RE: clothes have we become to casual in what we wear?

Out there in the Rainforests the Pygmies wear what they came into the world in...... But the Eskimos dont!.... its too cold.

Its not the kids that are fashion conscious... its the parents.
Kids just want a Tribal Identity, and the parents are willing and able to pay for it! Clothes arent made by Mama anymore..... so Designer labels give a "one-up-manship" of status, and satisfy the guilt feelings of working Moms. devil dancing cool

RE: Policing of th uropan Forum

Maybe the Cruise Ship had Lifeboat Drill... and Freeze fell out her lifeboat, and no-one jumped in to save her!..... I warned her not to rely on the Officers in their Snazzy White Uniforms!
Maybe she is floating around the Med in her Lifejacket and will wash up on a shoreline somewhere?
Anyone finding a bedraggled wet barmaid lying on their beach.... please notify CS.

RE: blind date

I would.... its not a binding agreement.... just fun! And people are just people, and he may be the right person for someone else I know, and visa versa. If you want to find someone to love, you gotta go thru the ones you cant love too..... maybe, just maybe, there is someone down there in the woodpile for me?!.. or You?!dancing cheers

RE: to look or not to look

Maybe one should look... but carefully....Too much intense looking makes one miss what is under one's feet? Like looking at the forest and not seeing the trees? cool

RE: you have found someone to be with but they live in another country what now???

Aah..... that is one the Great Crossroads of Life! "This way" or "That way", "Straight ahead"?... or "Stand Still"?

dunno dancing

RE: love

you look too skinny to follow your tummy..... is it not your nose smelling the food that you following?cool

Whats your Totem?

Do you smoke the Peace Pipe? Strange, hey, here you are, and I just met someone else who has done his Vision Quest. Its a very very interesting culture, with much for us to learn from.

Have you heard the Story of Jumping Mouse? If not, would you like me to email it to you?

Keep kewl Spidermoose.dancing dancing dancing

RE: Are we alone in this world??

wave Why would any Intelligent Beings want to come to Earth?

They just waiting for us to do our best worst, and then, if there's anything left over, they can start again.... dancing

RE: Five Letters, One Sentence Game


She Helps Only Pill Poppers In Natural Garden




Yussir.. ! I going to do just that!head banger dancing

And now its fun too, cause everything is just so cheap !!!!devil

RE: keeping fit

I have temporarily given up keeping fit... its Too Cold! Minus 5 degrees outside! I need some Thermal Padding for my bones.

Actually, overdid my running just before Christmas and damaged my ankles....... so have to start at the beginning again, like a baby, to just walk the walk, and not run the walk!

Then, with all the holidays and family on leave, the time zone in this house has gone wonky..... various members sleep while others are awake. Next week, life will return to what is considered normal... I hope. dancing

RE: living together /marriage ????

What would you do with the Emoticons?!

BUT... you used 9.... thats 6 over the limit! Just now, you are going to get a speeding ticket. dancing

RE: Promise me all to not laugh...PLEASE!!

Takes all types of folks, to make the world go round.dancing

RE: very important

SPIDERMOOSE.... A chainsaw is a Cruel Instrument of Torture.... I do hope you beg forgiveness from the Trees before you amputate them! They need at least 24 hours of warning that you are about to sever their limbs, and afterwards, they need constant sympathy until their wounds have healed. Also, the need for the amputation should be explained to them, before, so they can get prepared mentally. As long as there is a great need for this surgery, they will understand, and intervene with Mother Earth on your behalf to protect you from yourself. wink dancing grin

RE: Welcome to Cyba's bar...........ALL WELCOME.......

I think I prefer this nice little leprechaun guy, at least he makes good conversation and likes to laugh. wink

Oh I know the aliens are here....all over the place... but usually my instinct warns me and Im able to keep clear of them. But sometimes they just sneak up on me, unexpectedly... and scare the daylights out of me! Interesting that some of you have met them, thought I was the only one! The realy scary ones are those who come disguised as Humans... when underneath they are actually Reptiles... now those I find the scariest yet......devil dancing cheers

RE: what are new decisions for this new year ?

new decisions for this new year...... To not make decisions, and to "go with with flow".......dancing yay cheers

RE: Hi out there

Hi Theo, welcome to the Forum.... greetings from Switzerland. wave

RE: Welcome to Cyba's bar...........ALL WELCOME.......

