This blog is a little deviation from my usual one and it is very personal. It is about salvaging the memories by keeping photos of my past. My life as documented on those lovely pictures which were secured until three months ago.

Today, I just found out what happened to them and it led to my most unbelievable never before happened anger. I have become so vile, so violent (with no one but myself alone in my room) so hateful, so mad and so unreal. I never thought I can capably be this person, and for a moment, it led me to thinking that we, humans, are indeed so flawed and so destructive when we lost control. When we are triggered with the most unusual emotions brought about by some kind of betrayal and deceit.

This is the point of my blog. The friendship that I thought was built upon trust and love and respect..The friendship that started 40 years ago from College.

I don't have so many close friends. In fact I only have about three that I consider truly as my friends whom I maintain communication, being a confidant and truly there when you need them.. What a mistake. What a very widely misconceived perception. What a revelation.

Having been raised as a very respectful and humble person from a very poor but loving family, I do know that I possess civility, politeness and professionalism as required by the code of conduct as a College professor for a very long time. Trained to be always slow to anger, be diplomatic and be always objective at whatever challenges and or issues pertaining to any misunderstanding and or differences with others. In short, I would much rather avoid aggressive persons than engage and or face them head on. That is why I so believe in the Golden Rule and the provisions of DESIDERATA. But today, it all flew out the window. All those years of training. All the efforts of calculated discipline. All the merits of good conduct and behavior all went KAPUT. SIPPO, NADA.

Today I became the most hateful, cynical, irrational. and animal so out of control with no trace of kindness, humility and understanding as I have always been throughout my life. Today I was totally consumed by anger that eventually turned to sorrow and pain. The betrayal I felt was so deep and so beyond healing.

So I used to live in a very big house, which the last one, lost in the economic meltdown (2008), as most of our asset and investment that could have made me retire in 2010 and donate my time to the UN's program of Humanitarian services relative to poverty and hunger. Well I changed so much from that awful loss and experience and eventually triggered my divorce after being happily married for 25 years. I never knew what happiness truly was, until that divorce. Not that I wasn't happy then, it's just that being institutionalized in the supposedly blessings and holy sacrament of marriage, I found out, what a beautiful world there is after so long. Being alone and free. Being able to do things without any obligation towards anyone as to how you spend your time. Anyways, don't get me wrong, I would be married again, if so needed but for right now, I truly am happy. Being single and alone, free.

Anyways, where was this going to? Here you go. So I got rid of everything. So much, even the most expensive furniture ordered from Italy, that covered three living rooms, 4 bedrooms and three bath rooms, poof went to the goodwill all those that were not sold in the moving sale. Except for my own bedroom set which I still have and my suits and shoes..and dining table. .Bottom line, from that to a little room I now have, living with my middle daughter, who wanted me to live with her so I can help in my grand son and some expenses in the rent.

Continues on the comment. Thanks..
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Comments (45)

hi my friend Lindsy,

I understand how difficult it must be for you, but once something's done, it's done.

What I'm trying to say.. Dont let these trials in life change you. Keep on being the wonderful, intelligent, caring and sweet lady that you are.. and please.. find reason to smile.. for your smile helps brighten the world and make it all a better place.

sincerely.. thumbs up hug
Robert thank you so much and yes, I will just have to accept it, that is all.

thanks Robert and I will visit the story as I really want to know the ending.
You know Lyndsy..sometimes I think you live in la la land...anyone is capable of anything..and its nice hearted people like you that will get trodden on first...its the people that have no regrets for their actions, or conscience that you have to worry about...I tell you what..and please dont take this the wrong way, but I find it distasteful that you mention your wealth..the flash furniture and so on in your post..these are all material things we as bloggers don't really need to know about..just keep it simple and say you had it all, then lost it...

Now reflect on your past..did this happened for a reason ?..or were you just greedy baving nice furniture from Italy..instead of having the basics and investing that hard earned cash on paying off the my opinion you lived to your means...and you got bit clean in the a**. I stand by my comments I made long way back...25 years of a good marriage does not dissolve because of you both losing your retirement..if anything it should have brought you closer to work harder.

Now back to the original post...friends after 40 years....there is only one person i can trust and thats my brother...ive found and lost many friends because of them taking advantage..never trust anyone..then you won't be disappointed..least of all trust people on dating sites.

Peace and love...brothers and sisters..head banger
The late,late, late comment.

Time to put my two cents worth indoh
Photos are great to keep visions of the past and relive those times. I`d be really unhappy as well if I lost all those photo`s too. Which did happen at home many moons ago so I kindah know how you feel especially when you want to show your children. I only have two photo`s of my grandprents in Ireland all that I know of what they look like is in them. My heart goe`s out to you.
But as you are now alot calmer after that storm of loosing your photo`s.
Everyone makes mistakes and true friends are rare. I am lucky to be blessed with a few friends that when I lost everything as you did they were there for me and were a great help even though they were living in differant countries.
Look at loseing your photo`s as an oppertunity now. You are still young looking at your profile and if you close your eye`s and remember every photo you took is inside of you, the feelings, smells,sounds.
Now you can start a new project life in photo`s start taking hoto`s again...This might upset you at the start but with every photo you are again creating your legacy for your family. photo`s of maybe a walk or drive, meals with family and friends, sunsets all of these you can take again. Then years later you can sit back and reminise over the ones you took. Technology has given you the oppertunity now to store 1000000000`s of photo`s be it on memory stick actual photo`s on the internet Icloud. and may more places you can store these memories for future family generations.

P.S. Hope I did`nt upset you with this comment.
Kinetonian I'm crying as I'm reading your comment. How hurtful I still am and perhaps for a long time, because you're right, this would have been a way of them to know their roots.

But thanks a lot Kin for the great and timely message you accorded me, AND NO YOU DIDN'T UPSET ME.

On the contrary you make me feel better.

Thanks again Kin.
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