It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America! (717)

Oct 24, 2010 8:51 AM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
katt1017: Sorry it is so scary for you that women in the US feel the right to think for themselves.

I guess you're just going to have to learn to live with it though.
Can't expect nothing different from him!
He's another one that's stuck in the 13th Century Tribalism!laugh
He is a badly programmed GI-GO Computer!grin
Oct 24, 2010 3:32 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
We were kind of talking about Sharia Law a while back, yes?

Guess what?

Iran banned the following western college social science topics from being taught.

Some of them are:

Law...Poly Sci...Philosphy....Management.....Woman Studies ...Human Rights....

Ain't that something?

I wonder why Iran...that is clinging to Sharia Law like it was Linus security blanket...would ban Western Law? Just maybe it does not to face law confrontation with Sharia Law? Really what Iran is saying is the the last 2000 years of Judeo-Christian law is not worth the study.
That Christian and Jewsih area that have Muslim government....are being forces away from Judeo-Christian jurisprudence. Ain't that somthing?

Then you have Poly Sci....that fine art of telling if a government comes to power legitimately or illegally. Yes it is one of teh area of Poly Sci taught here in the US. That does have a little do with Pres. A valdation by the Supreme Leader to be President of Iran.

Philosophy though? Don't the Iranians like Plato? The Muses? The Greek Oracle? Or maybe it is those Greek and Roman gods. Yes that it it. Gets in the way of that Islamic god.....Aqua Budha.....was it?

Management? Why would old Iran not like Management? is the core of all western government and business organization. So for Iran to boot it means....Iran only wants Shiria Law government in the workings of government and business.

Woman studies.....I guess we can toss out the glass ceiling in Iran. They just lowered it to the basement. 1/2 of the Iranians are women....and they just kicked the studies out of the country. So much for female education in Iran. If you want to learn to read and need to be a male

Human rights.....zowwy what slap at all the liberals across the world that have been seeking to make Israel the bad guy in the region. Human rights is your big issue and concern....and good old Iran just tossed it as a college academic area.

Well I guess when you began to amputate hands for theft....Iran knew that sincere and honest human rights groups would come down on them. So Iran just bounced your major study field into the street. That way they don't have to argue with human rights activitist when a hand is laying in the public square.

Yes they want to make these public...first one are being done in prison.
Oct 24, 2010 3:36 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Really scarey to see some women supporting these end of days repube heads of America:

You must be referring to Pelosi and Dirty Harry Reid? confused

Oct 24, 2010 3:44 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: How so? How does privatizing SS make for a bigger military?

No TT... the main republican strategy is and will always be making sure there is poverty and dissatisfaction and fear in the country and in that way too many people with no real interest in politics and just interested to provide food and shelter for them selves and their loved ones, making the biggest mistake and that is blaming coloured and immigrants and jewish and muslims and who ever minority and then republicans can gain some power out of the mess they create !

In America this strategy works some times and that is why GWB is sorry a bout not been able to privatize social securty. Just imagine "privatizing" social security??? what the heck! Social security is not a business or some thing and not a profitable thing and it is just there helping poor and eldery and sick and unemployed and single parents and so on then privatizing what exactly?

This worse preisdent in american history Geroge W bush have made all these horrible dammages to his country and then naming this one as THE biggest mistake of him... mmmmmmmmm... not even the grand master Brain of ur guys is able to think or controlling him self and just shows his ugly face when all counts and when the question is the right one.

An america with big unemployed numbers and poverty and desperation do not need big capital greedy thieves on power TT but oak... what can I say? Many americans do not like politics and do not want thinking a bout how things are connected and then your guys making a fool out of them! Just look at this small place for example... all seirous participants are endorsers of Bushney heads and democrats come and go and not even staying to bash on ur guys doh

Pretty complicated situation and economical desperation makes too many people going crazy dunno
Oct 24, 2010 4:12 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: There is a new report out.....yes a FOX report...that says Karsai is taking millions in payments from Iran. Either drug payment or political favor payments.

Does this sound like Vet Nam or does this sound like Vet Nam? South Vet Namese officials were taking bribes from every corner.

Anyways one can speculate to what Karsai was taking Iranian money for.
Running a corrupted election? Maybe. Flowing intelligence to the Taliban on American and NATO operations? Maybe another. Or just to get drugs across the Iran/Afghan border? Maybe a third reason.

