It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America! (717)

Oct 21, 2010 5:57 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
HJFinAZHJFinAZSun CIty, Arizona USA870 Threads 1 Polls 17,068 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Too many americans never even participating in any kinds of elections because of too complicated systems and beside not interested in politics generally as we are in Europe for example... and this lousy fact is too often on the benefit of right winged who know this well and are some times better gatheirng their troops than dems are

Yep......... Just like the last election where everyone on welfare that NEVER registered before got out to vote for a free ride..doh

Funny thing... I heard on CNN today that 54% of Americans say Obummer is a one termer..cheers
Oct 21, 2010 5:59 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: Somehow the innocent DEMs just got in the middle of the REP gunfight at Wall Street coral? And were wounded in the cross fire?

Dude, Dude, Dude....the Tea Party. Mid road. IND. Standing for American founding principles. 200 different afflitiated branches. Sara Palin retired from her REP AK governor position to to lead it. Party switching occurs all the time. Even Sara will tell you how they messed up the REP 2008 campaign....just ask her!

Stealing the anger of the American people? Now were would the Tea Party and REP leaders get a idea like that from? Chomskies book on liberal politics come to mind? That book President Obama admits to reading.

It is not that the DEMs made any of this anger in America! Americna sitting in devalued homes with fewer jobs.....wondering how they are going to pay for the deficits rung up by the Obama Administration. Wondering if the life they give their kids will be better than theirs.
Wondering if their kids will be paying till they are aged seniors for Obama's excesses and big government. No the gun fight at Wall Street was all REP caused.......between Bankers and REP.

You need a different choir to preach to...the American choir and congreation has gotten out of the pews....and is heading to the polls soon.

Google that TT and find out who told so... unless... Beck have issued a Fatwas against Google?uh oh
Oct 21, 2010 6:13 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
HJFinAZ: Yep......... Just like the last election where everyone on welfare that NEVER registered before got out to vote for a free ride..

Funny thing... I heard on CNN today that 54% of Americans say Obummer is a one termer..
Oh my HJ! Good to see you cheers

Then you mean like Obama got to hurry with his death panels hah?rolling on the floor laughing
Oct 21, 2010 6:17 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
No way November will be as bad for democrats as Bushney head endorsers beleive:

Oct 21, 2010 6:28 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Too many americans never even participating in any kinds of elections because of too complicated systems and beside not interested in politics generally as we are in Europe for example... and this lousy fact is too often on the benefit of right winged who know this well and are some times better gatheirng their troops than dems are

Dude have ever seen a American ballot? No?

Well the Florida in both English and Spanish. Just filled in the oval with a pencil. If you cannot do that. They have a special electronic system...that will give a touch screen ballot. If you are blind, the system will give you verbal ballot in English or Spanish.

If you are handicapped...they have a special station set up for wheel chair bound person or those that cannot stand.

To be issued a ballot. It is as simply showing your driver license of other accepted personal identification. State thier address. And have the information checked....then sign a electronic signature card that is checked against the signature on the ID.

That gives them a ballot

They have Spanish speaking trained staff. The staff can aid in the voting process with a person so disabled, after making a declaration of voter assistance that all the poll can see that aid is being given.

What more sould the State of Florida Do? Or any state do? Send a personal invitiation and give them a free coupon to McDonalds for voting?

The only reason they don't participate in the process is their own.
Oct 21, 2010 6:45 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: Dude have ever seen a American ballot? No?

Well the Florida in both English and Spanish. Just filled in the oval with a pencil. If you cannot do that. They have a special electronic system...that will give a touch screen ballot. If you are blind, the system will give you verbal ballot in English or Spanish.

If you are handicapped...they have a special station set up for wheel chair bound person or those that cannot stand.

To be issued a ballot. It is as simply showing your driver license of other accepted personal identification. State thier address. And have the information checked....then sign a electronic signature card that is checked against the signature on the ID.

