Wow_FactorWow_Factor Forum Posts (3,698)

RE: London Riots ..

This is ridiculous. They should bring the army in - if that is feasible.

RE: London Riots ..

Ohh powsh! You know the song I don't wanna go to Chelsea, or something like that - well right now I would love to live there!

RE: RE: Ye Thought or Rant of the Day!!!

Absolutely. I am fed-up of all this political correctness. Either people behave and play by the rules, don't take advantage of they system or they can leave. This country is being taken for a ride.

RE: London Riots ..

No smoke without fire and I suppose what happened will come out. Watching Sky tv at the moment as the riots in Hackney happening now in my borough. Hoodies are outside running in the direction of the trouble. This is nothing to do with the shooting but simply youths causing problems and according to the footage having a great time to boot.

RE: RE: Ye Thought or Rant of the Day!!!

Well said Crystal and Sail. I am sure we will get one or two come on a say that we are over-reacting but these people don't live in the real world, ie in the cities. Out in some quaint village or valley or hilltop they are sheltered from the troubles that us in the cities know about.

RE: RE: Ye Thought or Rant of the Day!!!

Hi Crystal, the police cars have been whizzing past all night. It's been so noisy! I live very near Tottenham and fairly near Enfield so its non-stop. It's disgusting how people are trying to blame the destruction on anger of the youth in Tottenham. First of all it is not only the Afro-Caribbeans that were commiting arson, destruction and looting but also white people. Secondly why show anger about "the unfairness of Police stop-and-search for knives and weapons by setting fire to shops, homes and looting.

Basically it is the youth of today that is out of control. I live near the area of the riots. It is only the tiny majority of gangs of all ethnicities that have a gripe with the police.

The riots had nothing to do with the guy being shot last week but everything to do with the fact that the small minority of the youth of today are 'lost.' Bad parenting with no boundaries, giving in too much to 'pester-power', etc. Yes there is poverty in London as in a lot of cities but that is no reason to go off the rails.

What gets me is people on other forums saying it is immigration and multiculturism causing this which is a load of tosh. It has nothing to do with that at all. It is basically the youth (of all ethnicities) out of control.

Bring in compulsory apprenticeship schemes for the unemployed youth or compulsory community service schemes. Give them mentors and a purpose for life. It will teach them respect. Educate the parents in how to deal with a kid who is going off the rails etc. Lol, I am in a know-it-all mode today!!!

RE: RE: Ye Thought or Rant of the Day!!!

The Police cars and Police personnel vans are non-stop whizzing by with their sirens today. Looks like more problems this evening and a local Carnival had to be cancelled today because of possible problems expected. If we had heavy rain now like we had earlier these thugs will all toddle off home to play with their X-Boxes or whatever rocks their boats. Looks like tonight I won't get much sleep. Luckily I am off tomorrow to rest. I so hope they don't find any casualties in the burnt-out buildings.

RE: RE: Ye Thought or Rant of the Day!!!

Hi, yes, it's a frightening cruel world we live in.


Hi, hope you have a good dinner. We have had heavy showers here in London too. Just been to the supermarket for bits and bobs. Police sirens going crazy here. Hopefully heavy rain will stop another riot!


Welcome back Micky!

RE: riots in London

I disagree. The Afro-Caribbeans came to the UK in the 1950s and integrated very well in time after having 20 or 30 years of a rough time with ignorant people not wanting them in the UK.

It's to do with a failure of good parenting. Take two similar families - one of good parenting, one of bad. The disinterested and weak parent(s) will have a wayward child growing into a wayward adult and the strong parent(s) will have a child who respects authority and works hard at school and achieves. Many ACs achieve well and some don't. I hate the way people blame all the troubles on people who have come from other countries.

I am pretty sick of people blaming immigration for troubles. Lots of immigrants work hard and contribute - others rely on handouts. Just like regular citizens.

RE: RE: Ye Thought or Rant of the Day!!!


phew, needed to rant - sorry.

I was going to go to the Tottenham Retail Park this afternoon - it's a great place.

I know everyone admires the restraint of our police, but sometimes I think if they used other means of dispersing rioters these rioters would think twice before starting. I am not talking about vigils, marches etc., but destructive rioting.

RE: Interview the person below

A stone and a half is nothing - it will only take a month or so. I should be two stone less than 12 stones but I feel more comfortable being 2 stone overweight and my face looks less drawn and scraggy. A few more tips, I hope you don't mind. Always have some breakfast, anything even a banana or yoghurt but something a bit more if you can.

Make sure you are well-hydrated as water drunk gets rid of excess water if you see what I mean, if you hold onto water in your body.

