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RE: Don't you ever play with anybody's heart!!!!

Poor girl!!you run into two scammers!!better you have'nt given any money at all!!!be careful next time it's a lesson to be learned at least now you have an idea what scammers are!

Don't you ever play with anybody's heart!!!!

I hope these experieces of mine wouldn't happend to any body, anywhere and anyhow

RE: Why Are Women More Affectionate Than Men

DynamiteLuv wrote:
"Maybe, men are from Mars and women from Venus."

Sometimes I agree with this concept but most of the time not, and surely this concept could not be applied to all life on earth. Though it is very interesting how we, as a species, are so much the same but can be so strikingly different. There are a great number of other species on our planet whereas male and female display these differences and behaviors, with slight variances. And it has been well proven that many species on earth are a result of evolution and not from other planets.

Differences in male and female are by far NOT deficiencies. Mother nature, "planet earth", along with evolution has intended these differences to act as attractions and strengths in male/female unions, and to ensure we further evolve (survive). Mother nature has done a remarkable job for billions of years in ensuring life on earth. The human race however has done a very poor job in governing ourselves and our planet in a very short period time.

DynamiteLuv wrote:
"Why Are Women More Affectionate Than Men"

Great subject, I really enjoyed your article, and of course I don't have the answer to this. However, besides all that has been already mentioned some things do come to mind.

Traditionally male and female play more/less equal roles in conception, and share in the upbringing of their children. Yet, the female is able to experience the gift of carrying a new life to term, and nurturing that new life not only for survival but emotionally as well. JMO but this alone sets men and women "worlds" apart as far as emotional maturity/bonding. Adding to that the fact that the creation of life itself is a key role in evolution, I believe that these may be small factors as to why women tend to be more sociable as well. Unfortunately you cannot deal socially with a wild tiger attacking your village.

I'm sure that no one needs an anatomy lesson but let's not forget hormones. The endocrine (hormonal) systems of males and females are different, we produce different hormones for different reasons. It is well known that hormones play a huge role in how we physically feel, and act or react "emotionally".

Needless to say that all this leads to different brain patterns and priorities between men and women, and the expectation that males and females will respond similarly to all situations would be naive. It's actually quite amazing we get along as well as we do.

Or maybe it's all just because women watch DR.Phil and Opera. (kidding)

DynamiteLuv wrote:
"Actually, it’s very unhealthy for people, especially men to hold their feelings in all of the time."

Agreed, but I think when males hold in their emotions, tears etc, along with today's stereotype it is also a traditionally built in method of survival and self defense. For example you are more likely to be attacked by a dog or bear when you show fear. As well, back in the stone age for a male to break down and cry, well, when the others went out to hunt you'd probably be left back with the women, if your lucky. Maybe not such a bad thing.

But of course it would be more mystical and much easier to say "Maybe, men are from Mars and women from Venus." Or maybe we just wish we were 'ON' different planets sometimes.

RE: What Are The Health Benefits of Green Tea?

Besides all these oriental super-brands we, Europeans, can boast for 2 humble green tea species of our Continent:
1) The so called "Mountain Tea" from Greece, and
2) The "Wild Tea" from Italy.
Believe me they work miracles regarding longevity and health!
And they practically cost nothing, u can pick them urself free of charge!

RE: Love Your Self

Thank you,I really needed those wise words today,thank you very much.

RE: "Just friends" between a man and a women: myth or reality?

I've made a best friend here on CS....anlong with many other on line friends.
I think the best friend part is the best....let's find out ? wink


RE: "Just friends" between a man and a women: myth or reality?

Well azul.....i'm on a few dating sites.....a lot of gals are posting friends first......i did something like that on my profile and a gal emailed me and says you that can't be done lol......personally i'd rather have a best friend can work.

RE: Funny tale of Adolescence.....

LOL LOL That is so sweet! Thank you for sharing this!cheering

RE: Are you a control freak or know one?

Hello Mariespoodles,

it's very refreshing to read your article..and 'I hear you'..just what I like to see!! I have read 'The Celestine Prophecy' and many others relating to it.

You mention about the 'Control freak' and yes I'm very aware of this kind of unhealthy behavior,as I have grown up with a sibling who suffers from NPD,let me tell you that can certainly be extremely difficult and life shattering.