That gives them a ballot

They have Spanish speaking trained staff. The staff can aid in the voting process with a person so disabled, after making a declaration of voter assistance that all the poll can see that aid is being given.

What more sould the State of Florida Do? Or any state do? Send a personal invitiation and give them a free coupon to McDonalds for voting?

The only reason they don't participate in the process is their own.

I have actually seen a american ballot TT and you ar eright some how and there are many ways provided by government making it easy for minorities to participate in elections but what is definately not easy for me to accept or understand is the lack of possibility for direct voting and in presidnetial elections popularity vote does not count a lot have to get done before one or the other can win and that is not very modern style what so ever and too old fashioned in my eyes with all respect dunno

And beside... you got to register and the problem is of course too many do not even care to register and rahter living free and even the idea is interesting still... it makes too many americans never want to participate in voting because things are too complicated.

I belevie people should get voting invitations on home address and particpate if they wish as we do it in Europe for example.

I beleive a healthy vote will be the one where more people participate and America being this important for the sake of this whole planet... I beleive modernisation of american election system will be great for America and it also a bout time.... Deligates then super deligates and so on... I have studied the rules and finding it rather old fashioned and really confusing and one might not get his or her candidate being lected even the candidate gets a huge popularity votes.
Oct 21, 2010 7:25 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
ttom500: Dude have ever seen a American ballot? No?

Well the Florida in both English and Spanish. Just filled in the oval with a pencil. If you cannot do that. They have a special electronic system...that will give a touch screen ballot. If you are blind, the system will give you verbal ballot in English or Spanish.

If you are handicapped...they have a special station set up for wheel chair bound person or those that cannot stand.

To be issued a ballot. It is as simply showing your driver license of other accepted personal identification. State thier address. And have the information checked....then sign a electronic signature card that is checked against the signature on the ID.

That gives them a ballot

They have Spanish speaking trained staff. The staff can aid in the voting process with a person so disabled, after making a declaration of voter assistance that all the poll can see that aid is being given.

What more sould the State of Florida Do? Or any state do? Send a personal invitiation and give them a free coupon to McDonalds for voting?

The only reason they don't participate in the process is their own.

So what do they do if you have no arms and no brain?

Assume you're a Democrat? dunno
Oct 21, 2010 7:30 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Not only did THEY create the worse mess in american economy Ever since the great deppresion of the 30,s but the Repiblican party of America got nreves to use foreign money driving their campains and their TV channel for weakening the american administration and for keep saying No to what ever this administration suggets inorder to solve american issues of today!

Election of November is near but this time another horrible fact a bout republicans is revealed!

Money from domestic and foreign oilmen supporting republican agenda is an ugly fact America must not allow changing the country to worse this early after the dark years of 2001-2008.

When in american history since before american independent has it been the case sending milllions to America from out side the country to fund an election? Is America really better off with politicians on power who are using foregin money and particualry money from some oil states of the middle east who surely have special interests weakeing american environmental protection programs? Is America really better off sending more McCian types to houses who got the nerve to call Fox News the best source of News in America when this Fox news of republicans is paid partly by Saudi Arabia?

Since when these repube heads can call them selves the one and only "real'" americans when their long list of sins is added more and more BS and their strong allience with foreign powers due to stop progress in America is documented and revealed?

Are these republicans better taking care of the job in houses? Why Exactly? Is America condumned with holding any kinds of govermental attempts to repair the economical mess of the Bushney,s for two more years jsut to make sure another reublican taking over in 2012 and to make the ground ready for a Bolton of a Palin or a Grinnich or Jebb Bush as president? To see Carl Rove one more time as the presidential special advisor lying as if Decency is Dead and have never existed?

Is every thing just fine in America and the only missing is another Bushney head in the white House a two years from now?

What do these republicans want any way?

With all the election media here in the US, I don't think we need to spend million in postage to give a letter or card inviting people to vote. Every day our mail boxes are fill campaign literature of running canidates.