That portion plate is a good idea but there is no need. Everone knows that a good balanced combination of food types is best.

Don't weight yourself every day!!! You are unlikely to see a daily difference and may even see a gain for no reason at all so no more often than once a week, but preferably once a fortnight as you are more likely to notice a good loss every fortnight.

Put a particularly nice item of clothing you want to fit into (or even a brand new item!) hung where you can see it all the time in your bedroom such as on the door of the wardrobe or the door of the room as a continual reminder.

As a general rule each stone is one dress size.

Take measurements of bust, waist and hips at the start of your diet - sometimes inches are lost but not pounds. Maybe take a full length photo.

Don't think of it as a diet as such. Just view it as a change in your eating habits and if you do it sensibly it won't feel too much of a deprivation.

Ummm can't think of much else at the moment.

Hope you do well. You will feel so proud of the achievement and as I said it will only take a month or so - not long at all is it?

RE: riots in London

Bugggeeerrr I was going to go to that retail park this afternoon - it's a good place.

Ah the riots. Around 25 years or so there were riots nearby in the same neighbourhood in a area called Broadwater Farm. It was mainly the Afro-Caribbeans against the Police. Many schemes were brought about to address their issues, but it still seems they have a gripe with the Police who they often claim are more likely to 'stop and search' that ethnic group for knives, weapons etc. We have a lot of problems in Tottenham and surrounding less affluent borough of London of gang crime quite a lot of which is perpetrated by Afro-Caribbean youths and young men. We even have the Trident scheme of the Police that deal with this ethnic crime. ACs claim they are picked-on unfairly, a lot of them do not achieve well, fall into crime etc. Not all of course.

Schools in London are youth schemes in poor areas are doing a wonderful job in helping them overcome the difficulties the youths face and of course it all boils down to how they are brought up.

Parts of London are pretty poor so youth join gangs, fall into the trap of petty crime, are disaffected etc.

These rioters were completely over the top with pent-up major aggression, and the shops in the retail park (electrical superstores, sportswear and other shops) seemed to be ripe for the taking with the rioters in the mindset they were in last night.

They weren't rioting because of the shot man. They were rioting in my opinion because they have chips on their shoulders and hold grudges against society. It is like the anarchists in the student protest riots last November and December here in London - a lot of the rioters just destroyed for the fun of it.

Bin Laden hit team troops shot out of sky by Taliban

More than 20 US Navy Seals from the elite unit that killed Osama Bin Laden have died after their helicopter was shot down by insurgents in Afghanistan.
They were among 31 American Special Forces troops and seven Afghan soldiers who were killed when a rocket-propelled grenade destroyed their Chinook helicopter.

sad flower

RE: Interview the person below

Thanks, it was either surgery such as a stomach bypass or death. Not being melodramatic but someone just turned 50 at 30 stone is very serious. I started making gradual changes and simply cut calories. I used low fat, low calorie products. I made sure I had protein at every meal because it filled me up for longer. I made a mug of peppermint tea often as that helped the hunger. In time I was able to walk which helped burn off the calories. Once the pounds started coming off it was encouraging for me to carry on. It took me 3 years and I had hiccups along the way turning to bread and cheese at the slightest upset but got back on track again. After a few stone I was able to come off benefits and start to work. The weight piled on due to decreasing exercise and an addiction to food. It is much harder to maintain weight though and I can really put food away in these buffet all you can eat places! My head hasn't changed so I need to be aware of the food addiction. I am rambling a bit but it's late! Fad diets like Slimfast and other meal replacements are good for a short fix but the weight almost always gets regained. The best way is calorie controlled with correct food choices and walking or swimming, or anything apart from being totally sedentary.


RE: Danny Danon the Israel parliament speaker quoting from the bible

Oh FFS read up on history. frustrated

RE: Interview the person below

Oh goodnes, if you only knew what a chocolate habit I once had until I became type 2 diabetic. Even then I took liberties with probably a Mars or Snickers Duo a couple of times or so a week. Given up completely now though and also I am terrified of regaining all my lost weight (I used to weigh 30 stones) but maintaining at 12 stones is far harder than dieting to lose weight. I hover a few pounds either way and have to be careful.

Do you wear make-up or if a guy do you use moisturisers or such like.

RE: RE: Ye Thought or Rant of the Day!!!

Hi Crystal. I think that should be in what made me smile today thread. Amazing news. Good thing they didn't ask for proof you could get it cheaper. It is always worth trying to get better deals. Companies are under so much pressure to keep customers.

