What Happens when you google your user ID?

Put in my parents phone, came up with name address and even a map of how to get there...

As far as how I look... if he see's me at my worst, he'll appreciate me at my best grin

RE: MY opinion on makin a better CS

You're not the boss of me tongue

I tried to sleep for two hours and here I am...hug

Dana, glad you appreciated my little attempt at humor...hug teddybear

RE: Belief or Faith

Unfortunately I'm not feeling so optimistic this morning... and I see withering and rusting. I really feel like banging my head at the narrow mindedness and ignorance I see... maybe when I wake up I'll be able to have some faith.

We must be on some sort of cosmic wave length, you are always keying into my emotions with your words! hug

RE: MY opinion on makin a better CS

OK MF, do you really think we care what your opinion is... You and all your little do gooder friends probably spent the last 3 hours emailing each other to come up with this post...

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing tongue rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing hug hug

Good Post MF, I agree with everything you said!

The thing that people don't seem to understand is that if you post an opinion in a reasonable manner, most people will respond in the same manner, even if their opinion is different, but when you post a rant stating rumor as fact and your opinion as gospel... people are going to shred you.

The majority of people who participate in the forums are quite well read and intelligent and are going to respond in a negative manner when people post a load of rubbish in an abusive manner.

RE: Hey...


What Happens when you google your user ID?

Put my phone number in... nothing came up!applause applause applause

RE: Dedicate a Quote to Somebody...

"A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
Bill Cosby

RE: Election day-President of the United States!

cheering cheering thumbs up

RE: Fictional Role Models: do you have any?

She was my choice on the thread " if you could be anyone for a day" she rocks...

RE: hi


What Happens when you google your user ID?

I'm good, getting excited... I'm off to meet my potential on Friday... two long months of phone calls emails, etc. and now I'm finally going to meet him!!!

And how is the new Mayor? hug

RE: What Tree Did You Fall From

CEDAR TREE (Confidence) - of rare beauty, knows how to adapt, likes luxury, of good health, not in the least shy, tends to look down on others,self-confident, determined, impatient, likes to impress others, many talents, industrious, healthy optimism, waiting for the one true love, able to make quick decisions.

I'm such a sap...

RE: Neil Young...the best thing to come out of Canada?

I love him!!!! He almost makes up for Canada releasing Howie Mandell upon the world!

What Happens when you google your user ID?

Hi MFwave

RE: What makes a good friend?

She was lucky to have a friend like you! cheers

What Happens when you google your user ID?

Sorry hun, I have no idea... I found this out by accident, if I had known I would have used different user id's on different sites. When I do something, I do it right, so when I decided to try online dating I signed up for like 10 different sites!!! doh

RE: What makes a good friend?

I think you can do both... I want a friend to let me know that they disagree with a choice I make, but I also expect them to respect my decision and stand by me or help pick up the pieces when they're proven right, or admit they were wrong if my choices wind up being the correct ones. And I offer the same in return.

That's what I think true friendship is about... being there for someone even when you think they're wrong.

RE: Nowadays people are

So much of it depends on what stage of your life you are in... when I was younger my priority was to create a safe and secure environment for my daughter, to give her a home she was proud to bring her friends to and the financial security to allow her to explore all of her options in schooling, hobbies, activities etc.

Now that she's grown and on her own... the only value money has for me is the freedom it gives me to do what I want... to travel, enjoy a meal out with friends. I'm not into stuff anymore, it just ties you down!

What Happens when you google your user ID?

Thanks Frank, some good info... I actually had never even thought about it before. I discovered it when I was talking to someone with a very unusual screen name and I thought it might mean something in another language so I googled it and found lots of info, then googled my own screen name and was shocked!

RE: If you have to choose

I enjoy both equally, it just depends on the kind of mood I'm in.

RE: For the men...just how personally should we take it...

My attitude on the few occasions I've had to deal with "failure to cash the check" is no worrys, there lots of other ways we can make each other feel good... it's amazing once the emphasis is taken off performance... they usually don't have a problem.

RE: Hello..


RE: Love undone

Thankfully this is a tale I have not lived...and hope not to experience in the future. My endings have been of drifting rather then abrupt and startling. As always... beautifully expressed...

RE: Drinking death - Who's to blame?

Fortunately I am in Santa Eulalia and NOT in San Antonio, it's a British Hell Hole there... the worst of the worst... but at least we keep them all in one place leaving the rest of the island to civilized people.

Hi to everybody!wave

RE: Drinking death - Who's to blame?

I agree with everything here Jan and will only add one other item.

Most of these alcohol related deaths take place with university students. Kids who have lived under parent supervision for 18 years and are then turned loose to be responsible for themselves. When my daughter reached the age of 14 I had an open alcohol policy within the house, if I was having a glass of wine or a beer, she was invited to have one as well, she began to learn responsible drinking from a fairly young age.

By the time she was going to parties and her friends were all excited about having a beer, it was no big deal to her. She was the one taking peoples keys off them, or holding a friends hair back while they were sick, I was the one being called to pick kids up and get them home or back to my house. When kids are denied something they pursue it, by making it a non issue and teaching responsibility before they are turned loose would go a long way to correcting this binge drinking behavior.



Jackson and Claire, Thanks for sharing...teddybear

RE: I am a bad woman!

A couple of weeks ago I got the most insane craveing and popped out to the market for tinned ravioli, doritos, and pepsi... don't know what got into me... hadn't eaten anything like that in years!laugh

RE: I am a bad woman!

Fish fingers????? Oh Uli, say it aint so.....laugh

Maybe I Just Have a Sick Sense of Humor????

Oh come on... there were others that found these amusing... at least I'm not the only with a twisted sense of humor!tongue

RE: Coming to Life

I think you did a great job on the tombstone!!!rolling on the floor laughing

This is a list of forum posts created by jbibiza.

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