But if you want to spend the dime for the stamp in Europe, feel free to.

Some DEM will survive the election dude. But to put this into have to look at previous mid terms...later I wil give the different of turn over from some recent mid terms.

Speaking of foreign money. George Zoros just gave NPR $1.3m last week for a a program to place reporter into the State captiol. Zoros firm is based out of the US. It does not pay US taxes. Yet Zoros is paying NPR, Media Matters, Move and other for programs.

Media Matter just ask that a another NPR report with affiliation to FOX be fired from NPR.

I feel another Congressional Hearing coming up into George Zoros and his various funding program. Dang you giving me a lot of work.....
Oct 21, 2010 9:14 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Well Dude...the Obama/Biden Strategy in Iraq might be as bad as their economic strategy in the US. I know it was GWB fault for placing them there with such a mess. If GWB would not have gone there the world and life would roses and sunshine and lollypops.

Before we dig deeper into this. The following read is suggested.


The trap of not the military or the cost. But the political and the power vacumm that is being made as we leave. Even the $20b per month for Iraq is sustainable for along period of time. And our casualties compared to other pro longed wars.....are small percentage. When we engage on the battlefield, we don't lose.

But it this power vacumm that is being made as we withdrawl....were the Iraqi see our power weaking as we depart. So they turn to foreign countries to fill the power vacumm. Especially Iran. You got Kurds, Sunni and Shia all looking to Iran here in the article. And that is not good.

The question that this boils down to is....'do the Iraqi have a love of democracy and country strong enough to resist foreign influence and pressure?' When we were in the Obama/McCain debates, I identified this as a problem regarding Iraq. You ran right over top of it....

Obama was on the Senate foriegn committee and Biden was on the committee for 30 years as chair.... blah blah blah blah blah blah...they will know what do. Well they got themselves into a fine pickle.

That is American slang for 'trouble is coming'. Biden is spending his entrie day on the phone to Iraq and gone their 6 times for work the Iraqi through the issues. They got and have signed our security agreements. But that is not enough, they want to put the squesse on us for a billions more. It ain't going to happen.

If they cannot live with agreement that got from us earlier and with a expanding oil industry (3 new fields were opened recently) and with the democracy that they Constitutionality did. Then they got problems with the new US Congress giving them more.

That puts the squesse on Obama/Biden strategy here. We are not the world's money man. The amount of infstracture that the Iraqi have gotten form us....was some 3000 projects built and completed....with some 500 to go ....that were down sized or ended. They got a rebuilt country.

Just you and other CSer can see it coming.....because this power vacumm in Iraq is a pickle that Obama/Biden made when they asked for the early 2010 withdrawl date....
Oct 22, 2010 5:40 AM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
As I said...the new Congress is going to start to have hearings on many things.

Seem the REP watchdog Issa of already planning some himself.

Issa is no melting violent. He is tough..independant and rich. Meaning he cannot be bought and does not need even REP support to run for office.

ISSA is planning hearings on the Obama Administration. He heads the right committee to do so. He chairs the Financial Oversight and Reform Committee. So he has subpoena power.

Senator Al Franken says he will lead a "Witch hunt to bring down the Obama Administration." Gosh I hate giving that title there.

So what might Issa investigate?

The $430b in missing Chinese T-Bills and the missing Chinese Bank group?
That is a possibility!

The missing T-Bill Certificate case forger case in the Phillipine Islands? Another possibility!!

The earmark and pork of the Stimulus Package?
The one were the State government now are are backing away from the porjects. So just were did all the stimulus money go to?
Yes another possibility!!!

As Tom Cruise said to his REO in Top Gun at the bar....'this is a target rich environment' that Issa has. It is not just target is humgous numbers he is dealing with. Billions in government waste and overspending.

Issa has a sign in office....that says...."Corruption stops here"

Right now he has plans in the following investigations:

-affordable mortgage programs
-finiancal bailout policies
-preservation of Whit eHouse records
-correspondance with lobbyists and the White House of appointment of stimulus panel

If I add type out a email...maybe we can get the China deal added to the list. What do you think Dude?

