumably, the Less Serious Delta Variant is starting to spread through unvaxed young folks like a Prairie Fire.

The new case rate is Rising - There've been NO Deaths in Two WEEKS
... First time that's happened in Over a Year ... very happy

If young folks Are spreading it to older folks - The oldsters are Also surviving.

Takeaway -
Presumably, unvaxed folks of All ages are Alive, have Acquired Antibodies & the Human Herd is moving Ever Closer to Immunity ... cheering


@Tiger, everyday above ground is a good day as said in scarface purple heart

To the ones who think the masses taking the jab are scared in to it by media: no we're not.
Covid19 kills and even more get permanently ill with socalled long covid; a state of lowered quality of living.
So no, we calculated for and against based on the info we've got and chose to take the risk of a unproven vax.
Along the lines of Donald Trumps "right to try" ideas.
cheers cheers
cheers cheers cheers

Rose did you see the ambulance in cannonball run?
reminds me of yurs, and that mad scientist doc coming out with eyes crossed laugh

(just a shortlived highjack Shelora)..
As the man says, it's not either or.
Sticking up for your right to choices
does not always have to be seen as
an implication of fear.
Creating fear to the masses, creates control.....control creates a socialist regime
They appears to be a huge fear in the US of caring about other people.

Like somehow, liking people and wanting the best for them will be the undoing of us all.
@ Calliopsiegirl

So do you consider all those on here who forewarn us about having a vaccine and scaremongering are socialists, or just plain old dictators trying to control our lives.dunno
Callio -
Marxists advance their agenda by Two means -

1) Fear ... 2) Free Stuff.

Lookin' kinda Familiar? ... Mmmm?? ... uh oh

thumbs up
Got That Right!

Marxist's change their ways and means but never their aims .
This is not just a mask...this is an M&S mask...

The rest of us are using Aldi cheapo's and were fine.
@ Jac Recommended daily intake of Ivermec is limited by the size of the cows , bigger cattle have a bigger dose , that is fact , even a calf at a 100 kgs dressing out at 50 would limit most peoples RDI by the sheer size of the meal . And if some body needs to eat 50 kg's in one day that person must surly have internal parasites needing a dose of Ivermec to knock them back a bit .

I am aware of the claim that all the work on the vaccines had been done before covid , Seems to me those claims have been made to fit the rhetoric about the safety of the vaccines since problems arose
With regard to the way that politicians lie to further their own objectives, I’m re-posting the link for the Martin Noakes song ‘The Trial of Tony Blair’.

Greetings once again from formerly farm friendly Fresno-- home of the Underground Garden
And anti-thesis of Geneva, Switzerland.

Your $yntax is like a Cobalt- Cyanide Cruise missle
Headed for the nearest Liberal hippocampus..
Because YOU have become their worst possible
Reality.....& Nightmare
Female Non- FEMA Euro Truuf
In resonance with McBob & Wing Command.
Fear controls the masses! Make sure yall give em your guns!

Yes, that’s certainly true and there’s no doubt that fear has been a driving force in all of this. I would go even further and say that not only is the media feeding the public half truths, but at times it’s actually downright lies. The media is absolutely complicit in the false narrative and needs to be called to account for their part in promoting this.
You write interesting blogs that I enjoy reading.
Only problem for me is that if a blog goes lets say over 40 or 50 comments then I lose track of the direction and its not viable to go back to page whatever for a refresher or a reference.

Do you remember the science fiction line of books: DUNE?

Fear is the mind-killer.

Now consider that just a few months before Covid broke out, Bill Gates, et al, war-gamed the exact scenario we've been enduring in a strategy session called EVENT 201.

Evidently, Bill Gates' father was a fan of Eugenics... you know.. the very thing that made the Germans of the 1940's so unpopular.

Well, in the USA we had Sanger, our own, domestic Eugenics icon.

Bill Gates, largest civilian landowner of agricultural land in the USA, and worth over $97 BILLION dollars (with a B), has been involved in Third World "vaccines" which also sterilized women, using recombinant DNA.

All this was planned.

I think this is a very good point and I’m not sure how it can best be managed when there’s a large number of comments. Clearly, the direction of a blog is determined by people’s comments and, as you say, it’s easy to lose touch with the original thread. But, in this case, I think that a number of the early comments veered away from the actual theme and that we’ve now come full circle to the real issue of fear being used to control people’s behaviour, so that they willingly accept measures that otherwise they would have rebelled against.

Thanks for the link to the article about the conference of an international team of professionals and patient advocates. In Dr Roger Hodkinson’s presentation he apparently described what has taken place on a global scale ostensibly to combat the ‘pandemic’ as a ‘totally unnecessary, grotesque human tragedy.’

I’m going to quote what he is reported to have said about the use of fear in driving governments’ responses.
‘This is a pandemic of fear. Fear that was intentionally driven by two major factors. The notorious PCR test and the viciously effective silencing of any counter-narrative. The PCR test creates over 95% false positives in perfectly well people and drives the graphs in the morning papers where these false positives are called cases. They are no such thing; you are being lied to’.

We have to start asking why no opposing views to the official narrative are being allowed and why all critics are being discredited and silenced. If we accept that we are being lied to on a massive scale, we then have to ask ourselves why this is happening. What is underneath it?

Thanks also for the links related to Eugenicists. We have our own brand here in the UK. The recently deceased Prince Philip made a comment some years ago, which has been well documented, that when he died he would like to come back as a virus. So, if a new virus appears unexpectedly on the horizon, perhaps it means that he’s reincarnated in the form that he wanted. Stanley Johnson, the father of UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has written a book about World Population and he has also been described as a eugenicist. He also wrote a fictional story, which was first published in 1982 called ‘The Marburg Virus’ and then was subsequently republished as ‘The Virus’ in 2020. It tells the story of a mysterious virus that occurs and the forces that go to great lengths to keep the virus’ origins under wraps. Does this sound uncannily familiar? Are we to believe that Stanley Johnson has psychic powers and knew in 1982 what was going to play out in roughly 40 years time, Or, much more likely, was he just in the know about what was planned for the future. One reviewer of ‘The Virus’ said:
‘Stanley Johnson wants to reduce population. If only he had practised what he preached and had not had Boris, we would all be better off without the tyranny that son, Boris, has brought to all of us’.
How many children has his son, Boris, actually had? I wonder if anyone really knows!

I haven’t actually seen that Harry Potter episode, but from your description it certainly does seem to mirror what’s being played out right now in the world. Yes, we’re definitely entering a new era of tyranny. Many of the things now taking place under the guise of health would have seemed completely unbelievable just a few short years ago. Yet bleak as it may seem at times, there are a few encouraging signs, with more people starting to wake up to what’s really going on. Things are only going to change when enough people refuse to comply with the tyrannical dictates.

Years from now, looking back on your life from Heaven, or Nirvana, or (as Dan Akroyd from the original GHOSTBUSTERS might have said) your selected postmortem parallel dimension, what will you have done to acquit yourself?

Sounds like you are doing the right thing to keep truth alive.

As we have seen, there are those who want the truth to be silenced, and no warning given to the uninformed and ill-informed.



Gurl, you so flyy.

(And yes, the lyrics are spot on.)
Meet the Author of this Blog


Inverness, Highland, Scotland, UK

I believe in savouring every moment to the full. Having just turned 70, I want to make the most of this stage of life and would love to find someone to share the adventure with. My interests include travel and experiencing other cultures, spending ti [read more]

About this Blog

created Jul 2021
Last Viewed: 8 mins ago
Last Commented: Aug 2021
Last Edited: Oct 2021
Last Liked: Jul 2021
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