RE: Dear Insomnia

Male or Female, whichever...Insomnia swings both ways. wink

RE: The Age

Whatever age it is, add 12 minutes.

RE: how much wood can a woodchuck chuck

700 pounds, the equivalent weight to the thirty-five cubic feet of dirt a woodchuck can in fact 'chuck' when digging a burrow. (Source: N.Y. state wildlife expert Richard Thomas, as quoted in The Wall Street Journal.)

RE: Hi

What a coincidence! I've been looking forward to exactly the same thing. Gosh, we have so much in common, don't we?

Remember vinyl?

I have the CD of Physical Graffiti. The 'peep scene' windows, as you call them, are reproduced (without the die-cuts) in the insert booklet. Not nearly as cool as the LP jacket; I remember that one.

However, harking back to Iron Butterfy's Inna-Gadda-da-Vida, I now also have a deluxe CD issue which has a very inventive and cool case. The front lid is polarized, and the original album cover, which showed the band playing on stage, has been married with another shot taken a second later. Thus, by looking at it in the CD case and tilting it back and forth, you can actually watch the band play while you listen.

Aww c'mon, somebody guess

Bingo. You know the film?

Aww c'mon, somebody guess

Go to Groups: Classic/Foreign/Art films, and guess who the actor is who appears as the Group logo. (It's NOT Claude Rains.)

RE: No Speak English

Yup. Particularly bright-eyed Irish women who have a wicked sense of humor. They're running neck-and-neck with the Aussies.

RE: how would an alian react if he came to earth on election day?

Why do you call this hypothetical alien 'he'? Might it not be a 'she'? Of course, any sensible femalien would choose option C tout de suite.

RE: virus

Matter of fact I've come down with a terrible case of the influenza, yes. D'ya think CS is to blame?

RE: Can Women Multi-Task ??

The question was "Can women multi-task," not "are women multi-tasked." As to the latter, of course they are. We men task them every day, and there's lots of us.

RE: If you're an educated woman, would you date a man who can't spell or speak properly?

Perhaps you can get experiential learning credit.

Remember vinyl?

Did that work? I always assumed the disc was damaged and there was naught to be done about it.

RE: would you lot describe yourselves as a sycophantic clique

Damn RD you don't ever quit, do ya? I admire that. (This exchange is intended specifically to aggravate the thread author.)

Remember vinyl?

Shuffling randomly out of my PC right now is The Beatles' "Run For Your Life."

Remember vinyl?

And now, I have all the Velvet Underground on CD. The world turns, and time don't go backwards, but still.... blues

Remember vinyl?

You're lucky in two ways John, to have such a treasure trove to share, and to have a son to share it with. Laissez le bon temps roulez!

Remember vinyl?

So my brother says too. He's what tech types like to call an "early adopter," meaning he's one of the people who goes out on a limb to invest in new home technology. He predicts pretty soon we'll all buy our music on these thumb-sized USB gizmos he's now using. Maybe he's right. But I still miss 12-inch-square album covers. Incidentally, I still have some of my brother's vinyl LPs that I borrowed 25 years ago, heh heh.

Remember vinyl?

Yeah it's kinda sad that many younger folk don't even know that the C of CD stands for "Compact."

Remember vinyl?

True. And it's awful difficult to play them backwards in order to hear the Satanic messages.

RE: No Speak English

Nahh. Here in the States we prefer Australian women wink

Remember vinyl?

I still have the fist vinyl LP I ever bought. Got it used at some neighborhood garage sale for 25 cents. Iron Butterfly's "Inna-Gadda-Da-Vida." Too scratched and warped to play now even if I had a turntable. CDs are great, no argument there, but I still miss the wonder and fascination of the larger format and its package. Any other elders feel the same way? Any yongsters have any idea wtf I'm talking about?

RE: If you're an educated woman, would you date a man who can't spell or speak properly?

Are you being shallow? No. Are you mistaken? I think so, when you equate level of education with intellect. Consider the example of my own father, now in his 80s. He is highly literate and with pen and paper can quickly compose a letter that is cogent and even stylish. Put him in front of a keyboard, however, and the resulting email is likely to read as if it were composed by a 10-year-old with Attention Deficit Disorder. It's simply not the means he was trained in. (To add irony, he is a retired software engineer.)

Today's online world is keyboard-based. Many who are highly intelligent and widely educated may nonetheless not be well-trained in that one skill, and I have observed that even the best and brightest of us, when confronted with a necessity for which we are not properly trained, go stupid. Moreover, everyone can make a typo now and thnn. wink

I suggest you relax your standards of style somewhat and focus more on content. The thoughts a person expresses will tell you more about them than how they express them.

And just by the way, it's not only 'some men' who have trouble spelling or speaking properly.

RE: would you lot describe yourselves as a sycophantic clique

Wrong. 'Sycophantic' means 'engaging in servile flattery'. It is not synonymous with 'exclusive,' or with 'cannibalistic.'

I'm new here myself but I've found that here as elsewhere folk are welcoming when you jump right long as you play nice.

RE: What are Your 3 Favorite Movies and Why?

Bergman was even better in Alfred Hitchcock's "Notorious."

RE: Are you a highly sensitive person (HSP)

Exactly my line of thinking. Consider the alternative: "Are you an insensitive clod?" That'd be a hard angle to pitch. I imagine this website subsists on advertising revenue?

RE: life

"A woman is only as old as she feels. And a man is only as old as the woman he feels." - Groucho Marx

RE: As you become older.........

Maybe you're not getting older but rather growing wiser. "Black and white, I defined such things, quite clear no doubt somehow/But I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now." - Bob Dylan, 1964

RE: wish i did,ant do it.

After? laugh

RE: In Some Out-Of-The-Way Corner

The title and author, please?

This is a list of forum posts created by Dagosto.

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