One last point.....he only 56 in the time he finishes these....he could be well into his 80s.....grin
Oct 22, 2010 6:34 AM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Conrad73: Hate to think of the cost to recode every last thing!

And the Gap in Security until reprogram was achieved!

They switch the code periodically. So when they brought in the new codes....a new nuclear football....the old one was not there. I have not seen the book see if a investigation was ordered or how long the code had been missing.

If you are President and lose the codse to our nuclear you turn to Hillary and say....."Honey, I had a really bad day, that might have blown up the world?"laugh rolling on the floor laughing
Oct 22, 2010 6:39 AM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500: They switch the code periodically. So when they brought in the new codes....a new nuclear football....the old one was not there. I have not seen the book see if a investigation was ordered or how long the code had been missing.

If you are President and lose the codse to our nuclear you turn to Hillary and say....."Honey, I had a really bad day, that might have blown up the world?"
Probably would have been a problem to see the Movie!laugh
Oct 22, 2010 5:22 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
We just has another sniper attack at Camp Pendleton, CA. No word on casualities. I am coming back to that lone Pakistani Taliban/AlQeada that slipped into the country.

First the Camp Pendleton.
Oct 22, 2010 5:32 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Wish to see how close alQeada follows events in the US. AlQeada just condemned the Helen Thompson firing. Helen was the White House Reporter that was fired for her comment on Isreali being sent back to where they came from.
Oct 22, 2010 6:08 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Harry Ried defending his office. "But for me, we would be in global wide depression." First Nancy Pelosi was fighting two wars. Now Harry Reid is saving the world's economy. At a boy, harry....they just might have something to say in the White House about that....

Speaking off....guess who is back?

LOL...GWB is doing his book tour. Yep he is out of Texas and moving around the country. Timing is everything. With less than two week to mid term....Old George is stirring thing up. Maybe we could get him to attend a Clinton rally...for a counter point shout out!

From the back.....we hear GWB......shout out......"Hey Bill I hear you lost the nuclear football, nice going! And they clobbered me about my smarts!"

See them together on a same stage would be great. GWB leaning over into Bill ear, and least we did not blow up pill factories in the Sudan and shoot holes into Afgganistan with $1.25m cruise missiles." When Bill coughs and gags, I want to be there.

Only in America, Only in America.......LOL

Since we do have a mid term....the single biggest contributer is a Union for public service DEM....A cool $87m

Sikorsky just showed its new Helo....twice the normal speed of most helo. A cool 260 knots.

Wiki leaks just released more DoD documents. Another firestorm. Iran is in these. Why the Pentagon did not shut him any ones guess....but it needs to be asked at the White House. This leak is 4 times larger than the last. No way does a private get this much classified information.
Oct 22, 2010 6:12 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: They switch the code periodically. So when they brought in the new codes....a new nuclear football....the old one was not there. I have not seen the book see if a investigation was ordered or how long the code had been missing.

If you are President and lose the codse to our nuclear you turn to Hillary and say....."Honey, I had a really bad day, that might have blown up the world?"

Wait till some years form now where there will be several books regarding how lousy of presidnet your Geroge W Bush have been and how many times security of America have been threatened because of his stupidity TT! Just imagine a two years after he finally is history and even when the country is in trouble and too many suspicious types from right winged can get a momentum out of people,s desperation, your party do not even allow his book becoming aviable and forced the poor redneck waiting with that until these Nov elections are over ... such a Buzo! Some times I pitty him... crying ... for a while?...confused Kind of...dunno NAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rolling on the floor laughing
Oct 22, 2010 6:19 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: We just has another sniper attack at Camp Pendleton, CA. No word on casualities. I am coming back to that lone Pakistani Taliban/AlQeada that slipped into the country.

