When will I learn not to jump into a cat fight? I posted some good info on the bottom of pg 13 if anybody's interested in reading it.


Here's a good news source for you.

"Voter registration is one of the key battlegrounds of this election although it is under the radar for many people as it operates through tables at shopping malls, campuses, and street corners, one voter at a time. Over 4 million new voters have been registered in key states this year, with the majority Democrats. In North Carolina, new registrants favor the Democrats 6 to 1. In Colorado and Nevada it is 4 to 1. Democrats are working overtime in cities, especially on college campuses and in poor areas. Republicans are working hard in rural areas and in senior citizens homes. Although Obama supporters will hate to admit it, a lot of the credit goes to Hillary Clinton. Her refusal to give up until the last dog died resulted in pitched primary battles in many states in April through June, with both sides registering thousands of new voters. But once registered, a primary voter can also vote in the general election. Because the Republican battle was over early, there was no analogous scramble to register every last Republican in the Spring."

Notice the normally very red state of Virginia. Obama leads McCain by 3%, and North Carolina also a very red state is in a dead tie. Democrats are leading in Florida & Ohio by 2%

McCains mantra of "I AM A BUSH REPUBLICAN" is coming back to haunt him and his stunt of picking that airhead running mate demonstrates just how bad his judgement is. Saturday Night Live's ratings are going through the roof.

RE: Russian Billionaire Oleg Deripaska (Margin Call)

That's what happens when you borrow money to buy stocks. This is the exact same thing that led to the crash of 29.

The only debt I would ever accept is the mortgage on my house. Other wise if I can't afford to buy something with cash, I don't buy it at all. Not even a car.

RE: So.... OJ Simpson Found Guilty?

I predict that at some point in the future, OJ will confess to killing Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman due to a jealous rage when he learns he has a terminal illness like cancer.

Here is a link to the story:

RE: Who was your first love?

When I was 15 a friend of the family we called "Mon unc" brought us with him to Canada. There was a girl there named "Micheline". She was Mon uncs niece a skinny rather unsophisticated chic the same age as me and I was totally unaware of her until one day while I was lying on the couch in the living room, she sat down on the couch opposite
me and I saw that she had no undies on as she sat there with her legs spread apart. I fell in love with her on the spot. I ran into her many years later. She had moved to New York and gotten married to an Italian, had a couple of kids and was fat. I was straining to find even the smallest aspect of her that was familiar. Hearing her speak English was startling. I could finally put her behind me and go on with my life. It was sad, but it was a cleansing experience.


Have you forgotten to take your pills today?laugh The "dude" from Denmark wasn't even in this thread. My reply was to the guy with the blue shades.
Oh, by the way, I've read "dude"s (from Denmark) threads til my eye's got

RE: My Favorite Novels of all Time

The Grapes of Wrath
I read that 3 times

"Cities in Flight" by James Blish

"The door into Summer" by Robt Heinlein

"The Seventh Cross" by Anna Seghers

I think in view of what's going on with the economy I might read the Grapes of Wrath again. People who worry about their 401K's and whether they can get gas for their Escalades need to pick up and spend some time with this book. They will soon realize just how fortunate they really are.


Don't be mean dude, leave that to the Republicans. Lets show the world that we are better than that.

I think she did a way better job than I expected. I'm as sure as ever though that Biden is much better qualified to assume the presidency if necessary.

RE: Biden/Palin debate will you watch it?

I disagree about deciding the election. If Palin does well it might tighten it up a bit and if Biden makes her look like a deer in the headlights, McCain may drop her and try to salvage his chances with another VP who can solidify the base.
I think McCain took a really big gamble picking Palin looking at it now. I think it was a rush to judgement because his camp wanted to garner the female vote and she seemed to have everything. The only problem with her was it was all smoke and mirrors.
It's funny how a lot of people give her credit for being the Governor of the biggest state in the union, however Alaska may be big in square miles but the population of the whole state is only 683,478 (07) that is only 0.22% the population of the United States. Tiny Rhode Island has over a million. The population of Manhattan is 1.5 million and that is just 1 of NYC's 5 boroughs. The Mayor of NYC has a job 10X tougher than the governor of Alaska could ever have.

Sorry for rambling but people need to put things in perspective.

RE: Who do you resemble?

Elvis Presley, James Dean, Clint Eastwood, Alan Alda.

Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president of the United States

John McCain: "I am a Bush Republican"

Yeah, we know, that's the problem!

RE: Biden/Palin debate will you watch it?

I'll watch it if it doesn't conflict with The Simpsons. doh


Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president of the United States

"made it thru"?

I'd be willing to bet if there was a poll to go back to the Clinton years with a budget surplus, no war in Iraq, a bull market where people were making money hand over fist and over 4,000 of our young people alive who are dead now, it would run about 90% in favor. applause

Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president of the United States

I looked this up on Wickie:

"The Speaker is elected on the first day of a new session of Congress. The election is presided over by the Clerk of the House of Representatives and each party nominates a candidate. Whoever receives a simple majority of the votes is elected and, after election, is sworn in by the Dean of the House, the chamber's longest-serving member.

In modern practice, the Speaker is chosen by the majority party in the House; it is usually obvious within two to three weeks of a House election who the new Speaker will be. It is expected that members of the House vote for their party's candidate. If they don't do so, they usually vote for someone else in their party or vote "present." Voting for the other party's candidate is dealt with very severely. For example, when Democrat Jim Traficant voted for Republican Dennis Hastert in the 2001 election for Speaker, the Democrats stripped him of his seniority."

RE: Giving Up Wine

"I just know you're laughing!
You're gonna send it on - aren't you"

Absolutely! rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Is Connecting Singles a serious site?

