RE: egypt

Opposition leader elBaridi is under house arrest in Egypt. The street protest are still occurring.

RE: The War on Drugs - How to Win it

In 1700 and 1800 China they made opium a legal drug to acquire.
Millions of Chinese became addicted. Society broke down. Millions of Chinese sold themselves into servitude to escape societies breakdown by coming to the America. You have the boxer rebellion that was largely over Chinese opium trade.

for more....

RE: President Obama is changing a whole world to better! Support him!

Is black and white TV...all you can afford to get in the middle of no where CA these days?grin


Good night Blue....

RE: The War on Drugs - How to Win it

Can you tell us what happened in 1700-1800s China when they did that with opium?

RE: President Obama is changing a whole world to better! Support him!

I think Dude is going to start his own McCarthy investigation in anti American ways from Coopehaggen....grin


The sad thing religion has symbols and the fear of the unknown associated to it.

So for groups like the is a prefect mechanism to fear the people. A woman not wear the Burka (a symbolic garb) becomes a person of suspicion.

And you have high percentage of people in the Islamic world....according to the Pew poll....wanting Islam to be part of their politics. Islam alone is not bad....add in Sharia Law and
groups like the Taliban to enforce it....and you have big time problems in human rights violations and repressions.

But not all is lost.

Iranian woman...Christian women....hide the cross necklasses under the Habib they wear.

RE: President Obama is changing a whole world to better! Support him!

Maybe President Obama is not creative enough to come up with his own themes? He uses the teleprompter so much. The White House said....that THEY had worked on the State of the Union for a long time.

Surely someone there would have read Newt's book, saw a good theme title....and decided to borrow it.

If Newt is such a bad guy....why is the White House borrowing his themes?


The way I see it....the Taliban are the enforcement tool of the radical clerics in the region. You have to remember bin Laden was a Iman cleric....he issued a fatwa for 911.

They don't simply stone a person without a cleric approval. That would be murder. But once that Cleric has given the edict or fatwa....they are "honor obligated" to fulfill it.

They also act a drug group...collecting and protecting drug fields..moving the drugs to processing and across the borders.
So have local field operation that ar enot connecte to religioun.

So the difference here....between the Khmer Rouge and the Taliban....the Khmer Rouges were operating under communist government orders..of Pol Pot. Presently with Taliban out of both Pakistan and Afghanistan....they operate under a edicts of clerics and to the orders of Omar Mohammed


I think that you have to look at the mechanism that the Taliban used to do the stonings. And the motive for them.

The mechanism is Sharia Law. The motive is to supress a village community into their fundamental beliefs.

Here are some stats from Pew Research poll on Sharia Law and Stoning....a phone poll of Muslims only.

Views on Harsh Punishment:

.......Stoning...whipping/amputation...death penalty/leaving faith % in favor


Islam influence in Politics:

Indonesia ..6% Negative...91% Positive
Egypt.......2% Negative...85% Positive
Jordan.....14% Negative...76% Positive
Pakistan....6% Negative...69% Positive
Lebanon....32% Negative...58% Positive
Turkey.....31% Negative...38% Positive

Obvious the number of moderate Muslims in the world is less than what many think. Moderate Muslims would not support harsh punishments.

A article on Pew poll can be found at


Was 911 because of US support of Isreal? bin Laden said it was because of the US presence in the middle east. Two different things.

It was because of "western influences on Islam"...which is much broader reasoning that the narrow support of the US to Israel.

And now.....we have learned that......there is a very strong connection between Iran and alQeada. This according to Tony Blair.
Why could not alQeada and bin laden been acting as a surrogate for Iran with the 911 attack?

RE: egypt

Freedom is walking East to West across Islam.....Tunasia....Egpyt....Yemen...Iran next?...then Pakistan?
Though sadly in Lebanon and Gaza it is missing still.

RE: President Obama is changing a whole world to better! Support him!

I just listened to a interview on FOX....of Senator Nelson of FL.
Senator Nelson is a DEM and also a astronaut. He flew the Shuttle mission just prior to the Challenger accident 25 year ago. So is a strong supporter of NASA.

In his State of the Union, President Obama spoke of a 'this was s spudnik moment for America'.....that we were in a global economic race ....and innovation and education were the way to win the race.

Now FOX found it just a bit hypocritical.....that it is President Obama that is ending our Shuttle and Constellation programs.....while he is calling for innovation and we are in a
spudnik moment.

NASA has been a fantastic innovator for the country and the world.
Those solar cells....that are going to years from now....provide the country with 80% of its green energy...come from NASA.

So Senator Nelson walked into this set up....eyes wide open and knowing it was coming. Because FOX had laid it out prior to his speaking. So it come to the question.... Senator Nelson do you think that it is hyprocritical of the President to use the term
"spudnik moment when he is cutting NASA shuttle program?"

