It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America! (717)

Oct 14, 2010 5:34 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Pres. A went to the Israel/Lebanon border were he gave a anti Israel address in a Lebanese border town. 300 years from Israel. The locals built a replicate Dome of the Rock for Pres. A to speak from.

With local calling him a "mountain" that saved them from dreaded Israeli.
Pres. A was his old self. Israeli were the flith or the world...all Zionists will pushed from Palestines land.....etc.etc.etc.etc.

When a local Israeli settler heard the asked a local reporter.....'why does he not come here and say that?' It might have been the two Israeli attack helo that were circling over head. They do have a way of causing one to hesitate.

For his part Pres. N jumbs in to say...."We heard today the cursing and invectives from the Lebanon border. The best answer was given to the deriders was given 62 years ago-- the state and all we have built since."

Obviously this about the peace talks and about the west bank building of Israel. Pres. A is pushing Pres N to make a inflamatory statement so he can put the gas to a border end the peace talks.
Oct 14, 2010 5:46 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Yeah TT...George W Bush took over America with a huge surplus and where unemployment was not too high and during his eight stupid years on charge his regim created a million jobs only and that is it!

Eight years!!!!!!!!!!!! Think a bout it and be sure ur all dream kind of president(s) have been as lousy as George W Bush have been and none of those have been that hell of a president any way and just bobbled up once in a while because of billions used on them from corporations and oil and weapon and health industry and what ever anti environment forces with in America and in other countries as well.

So GWB,s 8 procent unemployment number, is actually a BS acheivment because back then America had a good economy and these one million jobs were mostly in builder business TT and privately created and because the american former government chosed closing eyes on crooks and liers milked americans and lend them much more money that they could pay back and made people going bank rupcy all over the country and made hundreds of tent towns all over America! you and ur guys did not noticed that at all of course... you were all Cocoonised back then you see?

I know too many americans do not even mind remembering this fact or have heard a bout it because they rather listened to comedy channels as Fox News or Boortz BS channel or stuff and by that had no real idea a bout what the heck was going on in America and that sad fact gives ur guys wind under wings... but still! No body can be sure that Buzo,s and not knowing a thing folks can be allowed to shape the feauter of the country any way and more people with knowledge will finally getting out and making their voices heard. America is under attack both by foreign and domestic fenatics and enemies of democracy and more equality and fairness but as I am concerned americans love their country and will not allow forces of darkness already taking it all back becasue of hatered and anger and fear and stupiditiy has a kind of momnetum right now because of economical desperation.

If all those americans really want to fight against poverty but also being laughed at and removed their possibilities to have a reasonable life even unemployed then they will sure go for repube heads and their end of days and totaly stupid agenda

Clinton that gave GWB that surplus...did not have two wars to fight. Did not have a 911 that cause the entire security appratus of the country to be changed to take on Islamic terrorism. The bst Clinton could do was to heat up a pill factory in the Sudan and make a hole in Afghanistan.

Fighting a real war...takes money. Those 8 years, a real war was fought....and largely won....until Mr. Appeasement came on the scene.
The GWB numbers are solid from the 5 to 8 unemployment to the 88% approval after 911 and a jumb to 60& approval after Iraq.

We did not have 288,000 home being foreclosed. And 1/10 of them in default. It was the DEM that managed that.

Beside we are not looking back. We are looking ahead to a House and Senate controlled by REP/Tea Party and then the 2012 Presidential. That bite you, big time.

What do you think? When the REP/Tea Party get control of Congress....think that it is time for a GWB honorium day? We can put that legislation together for you.....and then watch Pres. Obama sign it. Because he would.

Personally, I think that is a heck of idea. With the Islamic world making Pres. A a hero. Time for the US to make Pres. Bush Jr a hero.
Then when Pres. A goes to the Isreali/Lebanon border for a shout out, we can send GWB to match him.grin
Oct 14, 2010 6:00 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Nah TT I am not really agree with what you think regaridng theso called presidnet of Iran and his Libanon visit of course. What happend in Libanon under GWB and even because of GWB and the stupid whole scaled war on that country with tousands of dead and billions in dammages, made Libanon jumping in Iran arms because UN did not success what so ever forcing Israel paying war crime dammages against Libanon.

