RE: Tonight I am an Arab.

It was not quiet exactly like that, Conrad. Really the Obama administration saw the foreign fighters as a Iraqi problem and legal issue.

So the Iraqi government came to him....and asked for the release.
Their prisons were filled. They were getting Iraqi criminals and had no place to put them.

So Obama OKs a general release. The Maliki govt did it 4-5 months ago.

I had then one of those gut level feelings that this was not a good idea.

RE: Tonight I am an Arab.

Read the post Paldi

120,000 from at least 16 different countries. OK? They all don't go to one country.

Here is how bin laden foreign fighter in Afghanistan operated. They come from 40 different countries. Get training. Some would stay. Others went back to their host countries to set up cells.

Now...a major player in Iraq was the alQeada of Iraq. Not all foreign fighters came from bin Laden Afghan group. But a lot did. Enough that when they are captured...and spend 2 years year in a Iraqi prison....the average time...some more some less....but you when release them all at short period of time as was done here.

They flow back to their host countries ready for more. Ready to destablize certain countries.

We have been worried that GITMO was to be the breeding ground for Islamic terrorist, yes? The most they had in GITMO was 800. You have 150 times that in Iraqi prisons....all talking, all in joint cells, all going home about the same time. 4 months ago...before these revolutions.

No one has connected these dots that I have read.....but I bet this is what has happened....

If you want site on the release of them...4 months ago...I will dig it up for you.

RE: Obama Is REALLY changing world to better! Enjoy rise of Humanity and Support this guy!

Careful Juan that is not in Obama concerned about you being color blind....

RE: Iranian nuclear programme

Sb you would think that Isreal is going to invade China and India at the a same time....

RE: Iranian nuclear programme

Most importantly, all sarcasm aside, war will never bring us the secure world we need. It just keeps escalating, and we in the West are doing most of the attacking, I don't care what you say about threats from the other side. Now they REALLY hate us.

Look Mumy.... gave you the timeline of events here. The UN waited for nearly 2 year before making the Iraq war illegal.
Then it cost alot of good American their lives.

If the Iraq war was illegal condemn it back in April of 2003.
Instead the UN was bullied, pressured ,bought and in its is impotent self way. Till the General Sect made his comment with out a General Assembly vote or a Security council vote. It was only his opinion.

The UN put the US over Iraq and made it a protecterate...that is UN law as well. bin Laden was Sadam Hussien stooge and mouth piece for stirring up the hate of the US presence in the middle east. Sadam later treated alQeada wounded from Afghanistan. Later let a alQeada group that spent 30 day with bin Laden post 911, have mountian fortress in norht Iraq near these yellow cake ores. They can make a ditry nuc....and a dirty nuc is a WMD.

Collin Powell did not lie to you. When he said that Sadam had WMDs. You just thought he meant bio and chemical WMDs....the most deadly of the WMDs. But dirty nucs are considered a WMD.
And UN el Baradi was not finding them in Sadam's Iraq. He was not even looking for them....Sadam had his UN group banned from the country. Only Blix was allowed to enter and search for bio and chemical WMDs.

500 pound of yellow about the amount needed for a nuclear core...think you can put 500 pound of yellow cake in a mid size truck with 2000 pounds of explosive and ruin a major capitol city? I assure you that you can.

Sadam had 2200 of those.

RE: Iranian nuclear programme

Well this got boring.....yawn

RE: Obama Is REALLY changing world to better! Enjoy rise of Humanity and Support this guy!

Not like we were at one time, I fear.

You should see the loyalty the old gents of WWII have for the country. They fought to get approval of a regulation for vets out of have the option to salute the flag or place his hand over his heart when it passed in review.

It allows them to salute when at a parade or funeral....and show their service to the country....were as a civilian cannot salute.

RE: Tonight I am an Arab.

Our experience in Iraq...were we captured 120,000 foreign fighters that came into the country....from some 16 different Muslim countries.

Is it so hard to think that in Tunasia, Egypt and Jordan foreign instigators are coming into these countries? Not only that, it was only about 4 months ago most of those 120,000 were released
from Iraqi jails.

Now suddenly you have a serise of revolutions in the middle east?

I am sorry that is more than one to many coincidences for me....

Yes Freddie and Conrad....the releases was under President Obama direction and approval the releases.....

RE: Obama Is REALLY changing world to better! Enjoy rise of Humanity and Support this guy!

A clue... time4fun4u.....we take our oath of office...military service.....oath of the Constitution of the United States.

Though the President is the highest official in our government.
citizens are free for political dissent. Or if in the military obligate to disobey illegal orders. Or if in acting in a legislted or appointed Judge Vinson determine a unconstitutional act.

Get it?

RE: Obama Is REALLY changing world to better! Enjoy rise of Humanity and Support this guy!

Dude what do you want from Americans? You have this ill defined concept of "propper", Implying rules and regulations. This is a country of freedoms.

