RE: The Kissing Booth

People IN a kissing booth usually are there to dispense kisses(for a fee); are you sure you didn't mean who would you like to find in a kissing booth giving out kisses??? The people in one do not , as a general rule kiss each other, or have things changed so much since I last attended a "county fair" ?? %D

RE: If you had the chance,

Ha! lol...that was one of my reasons for joining the military to do things like that in a war zone and get away with it, as a war zone covers a multitude of "youthful indiscretions"; various other activities that would be categorized as crimes in most normal civilian communities! And it was fun and at times very profitable! %D
I had gotten my own ideas of this, as a child, by watching the daily news reports of the war in the Congo back in the early 60's when thousands of Europeans were trapped there and only mercenary soldiers came to try and rescue them, stopping off to loot the banks and mining companies of their diamonds as extra compensation. Total chaos and a total free-for-all. It always is.

RE: WARNING - thinking of eventually growing up

LOL! When I lived in Victoria, BC there was a women's group called The Red Hat Society...been there for years and has spread all over Canada....this reminds me of it, very funny and cool! %D

RE: Little Green Men

Just picked up the second volume to The Watchers by Raymond E. Fowler (Wild Flower Press P.O. box 726, Newberg,OR 32; 800-366-0264
The first volume was published back in 1990. It continues the interviews with Betty and Bob Luca with much more detail about the Aliens and those called the Watchers since long before "Biblical times", if you want a quick up to date account of the forces around us that we rarely see, let alone seriously, which is more than tedious... tons of good books and websites exist so have a trip and good hunting...%)...I inherited my fascination from my father who worked at the CIA and would tell me about "those nasty little things" and what they had found out....he was sick of the secrecy about it...

RE: If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 people would u like to be

Those islands are in our minds; they are not nice places to be; barren and sterile; you can only watch the grains of sand wash away and your island of exile will diminish to don't wasn't to end up there...

RE: Little Green Men

LOL! don't even go there on this site...try I think, or google it..they have excellent info and links for virtually any aspects concerning this topic. Their material, writers,editors and articles are respected the world over by many, as well as despised by those who have things to hide...have fun!

RE: Little Green Men

Having followed related topics for over 30 years, the reports of green lizard types still make up less than 2% of world reports. Perhaps people have been reading too much of David Ickee's books alleging that all world leaders and in fact, any prominent person, especially the "Hollywood stars" are really green scaled lizards from Sirius...
Back in the early 70'sa team of exobiologists working for an agency related to NASA, released a report on possible humanoid alien development and found nothing to preclude races of intelligent lizards from evolving. Most scientists still go along with those conclusions. The report was quite detailed including the break-down of human anatomy and functions from assorted reports of eye witness descriptions of seen aliens dating back to the early 50's with appropriate comparisons. Exobiology was then just starting as a new field.

RE: If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 people would u like to be

I liked the first part of the question....without the "stranded with" that would have been more interesting! %D

RE: How to annoy your co-workers

LOL! Very good, people really should try some of these; I have already done my work area as an African hut and have shown up in camo gear, as Elton John and an anarchist...and I'm pretty much left alone as a few others now do the same things and our clients are usually amused as their projects are never in any jeopardy of not being completed, though some have wondered at our, my sanity with Little Richard or Chuck Berry blaring away at 8 or 9am....%D

RE: For those interested in international news.

I think it's hilarious, the King is finally showing some backbone which in the case of this upstart commoner with delusions of grandeur, needed to be put in his place.
Just think if Chavez was his equal, it may have been much worse than merely being told to some historic exchanges attest to. A poster above did notice that Royalty is also human and as any human, they can become rather exhausted listening to those so full of themselves it never seem to end... one of the remarks made by Franco concerning the future King was about getting him to stand-up for himself and speak up.

RE: when a guy looks at a woman's profile......

To see if she accepts Visa, MasterCard or American Express...JUST Kidding!
Seriously, for myself I have, out of moments of boredom, skimmed through photos and on a few occasions I've seen some that as a former portrait photographer, can appreciate as visually stunning,; spectacular, fantastic to just simply quietly beautiful. But then the photographer deserves half the credit for capturing that priceless moment we see. It is hard to get "good" photos; some are lucky or simply good to very good amateurs when one thinks about all that affects a photograph.
The person in the photo also gives off certain "vibes"; nice, in a warm fuzzy way; inspiring, to actually write or "flower" them; to fantasize. All perfectly normal reactions.
Their personalities, are something else, again. Sometimes it is totally the opposite from the viewers impression and then again, there are those who , from their postings come through as with a personality that would make a shaken bottle of Champagne seem flat.
A few belong on front covers of Fashion/ Model mags; the lighting, their smile, eyes--their complexions---all beautifully captured in a photo; is it any wonder that that some males return over and over again without sending a simple flower of hello. That is a shame, and possibly unnerving for some women.
I've seen one that is ...well, I would never tire of looking at it and I actually did send one flower to simply express my "artistic impression" of her photo; nothing more intended.
Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder, and beauty needs to be appreciated and recognized as we see it. In one way or another, we all need beauty in our lives in all its glorious forms. This, in part is also in regards to the question that Mindful asked about why certain males return to view profiles over and over again without so much as a simple "hello"...seems many forget to be polite or haven't good manners...