Not all libaneese are for this so called president of Iran, but majority of libaneese feeling them selves totaly neglected and forgotten after that stupid war of ur guys against them all for not a thing and with out any kinds of good results for Israel or for Libanon and too many fine human beings both in Israel and Libanon died for the sake of stupid and worthless and corrupted israeli politicians and their "forfathers" in the american government back then, who used a stupid excuse caused by a small group of stupid Hizbollah folks to attack all Lianeese infrastructur... even the matter could be taken cared of on much smaller scale and specialised operations instead of attacking civilians and using fosfor bombs on them even!

Libanon needs investments and rebuilding after that stupid war of ur guys TT and the country is still suffering because of that need and can not afford it and Israel do not want to pay a dime and then Iran comes along and pays and "money Matters" and that,s it!

A provocation is exactly what happened and I am totaly agree with Mr. Gibbs and THAT man being met with flags and flowers and stuff tells, there is a necessary need for Israel paying compensation because of the surely war crimes they did against Libanon and after that things will settle down much better over there.

Libanon is not a fenatic county traditionally and actually very free compairing to other middle eastern countries and they got Dicoteques and bars and Casiones over there you do not find in America even unless in Lasvegas or some where... but they got a need for more investments and Iran have absued your guys stupid war agianst Libanon and investing there.

Should "we" bomb Libanon because they are desperate and need help or should we make sure that the necessary help is there and not given by Iran only?

I am sure the second soloution is much more right and propper and actually is going to work. Right here and right now a true continuation of the corrupted ultra right winged government in Israel will not help Libanon less dependent on Iran and a stupid so called preisdent a of Iran receives a rock star welcome some places in Libanon... Make Hagee calling his cousin ur Uncle Netty and making him stop this BS and quiting his job and becoming a used car dealer some thing instead, if he really loves his country!
Oct 14, 2010 6:12 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Conrad73: Down with the IRS-GANGSTERS!

Down with Swiss banking system with holding stolen money of America and other nations tongue
Oct 14, 2010 6:13 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
agman: Maybe all political contributions should go to health care for
all Americans. I think that is a better use of money than
political ranging.
I am absoloutely agree agman... great point of view thumbs up
Oct 14, 2010 6:14 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Nah TT I am not really agree with what you think regaridng theso called presidnet of Iran and his Libanon visit of course. W

Libanon needs investments and rebuilding after that stupid war of ur guys TT and the country is still suffering

A provocation is exactly what happened and I am totaly agree with Mr. Gibbs and THAT man being met with flags and flowers

Libanon is not a fenatic county traditionally and actually very free compairing to other middle eastern countries and they got Dicoteques and bars and Casiones over there you do not find in America even unless in Lasvegas or some where... but they got a need for more investments and Iran have absued your guys stupid war agianst Libanon and investing there.

Lebanon not a fanatic country? Lebanon war....from 1975 to 1990. With an estimated 130,000 to 250,000 casualties. So is one of your more peaceful loving countries that dividy up Beriut so many time and so many ways....they ran out of colors. Green zone....yellow zone....

A lot of the casualities were because of Iran. And today Pres. A goes there and it being considered a hero and mountain to the country? The best the White House can come up with it is 'provocative'?

Not a word about Israel? Our closest alley in the region? Not a high five to Israel for putting up with Pres. A doing a shout out on the border? Gesh......they must be playing under the new College rules were you cannot taunt and celebrate in the end zone after a TD.
Oct 14, 2010 6:27 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Oct 14, 2010 6:33 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts

Imagine for one minute that you wake up the day after Election Day this year and the horrible has happened: Republicans have captured new majorities in the U.S. House and Senate.

Do you want to look back and wish that you remembered to vote or volunteer or contribute?

I sure as hell don't.

If you and I have regrets the day after the election here is what will have happened.

•Speaker Pelosi will have been replaced by Speaker Boehner.

•Prominent progressive chairs of important committees will lose their gavels. Of the twenty standing committees in the U.S. House, ten of them are chaired by members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

•Progressive champions like Rep. Alan Grayson would be gone. Senator Russ Feingold, one of the great defenders of the U.S. Constitution, would have lost his race.

•The likelihood of comprehensive legislation to address climate change or create a boom in renewable energies will all but disappear.

•The push for Social Security privatization will be revived under a Republican Congress.

•The minimum wage and unemployment benefits and Medicare will all come under new attacks from the Republican Congress.