The fewer rules and regulation the better. Why not just let us be Americans....accept that there is wide difference in our politics, cultures, religions, persons. We get it. Life is simpler for us with that understanding.....

RE: Iranian nuclear programme

Sure you saying the UN resolutions have dominance over the rule of law of the US. Under the UN Charter, every country maintains its own sovernignty. EG....makes it own laws and resolutions.

RE: Obama Is REALLY changing world to better! Enjoy rise of Humanity and Support this guy!

We have been trying to figure that out for about three years now.

Some have him as returning hawiian fire god....with out a birth certificate.

Others have him as a super intellect from HARvard University. But with the falling academics of the country, how can that be?

Still others have the common legislative layman. The man that has gone to Washington DC to be the Mr. Smith of his time.

So maybe all or maybe none?

RE: Tonight I am an Arab.

Maybe foreign instigators?

RE: Obama Is REALLY changing world to better! Enjoy rise of Humanity and Support this guy!

A Jim Carry and Jeff Daniels movie? grin

RE: Could America prevent an Iraq war?

Paldi....I can find if for you....but the Iraqi gov't has made a report that some 186,000 Iraqi died during the war and its occupation.

So? 500,000 children?

RE: Obama Is REALLY changing world to better! Enjoy rise of Humanity and Support this guy!

Interesting they were going to bankrupct you to keep you healthy.....

RE: Egypt's President Mubarak will not seek re-election

I am fully for Europe handing this one all by themselves. Egypt is in their back yard and ever since Napeloen was in thier knocking the nose off the Spinx, Europe and Egypt have been big buddies. It was the Europeans the dug the Suez. I think that we send in US Military only if Americans are at risk. I think that if the Muslim brotherhood gets is the Egyptian people choice....everyone says this is about freedom.

If they want the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia Law....and everything that goes with it.....they are totally free to have it. They can have the stoning, the amputations, the burkas and the entire Islamic spiel. Do I think that it is smart? No.

I hope they come to their senses before it is too late....but I doubt that.....

RE: Iranian nuclear programme

Hardly. Legal Bills and resolutions are passed all the time with either errored or unknown infomrmation. The legality comes with the vote and the signature of the Executive officer....even if it is on errored, faked, unknown, or falsified information.

It is the legislative act and the signature of the Execute officer that make a resolution or bill law. Not the material that it was decided on.

Better learn the Constitution....

RE: Tonight I am an Arab.

Let us see a few things that the Hussien family has done for his people.

Hussien senior did:

He booted Yaser Arafat and a fledging PLO our of Jordan after they began terrorizing Jordanian citizen.

He made peace a with a military stronger Isreal that could have taken more of his country in war.

He married a American, those binding his family to the US

He attended various peace conference on the Palestine/Isreal Issue

These include secret peace negotiation with Gold Mier

Hussien Junior has done the following for his country:

Kept a constitutional monarchy

Kept a operating parliment

Set up 6 economic zone for Jordan

Discussing nuclear energy for the country

Kept his country at peace while alQeada has made attack on it


In the 70s the country wealth grew at a asounding rate of 350%
In the 80%, it feel to 30%
In the 90%, it is back to 36%

He really kept Jordians in proverty. Jordan is one the most advanced and progressive countries the middle east.

I quote wiki

"Jordan is a emerging knowledge base economy. Education reform,
continue privatization, economic liberalization, and economic reform are making path to a knowledge based economy."

And it has a lower national debt than Greece. Yep the Hussien have done a horrible job for the Jordain people.

Lastly....the family has one of the strongest lineage relationship to Mohammed the Prophet in middle east. You bring them alQeada and Iran is hoping can have sunni/shia warfare all over the region.

RE: Tonight I am an Arab.

Let me handle this one, Collen.

The last time Greece did something of world importance....a guy by the name of Alexander the Great was living. OK the Greek Olympic games are cool.....

RE: Iranian nuclear programme

So what? The world leading international law experts were not facing a Sadam Hussien that had made bin Laden his personal spokesman and planner for a Jhadid on the US. GWB had exactly that situation.

It is common for a proxie terrorist group to work from one than one group. Today alQeada work for Iran. Then for Iraq. how do know that?

bin Ladens' video of the time were ranting about the US presence in the middle east. The reason were in the middle east was the UN mandate to over fly the Iraq and to be protectrate of the country.

The UN and Kobi Ayn cannot get it both ways. To make a us proterate and then to say don't war if they over step the boundary. What was the boundary? Those 550t of yellow cake in
Sadam's Iraq was over the boundary.

The UN Han Blix was looking for chemical and biologic WMD agents....wrong....this fell under UN Atomic energy agency....and one.....Egyptian by the name of el Baradi.
You know the name yes?