First the Camp Pendleton.
I am still sure that person who shooted on Pentagon is one of ur guys and he loves Glenn Beck and only listes to his programs ... this new one as well... I hope the american security forces soon bringing this Bushney head endorser down so you "probabely" learning more and begining to change ur points of view thumbs up

Nope... you will never change TT dunno
Oct 22, 2010 6:49 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: I am still sure that person who shooted on Pentagon is one of ur guys and he loves Glenn Beck and only listes to his programs ... this new one as well... I hope the american security forces soon bringing this Bushney head endorser down so you "probabely" learning more and begining to change ur points of view

Nope... you will never change TT

Sure the REP Bushney are shooting at the Pentagon. Why not the lone Pakistani alQeada that slipped in the country as a suspect? LOL

Why change? What is the big deal about change? Change can flob!

By the way....GWB says his biggest failure....that he did not privatize social security....not Iraq, not international politics, not the first TARP I. But that hollowed DEM created Social Security. And DEMs are fear mongering the issue....
Oct 22, 2010 6:51 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts

Pretty intersting with these new releases of Wikileaks in deed... I like this actually and I am sure wikileaks releases will have a certian positve result some how in feauter. no body can stop the free flow of information and even super powers better participating as clean as possible... if not Wikileaks... some body else will... remember when they tried to shut down file sharing programs for example? no Way! If they shutting down one place many other ones will share and that is the true power of information age. I am really looking forwar to know even more a bout these wars and still many really secretiv files a bout republicans mainly is under way and still not aviable unfortunatily.

Will these files really being that dangerous for american and other troops involved in Afghanistana nd Pakistana nd Iraq? I certainly hope not and I dont even think these files will be any way since the western allience got the upper hand any way when thinking a bout military and intelligence power.

Every body knows that during these wars too many inoncent have been killed and there is not much new a bout that horrible fact any way... will the enemy knows a bout the strategy over there? Not likely because the strategy and methods are changing all time and they cant beat America and her alliences any way ! One of the good things a bout these rleases will be that we will all know even more detailes a bout ... let me see... yeah! THE battle of iraqi airport ... LOL!!!!! Such a bunch of thieves... remember tv pictures of ur guy,s kind of "Battle " TT?rolling on the floor laughing

... and the Battle of Iraqi central bank? the battle of Iraqi treasury office? the battle of iraqi national museum? the battle of Paul Bremmer BS not a single thing was done right thing? the battle of tons of american,s money just Wanished in that dumb war of urs? the battle of any thing was attacked other than the oil departement? the battle of 600 million dollers from one of Saddam,s palaces parished ten miuntes after being picked up by american militray personal and then around a million of the same money found on some military men on way back from Iraq?? Bushney,s have done so much SHI* and that is why specially republicans are so mad of Wikileaks now on days.

Let people know those juicy detailes TT ... WE know already but we just want to know even more grin

And beside... unfortunatily not many asses will be on fire any way because repube heads have covered them selves all up by the money of big corporations and foreign money as well and lawyers have a huge power in America and almost any thing can get fixed if the money is there... at least we will all know better and that is some thing I personally endorse... knowledge is power.
Oct 22, 2010 6:54 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: But we did not get any oil. The contract were made public only a small contract came to the US.

The $20b per month came from the first War supplement bill pass for President Obama in 2008 after he took office.

just for you

That was his second. The first was $20b per month for the first 14 month of his administration. I think.

The Homeland Security shut down the virtual fence for the South West border. The cost so far was %17,000 per mile of the 56 miles Boeing completed. Only 1944 miles to go and a hole lot of money.

Maybe we should just try a fence fellows? I got a chain link fence around the home.....pretty easy to put up

This is what I get trying to clik on ur link TT:

Sorry, we can't find that file. Please use the search forms below or return to the home page.

where is it?dunno
Oct 22, 2010 6:59 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: Sure the REP Bushney are shooting at the Pentagon. Why not the lone Pakistani alQeada that slipped in the country as a suspect? LOL

Why change? What is the big deal about change? Change can flob!