AOL keep phoning me to offer me faster broadband for no extra cost, but the catch is I have to sign into a contract which I refuse to do. They are charging over the odds and I really want to change but better the devil you know and all that. I am charged £17.30 per month by AOL for broadband. I know I could get better deals but because I work at home and need internet connection I don't want to risk going to an unreliable provider. AOL sometimes disconnects but doesn't cause me too much trouble so I will stick with them.

Nice to see you back by the way, and hope you enjoyed your break away.

RE: Danny Danon the Israel parliament speaker quoting from the bible

Unfortunately when someone is ignorant, despite being shown truths and still denying them, that person is labelled. I have been contributing to these anti-Israel forums for almost a year now and time and time again I show proof of the truth, and other posters do too, about Israel. Some who were haters have actually admitted to me by email or on the forums that they didn't know the facts, and that they were simply following the anti-Israel proporganda, and they thanked me for showing them what the situation is about. You have been on these threads for months now, and yet you still deny the basic simply facts that Israel has the right to exist as it does. Why do you think you are being labeled unfairly when you still deny Israel's legal right to exist.

RE: Danny Danon the Israel parliament speaker quoting from the bible

Ah, Nasrallah! Here he is having a smoke of the pipe of peace.

RE: Danny Danon the Israel parliament speaker quoting from the bible

Isn't it absolutely hilarious when these Israel-haters twist and turn facts. I love these forums - so entertaining!

RE: Interview the person below

I don't drive but yes I am almost sure it is £1.40 a litre here in London, i.e., double the price or so. I don't know how people can afford to run cars nowadays as wages are for the most part capped with a lot of people not having had a payrise or due for one until the economy gets better.

Shoes, not much. Probably about 5 pairs. Trainers, 'sensible' shoes, a couple of smarter T-bar pairs and some flat canvas lace-ups. Now if you asked me how many bags I had - easily between 20 or 30 with a delivery of a couple more the other day from QVC.

Have you kept any of your toys, teddys or books from your childhood?

RE: RE: Ye Thought or Rant of the Day!!!

I worked so late last night to make up for the work I would have done today as I wanted Saturday off for a change, but because I was so shattered after I fed the cats at 6 I went back to sleep and didn't wake till 2.30 and I feel groggy, so early night tonight and out tomorrow. I have some vouchers burning a hole in my handbag!

RE: Danny Danon the Israel parliament speaker quoting from the bible


Again this clip for the people who think the Jewish people should leave Israel to the Arabs who most of them have come from other lands anyway to get employment once Israel began to thrive in its early independance. Perhaps it is them that should go back to Jordan, Syria, Lebanon etc.

Even though the Israeli government won its election by promising Gaza would not be relinquished to the Arabs, the Israeli Government went back on its word once they got into power and gave Gaza away in the hope of peace, but daily Israel suffers rockets fired indiscriminantly into towns, including schools, hospitals, and even a Yellow School Bus was hit and killed a child.

Arabs in Israel don't have it bad at all and a recent survey of Arabs in Jerusalem was that they did not want the Israeli Government to pass that part of Jerusalem into Arab control. Arabs are happy in Israel. It is just the few that want the Jews out.

I have plenty of links of how Israel goes over and beyond what it should do to help the Arabs there. Not only that but Israel also helps the Arabs in areas under Palestinian Authority of Hamas governance in Palestinian territory and Gaza.

Eighty per cent of the thousands of Jews forcibly removed from Gaza are still living in temporary housing shacks because Gaza was given back for peace. Israel can't build homes fast enough for them.

So all you Israel-haters. Keep you hate for other injustices that the world is suffering - there are plenty for you to investigate and leave the Jews to live in Israel in pieces, and not pieces.



No feather duster for me! Yes, he used to sit on my shoulder while I was doing the hoovering and loading and unloading the washing machine etc., but I was always worried he would fall into a pan of cooking vegetables or whatever so anything with a risk I would put him back into his cage although he never actually fell off as such. Awww he was so sweet. Makes me 'broody' for another one!

RE: What Do You All Think About This.

Maybe it is just too cold in Canada and they want to colonise further south?

RE: What Do You All Think About This.

Ok, if only life were as simply as worrying about beans and tomatoes. You know, I think the Amish (in their own little world) are pretty fortunate. Many a time a lot of us would like to live the simple life.

RE: Danny Danon the Israel parliament speaker quoting from the bible

Absolutely, and very well said.

RE: Italy Or Gaza.....

Yes, but you get that inside Israel proper too but aimed from up high and on the ground at the windows of cars whilst they are driving along and at people strolling in the countryside enjoying a day out, etc as well as the army and police! Ok, good luck with the thread.

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