The same el Baradi, that when he was in Tehran...said "Isreal is the nuclear threat in the region". A position that you hold.
But el Baradi never found or declared Sadam's 550t of yellow cake. Never found the Syrian reactor. Never found the North Korea hidden nuclear facilities. Never found the Iranian hidden facilities at Qum. Never knew about the Paksitani sell of centrifuges to Iran.

That is a long list of never found and missed nuclear facilities and materials for Mr. el Baradi.

Either Mr. el Bardi was a blind inspector....or he purposely turned his head. What is your guess?

RE: Obama Is REALLY changing world to better! Enjoy rise of Humanity and Support this guy!

The President that changed the entire face of the Middle East with one address. I guess he never heard the old adage...."Love means never having to say you are sorry." grin

RE: Iranian nuclear programme

In your wildest dreams. The UN does not superscede a Country's right to make war. The UN charter was written for that legitmate war between nation state could occur.

It is why until President Obama, American troops were never placed under UN Command.

That way the US Commander in Chief had full control and responsibility of them.

Also check the dates....the UN sanction of the US congress declared war....came out after the US declared war. The US declared war on March 3, 2003. The UN Sectretary General made his state on the legality of the was on 16 Sept. 2004.

A little late....the war was actually over with....the invasion phase of the war end on 30 April 2003.

UN Sectretary General ill chosen remarks....helped to spur the insurrection, the influx of foreign fighters and the death of 1000s of Iraqis.

RE: Iranian nuclear programme

The UN also gave us a mandate to over fly Iraq and act as protectorate after the first Gulf War. The UN gets fickle that way.

And it was the US Congress that declared war on Sadam's Iraq. For whatever reasons...either valid or invalid....the US made a legitimate war on Sadam Hussien's Iraq. One that was declared and approved by the US Congress.

And if 911 was a inside job....why did bin Laden acknowledge his and alQeada role? So he could have the fun of being chased (e.g bombed and tracked) by the US military and CIA for the past 9 years?

RE: Iranian nuclear programme

Why would the US use nuclear weapons against Iran? When we have precision munitions and deep penetrating weapons that are need to strike Iran's deep buried bunkers and tunnels.

You are think that they US wants kill millions of Iran's. We don't. We can but we don't want to. We can war on Iran with a nuc. Very effective war in fact with our stealth aircraft.

Well Pres. A....actually not so much him....but the Supreme Leader...who really runs Iran.....has engaged in a low intensity conflict with the west since the US Embassy take over.
But now...with advancing weapons systems....and a coming nuc....most intelligence says testing within the year....Iran is flexing more muscle.

We are just getting ready for it...if you don't mind....I would hate to see us sleeping like on 911.

RE: Iranian nuclear programme

Then who is Iran in need of self defense from? If not Isreal? The US? Well makes sense for the US to do something about before Iran gets a nuc.

Actually it makes sense for NATO to do something about it before Iran has missile with more range to reach further into Europe.

Pres. A has American blood on his hands. Sure as you sit at your computer and type. He is requesting a American woman that strayed across the border to return and face Sharia law court make a hostage of her and her two this thing heats up.

And it is going to heat up.

We have done a pretty analysis of Pres. A weapons systems....yawn

RE: Iranian nuclear programme

Don't you have a black sheep in your family? Do you want the entire US to hold the innocent bin Laden's accountable for 911?

While his 4 sons...were direct participants in alQeada..they ended up in Iran.

Sure we invade Iraq....and took down nasty Islamic dictator. maybe you like nasty Islamic dictators?

When it comes to WMDs...let us not talk about the 550t (yes once again Conrad) of nuclear yellow cake that sadam moved to be near a alQeada aligned terror group in Northern Iraq.

RE: Iranian nuclear programme

You really think that little old Isreal with a population of 5.5m and without a surface navy....can invade Iran with a population of 60m and is 1000 miles away?

President A can say a lot of things...few of them do I believe.

RE: Iranian nuclear programme

Again you trust what Iran says.

But evidence has them building test tunnels in Western Iran for nuc testing.

Purchasing nuclear triggers.

Having a nuclear core furance.

Hiding their nuclear process facilities.

And as Tony Blare has said...."It was not til the Iraq war, did I realize how close Iran and alQeada were" alQeada has already proved to be a bomb delivery organization. The package bombs, the London bus attacks, the Madrid Train attack, the NY City Time Square attack, the underwear bomber attack.....

It is just a just of the size of the device......alQeada does not care if it kill 20, 30 or 20,000 or 30, fact alQeada
prefers teh bigger numbers.

RE: Iranian nuclear programme

Well Isreal did not support bin Laden 911 attack on the US.

Iran did. How?

Hosting his family after after the attacks played a key support role to the events of the time.

Providing materials and munitions to kill Americans in Iraq.

Buying criticial intelligence from the Karsai gov't in
Afghansitan that likely has led to more American deaths.

If they are killing my fellow countrymen, SB....I don't trust them.

But obviously you don't see that.

This is a list of forum posts created by ttom500.

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