All I can ain't good to have one of your regional allies taking money from the regional bad boy. The trust level between parties shrinks to trust level of married woman catching her husband coming out of a hot strip club with a big smile on his face.

Well we knew that Karsai was likely as straight as a corkscrew. So nothing really new here. But that Iran is in the game to this degree
says allot.

Both Karsai and Maliki who took power in Afghanistan and Iraq by the help of and becuase of George W Bush are men of Iran as well! Every body knows this TT... wakey wakey ??? doh

The way the Bushney,s fought those wars have made one singe big winner so far and the name is Iran... I tell you get rid of this republican secreatary of defence and pick a fabulous democrat instead!

Not even one single powerful republican or republicna minded inside Obama administration is good for America here and now and they just destroy the whole thing and are best staying far from power and not giving any kind of positive attention to... no republican minded can serve in the american administration with honesty and they are all against the president of the country and are doing what ever possible making his administration fail no matter the cost for the country and it,s inhabitants!

It is like giving the director job of the bank to the armed robber tried to rob it trusting the republican party of America!
Oct 24, 2010 4:58 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Just imagine how lousy the Republican party can be when this person is still their kind of hero:

Oct 24, 2010 5:01 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Oct 24, 2010 5:28 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Oct 24, 2010 5:37 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_Dude: Never again America... PLEASE???????????

Why so Frantic,Dude,why so Frantic?
Wasn't everything Aok until the American people woke up and started to see the Fraud perpetrated on them in '08?
Why so panicky?devil
Oct 24, 2010 5:40 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Both Karsai and Maliki who took power in Afghanistan and Iraq by the help of and becuase of George W Bush are men of Iran as well! Every body knows this TT... wakey wakey ???

The way the Bushney,s fought those wars have made one singe big winner so far and the name is Iran... I tell you get rid of this republican secreatary of defence and pick a fabulous democrat instead!

Not even one single powerful republican or republicna minded inside Obama administration is good for America here and now and they just destroy the whole thing and are best staying far from power and not giving any kind of positive attention to... no republican minded can serve in the american administration with honesty and they are all against the president of the country and are doing what ever possible making his administration fail no matter the cost for the country and it,s inhabitants!

It is like giving the director job of the bank to the armed robber tried to rob it trusting the republican party of America!

People of Irag and Afghanistan elected them both. Bush had to work with what the people choice was.

I admit the elections were corrupted...but...Obama did not change that around for this recent Afghan election.

Dude don't get is short....someone has to be the bank director with the Obama has spent 3 trillion dollars and tell him no more credit.grin
Oct 24, 2010 5:44 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
The night mare is not over yet...

uh oh
Oct 24, 2010 5:44 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_Dude: Both Karsai and Maliki who took power in Afghanistan and Iraq by the help of and becuase of George W Bush are men of Iran as well! Every body knows this TT... wakey wakey ???

The way the Bushney,s fought those wars have made one singe big winner so far and the name is Iran... I tell you get rid of this republican secreatary of defence and pick a fabulous democrat instead!

Not even one single powerful republican or republicna minded inside Obama administration is good for America here and now and they just destroy the whole thing and are best staying far from power and not giving any kind of positive attention to... no republican minded can serve in the american administration with honesty and they are all against the president of the country and are doing what ever possible making his administration fail no matter the cost for the country and it,s inhabitants!

It is like giving the director job of the bank to the armed robber tried to rob it trusting the republican party of America!
Talking about Geithner,hmmmm?
Oct 24, 2010 5:57 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: People of Irag and Afghanistan elected them both. Bush had to work with what the people choice was.

I admit the elections were corrupted...but...Obama did not change that around for this recent Afghan election.

Dude don't get is short....someone has to be the bank director with the Obama has spent 3 trillion dollars and tell him no more credit.

And the stupid war of the Bushney,s alone costed three trillion dollers TT... Obama administration had to spend money to save America from a certian economical melt down and the man have talked a bout this as one of the hardest decisions of his presidnetial time during his first six mounths on power.

Obama administration did great and saved America and not a thing else could get done after your guys and you know this very well mister TT but being on the bad guys pay list... you can not think any thing else dunno
Oct 24, 2010 6:02 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Guess who told so TT:

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

Oct 24, 2010 6:06 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Higher Ranking Taliban leaders are coming the peace table. And Operation Anaconda pushes on. This may seem cruel or inhumane. But we have to keep pushing them.

