RE: Should you or should you not...

You would need to consider the crime. The examine his lifestyle, i.e., is he holding a job, does he have a house or an apartment, is he paying his bills (if he's not he could be a druggie), does he still hang around the old group of buddies that got him probably into a "don't care attitude". All of that. In other words is he responsible.

Too much to ponder? Then consider this. If he's not responsible then he's going to be a BIG problem in your life.

RE: What y thing about my profile!

You are gorgeous and you have been elected a member of the "Bloggers Club". So blog to your hearts content and don't worry about your English because some of us American born can mangle our own language!

Have fun and see you on the blogs!!!!

RE: Guys abroad!


I'm just an old laid back man with one woman and don't call anyone sweetie or honey except her.

But you are right. There are alot of players and I am ashamed to admit I was like that once. I stand convicted and guilty.

RE: More Wisdom

I really like your critique on "critics". Eunuchs that see it done every nite..........can"t, do it. That one is so true especially when it comes to, and I use the term loosely, "sports journalists".

Here we have a bunch of people that think they know everything about sports. From the ownership on down to the playing field. They have the best seats in the house, sequestered in a special area, getting free admission and eating free meals and excellent parking privileges.

BUT!!! They can't play the sport, they don't have the brains or the money to own a sports franchise, still they are there criticizing every night. The same with broadcasters. I find the "mute" button on my television very useful when I watch sports on TV!

RE: Help, need advice


I too have cancer. I will say a special prayer for your issue and for your healing!


RE: Help, need advice


Let me point out 2 other items you just mentioned. You DO have to be concerned he is unemployed! And he doesn't get mad because he is using that as a subtle control over you. If you get married it will become a larger issue!

Those are 2 very important considerations! And, yes, I support your decision to leave! It may hurt now but you will be very happy in the future

RE: A song For My...Corazon!

Yeah! Music really affects me in the same way!

Especially Salsa!!!

RE: What A Wonderful World!

I had to go to the hospital a few years back for cancer treatment. I don't know what it is about the hospital that makes you feel like left overs. Big time surgery, I suppose. But I was thinking about the gloom.

While I was there we were urged to get up and walk around the floor area as a bit of exercise. I did quite a bit. One nite I couldn't get to sleep so I took a walk. This nite nurse immediately demanded to know what I was doing. I retorted, "I'm planning my escape (Then I proceeded to recite the actual way home). "Let's see, take the elevator to the first floor. Parking lot to the car. Out the exit. Left turn onto polar Ave to the signal turn right onto Baldwin Park Bl and on and on". I don't think she was amused but she didn't tell me anything else.

I got out and have rebounded in a manner that even surprised me! So I can relate to your Dad's recovery. I also prayed for your Dad so it's one and counting.

RE: What Will U Do?


KNenagh has some great advice. Just be strong and do what is fun and clean and pretty soon your "gonna wash those blues right offa your head'!

RE: Men are from Mars......

You said it all when you said, "he's going through a messy divorce". Some guys do crazy things without thinking about it till later. I know I did stupid things like that when I was young! That "messy divorce" is making him think things. I know, I speak from the experience of doing the same thing!

Was it stupid to kiss you and hold you and make plans with you? Of course not. But to make that kind of move and change your mind is stupid!

RE: Any second Now!


Your sense of humor just blows me away! I had a friend like that. He played the guitar in our band and he was good! real good. We used to call him "broken fingers" because he could really play! The stuff he came up with made no sense but he was funny!

RE: rainbow eyes

The eye phenomena is so funny and unusual! I have a friend with a hazel eye and a blue eye!


My guess is that the greatest majority of Israelis follow the Torah and they don't inter-marry with gentiles. Therefor, they do not seek people on CS!

RE: saturday say anything blog>>>>>>

It was bedtime for me so I couldn't answer. But it will be the same ol' same ol' for me.

And I'll have a little fun on CS!

What's Your CS Routine?

Thanks Migsy!

I will continue to see you on the blogs!!

What's Your CS Routine?

My beautiful gorgeous friend Shay,

Thanks for commenting. I think of you quite often and I wonder how you are! Good to see you again!

RE: Women and Makeup


I really like your blogs. They are so original and lotsa fun.

OK, time to look at your profile again to see if there's more pictures!

RE: Here is something to think about

Many many prospects go with the looks first and foremost.

For that reason I have been patient all my life. Sooner or later a nice woman would enter my life. It does happen in time! The one that likes the "heart", i.e.!

RE: double ur chances

I belonged to another site once but it was not as good as this one. I logged onto a few here and there but since I've found someone I don't get on others anymore. This one is for fun and the blogs. It keeps me occupied.

What's Your CS Routine?

Hi Aisha!

Sorry to get back so late. I was snoozing. Thanks for your comments. It's funny how we all basically do the same thing but yet a little different. It's fun any way you do it.

Thanks again!

What's Your CS Routine?

Beautiful African!

You just may see more blogs. I have written the one I have in mind on another site a long time ago. It has to do with creating a town made up of those that blog and who would be what as the town leaders. I'm Thinking about it for here and I think it would be interesting and fun.

And to you ----> teddybear

What's Your CS Routine?


Thanks for the response. Your name is so unusual I always remember it.

See you soon again!

What's Your CS Routine?

Beautiful gorgeous African!

Another wonderful person gracing this blog. I really appreciate you!

I like to see on because you are such a nice person and I look forward to seeing you in the future. Thanks for jumping in and adding to the comments!!

What's Your CS Routine?


And that's ok. Just as long as your having fun. Keep of the good attitude and just do what you do!!! Amen!!

What's Your CS Routine?

Yeddy Bear!

OK, so I changed your name a little. For you and your gal I will post "Teddy Bear" by Elvis Presley!

Your a good man Teddy and I wish you and your pretty lady success in your relationship!

What's Your CS Routine?

OK, mis amigos (my friends),

Time to go for my interview but I will answer everyone else when I get back!

What's Your CS Routine?


Another person I am glad honored us with her presence.

Yep, and to me it's just a fun thing. hope you tell us more!

What's Your CS Routine?


Absolutely correct you are!

There was one individual that really chapped my hide, but he's gone now! I too just learned to hold off on the "anger" because it wasn't my business and we all have freewill given to us by God. Even if it's being wrong.

Let's just all get along!!!!

RE: St. Patrick's Day

I won't, but when I used to it was off to an American "Irish Pub" to drink green beer.

But I finally came to the conclusion. It is just like Cinco de Mayo which is just another beer manufacturers holiday to boost beer sales.

Cinco de Mayo is NOT the Mexican Independence Day. And what does St. Patrick have to do with the American people. Probably nothing, but if you feel like drinking alot of beer then just keep yourself safe from accidents and tickets. Party Hearty!

I am sure that the real celebrants will just stay home and have an Irish feast in their homes.

What's Your CS Routine?

La India!!!!!!!!

You honor us all, and especially me, with your presence my friend india30!

So, c'mon. Tell us your routine. Is it as silly as mine? i hope so because "birds of the feather flock (blog?) together".

I am well and I hope you are too!

This is a list of blog comments created by Ed1941.

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