RE: Bin Laden dead on Obama's watch YAY

Or that OBL was a agent of the US gov't. That works well at present.grin

RE: Obama for president in 2012 or will America allow the mighty Spin machine of GOP defeating Sanity?

We should celebrate a man's death? Or the death of the woman that was used as a human shield in the fire fight.

The only thing to celebrate that over the last years since 9/ that bin Laden order the death of 10,000 innocent men, women and children around the world. Most were Muslim. Just maybe his alQeada will back away from such injustice.

Do I believe that?

Not likely.

But it was nice to see justice done on bin Laden.

RE: Obama for president in 2012 or will America allow the mighty Spin machine of GOP defeating Sanity?

bin Laden is not in Iran.laugh

RE: Obama for president in 2012 or will America allow the mighty Spin machine of GOP defeating Sanity?

Guess what Dude?


RE: Obama for president in 2012 or will America allow the mighty Spin machine of GOP defeating Sanity?

Someone had a easy head shot then........bin Laden was not moving.

RE: Bin Laden dead on Obama's watch YAY

We stopped trying to convince you of anything years ago. WE know what we did and do.......

RE: Bin Laden dead on Obama's watch YAY

Am I conservative REP/Tea Party Juan. The Obama administration did a very good job here. They used intelligence on bin Laden that was obtained in August of this year to trace him down. Then mounted a a well planned covert operation operation on him.

Had GWB had the same intelligence that was gained in August, when makes you think he would have done anything differently? Just that political leaning?

God Bless America (that is both political parties and even those without a political leaning).....her armed forces around the globe.

RE: Obama for president in 2012 or will America allow the mighty Spin machine of GOP defeating Sanity?

It is more than just that. The third site is Jerusalem. You just had Iran negotiate a joining of Hamas and Fatah. Hamas cannot cough without Iran's approval. It is the 120m that Iran sends to Gaza annually. Hamas needs it.

That puts Iran next door to the third Holy city.

RE: Obama for president in 2012 or will America allow the mighty Spin machine of GOP defeating Sanity?

If the follow article does not make it clear that that Iran is behind the unrest in one Islamic country...Behrain....not sure what would.

Iran is warning Saudi that if it continues to support the Bahrian Royal gov't against the Shai unrest....that it can expect unrest in Suadi.


Anyone want to say the some of the street protest are not proxied by Iran?

RE: Obama for president in 2012 or will America allow the mighty Spin machine of GOP defeating Sanity?

That is the way I see it too, Katt.

RE: Obama for president in 2012 or will America allow the mighty Spin machine of GOP defeating Sanity?

Let check the news and see what Obama did last night......

LOL....maybe start another war. Hey dude please tell us when

1 million have been killed in Libya, please.

Amazing that the liberal anti war site are not keeping record of the Libyan conflict deaths and making any media reports. That are quiet as church mice.

Back to news........

The Federal administration is denying a passport to a foreign born American. They open that door of the SW border for 1000s of illegal alien.....but when a Americans have a child in Isreal...
suddenly they cannot find a passport for the now 9 yo.

Not only that, being born to Jewish American parents, this smack of religious bias as well. When the Fed Government does something, it always gets several major issues tangled up.

So here is the story. Born in 2002, in Isreal, they (The Zivotofsky's) applied two month later for American passport. Requesting that the birth location be Israel. That would give the child dual citizenship, I suspect. Only state department denied the request.


A legal fight has gone on for 9 years.

Somehow....the case is filed...Zivotofsky v Clinton...but in 2002, GWB was in office?

A President Obama having the.... mike and platform ..picked on a tabled Donald Trump during the recent White House Correspond Diner. That is class. Cracking jokes about the Don and what the White House wold become (a Casino) if he were to win the office.

One might just joke about what it has become since 2008.

President Obama even brought in a paid comedian to complete the insulting of the Don. Yes, the White House hosts this diner so the speakers are chosen by the htem.

A lot of class there. It is Not nice to pick on defenseless billionaire, Mr. President.