They are starting to see the handwriting on the wall here. That is Scott what found out back the late 1880s. He tried 6 years into the conflict to arrange a treaty. Chocise and Gernimo both yawned at it. They were not ready for it yet. They still had men and weapons. They had not spent three years on the hoof. And their camps had not been compromised.

Holbrooke said..."We got more high ranking Taliban wanting to talk.....we think that this is a result in a large part to the growing pressure that they are under with General Petresus. and the ISAF command."

Holbrooke also said this....don't expect a peace treaty, this is not like Vet Nam or Serbia. There is not a single address to go to. There is a widely dispersed group of people we consider the enemy.

Holbrooke said talks include now....Afghan Taliban, Pakistani Taliban, the Hagginigi Network, Hesb-e-Islami, and the Laskar-e-Taibia.
The only one excluded....alQeada.

That is the best this is going to thinks. We isolate alQeada from the other groups...and deal with them.....mano a mano.
Oct 24, 2010 6:06 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
HJFinAZHJFinAZSun CIty, Arizona USA870 Threads 1 Polls 17,068 Posts
WASHINGTON – Preparing for political life after a bruising election, President Barack Obama will put greater emphasis on fiscal discipline, a nod to a nation sick of spending and to a Congress poised to become more Republican, conservative and determined to stop him.

He is already giving clues about how he will govern in the last two years of his term.

Obama will try to make gains on deficit reduction, education and energy. He will enforce his health care and financial overhauls and try to protect them from repeal should Republicans win control of Capitol Hill. He will use executive authority when blocked by Congress, and steel for scrutiny and investigations if the GOP is in charge.

While trying to save money, Obama will have to decide whether to bend to Republican and growing Democratic pressure to extend Bush-era tax cuts, even for the wealthy, that expire at year's end. Obama wants to extend them for people making less than $200,000 and married couples making less than $250,000, but a broader extension is gaining favor with an increasing number of Democrats.

Moving to the fore will be a more serious focus on how to balance the federal budget and pay for the programs that keep sinking the country into debt.

In other times, that discussion might seem like dry, Washington talk. Not now. People are fed up with federal spending, particularly as many remain jobless.

Can anyone say "lame duck"??

quack quackpopcorn
Oct 24, 2010 6:10 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: And the stupid war of the Bushney,s alone costed three trillion dollers TT... Obama administration had to spend money to save America from a certian economical melt down and the man have talked a bout this as one of the hardest decisions of his presidnetial time during his first six mounths on power.

Obama administration did great and saved America and not a thing else could get done after your guys and you know this very well mister TT but being on the bad guys pay list... you can not think any thing else

Oh cut act like Obama was no in the Senate the last two year of the Bush Administation and nancy and harry were in isolaition containment and could not talk or make decisions. These DEM were part of the Aermcian goverment during GWB terms. Just like REP Gate and General Petreaus are part of Obama administraton today.

Grow up.......
Oct 24, 2010 6:15 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
HJFinAZ: WASHINGTON – Preparing for political life after a bruising election, President Barack Obama will put greater emphasis on fiscal discipline, a nod to a nation sick of spending and to a Congress poised to become more Republican, conservative and determined to stop him.

He is already giving clues about how he will govern in the last two years of his term.

Obama will try to make gains on deficit reduction, education and energy. He will enforce his health care and financial overhauls and try to protect them from repeal should Republicans win control of Capitol Hill. He will use executive authority when blocked by Congress, and steel for scrutiny and investigations if the GOP is in charge.

While trying to save money, Obama will have to decide whether to bend to Republican and growing Democratic pressure to extend Bush-era tax cuts, even for the wealthy, that expire at year's end. Obama wants to extend them for people making less than $200,000 and married couples making less than $250,000, but a broader extension is gaining favor with an increasing number of Democrats.

Moving to the fore will be a more serious focus on how to balance the federal budget and pay for the programs that keep sinking the country into debt.

In other times, that discussion might seem like dry, Washington talk. Not now. People are fed up with federal spending, particularly as many remain jobless.

Can anyone say "lame duck"??

quack quack

What I see is a empty wallet.

LOL.....that is why he spent it in the first two years....they had a pretty good feeling the mid term were going to be brutal to them. So spend while you can. Now the hard part comes.

Governing without the buck. Getting people to do what you want them to what is right without the buck as a incentive.