By the way....GWB says his biggest failure....that he did not privatize social security....not Iraq, not international politics, not the first TARP I. But that hollowed DEM created Social Security. And DEMs are fear mongering the issue....

Of course! GWB would be able to create an even bigger army of gun and bible and hatered clingers by privatizing the social security and that is why he calls it a mistake! doh
Oct 22, 2010 7:08 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Welcome to the information age TT:

Enjoy grin thumbs up
Oct 22, 2010 7:33 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Really scarey to see some women supporting these end of days repube heads of America:

uh oh
Oct 22, 2010 9:05 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Really scarey to see some women supporting these end of days repube heads of America:

With 1/2 the nation on food stamps, 10% unemployed...people living under bridges, I doubt "social issues" are at the forefront of most women's minds.

Review Maslow's heiarchy of needs... laugh
Oct 22, 2010 9:14 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Of course! GWB would be able to create an even bigger army of gun and bible and hatered clingers by privatizing the social security and that is why he calls it a mistake!

How so? How does privatizing SS make for a bigger military?
Oct 23, 2010 7:15 AM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Russia is not happy about the way the US is handling Afghan drug production. Says that we are not taking down enough Afghan drug production facilities. Now you got to understand, they did not compliment
GWB when he had Afghan drug production nearly down to zero. Using aerisal sprays.

And now with Operation Anaconda on....we need our forces for hunting down Taliban and alQeada. Not planning and executing raids on drug processing facilities.

So this is either a case of Russia being very uniformed to what our intent in Afghanistan is at this time....or the Russia trying to change our Afghanistan mission.

Let us have a show of thumb for the two ideas.

Uniformed Russia?thumbs down thumbs down thumbs down thumbs down
Trying to change our mission in Afghanistan::thumbsup: thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up

Thumbs up win.

Russia does not like the idea that the US might succeed in the country with Operation Anaconda. It would leave a fairly strong and slightly democratic government (thought corrupt) on their southern border. So if they can divert us from the Anaconda mission ...they will get a Afghanistan that has more Taliban and alQeada that can make terrorist attack in the west.

Also for the US to succeed in Afghanistan, when Russia had...well less than succession...does not give the Kremlim many good feelings. In fact some heart burn.

Though Russia has her own terrorist problem. The events of 911 and oil issue have played to Russia geo political favor. Being a oil expoting country, Russia has gained much wealth the hydrocabon markets. And with 911, Ismlamic terrorism become teh west focal point of interlligence gathers an military operation....shifting them from the Russian bear.

Russia has no problem in doing business with Iran. And Iran is 50% of the drug pipeline to Europe and Russia. Russia does not talk about the faulty Iran border obstacles so well paid for by the EU that Iran has tossed up along its Afghan border.

But the one at fault this the good old US of A for not finding and stopping the processing facilities. Well for Russia's information...many of those processing facilities were moved out of
Afghanistan after the Russian/Afgan war ended. But I think good old Russia knows this.

The the Russian bear is feeding a young and inexperience POTUS a bogus charge to divert him from the real task at hand.
Oct 23, 2010 7:18 AM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
steve6610steve6610Goolwa, South Australia Australia2,184 Posts
ttom500: Russia is not happy about the way the US is handling Afghan drug production. Says that we are not taking down enough Afghan drug production facilities. Now you got to understand, they did not compliment
GWB when he had Afghan drug production nearly down to zero. Using aerisal sprays.

And now with Operation Anaconda on....we need our forces for hunting down Taliban and alQeada. Not planning and executing raids on drug processing facilities.

So this is either a case of Russia being very uniformed to what our intent in Afghanistan is at this time....or the Russia trying to change our Afghanistan mission.

Let us have a show of thumb for the two ideas.

Uniformed Russia?
Trying to change our mission in Afghanistan::thumbsup:

Thumbs up win.