To which the Senator reply of the best song
and dance....dancing dancing dancing two steps and swingdancing dancing dancing evasive answers I have heard.

He said that the NASA Challenger Accident report...said to fly the Shuttle until you had a replacement. Then end it. We had a replacement....the Constellation....and President Obama ended them both. And we pay Russia $65m per astronaut sent to the Space Station............. grin

RE: torture?

Vinny, when you put on the military have a different set of rules applying to your life. And yes you lose some of your civilian rights. just the way it is.....

RE: President Obama is changing a whole world to better! Support him!

Dude, you are not going to like this....

But the theme of Obama state of the union address....was...."Winning the Future".

Guess who wrote a book in 2005...with the title of ....."Winning the Future: A 21st Century Contract with America"

Newt Grinrich....

Newt is not happy that Obama took his theme......plagerism is frown on at their level of politics.

Newt is coming out firing.....he is close to making a declaration for the nomination.....and having Obama steal his theme......has got Newt a bit pivvied.

RE: President Obama is changing a whole world to better! Support him!

Pretty sure it was Vet Nam, when they began to search gear before the plane ride home. That poor GI with a pound of weed, that did not know that first search was coming.....he is just getting out of Leavenworth now.

RE: President Obama is changing a whole world to better! Support him! mean all those OReilly baseball caps and doormats that they will bring home from Afghanistan as war trophies taken form the Taliban?

Just goes to show you little you know of us.

Taking war trophies is illegal and they search your gear before the plane ride home....

RE: torture?

My bet is if they don't bring Assange in....Manning is just a another new face in the gov't witness protection program.

RE: President Obama is changing a whole world to better! Support him!

there goes the gentle tone of the liberal arguement...........scold

RE: torture?

that is the point don't know if he is in custody or has been released with a new identity.....

RE: torture?

See my that everything Maning placed into now what the courts woudl rule as "fruit of the poison vine" can no longer be use in any criminal on government officials....

The technical intelligence concept is that it has been white washed.

So...if Manning was a gov't agent for a time...and now is missing...... you really don't know if he was acting as a agent in making the document release.....he just might be on a beach in Hawii...soaking up sun and getting a gov't paycheck under a different name with a new face.....

RE: torture?

According to wiki....that facility os only good for 90 days.
Manning has been under arrest well over that now. So let us try again.

RE: President Obama is changing a whole world to better! Support him!

He is doing so much better....they only had 28,000 murders in north Mexico last year....

RE: torture?

Are you sure Manning is being held in a military prison?

RE: President Obama is changing a whole world to better! Support him!

Dang and Bart Simpson was going to give them away for free.....

RE: President Obama is changing a whole world to better! Support him!

I wonder in OReily gives his Taliban and alQeada donators free American baseball caps, t-shirts and door mats......laugh rolling on the floor laughing

Soon we will hear from Marines coming back from Afghansitan...."we knew it was a Taliban had a American flagged doormat outside the door.".............grin

RE: President Obama is changing a whole world to better! Support him!

We just had the wife of a Christian missionary murdered in Mexico....just south of the border. Seems they wanted to steal their pick up truck. Since President Obama has come to office.....

The murder rate along the border has grown and a full scale drug war is occurring there.

Yet instead of closing down the border, ending sanctionary cities, bringing more National Guard troops there, making a financially viable electronic fence, or other actions that would effect this.

The administration has stayed frozen on the problem along the border.

Beside all these international improvement ultimately cost the
American people In the form of taxes.

Just watch and see....I listened to a National Security Advisor round table today. Tunasia was discussed. Already American dollars are heading the country to instill democracy values and to help set up political parties.

You ask if they are concerned about radical Islam getting footholds in the countries gov't. No answer. But if they were not very concerned about that....why the investment in the democracy and political parties?

But if you see President Obama knccking down the great wall of President Reagon knocked the teh Berlin ain't going to happen.

RE: President Obama is changing a whole world to better! Support him!

You don't think that the oppressive Yemen, Tunasia and Egyptian gov't and leaders did not have anything to do with it?

And when you had street protest in Iran after the election....
the Obama administration did not seem to support the Mousavi
supporters vey much.

But you are getting the idea....

RE: twin towers

I ran a google search on that to find a site

Maybe you can do better than I did. I searched

"Georgia Teen Shoots Shik in 2001"

and then

Georgie Teen Shoots Shik in 2002"

Can you help me out?

RE: twin towers

I will just say one thing in the thread to the 811 truthers that post here. That is ...explain the 100s of phone calls from the passengers on planes to their families...many of them that were recorded, and all sworn to in the 911 Commission hearings.

Give me a acceptable answer there.....then we can talk about all the other conspriracy angles you have.....

This is a list of forum posts created by ttom500.

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