RE: Facebook Ethics???

My guess is that she wants to be cool and coy and her Aunty adding him on facebook is kind of spoiling this somewhat. It is about perception, how she perceives her connection with him, and not about facebook.

RE: Facebook Ethics???

I am!.. very slowly. I bought her a bag of skittles, and if that isn't love then I do not know what is.

RE: Facebook Ethics???

Probably overstepping the line as dating today(for non-rejects)is about seeming less interested than you are to the point of ridiculous extremes.

Only last week I had a girl stay with me for a few days and my Mum, Dad and Brother all turned up at my house randomly and seperately and in the back of my mind I was thinking "my god, I hope she doesn't see this a sign of commitment". And even though I do think that she's fantastic what business is that of hers? One day she'll have to allow me to show her how great I think she is, but that is not this day.

RE: Smacking Children Should Be Banned, Says Tsar

Opposing physical discipline is something of a bourgeoise decadency(hence why it's so strong in the USA), yes, but a lot of middle class parents hit their kids - they're not all effete nerds.

But more than being a product of the bourgeoise this is anti-male. Boys need physical discipline more girls do and this is just yet another measure that will degrade the quality of manhood and raise rates of effeminacy.

I'm not sure about the London riots being a result of not smacking kids as the rioters were mostly non-bourgeoise and they probably did get hit as kids if they have families that cared. These people have other problems. But the high rates of obesity and liberal art/sport science degrees from Cambridge Ring Road University could be attributed to kids not developing a healthy sense of consequence, fear and respect which a clip around the ear now and then may have gifted to them.

RE: Share what you are listening to, part 4..

David Bowie ~ Sorrow

RE: Humanity at the Crossroads

Self-reliance is much, much better for the planet and future of our children than relying on imports and sweatshops. In fact, this plan for a greener economy is the only one that doesn't involve a massive reduction in living standards and therefore is the only one possible in the kind of world that anybody would want to live in.

Continue as we are and the end result will be a stalinist global bureaucracy that drives our standards of living down to the pitiful levels of coolie labour in the impoverished east. We can go green by becoming peasants. And our society will look like something from 1984 where the only people that have anything at all are those connected to the bureaucracy and upwards of 80% of the population are useless proles disregarded entirely by the established order.

RE: Humanity at the Crossroads

Buy British - or from whatever country you live in. A large chunk of wasted resources and damage to the environment is caused by global logistics. "Connecting" to the global community in this way is one of the least green things that we do, but of course saving the planet is subordinate to the Leftoid/multi-national's prime directive of globalism.

And the additional effects of relying more on local and national produce would be solving our debt and economic woes, and to remedy the stirring resentment that's arising from the productive men of the tribe towards the growing pool of aimlessly employed redundands.

RE: Women! Do you need to date someone taller than you? Why?

They need a taller man to sweep them off their feet, which is something they love because it's in their DNA. But having said that many tall men are ungainly, and they can barely carry themselves let alone anybody else.

RE: "Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer" teaches hypocrisy and exclusionism

That's quite a realistic message. If you want to be different in this world then you need to be great or at least good - a truth that extends into every sphere of life. Characterless self-absoption is not appealing to other people.

One big mistake of modern individualism is this idea that people should like you just for being who you are. This is a nerd's fantasy. And it is also political correctness gone mad(fluffy fascism).

RE: Alcoholism

Sorry Monte, I should have said in laws. Have a nice Christmas :)

RE: Alcoholism

The men in your family monte would seemingly have this alcoholic tendency, but what makes it more of a certainty is the environment they've grown up in. Your Father watching his Father's alcoholism will play a critical role in him also developing drink problems.

But these factors are not independent, a different genetic structure with the same tendency towards alcohol may fiercely rebel against the other men in your family and never touch alcohol. The effect of environment upon genetics is relative to that specific genetic.

RE: Alcoholism

Yes there is the genetic tendency, but so is the case with being tall. And to become tall you must live and eat well in addition to having the genetic potential of becoming tall. That is, the individual's behaviour and choices must support the expression of the gene for said gene to become a distinctive characteristic of the individual.

RE: Alcoholism

I've simply seen too many friends and even members of my own family overcome drug addiction through willpower to dismiss alcoholism as just another disease.