Do you guys realise that the Aliens have landed? Oh yes, I just found two of them on another thread.... thats what has driven me into the Pub. I'm hiding out for a while. Its getting a bit scary out there! I think I'll be down in the cellar, where its nice and isolated. I prefer the dark and gloomy to whats happening out there..... they attack when your back is turned. And they dont use weapons of war ... they use Words!... nice words, that cut like razors. dunno cool

RE: Hi Ladies and Gents

Oh gee, looks like its time for all us boorish, uncultured, caddish, ognoramuses, to find ourselves another site? We spoiling these two's fun of communication. Perhaps if we all moved over to Cyba's Pub Thread, and left the rest of this Forum for the Culture Bunchy to exchange Poetry and Nice Words, we could contribute to World Peace?dancing cheers dancing

Perhaps, even, these two could intervene now and again, and guide us on higher paths of intellectuality, we could try to not be so boring, and drive them into silence? We realy lacking higher intellect here, and maybe we desperately need people of intelligence?dunno

RE: what are you doing with two woman in same time

rolling on the floor laughing Ah, you got a sense of humour? Naughty!laugh dancing

RE: fear- of getting it wrong again

To live with the vision of a Mouse is to limit your life experiences. To venture out, take a chance, go with your feelings, climb that mountain,...... you could end up as an Eagle!dancing

RE: should you always follow what you feel?

What you feel is your Intuition. An ancient craft we are losing thru neglect.
Past experience, I believe, and according to ancient beliefs, is part of our learning. We have to Learn, to help us in our Walk.

Loving, and losing, is what life is all about. Nothing stays the same..... only the fixed elements, and we are not fixed, we are evolving and moving on all the time.

RE: what are you doing with two woman in same time


RE: Welcome to Cyba's bar...........ALL WELCOME.......

Yeah, I reckon he's probably passed out slumped over his keyboard... and forgotten all about me by now. Oh well, when he wakes up he may come staggering in here.... just make sure my broom is well hidden, dont let him get his hands on it...... I cant afford to keep replacing my brooms!
Now..... turn up the volume!!!!! and lets groove.

I hear Marzikam has taken over the baking chores here? and doing a very good job of it by the sounds of contentment I hear.dancing cheers

RE: living together /marriage ????

Dont worry about this Wedy !!! Its women talk. I know there is no such thing as a guarantee on a relationship... We just "wounded survivors" here, talking hypothetically, and trying to ensure no more cheers

RE: Welcome to Cyba's bar...........ALL WELCOME.......

twave Hi Everyone. I got hi-jacked by some guy looking for a fat dutch girl...... not me, I too skinny, and not Dutch, thank God!
Now the dust has settled, the laundry all done, I think tonight I will get drunk! I deserve it.

Freeze... how about a nice Tall Triple Whisky on the rocks with soda? I want to just park here on this bar-stool, and wait for Wedy, we got lots to talk about.

I am just SO pleased to see the new pale pink flowered toilet paper in the ladies loo, good fellow Cyba, now the place looks decent again. I took all your hand-rolled recycled christmas wrapping paper and the brown paper down to the dump this afternoon. The guy in charge there wanted to know why it was all so meticulously rolled onto old loo inners? I just told him it was your contribution to the employment of unemployed folk.

Anyone want to join me for a drink, while we wait for Wedy to appear? I have hidden my broomstick, so he doesnt get tempted to try ride it! Last year Funoldie fell off the roof with it! Dangerous tricks for old folk to attempt!dancing cheers beer

RE: desert island

Barely able to survive in civilisation...... never mind on a deserted island!!!!!dancing

RE: very important

See? I just knew you were one of my Clan! I am also the Beaver!!!!!dancing dancing dancing

Your dreams..

Wise young lady MARKISAMKD, that just shows, huh, that despite all the materialistic dreams we have.... its love that counts!head banger

RE: why some people cant talk about them selfs

You see? You answered.... without saying anything about yourself. The postings here are usually very brief, without giving much insight into the person. The ones we have gotten to know, they usually have something to say about themselves.
Like Spidermoose, this morning, appearing in a suit and tie! and then explaining that that is not "him".... he is dressing a "part", just to give us a sort of shock..... So now we know that the cool laid back guy is the "real" him.cheers

This is a list of forum posts created by smoky.

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