Russia does not like the idea that the US might succeed in the country with Operation Anaconda. It would leave a fairly strong and slightly democratic government (thought corrupt) on their southern border. So if they can divert us from the Anaconda mission ...they will get a Afghanistan that has more Taliban and alQeada that can make terrorist attack in the west.

Also for the US to succeed in Afghanistan, when Russia had...well less than succession...does not give the Kremlim many good feelings. In fact some heart burn.

Though Russia has her own terrorist problem. The events of 911 and oil issue have played to Russia geo political favor. Being a oil expoting country, Russia has gained much wealth the hydrocabon markets. And with 911, Ismlamic terrorism become teh west focal point of interlligence gathers an military operation....shifting them from the Russian bear.

Russia has no problem in doing business with Iran. And Iran is 50% of the drug pipeline to Europe and Russia. Russia does not talk about the faulty Iran border obstacles so well paid for by the EU that Iran has tossed up along its Afghan border.

But the one at fault this the good old US of A for not finding and stopping the processing facilities. Well for Russia's information...many of those processing facilities were moved out of
Afghanistan after the Russian/Afgan war ended. But I think good old Russia knows this.

The the Russian bear is feeding a young and inexperience POTUS a bogus charge to divert him from the real task at hand.

Im picking Number 2 thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up . If they are so concerned about what both the USA & Australia, plus otjer NATO countries are doing why dont they offer to come in & eradicate the drug problem or assist with removing the terrorist problem in this region.
Oct 23, 2010 8:27 AM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
katt1017katt1017Southern, New Hampshire USA67 Threads 10 Polls 1,384 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Really scarey to see some women supporting these end of days repube heads of America:

Sorry it is so scary for you that women in the US feel the right to think for themselves.

I guess you're just going to have to learn to live with it though.
Oct 23, 2010 8:54 AM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
steve6610: Im picking Number 2 . If they are so concerned about what both the USA & Australia, plus otjer NATO countries are doing why dont they offer to come in & eradicate the drug problem or assist with removing the terrorist problem in this region.

As I understand it. Many of those drug processing facilities were moved into neighboring Stan countries and even into Russia. The reason?
The post war AFghanistan was not the easiest or safest place in the world for drugs. Horrible logistics. The Taliban initailly had a Constitution that banned all drugs. So when they came into the country...they were anti drug.

But within two week of taking control....alter the Constitution to allow 'cultivation of drug plants and their sale'. One of those Constitution admendment that was for positive change in the country and for its people.grin Also a cash cow for the Taliban that could manage the trade.

I get the picture of George Washington and the framers of the United States Constitution...a few months after the British leave and have signed the Constitution.....when Ben Franklin....DR. Ben as they call him then....stepping to the podium on the floor....and advised...'cotton does not sell well enough any more. We need a different cash crop. I have this little vial from China......I picked it up in Paris, on my last trip to that fair is called opium....see place it in the pipe and light is like a strong tobacco flavor....only after a few hits....the walls melt and sky goes a strange orange color. If we can grow tobacco....we can grow opium poppies. Anyone for a hit?' grin
Oct 24, 2010 8:38 AM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
There is a new report out.....yes a FOX report...that says Karsai is taking millions in payments from Iran. Either drug payment or political favor payments.

Does this sound like Vet Nam or does this sound like Vet Nam? South Vet Namese officials were taking bribes from every corner.

Anyways one can speculate to what Karsai was taking Iranian money for.
Running a corrupted election? Maybe. Flowing intelligence to the Taliban on American and NATO operations? Maybe another. Or just to get drugs across the Iran/Afghan border? Maybe a third reason.

All I can ain't good to have one of your regional allies taking money from the regional bad boy. The trust level between parties shrinks to trust level of married woman catching her husband coming out of a hot strip club with a big smile on his face.

Well we knew that Karsai was likely as straight as a corkscrew. So nothing really new here. But that Iran is in the game to this degree
says allot.
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