Ambrose2007Ambrose2007 Forum Posts (8,881)

RE: Are you... jealous????

Thanks, FF. But maybe you'll feel more at peace with this one...wave laugh


Have you been drinking again, Wonder? conversing dunno head banger cheers

RE: What is hunting for you?

I hope it is something that will be merciful when it finally finds me! uh oh uh oh hole

RE: Was I wrong???

You mean, say, watch him read passages from the Encyclopedia of Philosophy (one of my favorite methods of self-satisfactionsmitten)?

If so, you were probably right to delete him without response. I know from experience that we intellectuals can be tough to deal with. blushing sad flower beer


confused I guess that depends on how one defines "track record."

Anyway, it's not a case of "free market health care" versus "socialist government-run health care" in this country. Our medical system is HEAVILY socialized as it stands. When comparing our system to Canada's (for instance - a system I know a little about and have experienced first-hand), it's comparing a system which is a hodgepodge of government control and private factors to a system which is more government controlled (though Canada also has private-free market factors in its medical system).

It's hard to make that comparison. For a certain group of people, the Canadian system works better, I think (also, as in America, where you live is highly related to what care you receive, and how reasonable it is). Many people have lost their homes and livelihoods and found themselves in horrendous debt because of medical expenses - something which doesn't happen in Canada - so give one point to Canada. Canada's more oriented to preventative care (e.g., colonoscopies...we've all read about people in the US who waited too long to do this simple preventive test, and reaped the horrible costs...something rarer in Canada) - point 2 to Canada; there is more innovation and better quality care on the higher levels of the US medical system - point 1 to the U.S.; taxes, largely in support of medical care, are substantially higher in Canada - point 2 to US; businesses in Canada are spared to some extent the tremendous costs of employee health-coverage - point 3 to Canada; people who are well-insured in the US are better-off (they get faster and more skilled care) than the average person in Canada - point 3 to the US. Etc.

So one's perspective about health care largely depends on where one is in life. Most of the people I know are nicely insured, and are able to afford it while maintaining a good middle-class life. I think they're a bit better-off than their Canadian counterpart. Those who aren't so well-insured (and aren't poor enough to qualify for medical assistence), are not better off.

For the record, I think I would prefer a more unitary system like Canada's to a piecemeal socialist system as advocated by Obama (and is used in other countries, to some degree), where one may get the worst of both worlds. hmmm


head banger I thought that was my line, H!laugh beer

RE: When is it time to say you will never Find your soul mate

That's easy: when you've met all the women on this planet (leaving off the question of extraterrestrial romantic life).professor laugh

RE: What do You consider the Most Feminine Compliment a Female can Possess ?

How does one possess a compliment? dunno confused

RE: My health

You've been a great contributor here, Ray. It's been a pleasure having your around.hug head banger

RE: do you believe in's and aliens?

Lady, what do you think about UFOs (seriously). I'm curious what your logical mind makes of this phenom.wave

RE: do you believe in's and aliens?

Actually, I believe in "UFOs" (minus the apostrophe), and aliens (question: Why an apostrophe with UFOs and not aliens? Wouldn't it be consistent to apostrophize "aliens" as well ?)

Of course, everyone believes in UFOs. The disagreement lies in what they are.


RE: URGENT: Obama To Sign Treaty

Rex 84? Surely that's a figment of paranoid delusional minds??professor

roll eyes

RE: URGENT: Obama To Sign Treaty

Well, international treaties are presently being used as a kind of "end-run" around national sovereignty. The idea - which isn't fallacious in and of itself - is that all countries ought to be subject to higher laws (that principle was backed in the Nuremberg Trials/Geneva Convention), and also that there should exist rules which foster cooperation between states.

So far so, well, okay. As long as treaties benefit me and you, why should we be against them? However, when these treaties directly infringe on our freedoms - on the aspects of our society which are actually superior (in terms of liberty and individual well-being) - then they become counterproductive. Also, when such treaties have as their ultimate and overriding agenda the establishment of a world government, then we should see them clearly as such - with an eye on what we'd be losing in that new world order.

Is a world government necessarily bad? Not necessarily. Depends on the rules of that world government. If it were a government that was freer and more protective of rights than our own, I'd be in favor of it. After all, world government would effectively end theory. Which would be a good thing. But I'm not optimistic that a world government would be so benevolent, considering the kinds of people and organizations which support it. They have their own agendas, and those agendas seem opposed to individual liberty and prosperity.

RE: URGENT: Obama To Sign Treaty

Correct. Of course, we can choose as a nation NOT to adhere to these treaties. And in fact we easily could. However, that doesn't fit in with the plans of the "Powers the Be" in our country. wave

RE: For or against the right to bear arms

Damn internet connection...mumbling (Why the repeat posts occurred.)

RE: For or against the right to bear arms

smile But I think someone beat you to it this time, LC.wave

RE: For or against the right to bear arms

smile But I think someone beat you to it this time, LC.wave

RE: For or against the right to bear arms

smile But I think someone beat you to it this time, LC.wave

RE: How to Break cycle of Bad Relationship

Well, the problem lies within the lady (in this case), not within the relationship per se.

It's possible to feel many of those things even with a perfectly nice person if one lacks self-esteem.

RE: Which of these would you choose to survive stress if you had these choices?

Did you mean RELIEVE stress?confused

RE: such sweeping statements......

Typical woman. dunno frustrated

wink laugh


When asked if someone will do something, they reply: "I'll try." (I've found that to be code for "Not likely.")conversing dunno


And what became of your third wife, SB?uh oh uh oh

RE: SoldierByte and HealthyLiving????

wow Wow, I wouldn't have ever picked you two as a pair! But I'm happy for you, head banger

RE: Does anybody know how this CS couple is doing?

I had a dream about them the other night...and they seemed to be enjoying themselves... blushing uh oh wow laugh

RE: A CS member is releasing an album

True - and I did get your point (just focused on what interested me blushing).

What I found interesting is that while I found the smaller photo younger-looking, I still found the close-up quite young - while GG thought he looked his age. We were just arguing about it...and suddenly I realized: Why should I care if she thinks some guy looks his age? laugh head banger

RE: A CS member is releasing an album

I thought he looked to be in his SO thought he looked his age.dunno

RE: What do you want in a relationship?

Are you open to the possibility of moving, BJ? In my opinion, one can have one's preferences, but it isn't reasonable to demand that the other person be willing to relocate. In all fairness, it must be a two-way street, no? hmmmwave

RE: What do you want in a relationship?

Depends on whom you're asking. Therein lies the rub, as the saying goes.professor laugh

RE: How was everyone's Halloween?

Great! GG and I had fun with our photos and handing candy out to the seven people who showed up (I'm thinking a lot of kids were scared away by glimpsing us through the window?). dunno laugh

This is a list of forum posts created by Ambrose2007.

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