Put up a picture also. Nobody likes to talk to a ghost.

Also, women esp the good looking ones get lots of mail (I should have their problem) so it may take time for them to get around to you. Yeah, and being married no matter how you color it will turn off a lot of prospective dates quicker than you can say Guten tag.

Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president of the United States

"But it was the DEMs that put her there, when they made her Speaker."

I'm surprised at you Tom.

She wasn't "put" there by anyone, she naturally assumed the position of Speaker of the House by procedural rules when the Democrats achieved a majority. If anybody was responsible for Pelosi becoming Speaker of the House it was the disasterous presidency of George W Bush. Nice try though!thumbs up

RE: Anyone love God in here?...

What if you're wrong?

What if you devote your life to worshiping a god, give all your worldly goods to your church, put your faith and trust in a spirit, pray to a ghost to save you from this or that, fully expect that when you die you will have everlasting life in paradise, reunite with long lost loved ones who died before you and sacrifice your life in hopes of having a better life after you die......
And when the lights go out for the last time......

Nothing happens?

They put your carcass in the ground and the worms and fungus consumes what's left, or burn you to a crisp and you go up a chimney as smoke, one last assault on the planet by polluting the atmosphere.

You will have wasted the only life you KNOW you have for a make believe existance that for all probability doesn't exist and never did exist. You will have been the victim of the biggest scam that has been perpetrated on mankind.

RE: Anyone love God in here?...

I am the master of my soul


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

William Ernest Henley. 1849–1903

RE: 25 or 6 to 4.

WOWdancing They damn sure don't make em like that anymore. Where the hell did we go wrong?

Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president of the United States

Here's the link.

Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president of the United States

The Sarah Palin pity party
Everyone seems to be oozing sympathy for the fumbling vice-presidential nominee. Please. Cry me a freaking river.

By Rebecca Traister

Sept. 30, 2008 | Is this the week that Democrats and Republicans join hands -- to heap pity on poor Sarah Palin?

At the moment, all signs point to yes, as some strange bedfellows reveal that they have been feeling sorry for the vice-presidential candidate ever since she stopped speaking without the help of a teleprompter. Conservative women like Kathleen Parker and Kathryn Jean Lopez are shuddering with sympathy as they realize that the candidate who thrilled them, just weeks ago, is not in shape for the big game. They're not alone. The New Republic's Christopher Orr feels that Palin has been misused by the team that tapped her. In the New York Times, Judith Warner feels for Sarah, too! And over at the Atlantic, Ta-Nehisi Coates empathizes with intelligence and nuance, making clear that he's not expressing pity. Salon's own Glenn Greenwald watched the Katie Couric interview and "actually felt sorry for Sarah Palin." Even Amy Poehler, impersonating Katie Couric on last week's "Saturday Night Live," makes the joke that Palin's cornered-animal ineptitude makes her "increasingly adorable."

I guess I'm one cold dame, because while Palin provokes many unpleasant emotions in me, I just can't seem to summon pity, affection or remorse.
Don't get me wrong, I'm just like all of the rest of you, part of the bipartisan jumble of viewers that keeps one hand poised above the mute button and the other over my eyes during Palin's disastrous interviews. Like everyone else, I can barely take the waves of embarrassment that come with watching someone do something so badly. Roseanne Barr singing the national anthem, Sofia Coppola acting in "The Godfather: Part III," Sarah Palin talking about Russia -- they all create the same level of eyeball-squinching discomfort.

But just because I'm human, just because I can feel, just because I did say this weekend that I "almost feel sorry for her" doesn't mean, when I consider the situation rationally, that I do. Yes, as a feminist, it sucks -- hard -- to watch a woman, no matter how much I hate her politics, unable to answer questions about her running mate during a television interview. And perhaps it's because this experience pains me so much that I feel not sympathy but biting anger. At her, at John McCain, at the misogynistic political mash that has been made of what was otherwise a groundbreaking year for women in presidential politics.
In her "Poor Sarah" column, Warner writes of the wave of "self-recognition and sympathy washed over" her when she saw a photo of Palin talking to Henry Kissinger. Palin -- as "a woman fully aware that she was out of her league, scared out of her wits, hanging on for dear life" -- apparently reminded Warner of herself. Wow. Putting aside the massively depressing implication that Warner recognizes this attitude because she believes it to be somehow written into the female condition, let's consider that there are any number of women who could have been John McCain's running mate -- from Olympia Snowe to Christine Todd Whitman to Kay Bailey Hutchison to Elizabeth Dole to Condoleezza Rice -- who would not have provoked this reaction. Democrats might well have been repulsed and infuriated by these women's policy positions. But we would not have been sitting around worrying about how scared they looked.

Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president of the United States

rolling on the floor laughing You cad!

Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president of the United States

Thank you. thumbs up

Speaking of Sarahs mmmmm physical attributes, have you seen that photoshop pic of her with the assault rifle by the pool? too bad that wasn't her torso. I doubt she looks that good in a Bikini.

RE: What kind of job could I do in an English speaking country?

I notice this lovely Asian lady starts threads but doesn't participate in them. I wonder why?sigh

RE: From the worker ant perspective what advice would you give to your boss?

You hired me to do a job. Now you can tell me what to do, but unless I ask, don't ever tell me how to do it.

RE: From the worker ant perspective what advice would you give to your boss?

Lead, Follow, or get the hell out of the way!professor

Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president of the United States

The poll is about Sarah Palin, it's not about Obama or Biden. If you want to you can start your own poll/thread about them.

Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president of the United States

I realize she is not running for president however, as VP she is just a heartbeat away from becoming the President of the United States.

RE: Hmm... prospective please? Confused.

You're wasting your time with this guy!

This is a list of forum posts created by ooby_dooby.

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