RE: being serious about connecting

I can vouch that there are real women behind at least some of these pictures. Some very remarkable women indeed.

wine 47

RE: Allah bless America...President Steven Al-Malik..State of the Union....

Or was Peter Piper pickled when he picked the pickled peppers
Peppers picked from the pickled pepper vine?

wine 47

Uncontrollable urge: $10

Actually, as it turns out, they do:

So unless I hear any more persuasive arguments, the Chiclet Kids are getting $10 in your name. grin

wine 47

RE: Allah bless America...President Steven Al-Malik..State of the Union....

Wow. It actually is. I did not know that. I swear.

wine 47


Hi Anisa, welcome!

wine 47

Uncontrollable urge: $10

Wow, V, you seem as noble as you do wise. I gotta ask: there actually are chiclet kids? I read about them in Tom Robbins's Still Life With Woodpecker. I thought he was joking, or perhaps exaggerating wildly, at least.

wine 47

Uncontrollable urge: $10

Thanks DF. Good seeing you though. hug

wine 47

Uncontrollable urge: $10

Awww ty. blushing

Still waiting for any real suggestions, though. Got any ideas?

wine 47

RE: Allah bless America...President Steven Al-Malik..State of the Union....

How time flies, eh? Seems endless to me though.

wine 47

RE: Allah bless America...President Steven Al-Malik..State of the Union....

Does Islam permit it?

wine 47

Uncontrollable urge: $10

Thank you V, that's good advice. I had already a choice in mind, as I said, but I'm willing to be persuaded by anyone who makes a better case. I know $10 ain't much, but I'm not Bill Gates, despite what some folk may think about Americans. And I thought this way, someone else could get to feel good about doing good. Maybe that was naively selfless of me.

wine 47

Uncontrollable urge: $10

Gosh, and I thought I'd do something nice for a change, but perhaps you have changed my mind. Say, isn't Minnesota in America also?

wine 47

Uncontrollable urge: $10

A new jacket for $10? So, you're saying I should give it to Goodwill?

wine 47

RE: Allah bless America...President Steven Al-Malik..State of the Union....


wine 47

Uncontrollable urge: $10

This afternoon I was fooling around on another site; I shan't say which, but it's well-known and rhymes with LaceHook. On this other site there's a function to support various Causes. Like I said, I was fooling around there, but after a while it occurred to me I wasn't really supporting anything by clicking a button that said "Join" or "Support" or "Like." When I realized this I felt kinda guilty, and was seized by an uncontrollable urge to actually Do Something, to wit, donate real money. $10. So I did. Twice.

And now I'm gonna do it again. I'm gonna donate another $10 to the not-for-profit organization of someone's choice, maybe yours! All you gotta do is persuade me that yours is the most worthy cause. The only restrictions are it must be a real not-for-profit, and it must accept donations via credit card through its website (or some legitimate proxy).

So now it's your chance to actually Do Something, and better yet, you get to do it with my $10! Bidding will end when I choose a winner. If no one persuades me the $10 is going to PBS. (One hint on persuading me: I'm more concerned with the worthiness of the cause than its neediness. One of the donations I made this afternoon certainly did not "need" my measly $10.)

So, as they say in show biz, pitch me!

RE: Allah bless America...President Steven Al-Malik..State of the Union....

Apropos to this thread.

wine 47

RE: howdy from Athens, Tn

'Course I've heard of Athens. Dad's in Madisonville. Mom's from Sweetwater.

Welcome to CS!

wine 47

RE: Do You Collect Stuff?

Ok, armadillo figurines, mostly. Had a real (stuffed) one once; the cat tore it up.

wine 47

RE: Allah bless America...President Steven Al-Malik..State of the Union....


wine 47

RE: Do You Collect Stuff?

I collect armadillos.

wine 47

RE: Member In Relationship

I did change my Profile Status to "In A Relationship," and in fact it caused some unexpected problems. Some of my friends had their Mail Settings set to block emails from anyone already in a relationship. I'd suggest that instead one make it plain in the text of their Profile, and (if they feel the need) change their Profile Status to "Not Single/Not Looking."

coffee 47

RE: What's the worst song lyrics you've ever heard

From The Rolling Stones' Honky Tonk Women: "She blew my nose and then she blew my mind." Oh, ick.

coffee 47

RE: There are a lot of shy people looking for a companion

I agree, myself, but perhaps for someone extremely shy, it is that hard. I feel sorry for anyone like that. What's the worst that can happen if you email someone? Answer: Nothing. They don't reply at all. Doesn't seem that bad to me. As for my previous response, I don't know how useful Becoming A Fan might actually be. Probably not much. I meant only to address the technical aspect of the O/P's post.

coffee 47

RE: There are a lot of shy people looking for a companion

For example, I just became a Fan of Demonfairy. grin

coffee 47

RE: There are a lot of shy people looking for a companion

There is a function that demonstrates interest without actually communicating. It's the "Become a Fan" function. You'll find it well down the gray menu bar on the left of a Profile.

coffee 47

RE: new

Hi Mdamon, how you doin'? Sorry for the slow welcome, it's ususally livelier than this.

coffee 47

RE: Room mate needed it okay to ask just how exactly the last roommate passed on?

wine 48

RE: I think it's only common courtesy for people to reply to an email, even if they are not interested.

You've done it now, Am, you're gonna spend the next month doing nothing but answering emails. tongue

Love the new hairdo btw. Kinda wavy. Different look for you.

wine 48

RE: Who on the Forums

If I weren't already attached....mind you, IF, but I am, thank you very much, but IF I were, shouldn't say. But her CS name starts with V.

wine 49


Happy Birthday yesterday! yay danceline party buddies cartwheel bouquet thumbs up yay

Sorry...Conrad forgot to tell me.

wine 49

This is a list of forum posts created by Dagosto.

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