Will someone explain to ending the gas companies subsidies of $4b per year will being down the price of a gallon of gas?

If they lose the $4b.....will not the price of a gallon go to cover the short fall and lose? That is what most business would do.

But according President Obama this is not what will happen. Instead the $4b tax payers moneys will come back to the FED government, and the price of a gallon of gas will go down.

Qdaffi son and grand children deaths. Even if it was not a US military operation that struck his house. The US is on the Qdaffi blame list for the death for a couple of reasons.

1) It was President Obama that led the building of the international coalition on Libya.
2) It was likely US made ordnance that hit the house
3) The US is still flying Libya no fly zone military operation with the Predators.

So Qdaffi is not going to look necessarily at the European countries that did the actual attack. In Qdaffi weird sense of eye for a eye and tooth for a tooth....the US is just as much to blame here as the NATO countries of Europe.

Qdaffi's Lockerbie followed Reagon's air attack on Qdaffi for the Berlin disco bombing.

According to Todd is the Obama administration fault for gas prices being so high.thumbs up

Todd has got it figured out. Had the Obama administration allowed the industry to drill babe the US and offshore....then we would have increased our home production...and not be leaning on the OPEC for crude. And not be tied into OPEC pricing.

So even if the Libya crisis reduces global crude production, the
US has tapped a bigger and logistically closer source that oil firm would deliver here. And it would be reflected in our price at the pump.

Happy Sunday everyone...............

RE: Obama for president in 2012 or will America allow the mighty Spin machine of GOP defeating Sanity?

Dudester, you just got a different Libyan war going on. NATO hit the house Qdaffi and his wife were in. But they survived. But according to Libyan media....his youngest son and 3 grandchildren were killed.

That old eye for a eye and tooth for a tooth thingee.

RE: Obama for president in 2012 or will America allow the mighty Spin machine of GOP defeating Sanity?

The White House is attempting to silence a reporter that got cell images of a protest at a Obama fund raiser. Now.....these 6 protester paid.....$76,000 to attend this fund raiser to protest about the way Pvt. Manning is being treated.

Yes cough.....poor liberals and DEM heart is bleeding for them in their proverty.

A reporter that was there as a invited pool reporter caught the protest on her cell. Now...the agreement of the press that materials gained by a invited shared with all the pool. Some reporter don't get the invite.

But this time, the White House is finding ways to keep the reporter's images from being circulated. One of those blah blah blah blah thingees.

Somehow with protester paying $76,000 to aid Pvt. Manning.....consider were these 6 might get 76,000.....for the fund raiser tickets....if the names Jullian Assange and wiki leaks pops into your get the big prize of the day. When Manning get out Leavenworth in 40-50 years.....with that kind of money out there supporting him today....he is going tobe doing pretty well.

Well is liberals eating liberals....the circular firing squad....
the buddy leap with a frayed bungii cord.....that tandem parachute jump with torn panels....we are seeing here.

RE: Obama for president in 2012 or will America allow the mighty Spin machine of GOP defeating Sanity?

They have a 90 yo grandmother in the US, now selling suicide kits.
Yep you read that right........

Have they taken the needle away from her yet? Not that I know of.

RE: Royal wedding in UK

I don't see that V.

The Queen is not going to break royal protocol....of natural heridity selection ...just because Charles was married and then remarried.

Henry the 8th, remember?
Henry had a different wife for every day of the week.

Prince William is still on active duty in the military. Anything could happen there. So the Queen has to go with the nearest and eldest in line for the succession.

Charles of course can mess it up. You know..disawow England and become a Buddist monk or decide that he wants to have Charlie Sheen's lifestyle and be on 2 and 1/2 men...they would remain it.....1 and 1/2 men and a near King....for Charles. That Charles and Charlie have the same first name.....makes it easier for the shows scriptwriters to use old stories that they have been trashing recently.

RE: I think Obama should.

A little news from Afghanistan.

The Taliban just announced their 'spring offensive' in a 2 page media release. What will they think of next?

One might note at this point. It is very late in spring for this.
One has to think that it revolves around the freeing of tehe 450
Taliban prisoners, that now they have the man power for a
spring offensive.

