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RE: My Addiction to Passionate Men

Well, your article is well written; all from your personal love experiences, I acknowledged your oratorical prowess. Here is the kicker, when we have nothing in mind we will fall for anything. Not even a slacker will be the best guy for you because you are wanna-be “on the front page magazine” kind of Lady. So find someone and build together with him. It’s better to build together than to have an “already made” wine


Very good, We need pple like you and articles like this and expecially in this sites.

RE: Why Most Men Get Scammed!!!

Mate, I'm penning you because I agree with you whole heartedly.
Well written!!!cheers

RE: My Addiction to Passionate Men

Hey, we all have our cross to bare. Some of us are lucky in love and find the right fit, others, well they are fast asleep when the ship rolls in. Its like everything else in life I do believe..

Mom of one of the Columbine Massacre perpetrators talk after 10 years


If my research has taught me one thing, it's this: Anyone can be touched by suicide. But for those who are feeling suicidal or who have lost someone to suicide, help is available—through resources provided by nonprofits like the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and the American Association of Suicidology. (If you are having persistent thoughts about suicide, call the national suicide prevention lifeline at 800-273-8255 to speak with a counselor. And if you are dealing with the loss of a loved one to suicide, know that National Survivors of Suicide Day is November 21, with more than 150 conferences scheduled across the United States and around the world.)

For the rest of my life, I will be haunted by the horror and anguish Dylan caused. I cannot look at a child in a grocery store or on the street without thinking about how my son's schoolmates spent the last moments of their lives. Dylan changed everything I believed about my self, about God, about family, and about love. I think I believed that if I loved someone as deeply as I loved him, I would know if he were in trouble. My maternal instincts would keep him safe. But I didn't know. And my instincts weren't enough. And the fact that I never saw tragedy coming is still almost inconceivable to me. I only hope my story can help those who can still be helped. I hope that, by reading of my experience, someone will see what I missed.

Mom of one of the Columbine Massacre perpetrators talk after 10 years


Through all of this, I felt extreme humiliation. For months I refused to use my last name in public. I avoided eye contact when I walked. Dylan was a product of my life's work, but his final actions implied that he had never been taught the fundamentals of right and wrong. There was no way to atone for my son's behavior.

Those of us who cared for Dylan felt responsible for his death. We thought, "If I had been a better (mother, father, brother, friend, aunt, uncle, cousin), I would have known this was coming." We perceived his actions to be our failure. I tried to identify a pivotal event in his upbringing that could account for his anger. Had I been too strict? Not strict enough? Had I pushed too hard, or not hard enough? In the days before he died, I had hugged him and told him how much I loved him. I held his scratchy face between my palms and told him that he was a wonderful person and that I was proud of him. Had he felt pressured by this? Did he feel that he could not live up to my expectations?

I longed to talk to Dylan one last time and ask him what he had been thinking. I spoke to him in my thoughts and prayed for understanding. I concluded that he must not have loved me, because love would have prevented him from doing what he did. And though at moments I was angry with him, mostly I thought that I was the one who needed his forgiveness because I'd failed to see that he needed help.

Since the tragedy, I have been through many hours of therapy. I have enjoyed the devotion and kindness of friends, neighbors, coworkers, family members, and strangers. I also received an unexpected blessing. On a few occasions I was contacted by the parents of some of the children killed at the school. These courageous individuals asked to meet privately so we could talk. Their compassion helped me survive.

Still, Dylan's participation in the massacre was impossible for me to accept until I began to connect it to his own death. Once I saw his journals, it was clear to me that Dylan entered the school with the intention of dying there. And so, in order to understand what he might have been thinking, I started to learn all I could about suicide.

Suicide is the end result of a complex mix of pathology, character, and circumstance that produces severe emotional distress. This distress is so great that it impairs one's ability to think and act rationally. From the writings Dylan left behind, criminal psychologists have concluded that he was depressed and suicidal. When I first saw copied pages of these writings, they broke my heart. I'd had no inkling of the battle Dylan was waging in his mind. As early as two years before the shootings, he wrote about ending his life. In one poem, he wrote, "Revenge is sorrow / death is a reprieve / life is a punishment / others' achievements are tormentations / people are alike / I am different." He wrote about his longing for love and his near obsession with a girl who apparently did not know he existed. He wrote, "Earth, humanity, HERE. that's mostly what I think about. I hate it. I want to be free…free… I thought it would have been time by now. the pain multiplies infinitely. Never stops. (yet?) i'm here, STILL alone, still in pain…."