RE: widest age difference

From experiences and observations, most European women an men pay more attention to the person, not their ages...unless as one above put it, it becomes a possible "legal matter".
The "stimulation" is usually intellectual and the physical aspects works its magic pretty well. If there is any type of "average age" limits" at all it starts to show at a 20 to 25 year difference if not a bit more. That said, one mustn't forget that immaturity can be a problem at any intellectually especially...%)

RE: Veterans Day

ALL the wars...? There are thousands of vets from around our world who are officially not recognized and certainly not allowed to hold any parades anywhere. These are the veterans of many countries that left their own, left their country's military service for either ideals or just for the exhilarating challenge of an actual war in some far off, totally alien environment. They left behind everything, from medical care, to pensions, to the Geneva Conventions, etc. to take service in and for another country or group as "mercenary soldiers".
As one who experienced the loss of many comrades, experienced the elation and devastation of defeat and of victory(at least in combat at any rate), and the anguish of having to leave those peoples that you swore to defend, when the politicians sold us out and turned us into wanted criminals time and time again, telling us to get out and not paying us, then systematically executing those you tried to help... Biafra, the Congo, Angola, Rhodesia, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Namibia, many. As no government or Veterans organizations will recognize us...I will salute all those of us who usually must remain silent and forever in the shadows, for fears of retaliation, various legal and economic predicaments it could cause to many; ; to all the former Royal Marines, Commandos, Legionnaires,(both of the Spanish and the French Legions), the many from Germany sick of serving in a peace-time military, those ex Soviets who jumped the Wall and came to us, all the ex-Vietnam vets who, despised in their own country, could not stand life there , the thousands from Rhodesia, South Africa and many other African countries, both Black and White...the list is endless as are the graves lost in the jungles, mountains, villages, towns and cities around the world. As our "grandfather" Colonel Mike Hoare, of the Congo wars fame and founder of the Wild Geese Club, told us there will always be a place for those to defend those that cannot defend themselves...the wild geese will always fly.
Have a good Veterans Day, wherever you are...never forget that we tried our best...C'est la guerre, c'est la vie, Vive les Mercenaires!

RE: For cat lovers

I had 15 that were "house trained"; they acted pretty much as posted, as do my current 3; could not live without cats! %D

RE: What do you think is the most important value in a relationship?

With Honesty being the primal basis, the ability to communicate it between two people, Trust opens and grows. The moment Trust starts to grow, the developing relationship will flourish and expand.
Looking back to my own time of being married, it seemed to have been the most direct, ongoing learning experience available to me and to possibly most of us about how to live in a world of relationships and, therefore, about how to be a better person; certainly a more loving person. In fact, it occurred to me that personal relationships are the best continuing education courses for any kind of good relationship to function effectively.
In my marriage, one of the most important things we could do was to keep agreements, fulfill responsibilities, mean what we said and do what we said we will do. If I was right about this relationship foundation then it all should have worked out. What I forgot were the principles of Harmony, which is, basically, it really does take two to Tango; one can't do it alone or for both.
Reality de-values most relationships, as many are highly over-inflated to begin with...
Is it any wonder that many become as hermits, as a recluse from society...but then again many more keep trying than giving up.

RE: The 20th century is the wrong time to live?!?!!

When would be "the right time" to be alive in let alone where, especially without hindsight..? The further back one one goes, the health, hygiene get worse for all; in certain places the societies may indeed have been more civilized and polite regardless of class or education levels but with manufacturing advances many other aspects of life began to deteriorate and it hasn't yet abated ...nor will it. Those in remote and isolated places around our planet are becoming just as exposed to all the current and future life-threatening influences that are seemingly numbering our species continuance on this planet...Gene Roddenberry and his 23rd century Utopian feel-good future has about as much chance of becoming real as the proverbial snowball in hell not melting. Can we as nations, as a species of Life afford to continue to die off due to all the horrors of "modern industrial life"...letting things only get worse; doing nothing because it is politically incorrect, yet politically correct to curl up and die because the lives, products and profits of corporations are more important??? At what point will profits become meaningless as the human and ecological life dwindles...who inherits all the vast corporate wealth that everyone wants a piece of...?
When will human; when will "Life" on our planet matter more than subservience to a corporate culture take precedence; does it even matter anymore as we are loathe to risk our material possessions in attempting any solutions...which must be the most radical actions possible to save what is left..."to save all, one must risk all" are we , will we ever be that radical is so much easier to go out with a whimper, isn't it...