No response from NATO, Karsia or Obama Administration as of yet.

RE: I think Obama should.

Please note, I did not say in President Obama is happy or unhappy
with the Libya. But...with the impact that rising gas prices have on his re-election has to think .....unhappy.

Anyone want me to do Syria Happy Unhappyy Score Card? grin

RE: I think Obama should.

Here is how crazy the Libyan thing is.

Qdaffi has called for a ceasefire with NATO. But refuses to leave or to give up power. His sons are saying they will fight for 40 year with NATO airstrikes. It does not matter. But he has not called for a ceasefire with the rebells.

In the meantime, neither NATO or the Rebells can accept a ceasefire, that would only give QDaffi time to regroup and resupply. The rebells says he has to go. NATO says he has to go.

NATO caught Libyan vessels planting mines off the port of Misrata
and Libyan crude to the west has been in steady decline since
the outbreak of violence. Libya has said don't into out 110 mile coastal zone or else. Vessel owners are going to halt sending their expensive crude carrier into dangerous waters. Meaning that the price of gas/crude is going to increase. Making OPEC and the Arab League very happy.

NATO countries are getting ready to violate the UN Security council resolution of no boots on the ground. With trainers and
security contingents for the aid shipments.

All the while, Qdaffi forces occassionaly slip into neighboring
Tunasia for operations on the fleeing Lybian civilians there. Drawing the ire of the Tusis government.

While every arm merchant on the planet is headed to Libya to make a deal with the threaten and very rich Qdaffi regime. Please note at this point, that both China and Russia abstained from the Libyan UN resolution. Allowing this conflict to occur.

So in total at this time, we have:

OPEC and Arab League ....very happy
Arms Merchant of Russia and China.....very happy
Qdaffi sons.....very unhappy
Tunis.....kind of unhappy
Qdaffi....kind of unhappy
NATO....kind of unhappy
Rebells....kind of unhappy
Oil Shippers....very unhappy
Liyban fleeing the country....very unhappy
The UN....very unhappy (its resolution is about to be violated)

Check back next week and the Libyan score card (happy and unhappy) will certainly have changed.

RE: I think Obama should.

some never learn...............grin

RE: Royal wedding in UK

Congratulations Kate and William....even though the kiss was so short that Katie Couric had it replayed 4 times here. This has been a stunning display of a country celebrating its Royal family and its continuation.

Again to all of England and the Royal English Empire..............Congratulations.

God bless the future King and Queen of England.

danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline danceline
sir bobby sir bobby sir bobby sir bobby sir bobby sir bobby sir bobby sir bobby sir bobby sir bobby sir bobby sir bobby

.............................kiss kiss.......................

the CS version of the Kiss

Again Congratualtions....

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

A recent gallup poll on the Tea Party.

Saying that the Tea Party is mainly mainstream to America, its values and its demographics. Even more so than the DEM party.

In age, education, race, and employment, the conservative TEA Party movement is more inline with demographic of the country than the DEM party.

Surprise surprise, Dude.


RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

That is why the REP and Tea party grew in number from the 2008 to 2010?

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

That doe snot fly Dude and you know it.

There are blacks, gays, asians, American Indians, Muslims, Carribean Islander, Indians and many other races and cultures in the REP party. If it was this party of fear and race hatred...they would be part of the party and they would not vote REP.

Placing a quote from a celebrated and sucessful person to your twisted and warped opinion of America and 56m Americans...only show the depths you will go to.

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

That is why we heard it so much in Iraq coming from alQeada of Iraq. Why we heard it so much in Afghanistan coming from the Taliban and alQeada there.

Why cannot you admit....birds of a feather stick together and shout together?grin

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

What? What does a conservative REP Senator going to US Congress have to do with Fatah/Hamas agreement of unity? You cannot see that the more violent Hamas will use this agreement to kill off the FATAH....just like they did to oust FATAH from Gaza?