I myself used to smoke, and perhaps my brain has the same tendency towards nictonine and smoking as the alcoholic's brain has towards alcohol, and perhaps I should have used this rationale to excuse any attempts at giving up smoking.

RE: Alcoholism

It's self-inflicted in the sense that they've placed themselves in the position that they don't have the willpower to go through the horrible experience of stopping drinking. And this is another thing that seperates it from cancer, you can't make cancer go into remission through sheer force of conscious will.

RE: Alcoholism

A tendency I'd say, just like a person can have a tendency towards developing heart disease. However, what turns an alcoholic tendency into an alcoholic "disease" is a much conscious and direct choice than what makes a tendency for heart disease into heart disease. Abstinence from from alcohol would render alcholism impossible, but even the healthiest of lifestyles does not make heart disease impossible.

You could call alcoholism a disease, but it's a highly self-inflicted disease basically. I'd say alcoholism like drug addiction is largely caused by the sufferer's choices, cancer, diabetes and heart disease are often partially caused by the sufferer's choices in the same vein as alcoholism, and people who catch a communicable disease are the most likely to be not at all responsible for their condition, to be an absolute victim of circumstances beyond their control.

RE: Is Jesus real ?

Seen as we're all celebrating his birthday tomorrow, it'd be both rude and stupid to say no.

RE: Men and women

Obviously much more recessive. But the fact remains that men possess a much broader range of intelligence and women occupy the no man's land(heh)in the middle.

And maybe this just feeds back into the behaviour of risk-taking, the two types of people most likely to take risks are those too dumb to see the dangers and those clever enough to beat them. Both of these types are more likely to be male. And women are the risk-averse and harmonious centre that negates both the great and the terrible - like bureaucrats!

RE: Reason..

Being of K-select psychology then ultimately love is a means to build a strong and close-knit family unit to produce high quality offspring who possess the best chances of making it in this world. Love is there to ensure that something proud remains of me after I have gone; Love is there to avoid biological and evolutionary failure.

But love is a means to many other things, in fact love charms everything you do.

RE: finding the one

I always find it amusing when people claim to have found "the one", and that one just happens to work in the same office or live in the same block of flats... The point being that "the one" is never actually one person, but could be thousands if not millions of different people.

RE: need advice

I don't think he needs to worry about that, you're obviously besotted.

RE: Share what you are listening to, part 4..

Weezer ~ Buddy Holly

RE: Share what you are listening to, part 4..

Joan Jett ~ Do You Wanna Touch Me?

RE: Do you think that the USA dollar would be davaluated?

Economics is more of a social science involving personality and how people subjectively view themselves as opposed to what is actually objective reality.

For instance, many in the West view themselves as middle class when they are not, and this misbelief creates its own very real social and economic consequences.


If you're saying that, then I'm totally 1000% agreeing.


Sorry I've only just seen this as I had been glued to post #16 for the last two days. Thank you for the touching message, it was a real heartwarmer. Have a wonderful Christmas!

RE: Can parents be selfish??

Yes, parents can be selfish as in abusive or neglectful. But not all selfish parents look the same as it is about personality. A selfish parent could be either too nice or too nasty.

We used to have a saying "spare the rod, spoil the child" which meant if you don't discipline your kids they'll become spoilt. Now the saying should be "spare the rod, spoil the parent" to describe modern parents that avoid discipline and tough love because not hitting their kids spares the parent from negative feels.

RE: Great Britain

The North West of England, once famed for manufacturing, has increased its exports and is slowly but surely according to reality because we're working class and never indulged so much in the snobbery of White collar liberal bureaucracy and the knowledge/money economy that followed from Thatcherism. The rest of the country is still very much trapped in the past.

But what you say is right other than the fact that Germany will sink with the rest of us.

RE: Bucket list

My whole bucket list is just people I'd like to kill.

RE: advise on having a fever

See a doctor.
Eat well.
If you take a multivitamin, make sure it contains selenium.

Drink green tea and eat seeds. Or go the whole hog as vegan, not vegan as in pastatarian, but the expensive, food imported from all over, planet-killing type of vegan diet that nonetheless is very good for people with weak immune systems.

RE: advise on having a fever

They don't. HIV and lupus cause a weak immune system which is something you may have, but this does not at all mean that you have HIV or lupus.

Have you always been prone to getting ill?

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