Granting We Have A Chance To Be Someone

For one day, who would be him or her that we choose to?

Better yet, who would you be should choice is yours and why?

Mine is Mother Teresa.

Thanks for joining me and I love you all.hug

After such a not too good of an experience, I am glad to be back.

Thank you all my friends.
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Comments (22)

well now who would we like to be for a day I would like to be me like back when I was twenty with the knowledge I have now id make some small changes nothing much a bit more education was out of school at 12 wisdom is all that was missing yeah 20 would be good have no desire to be anyone else really
John thanks for that insight. Would it be nice then? All of who you have become only full of wisdom?

But I am sure you are in good shape John and can still be who you really set yourself to be.


What do you do?
I can remember a girl at school asking me that very question and I couldn't answer it as I didn't wish to be anyone else despite my unhappy past.

This is a real challenge for me and I still can't think of anyone but I did admire Tony Ben (deceased English Politician) as I could never argue with his point of view.
wave I wish to be no one else but me. I was created to do what I'm doing and Mother Theresa was created to do what she did. I like her though do want to be better at being myself!roll eyes teddybear bouquet
Hi lindsy

I like John Lennon

but wanting to be him is envied him.wave
Rain thanks for your input and there are so many of us, no doubt who wants to be who they are, and that is fine. I am more like the impact and influence of one's bearing to us.

It is not like you have to be who they are but their contributions to the world and humanity is a lesson and a merit worth emulating.

Theresa no problem. You do have a point. In reality, we are all different.. 7 billion people and there is only one Jesus and one Bill Gates and so on and get what I mean.

I am not here to even suggest of disowning who you are and or anyone for that matter Just that with the way we live our life, there are those that has been gifted to do bigger than any of us in their own ways for the enhancement and improvement of this world.

That is all.
John Lennon must have inspired millions Bung and even today his legacy on living principles for unity and kindness speaks volumes. I am one of his student. The influence and result of his gift is that we know now how expensive peace is due to our distorted values. He applied simplistic approach to achieving peace from within our hearts and that is a principle, I believe, that is so taken for granted.
Hi LJ, Me? Definitely ol Bill Gates. I'll do some serious transferring of funds and I can assure you that with all that cash available I will sponsor any charity Mother Theresa suggests.. laugh wine
I'd be a CS mod for a day hmmm rolling on the floor laughing
Z my most admirable man at this blog domain. I would make you the CS mod for life. But fair enough, the judgment you have to pass will definitely be a bar of no comparison Z. I do want to hear if you had it, would there be a specific way to apply rules apart from the ones we dealt with here now? And what would you change..?

Thanks Z
Hmmmm, interesting question confused I might be tempted to replace one or two current members with some old ones laugh rolling on the floor laughing laugh
Z would that involve quite an evolution as to who they were and who they have become?

Share me the gist Z, of course, part of the current rule is to leave the expose of such an unsubstantiated character attack but we all know there are so many on here who were now changed to who they are and perhaps who they are becoming to be.

But we can, insight what would be your reason, right?
Z what a great man you are indeed. Amen to that. What a beautiful soul and a very brilliant mind we lost indeed...I am hoping she could be back and just give us more inspiration and a reason to love the world.

What about I do have one, too,. and can I just say one of our erudite Non? I feel like having lost one of my limb with all the strength I acquired reaching out to his brilliant mind. And admiration I do so reserve to most decent and admirable man Z. I am most touched Z..bouquet teddybear
I know Lindsy. I have lots of information about dolphins and have written a few blogs about cetaceans.
I happen to have also a great connection with them...
When I go on a boat, not too far from the beach, they come near and jump about, go under the boat and come out on the other side playing... very impressive!

I haven´t seen Lucy. But last night there was a film on TV about a dolphin found on a beach and she had lost her tail so couldn´t swim but they made her an artificial one...
Beautiful true story!
I know that your fascination and interest on them beautiful animals and creatures is so high and strong and I do know you have blogged about them and I am here with you sharing your love for them my friend.

In Monterey California, there is a show about these intelligent creatures and as to what the extent of their capabilities both in senses and in the brain. Amazing.

Thanks again my friend..
Haven't thought about it before but I am sure it would be a person who has the power to change circumstances globally...Bill Gates would be a good choice as he has the money to effect change...anything from medical research to aiding people from all over the globe from hunger and improving the
I like Z's tact lol grin

Hiya Phyllis. It's good to see you reunion

well... for a day I'd like to be any person who truly knows "the peace that surpasses all understanding" ... i guess we'll all eventually know that experience directly but, i'd like to know it before i die (from this lifetime) rolling on the floor laughing

then, in knowing the experience, i could be and bring that gorgeous sense of peace into the world, if even for a day angel
Lou my friend that is a good choice.

He has indeed done a lot for the world like Luke's comments.

Take care my friend.
My most loved Beautiful You. Your presence on my blog is highly appreciated.

Love you my friend.
I knew that I had come face to face with someone whose
mere personality was so fascinating that.If I allowed it to do so
it would absorb my whole nature my whole soul my very being itself.

I would think before becoming anorther person
We have only to look at Dorian Gray..

Thanks fly, how is your farm.
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