•The good parts of health care reform and financial reform will be slowly weakened until they're meaningless -- and the hope of improving these pieces of landmark legislation will be tossed aside.

•The drumbeat of concerns or opposition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will suffer -- no hearings, no tough questions about the budgets.

•The push for equality for LGBT Americans and populations of color will get zero attention in these new Congresses as they revive decades-old attacks on Civil Rights.

•Tom DeLay-style corruption will have an open door. Rep. John Boehner, the likely new Speaker, has said he wants to look at doing away with the Office of Congressional Ethics.

•And with two years until the presidential election, you better believe that Republican-controlled committees in Congress will launch pointless investigations of President Obama and the Obama Administration in order to grab headlines and create false scandals.

I don't want to have any regrets the day after the election. I don't want to be part of letting all of these bad things happen. Do you?

Let me be clear that I do not share some dogmatic belief that Democrats are perfect or that the legislation or reforms of the last two years have pulled America up again. Not yet at least. I've been frustrated or disappointed with several positions taken by the administration or by an absence of leadership in some areas. I've also been excited, happy or encouraged by some policy changes.

But you know what, it is perfectly normal and OK to hold two seemingly contradictory feelings: frustration and a desire that Democrats kick some Republican butt on Election Day.

This is just like how a parent can be angry with the child they love. But there is no way in hell you're going to let somebody come into your house and push your kid around.

These new Tea Party Republicans are going to make Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay look like socialists.

Do you want to have these regrets? Or do you want to know that you did everything you could? In the end, that is really the choice each of us has whether we're progressive, liberal, moderate, Democrat, Independent, a third party or even conservative.

I know what I'm choosing: no regrets.
Oct 14, 2010 6:37 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: O,Reily one of the heads of the stupid :

OReilly drove Whoopie and Beyheard off the set.....all he said was "Muslims killed us on 911". They fled like wounded ducks. Liberal have to toughen up some. You are so frigin sensitive.

There was 19 Muslim hijacker on those planes. It was planned by a Islamic terrorist organization of 70,000. What ORielly said was accurate and honest.

Why is that so hard to understand?dunno
Oct 14, 2010 6:39 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts

Imagine for one minute that you wake up the day after Election Day this year and the horrible has happened: Republicans have captured new majorities in the U.S. House and Senate.

Do you want to look back and wish that you remembered to vote or volunteer or contribute?

I sure as hell don't.

If you and I have regrets the day after the election here is what will have happened.

•Speaker Pelosi will have been replaced by Speaker Boehner.

•Prominent progressive chairs of important committees will lose their gavels. Of the twenty standing committees in the U.S. House, ten of them are chaired by members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. •Progressive champions like Rep. Alan Grayson would be gone. Senator Russ Feingold, one of the great defenders of the U.S. Constitution, would have lost his race.•The likelihood of comprehensive legislation to address climate change or create a boom in renewable energies will all but disappear.•The push for Social Security privatization will be revived under a Republican Congress.•The minimum wage and unemployment benefits and Medicare will all come under new attacks from the Republican Congress.•The good parts of health care reform and financial reform will be slowly weakened until they're meaningless -- and the hope of improving these pieces of landmark legislation will be tossed aside. •The drumbeat of concerns or opposition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will suffer -- no hearings, no tough questions about the budgets.•The push for equality for LGBT Americans and populations of color will get zero attention in these new Congresses as they revive decades-old attacks on Civil Rights.•Tom DeLay-style corruption will have an open door. Rep. John Boehner, the likely new Speaker, has said he wants to look at doing away with the Office of Congressional Ethics.•And with two years until the presidential election, you better believe that Republican-controlled committees in Congress will launch pointless investigations of President Obama and the Obama Administration in order to grab headlines and create false scandals.

I don't want to have any regrets the day after the election. I don't want to be part of letting all of these bad things happen. Do you?

Let me be clear that I do not share some dogmatic belief that Democrats are perfect or that the legislation or reforms of the last two years have pulled America up again. Not yet at least. I've been frustrated or disappointed with several positions taken by the administration or by an absence of leadership in some areas. I've also been excited, happy or encouraged by some policy changes.

But you know what, it is perfectly normal and OK to hold two seemingly contradictory feelings: frustration and a desire that Democrats kick some Republican butt on Election Day.