RE: Do you believe in Star signs?

PS to answer your topic question; yes, I did...I saw many signs that said "Drink Canada Dry!" I tried and wow, did I ever see stars...%D
( yes, I know, lame....%} )

RE: Do you believe in Star signs?

Try googling Chinese zodiac...of all the zodiacs available I have this one to be much more accurate than any other, not only for myself but of many others also. It's origins go back to the ancient Sumerian...not to be confused with the Babylonian as they totally changed their inherited Sumerian one to become more "political" in honour of their God, Marduk...I clear as fog...%)

RE: Lost souls

There are many roads for us that are labeled "Highways of Life"; mine are cluttered with bones and the debris of experiences and dreams and I cannot see the differences; a once simple dreamer, a terrible fool who lost his mind in a vast universe of insanity, empty of love, littered with frozen tears and blood...
Poet, you see bones up ahead where there are none. But by the time one arrives do they and thus your reality of our nightmares lingers...

RE: Atlantis

Try and find a copy of Atlantis In America by Lewis Spence author also of The Problem Of Atlantis, several books on the ancient Gods and civilization of Mexico and compare his work with that of Ignatius Donnely's Atlantis...
Perhaps 2 of the most original and fairly new books on the subject of Atlantis are When The Sky Fell(1995); and Atlantis Blueprint,(2000) both by Rand and Rose Flem-Ath, the former with intro by Colin Wilson, who is also co-author of Blueprint. Fascinating and very well presented.
I became "hooked" as it were as a child listening to what Edgar Casey and others had written on father would pour through these type of books at the CIA's enormous collection on ancient civilizations, archeology etc., his specialty being with ancient maps. So I continued to devour books on similar matters and I am in just as much fascination of this topic as ever and a great fan of Charles Hapgood and his theories of earth crust displacement which is partially the basis for the Flem=Ath/ Wilson book. It is well worth the trouble to find and purchase, as are Spence's books though written in the 1920's. Knowledge is akin to a see-saw...some is lost, sometimes we gain...

RE: Justice???????

Ah, yes, the old "at the discretion of the Lieutenant Governor"; almost as the old law in France that still functions but at the discretion of the court 's Chief Justice and the board of Doctors at the doe leave the time open for those convicted to serve until deemed fit , if ever, to return to civil life. Much better solution for these type cases...

RE: Justice???????

Sounds like she's an up and coming female version of that Myer character from the Halloween movies.
She was given the maximum allowed for her age will not be comforting to anyone ...what else could the Judge do...try and break the system's own laws and sentence her without regard to would just result in the entire conviction being thrown out and the Judge removed from the bench...would this be more acceptable to people? Why not change the law, leaving the sentencing open without limits or the old saying goes..."no matter the sentence, I'm out on parole in a couple of years..." The entire Criminal "Justice" system is long overdue for a complete "popular satisfaction by consensus" not to the satisfaction of those proverbial "bleeding heart liberal" types that are only a small portion of the population....

RE: Are you fed up? What will happen to the EU?

It seems that we(Europeans) are caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place as the saying goes. European productivity , wages, prices are all debt based and highly inflated. It is also totally controlled by private banks. We are forced into accepting inferior products, badly designed, cheaply produced with no real value at all that we must constantly replace as the garbage imported products breakdown wear out, with no replacement parts to extend its life, or pay nearly outrageous prices for well made quality products which are getting harder to find as the prices of production go higher and the consumer can't afford them. A cycle of economic disaster in the making. Either we find the people who will break this impoverishing system or this will collapse into financial chaos with total social and commercial breakdowns. We Europeans should control our futures not second and third rate countries that can produce enormous amounts of garbage products and wipe out all of our industries and manufacturing capabilities.