President Obama better become the great communicator, the great motivator and the great community organizer all in one......
Oct 24, 2010 6:25 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Guess who told so TT:

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

Guess who told us:

"we'll have to pass the health care bill to see what goodies are in it." rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Oct 24, 2010 8:33 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
Kattsrose: Katt read this nonsense you've posted and walked away shaking her head and laughing at you.

I had to go back and read your post she had responded to. The article you linked to was without a doubt one of the most obvious and idiotic attempts to frighten female voters I have ever seen.

Just how low of an opinion of the intelligence of the average woman do you have that you would even THINK of posting something that blatantly designed to demonize a political party? Do you honestly believe every woman is so profoundly stupid that she can not see when someone tries to manipulate her?

If some similar garbage had been linked here attempting to soil the image of the Democratic party by association to the womanizing of Clinton and the Kennedy brother, the Bay of Pigs fiasco or any other failing of the party you would be in petulant rage.

I really do not have any great love for politics. I care about issues like education, human rights, and the economy. Neither party give a damn about any of these issues as far as I can tell. Each has an agenda that they claim is what the people of this country want. Each has a cadre of special interest groups that they bow down to.

The two parties might as well be only one. They share a common goal. Their own profit and glory at the expense of the American people.

My parents are life long Democrats. They voted for Obama and are now ashamed that they did. They are ashamed that he is the best the party they believe in could offer and they are ashamed that they and so many others were fooled by his pretty lies.

You don't live in the United States, my parents do, Katt does and I do. We are LIVING IT, not just going by selective reading to reinforce a fantasy.

Holy Sh-t! That's the best post I've seen on a Dude thread in 3 years. yay yay yay yay
Oct 24, 2010 8:35 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
I'm about ready to turn the tv off until after the elections.

It's friggin silly season regardless of what channel one watches.
From commercials to commentary, they're all getting creative w/the truth.

That's my 2 cents!
Oct 25, 2010 5:30 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
On a slow Obama/DEM news day....there had to be one comment out there that would bring a chuckle here at CS. American politics never fails.

DEM Incumbant Gov Frank Caprio of RI.....gets today's winning combination of he said....Obama can "can take his endorsement and really shove it".

Now I might be old fashion, but I hear some hostility there from Gov.
Carpio that is in a tight race with IND Linda Chafee.

That seems like a way to make a political comment about distancing himself. Now it just seems to me that residents of RI need to be a little smart here. Eventually they are going to want the final installments of the Obama Stimulus paid out. They elect Caprio into office again, Obama might declare the state in rebellion and refuse to send them. That arrogant thingee you know.

The rich and powerful, seldom like to have a endorsement tossed back at them.

RI had a sever flood several months ago. Caprio goes on to say...."Obama did not even do a fly over like President Bush did in Katrina." So Caprio has some reason to be angry here. It is not like RI is that far from Washington DC....but maybe Air Force One was needed for a another fly over of the Statute of Liberty.

Some 6.5m votes have been cast in 25 state with early voting. And turn out for DEM is said to be higher. Dem have gone to the Big Rally to motivate the voter. Somehow 6.5m votes does not seem like a big turnout.
But we will see.

Maybe at this point Americans are so confused, hardened, disgusted, angered, cynical, disappointed and ____________(your word to choose) with the politics of the country, they are taking the midterm off.
Fall BBQs and tailgating taking a priority over the political process.

So on this very cloudless blue sky evening air sitting over the FL and most of the country, American are warming up fireplaces...putting the burgers on....and getting ready for Monday night Football.....assuming the stadium has not been booked for a DEM rally.....grin
Oct 25, 2010 5:46 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
you guys are just saying that cause hes's Black go on say it,

I had that comment to me when I said something about Obama, so be careful a black person may take offence
Oct 25, 2010 5:53 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Kattsrose: Katt read this nonsense you've posted and walked away shaking her head and laughing at you.

I had to go back and read your post she had responded to. The article you linked to was without a doubt one of the most obvious and idiotic attempts to frighten female voters I have ever seen.

Just how low of an opinion of the intelligence of the average woman do you have that you would even THINK of posting something that blatantly designed to demonize a political party? Do you honestly believe every woman is so profoundly stupid that she can not see when someone tries to manipulate her?

If some similar garbage had been linked here attempting to soil the image of the Democratic party by association to the womanizing of Clinton and the Kennedy brother, the Bay of Pigs fiasco or any other failing of the party you would be in petulant rage.