This is just like how a parent can be angry with the child they love. But there is no way in hell you're going to let somebody come into your house and push your kid around.

These new Tea Party Republicans are going to make Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay look like socialists.

Do you want to have these regrets? Or do you want to know that you did everything you could? In the end, that is really the choice each of us has whether we're progressive, liberal, moderate, Democrat, Independent, a third party or even conservative.

I know what I'm choosing: no regrets.

So you are going to get ACORN to register you to vote?
Oct 14, 2010 6:55 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
ttom500: OReilly drove Whoopie and Beyheard off the set.....all he said was "Muslims killed us on 911". They fled like wounded ducks. Liberal have to toughen up some. You are so frigin sensitive.

There was 19 Muslim hijacker on those planes. It was planned by a Islamic terrorist organization of 70,000. What ORielly said was accurate and honest.

Why is that so hard to understand?

The only regret is that both of them returned to the set.

I wouldn't be suprised if that wasn't pre-planned. If O'Reilly said something that didn't set well w/the, they'd leave.

Almost sounds like it.
Oct 14, 2010 7:07 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: Upset about all the REP money for the campaign? Dude remember the Wall street feel by 10000 after Obama won in 2008? I said that was rich Americans taking money out of the country to offshore accounts.

Now they are bringing someone of it back.

That all that is happening here.

A real good way of explaining all those tax cheaters of the Republican party of America stealing americans money and hidden those in foreign countries as Switserland and else where and then using the same stolen money bringing back more thieves back on power... Victor Corleone would become a great Republican president for America tongue
Oct 14, 2010 7:07 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: So you are going to get ACORN to register you to vote?
laugh tongue doh
Oct 14, 2010 7:22 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
This is one of THEIR symbols of purity and "real american" values:

Beware America... THEY want it all back already uh oh
Oct 14, 2010 7:40 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Repube heads second Watergate scandal is a reality, and they are still blah blah blahing a bout the mosque in New york or a bout Beck knows more than all scientists and politicians and whom so ever combined and calling Palin an american Jean d. ark for keeping people as a damn Fool and forcing them forget all a bout what power holders brought America in the situation of today and deleivered an America lost a 750,000 jobs amounth, and a huge deficit, and big owe to China, and millions of poor, and tousands of ameircan military casualties in a Dumb war, and collapsing economy and collapsing american industry... to Obama and his administration!

What does it take making IRS revealing Republicans and their huge tax cheater industry??? America could have the world,s best Universal health care by regaining a tenth of the money stolen by repube heads during the Bushney years alone I bet!
Oct 14, 2010 7:45 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Oct 14, 2010 7:49 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Oct 14, 2010 8:05 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: A real good way of explaining all those tax cheaters of the Republican party of America stealing americans money and hidden those in foreign countries as Switserland and else where and then using the same stolen money bringing back more thieves back on power... Victor Corleone would become a great Republican president for America

There is nothing illegal about moving money around the world, Dude. Warren Buffett does it all the time.
Oct 14, 2010 8:21 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: Just listened to ORielly's tonight show. He said it was not pre planned.

But hey maybe the view ladies have a hidden signal for doing 'get outs'.

Personally if it was me.... that apology that OReilly gave.....would be along time coming. They could have sat in the back all day and all night pouting before a apology came from here.

But I agree this for show.....what are the View ratings presently? You got to know that this will make the talk shows for the next week.

yeah... America has all gone teaparty stupid and no body watched the View no more ... they just watch Fox and Friends and eating Camel meat on barbecue directly from King Fahad tongue
Oct 14, 2010 8:22 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: There is nothing illegal about moving money around the world, Dude. Warren Buffett does it all the time.
Trying to help ur brothers who are in deep deep trouble TT? rolling on the floor laughing
Oct 14, 2010 8:37 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Trying to help ur brothers who are in deep deep trouble TT?

Not the way this mid term is shaping up, Dude. They don't need much of my help at all.

try this link:

Oct 14, 2010 9:22 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: ur link I cant open TT... or it says the article can not be found... try a gain please?