Looking for "love" online...New survey

Reuters News Service---
One in four Americans say the Internet can serve as a substitute for a "significant other" rather than as a tool to find their "perfect" match, according to a new poll.
A survey on the role of the Internet plays in people's lives by Zogby International and communications consultancy 463 Communications found that 24% of Americans said the Internet could replace a partner for some period of time.
The percentage was highest among singles, of whom 31% said the Internet could be a substitute---with no difference between males and females.
The researchers said the online survey of 9,743 adults conducted Oct. 4-8 showed that some younger people view the Net as their new best friend. While more than one in four has a social-networking profile on a site such as MySpace or Facebook, among the 18-24 year olds this is almost mandatory, with 78% having a social networking profile.
Breaking it down by political beliefs, the study found more more Democrats have a social networking presence than Republicans--at 32% to 22%, leaving the impression that Democrats are more socially adjusted than Republicans...
Although they love the Internet, most Americans are not prepared to implant it into their brains just yet, even if it was safe, the researchers said. Only 11% of the respondents said they would be willing to safely implant a device that let them use their minds to access the Internet, although one in five would insert a chip into a child aged 13 and younger to help track them...well, it is said that people do strange things in the name of "love".
Lines for implants will shortly be forming in the backs of your local 7-11's...reserve your place now...

RE: ~~~~~~~~ Americans ....

Jefferson openly admired the many European, and ancient Near Eastern Eagles as their Imperial symbols, right back to Egypt.
As for the rest, virtually all American Presidents down to teachers of U.S. History have chosen to ignore the last warning speech of George Washington about involvement in foreign entanglements, hence is it any wonder that they are in most of the world's raging bloodbaths for which , in many cases they are responsible for causing...they won't even read their own history...


I have always found it supremely ironic that the very core of this much vaunted "representative democracy"; the so called "Bill of Rights" had its first drafts aired in the infamous Chambers of Deputies during the reign of Terror in Paris which then spread to the entire country. I've also found it ironic that many of those responsible for these drafts were from the French Aristocracy for the most part along with a mix of their English cousins and those of the criminal underworld.
The question of course was to these people was France going to become a constitutional Monarchy and operate as a Republic, not to dethrone or abolish the Monarchy at all. To say that the French Revolutionary committees could not hold together and thus the more extremist elements prevailed. Many fled Paris and France altogether for England long before the Revolution actually started and submitted the very same "rights" to the American sympathisers via all their common memberships in the various Masonic Temples.
The US Bill of Rights is almost unchanged from the original version given to the King of France as the ultimatum to being dethrone in favour of his cousin who would be a Constitutional Monarch. Jefferson et al where of the same outlook but again, the more radical elements basically hi-jacked what was to be a constitutional monarchy for the newly freed colonies, with Virgina leading this position. None of this appears in official US history books, along with the brutal massacres of Royalists by the mobs and militias of the various colonies when all out war began against the British military forces. It is estimated that some tens of thousands were slaughtered and tens of thousands fled to Canada.
It is almost an axiom of history that the first victims of a revolution is always its self; its own people. The colonists turned on each other. In the end, plans for a constitutional monarchy were scrapped in favour of an appointed President via an "electoral college". It was a colossal blunder; it was worse that a mistake, it was a crime. One not familiar with this aspect of American history may wish to consult several excellent books in which different phases of these events are put into historical perspective.
1. Talisman by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval
2. Imperial America by Gore Vidal are 2 of the best.
The English half of my own family , for the most part sided with their King, some abstained from the conflict. But all agreed that there would be no going back to England. and matters rested until the Brits stopped by for tea on their march to burn down Washington DC in 1812 but apparently they hoisted the British flag over their home once again and joyfully sang God Save the King. Hope for a better system came with the Confederacy but it wasn't to be. Absolute Monarchists to the end, no American flag has ever yet flown on that property; I agree with their outlook, no useless namby-pamby shadow of any constitutional monarchy, I find the very idea disgusting, as many do in England, especially the League Of Empire Loyalists and many other monarchy groups throughout Europe.

RE: Do you want to be

Only 2 choices when there are others such as Launched into space to forever drift toward the Galactic center or just atomically obliterated as in your atoms scattered to the solar winds....%)

RE: What could i go to brighten your day?

Ok: do an impression of Salvador Dali doing an imitation of Pablo Picasso and put it U tube....%D

RE: If you weren't single....

Perhaps not having to clean the oven, the cat boxes ...%)

RE: Dust If You Must

Sounds like my brother's house...and a bit like mine...with children and pets one learns to leave the kitchen stuff unless you are cooking...the children and pets are more important than worrying about picking up the dishes and wineglasses be they inside or outside, they won't go anywhere there are just a few routines such as laundry and sweeping heavy use areas, but I keep it to a minimum by closing off/ not using all the other floors and rooms, especially in winter.

This is a list of forum posts created by solitare.

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