Among the items police found in his room were two half-empty bottles of Saint-John's-wort, an herb believed to elevate mood and combat mild depression. I asked one of Dylan's friends if he knew that Dylan had been taking it. Dylan told him he hoped it would increase his "motivation."

Mom of one of the Columbine Massacre perpetrators talk after 10 years


These thoughts may seem foolish in light of what we now know, but they reflect what we believed to be true about Dylan. Yes, he had filled notebook pages with his private thoughts and feelings, repeatedly expressing profound alienation. But we'd never seen those notebooks. And yes, he'd written a school paper about a man in a black trenchcoat who brutally murders nine students. But we'd never seen that paper. (Although it had alarmed his English teacher enough to bring it to our attention, when we asked to see the paper at a parent-teacher conference, she didn't have it with her. Nor did she describe the contents beyond calling them "disturbing." At the conference—where we discussed many things, including books in the curriculum, Gen X versus Gen Y learners, and the '60s folk song "Four Strong Winds"—we agreed that she would show the paper to Dylan's guidance counselor; if he thought it was a problem, one of them would contact me. I never heard from them.) We didn't see the paper, or Dylan's other writings, until the police showed them to us six months after the tragedy.

In the weeks and months that followed the killings, I was nearly insane with sorrow for the suffering my son had caused, and with grief for the child I had lost. Much of the time, I felt that I could not breathe, and I often wished that I would die. I got lost while driving. When I returned to work part-time in late May, I'd sit through meetings without the slightest idea of what was being said. Entire conversations slipped from memory. I cried at inappropriate times, embarrassing those around me. Once, I saw a dead pigeon in a parking lot and nearly became hysterical. I mistrusted everything—especially my own judgment.

Seeing pictures of the devastation and the weeping survivors was more than I could bear. I avoided all news coverage in order to function. I was obsessed with thoughts of the innocent children and the teacher who suffered because of Dylan's cruelty. I grieved for the other families, even though we had never met. Some had lost loved ones, while others were coping with severe, debilitating injuries and psychological trauma. It was impossible to believe that someone I had raised could cause so much suffering. The discovery that it could have been worse—that if their plan had worked, Dylan and Eric would have blown up the whole school—only increased the agony.

But while I perceived myself to be a victim of the tragedy, I didn't have the comfort of being perceived that way by most of the community. I was widely viewed as a perpetrator or at least an accomplice since I was the person who had raised a "monster." In one newspaper survey, 83 percent of respondents said that the parents' failure to teach Dylan and Eric proper values played a major part in the Columbine killings. If I turned on the radio, I heard angry voices condemning us for Dylan's actions. Our elected officials stated publicly that bad parenting was the cause of the massacre.

RE: What you should know about Online Dating over 50

Things to remember on that first over 50 date...

1. When french kissing, be careful your false teeth don't fall out, or..

2. When french kissing, take your false teeth out for a smoother finish.

3. Men, don't worry as much about having condoms as whether your secret viagra necklace is locked and loaded.

4. Don't worry about having to meet her parents..they're already dead.

5. Should you kiss her on the first date?..Hell yes, in fact, go all the way, life is too short to hold back now.

6. If he/she doesn't call you the next day, should you feel upset or used? No, grateful is more appropriate.

angel thumbs up laugh

RE: What Do You Do After Making Love To Your Woman?

Are you kidding, make love to her again, at least a couple of more times...

RE: We Are All Born with Psychic Ability !

can i get a free psychic reading from you please???

We Are All Born with Psychic Ability !

I do not do predictions myself, only possible outcomes, since we are all born with free-will, n co-create ur lives by ur own choices. But Glad to hear that u r so tuned in that, u know when u'll b hungry ! Wow ! That's a pretty amazing feat 4 sure ! applause aware3

RE: Don’t Lose your Identity in a Relationship

As a man who lost his identity in a relationship and ultimately lost that relationship you are %100 rite be yourself love your self and be honest.

RE: Considerations about the Archaeus of Water

I look at it this way. We came from the earth we will go back to it.

RE: Letting Go of a Relationship Without Losing Your Mind

such swelling words of nothingness...

it would suite to cut thru all the bullshit, if one just asked themself one simple question, of themself...

do you love them, and want them to have what THEY want, MORE, than one want's what itself want's???

why should ONE want, be more important than another???