Think of it this way Dude:

The last four letters in American.........
I Can

The last four letters in Republican......
I Can

The last four letters in Democrats
rolling on the floor laughing
Oct 14, 2010 10:26 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: yeah... America has all gone teaparty stupid and no body watched the View no more ... they just watch Fox and Friends and eating Camel meat on barbecue directly from King Fahad

No Dude, they only barbecue pork...then toss it in front of Mosques. laugh
Oct 14, 2010 10:30 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: A real good way of explaining all those tax cheaters of the Republican party of America stealing americans money and hidden those in foreign countries as Switserland and else where and then using the same stolen money bringing back more thieves back on power... Victor Corleone would become a great Republican president for America

Are you confusing John (I was a war hero) Kerry and his 1/2 million tax dodging boat? confused
Oct 15, 2010 7:23 AM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
AP report out on the Tea Party canidate. Of the 70 that are running for House offices, 35 are in 'competitive' races. If you took 1/2 of those to be election wins.....17-18.....and then add another 20 by REP....then the DEM lose majority in the House.

With 1/2 of the Tea Party canidates running respectful races, this means the party will survive to the 2012. The question now become does the Tea Party place its own Presidential campaign together or does it unite with the REP party to run a singular campaign.

Here in lies the hope for Obama to repeat in 2012. A running Tea Party canidate would split the IND/Conservative/Mod vote that has been built.
Like Ross Perot did.

Realistically could a Sarah Palin win on a sole Tea Party platform? The answer is not likely. But she could win on a united Tea Party and REP platform. Could other long term REP canidate acquire the Tea Party in 2012? A Huckabee or Ginrich? Again both are possibilities.

After the mid terms, the inner politicing of the leading canidates of REP and the TEA Party have to watched with great interest. For my guess is the some inner agreements among them are going to hammer out a singular platform. They know that divided they fall, united they succeed in dethroning Barack Obama in 2012.

Another aspect is....with 17-18..winning TEA Party canidates in 2010. Will the Tea Party run a larger number candiates for 2012? There again, I think that the answer is yes. There is no reason not to. The DEM will still be stuck to President Obama and their votes for Obamacare and TARP. Rhino REP will still be there for culling. So in 2012, the TEA Party caucus could quickly grow to the 40-60 figure.

Add in a possible 20 wins in the Governor races and a projected 10-12 in the Senate, the TEA Party/REP of 2010 will have turned the tide against DEMs and President Obama. With a unseating of Harry Reid and
Nancy Pelosi as the minority whip....both would be like cherries and whip cream to the TeaParty/REP sundea that has been made in 2010. And that, future generations of Americans can only be thankful for in lower taxes.

But let us not count our chicks until they hatch......but let us sure cheer them on as they end the Barack Obama/DEM machine of 2008.
Oct 15, 2010 8:54 AM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
It happens every Sept. 30th. What is that you ask? The Federal Budget year end. And then about this time of the year they publish the annual

The 2010 calendar year......was better than the 2009 year by $125b.
The DEM were able to the reduce the largest deficit in the countries history from $1.4 trillion to deficit only $1.29 trillion in 2010.

You know those 'pay as you go' rules.

So in only two years the countries total deficit has risen by $2.29 trillion. Doing some math here....they are deficit spending 31.369b
per day at this rate. do you spend 31b in day? That is counting Saturdays, Sundays and holidays....even when the banks are closed by the way. Were do they get the money when the banks are close, I wonder?

We thought....GWB 10b per month for Iraq was bad! That is very small potatoe to what the Obama Administration is doing. Not even french fries!

So what does 31b a day buy you?

Um.....not a new road, rail line or airport. President Obama wants another $50b for those projects. Not a end to the forecloser crisis.
Fannie and Freddie still wants $800b to end that. Not the new Obamacare,
that is all to be funded after 2014, remember? By subscriptions. Not a new tax break for the country, the DEM are still trying to decide the BUSH tax cuts remember?

31b a day buys you....Nancy Pelosi flying coast to coast in a new Gulfstream V. The Vs seats around 20...Nancy likes her space. It buys you, Michele taking the girls to the coast of Spain for a holiday, with 50 in attendance and 75 secret service agents for security. It buys you, Barack Obama flying Air Force One to make campaign addresses and fund raisers. All very Presidential and all very expensive.

But the aviation here is only small potato of 31b per day. Sure the DoD budget is in there. But NASA got hacked and wacked...the price tag for a shuttle flight is mere $39m.

What 31b per day buys a massive FED Gov't. One that competes with the private industry for employee, resources, and funding. Ain't that this massive Federal government is going to compete with private enterprise....for health insurance, for health care, for providing other goods and services to Americans....and others around the world.