LOL...instead of having one small border with Hamas....Isreal will have a common border with Hezbolloh on the north, Hamas on the East and Hamas on the South east. Hezbolloh just cou the Raferiki, so getting power back from these guys tends to mean military intervention. Hamas is going to take power from FATAH sure as I type.

And that Gaza election. See any reports from 3rd party observers to the Hamas...not running it like Ahmendinejada did in Iran?

President Obama and his State Department dropped the ball so bad here.....that he effectively surrounded Isreal with the most violent of the anti Isreal group in the middle east. And Isreal will fight rather than concede to them.

This was just more of the appeasement and apology Muslim outreach that Obama developed...thinking it would make a secure and peaceful middle east. You got generations of violence coming from this unity pact of the two.

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

By the way....when the rebells bring wounded into the local hospital for treatment.....a common shout is..."Alla Akbar"
and when one passes....."Mrytar". This coming from the secular rebells that are not Islamic radicals.grin

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

A high percentage of Americans still see the economy in recession or depression. 70% of the polled Americans...said the economy was in depression, recession or slowing down.

Only 27% polled by Gallup in a April 23-27 poll of 1013, said the economy was growing.


A major disconnect is coming for the 2012 election. Were one can expect the Obama economic team to site chart and data to show economic growth. There was economic growth for major US corporations that got the bailouts. But mainstreet USA, were this 1013 live did not economically benefit with the bailouts.

The unemployment has fallen from 9.8% to 8.8%...but in many communities is still over 10%. People see only their personal situation, when you ask about economics. Either it is good or it is bad.

To those 2010 IND that were lost to REP and Tea party canidates, the Obama administration is going to have difficulties in telling that the economy has improved. Making them believe it even a harder task.

People are now voting the President's record, not his rheotric.
And when they now listen .... explain how the turn around of American economy that did not touch them ....was to their benefit as well.cartwheel and they will ask how many
drink pouring has had to lead them to see the elephant

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

Let us check on how well that Obama not fly zone is working on protecting Libyan civilians.

Misrata? No. Heavy fighting has raged in the city. Qdaffi fighters melted into the civilians making it impossible to determine them from the air. Then heavy weapons were brought into shell the city.
Civilian death resulting from inaccurate and bad ordrance.

This has gone of for 60 days. NATO is being shown to inept in stopping the violence with only the no fly zone.

Fighting along the Tunisian border continues. Even into Tunisa. Were Qdaffi rockets fall into the country and on the fleeing Libyans. NATO again watches.

In the east, it has settled into a stalemate. Both sides to weak to advance. NATO unable to break the stalemate from the air. Only more civilian death can be seen here in the future.

The answer of course is NATO boots on the ground. Both to better direct the air strikes on the front line. And break thru the Qdaffi force defenses. But will leaders of the colaition get a change of the UN Libyan resolution? for boot on the ground? Even be able to with both China and Russia able to veto on the security council?

NATO countries are beginning limited boot on the ground. But Qdaffi forces are well entrenched. Just training and aid security details is not going to move them. Tanks and personnel carriers will.

That places all of NATO and the US into another ground war in a Islamic country. And until that happens, only more Libyan civilians will die.

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

LOL......Gonzales was taking a fall for the President, Dude.
When you take the fall for the President, you misdirect. Seems like it was successful.

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

As mentioned earlier here, Abbas had gotten the idea that Obama was not serious about a middle east peace agreement. That Obama had hung him up on the Isreali developments on the West bank.

Abbas got his revenge. He just signed a reconciliation agreement with Hamas. One for joint voting to occur for a unified Palestine state.

Isreal says that the joint resolution is in response to Syrian
and Egyptian protest. That they placed Abbas in untendable position to remain independent in a region broiling with rebellion and hardline Islamics coming to power.

So rather than using the Syrian protest to dust bin Assad, events are bring about a unified Palestine that will be even harder to bring a peace agreement with. One that Iran can use in the future to engage Israel.

So the violence in the middle east will go on, and on, and on.....
Nice job President Obama..............time for a another geo political advisor to come out for the speiku ceremony.

This is a list of forum posts created by ttom500.

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