BUT, it has to, or all things become simply a return on investment, THE VERY ROOT of the ONLY bitter than can come from a relationship...

of course, men, are to put and make women and children FIRST, above their own want's, as women carry and bring all life, and children are unknowing yet...

without them, there is NOTHINGNESS, as no life would even be on the planet...

it serves any man his due justice, that only took and loved, to get back something for itself...

such is not love at all, and why the heartache from such cut's so deep, as such things no one really wants to see within itself, as surely it is seen, that all human's have the first natrual inclination, to defend itself, to prove how itself is always the most good posssible, which leaves many words telling of who and what self is left unheard, and cog in the wheel only spin's around itself, never hearing, or seeing, that the only care, the only love, is to wish to hear how self effect another, in all ways and cases, or the value of that one is compromised...

but these day's, courage, and valor, are things of the past, as the only courage, the only valor, is to love something more than for what and how it can make oneself feel good, and men are certainly duly indebted, to the universe and all other's, to learn such things first, so that a women actually has some knowing, some sight, some hearing, of something selfless, and what of children, whom have never seen what cared for them, beyond ther pride of ownership of the parent, if and when they do well...

what was once called and recognized as the only love at all...

just one cent

RE: Considerations about the Archaeus of Water

Well i'll admit that i did not understand most of that. I will however say that time is a concept and worthless for theory.

I'll have to read this a few more times to better understand what you are saying.


RE: We Are All Born with Psychic Ability !

I predict in 3 hours i will be hungry

RE: We Are All Born with Psychic Ability !

I predict i 3 hours i will be hungry

We Are All Born with Psychic Ability !

Thanks Moon love, n by the way I like ur name. I didn't see ur comment until just now, so thanks 4 ur them ! Blessings, aware3 teddybear wave

We Are All Born with Psychic Ability !

Thanks Bentlee, n u too Gene, but Gene u must have missed the part where I mentioned it isn't like mind reading. It truly isn't. Even those who are also mediums, as I am. And it's true to most it seems complex, n mysterious, but it is really just another wonderful sense that we either try to develop r not. Like people who go blind, have to then highly tune-in to their sense of touch, to learn to read brail. I understand also that their other senses also become more heightened. Bentlee sounds like u were blessed to have been helped from ur Mom. But all comments r appreciated, ur's too Gene. Thank u ALL ! Blessings, aware3 wave

RE: We Are All Born with Psychic Ability !

great, I love to read your articles, I should take a time and to read your articles coz i really thembouquet bouquet thumbs up

RE: Women and Friendship: When friends lie

Well, I got tired of pretending and being nice. So when I catch people in lies, I ask them to clarify something. Sometimes it is a misunderstanding. If it is not and they did lie, I walk away. Life is too short to live with people you cannot trust.

RE: 5 Sayings Most People Get Wrong

The fourth saying should be "TO all intents and purposes".

RE: The Danger in Dating a Control Freak

Yes there are controlling women. But this forum is about controlling men. Anyone who wants to make a forum about cw, have at it.teddybear

RE: The Average Guy's Guide to Beautiful Women

i usualy try to look past th owter shell of a person. many "hot" girls r cheap, fake and completely shallow. instead of mentaly undressing them imagine them without there looks and find out whats inside. th only problem is we are all ugly on th inside.

RE: How to Cure a Broken Heart

Thank you very much...merci! Yes it helps to read theses advices...and remember you are not guilty of what happened.

RE: Tips on How to Flirt

just like th movies. guys like a girl thats genuine sometimes 2 n we dnt al gt turned on by her playing with her hair.

RE: We Are All Born with Psychic Ability !

wholeheartedly I agree with you, having a keen sense of the before it happens syndrome lol. My mother was the same as she always knew when something was on its way into her realm. She taught me how to feel the feeling an to listen to it as well. However there have been times I've not an realised I should of. I also see different markers in given dyas leting me know I'm on the right time frame in my life. Last thursday I had two distinct situations that coincided to the second from two different sources. I call them time markers. Ty Aware for your article an sharing it. hug cheers

RE: We Are All Born with Psychic Ability !

and what am i thinking righ tnow lol!

RE: 5 Sayings Most People Get Wrong

professor Ahhhh youve spoilt my jokes nowtongue lips

RE: How to Cure a Broken Heart

OK but whats going to help my son grow up never knowing his mom whats going to take away my feelings of failing him because he has to live that pain because i let another one trick me. completely blind sided until the moment came and she left at 3 in the morning to move in with her 38 year old instructor who is 15 years older then she and i. what do i tell rather then the truth, that she left and the only thing she didn't try to take was our 10 month old son. is there a cure for that. and why is it i that needs a cure. when its them that chronically screw us over. maybe they are the ones who are truly broken.

We Are All Born with Psychic Ability !

Dragonfly, I did try to e-mail u, but it would not go through. aware3wave

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