Want to know why private enterprise is not responding well to the Obama stimulus......31b per day is a reason. Why go into competition with the FEDERAL Government that can tax you and outspend you into bankruptcy? It make no sense to. The FED government is trying to privatise some projects now....toll roads, light rail projects ect....But would private enterprise capitol want to buy into a FED project?

When President Obama is going build a high speed rail service to compete with you. Built a super highway to parallel your toll road.

Yes....that is why American capitolism is not responding well to being stimulated by the Obama Administration.
Oct 15, 2010 9:31 AM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Friday.....tomorrow....Pres. Obama has a deadline to make. One in which he will either tick the Red Dragon off royally. Or continue to hinder economy of the US.

How did he get into the position?

It is the deadline Congress (note the term DEM controlled Congress applies here) has placed on the Administration to making a formal charge to China's manupilation of its currency.

If he makes the ticked off RED Dragon. A RED Dragon that just backed down on the South China issue with Japan. And just ask for talks with Taiwan. Funny timing there on both of those developments. A RED dragon needed for the NKorean situation.

If he does not make the charge.....then the trade deficit with the RED dragon continue to increase and US jobs are lost abroad. The US economy suffers further.

Well those 300 foreign policy advisors better spending some time with this one. Allot is hanging on the decision. Both have long term consquences. Both effect main street USA and votes there in 2012. But declaring China a currency manupilator does get him votes, in 2012.

Personally, I think that he going to charge China with the currency manupilations. They have been leaning that way. It was the Administration that had brought the issue up. Sent Ghiethenr and Clinton to China to have talks on. So to back down? Not a sign of a powerful and in control administration.

Then the ball is back in the RED Dragon's court. The RED dragon just made a offer to buy 1/3 interest in a US oil firm. It could effect that.
But I think that it more in the regional Pacific rim area that the RED Dragon will take her revenge. More aid to the Thailand military hunta? More food and fuel for NKorea? Build and field the Dong Fung D21 carrier killing cruise missile sooner? End talks with Taiwan?

The RED Dragon has got some choice here as well. What ever it (they) is (are) ....we ain't going to like it (them).grin
Oct 15, 2010 4:26 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
The DEM circular fire squad began to take shape. As the DEM party is ending funding for DEM canidates that had voted for various pro Obama Administration policies and bills.

DEM that stood firm against the Obamacare and TARP are doing better in their campaigns. And those that supported the bills are getting axed both in the poll numbers and in DEM party funding. So trying to save majority, the DEMs again shift their campaign ad funding strategy.

This is like jumping into the life boat from a sinking ship only to find
someone has drop a anchor thru the bottom of the boat and it is taking on water.

With little over 2 weeks to go to mid much effect these late campaign ads will have remains to be seen. If most of the electrocrate have decided....and less that 5% remains undecided....then poring money into the race....might have little effect.

But assuming these conservative DEMs do win. It just means that the House will have more votes to block Obama spending. So is win for the country no matter how it comes out.

Also could mean that Nancy Pelosi loses her whip position. Maybe she is standing center of the DEM firing squad at present. These are the DEMs that voted off her agenda.....and the DEM party is funding for thier re-election.

It has to hurt Nancy. Better go talk to DNC leadership on this sure that Biden and Kaine...will listen and give you a hug. But giving you a the money for propping up the liberal canidates, you would want in not going to happen.

As for REP and Tea Party land.....smiles all around. Sarah Palin a lightening rod has reduced her appearances. Giving the canidate debates more media exposure.

A Florida judge has approved the 20 state AG legal brief against Obamacare to continue. So pending Constitutional issue looming.
Oct 15, 2010 7:52 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Pork is great food, but unfortunatily both Muslims and Jewish do not want to eat it dunno

Nah Freddy... Saudi Arabia is paying all these repube heads and their tea party BS and barbequed Camels will be the feauter of the republican party of America wink

Actually... republicans feauter country the republic of Arizona is fabulous for Camel farming! Lots of space, dry land and so on, and their Saudi friend will really feel home when while visiting their american Gangsters! thumbs up
Oct 15, 2010 8:03 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Not bad Freddy! you have learned to think

Now now Dude... I've been thinking all along. I'll win you over! laugh
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