I really do not have any great love for politics. I care about issues like education, human rights, and the economy. Neither party give a damn about any of these issues as far as I can tell. Each has an agenda that they claim is what the people of this country want. Each has a cadre of special interest groups that they bow down to.

The two parties might as well be only one. They share a common goal. Their own profit and glory at the expense of the American people.

My parents are life long Democrats. They voted for Obama and are now ashamed that they did. They are ashamed that he is the best the party they believe in could offer and they are ashamed that they and so many others were fooled by his pretty lies.

You don't live in the United States, my parents do, Katt does and I do. We are LIVING IT, not just going by selective reading to reinforce a fantasy.

I do not even need to Demonisethe Republican party of America... because they are the party of Demons already tongue

I dont know... being Ashamed of voting Obama? Why ? What could have he done when took over America in the shape you probabely are aware a bout? Who would take over instead if Obama had not won and what would THAT old war monger, woman abuser and that crazy, corrupted, power abuser woman Sarah Palin do then?

Not all politicians are the same and the igor for living with no governmentand paying no taxes and so on is just not possible and at least the best guy won and at least he is not deep in to pockets of oil and war and health care industry or paid by arabs like the Republican party of America certainly is and will always be!

I want America to success and I know during hard time in America americans better should standing strong behind the elected president of the country as they stood behind GWB even GWB did never even win the presidency for real any way and cheated him self to power by the help of oil industry!

You shall not kicking on the guy who is laying down and America is not standing strong still, and the Republican party to gether with it,s oil folks and it,s rich tax cheater americans and arab funders is kicking on America and that is the Exact thing some americans should be ashamed of... being on the same side as Taliban as Rush the stupid Limbaugh annonuced in his stupid radio program!
Oct 25, 2010 6:00 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
SatelliteServer: you guys are just saying that cause hes's Black go on say it,

I had that comment to me when I said something about Obama, so be careful a black person may take offence

One would have ask Gov. Caprio what his motive for the comment was. But I suspect that it because RI has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country...........
Oct 25, 2010 6:30 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Since you love polls TT... this very new poll for you:

you really beleive it is all over for democrats ... dont you?laugh tongue
Oct 25, 2010 6:30 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
KattsroseKattsroseKind of near Portsmouth, NH, New Hampshire USA52 Threads 4 Polls 911 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: I do not even need to Demonisethe Republican party of America... because they are the party of Demons already

I dont know... being Ashamed of voting Obama? Why ? What could have he done when took over America in the shape you probabely are aware a bout? Who would take over instead if Obama had not won and what would THAT old war monger, woman abuser and that crazy, corrupted, power abuser woman Sarah Palin do then?

Not all politicians are the same and the igor for living with no governmentand paying no taxes and so on is just not possible and at least the best guy won and at least he is not deep in to pockets of oil and war and health care industry or paid by arabs like the Republican party of America certainly is and will always be!

I want America to success and I know during hard time in America americans better should standing strong behind the elected president of the country as they stood behind GWB even GWB did never even win the presidency for real any way and cheated him self to power by the help of oil industry!

You shall not kicking on the guy who is laying down and America is not standing strong still, and the Republican party to gether with it,s oil folks and it,s rich tax cheater americans and arab funders is kicking on America and that is the Exact thing some americans should be ashamed of... being on the same side as Taliban as Rush the stupid Limbaugh annonuced in his stupid radio program!

Were you drunk when you wrote this?

Not only is what you posted partisan nonsense, it is incoherent partisan nonsense.

I've seen you post in much better English than this. Why the sudden decline in your writing ability?

Embedded image from another site
Oct 25, 2010 6:34 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Kattsrose: Were you drunk when you wrote this?

Not only is what you posted partisan nonsense, it is incoherent partisan nonsense.

I've seen you post in much better English than this. Why the sudden decline in your writing ability?
Might be a Group-Undertaking!uh oh
Oct 25, 2010 6:34 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Great article! Enjoy it Bushney heads and your blind followers:

Oct 25, 2010 6:42 PM CST It is not a bout Obama! This time it is about America!
KattsroseKattsroseKind of near Portsmouth, NH, New Hampshire USA52 Threads 4 Polls 911 Posts
Conrad73: Might be a Group-Undertaking!

The Katt thinks he is a fictional creation of one of the other posters on CS.

When she was a moderator on a software board years ago there was one person that was posting under a dozen identities and even fighting with himself. It was a small board so he was responsible for about 80% of the posts.

I'm going to look for a fun thread. That guy is too good at being too annoying.
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