I think that certainly through my experience with this type of behavior has most certainly given me the wonderful opportunity to turn this into a positive instead of a negative,and that's probably why I have chosen the type of work I do.

I'm sure you've made a lot of difference in peoples lives and will continue to do so.!


RE: Seireido Philosophy

Good article. Finally, someone who thinks like I do.

RE: What makes a man a Gentleman???????????

I hope that the men that read your artical remember to teach their young boys the meaning of being a gentleman.

Thanks for the story it was heart-warming.

RE: Online Dating Mistakes to Avoid

. . .and keep things moving forward if you're interested in someone. Endless exchanges of text seem to fizzle out without the next step, a phone call for example.

RE: The Average Guy's Guide to Beautiful Women

Great advice. . . and have a fool-proof seasonal joke on hand too.

RE: The Overweight Woman is Desirable Too!

thanks! georgiagirlwave

people like that, with opinions like that really annoy me!very mad i could think of many things i could say to bring her down to earth.devil but i would never lower myself to her levelangel hug

RE: What makes a man a Gentleman???????????

Northof7 finally someone has put into words the best description
of a gentleman I have ever read. My hat's off to you. tip hat
There's some good points that the Female Gender might want to
take note of. There are plenty of us (gentleman) out there just
being passed by. sad flower

RE: What makes a man a Gentleman???????????

I read once this sentence: 'a gentleman is just a patient wolf'

Very nice article and quite unexpected question to ask (by a man)...Sadly, the real gentleman is a rare breed of men.wave

RE: What makes a man a Gentleman???????????

I loved reading this. Manners make makes someone stand among the crowd.

RE: Potatoes-cakes

Am gonna try this tomorrow :)

RE: Susan Boyle.. Why are we shocked?

After a re-run of the Susan Boyle story, I wrote a poem on CS also has further comments regarding the arts and how people tend to judge a book by its cover....The poem is Magical Factor X....Niah9angel

"Just friends" between a man and a women: myth or reality?

Thank you all for stopping by and adding your comment.

RE: Want more dates? Show your face.

When people do not show their face in their profile they are trying to sell others a can of food with no label.

RE: Potatoes-cakes

We have this food in Iran. We call it KuKu in Persian

RE: Potato Salad

Thanks for the recipe. I remember Kartoffel Salat in my German language book. Now I know what it is.

RE: Three Reasons Why Ignoring Each Other May Be Good for Your Relationship

Absolutely right. Two is a crowd a lot of times. Space and privacy are vital in long lasting relationships.

RE: What Are The Health Benefits of Green Tea?

It is most important you know good green tea and you know how to brew it. Please look at the faces of members older than 40 in CS. members from China, Korea, and other countries in which green tea is taken daily generally look more 10 years younger.

RE: What makes a man a Gentleman???????????

I liked the story. The difference between a gentleman and others is he does what all others too know is right but don't do. Many of us can play the role of a gentleman without practice if a movie director asks us to. Many of us know how to dress and how to behave like a perfect gentleman. We just choose to play the role of bad guys because we imagine people think bad guys are cool.

RE: History of Nepal?

oh lake Pokhara, at the foot of the Himalayas, with a pretty stream wondering to the foot of countless steps, merchants with laden ponies wondering from chi shop to chi shop, alongside the pretty stream as if the centuries never changed. At the top of the countless steps, where the old school once stood, by the old stone wall unbelievable views of snow capped mountains towering above...nearby a smoke filled chi-shop, the cold falls.
The moron communist like fleas on a Chinese dog make war killing, killing, killing...

Dharma and once welcome neighbours from the land of snow, instead AK47's, with Chinese masters, rats rat99...the gods ruled Nepal, the whispering winds murmuring in the tree tops, the snow-leopards watching from above

RE: The Overweight Woman is Desirable Too!

hey Wow Factor!!
your sluring of over weight people has angered me!! pigeon wholing them all as unclean junk food eaters!!!!

can i ask..... why you arent displaying a picture???? dunno
usually people that dont display a picture, have something to hide!!!confused

over weight people can loose weight..........nasty vindictive people will always be ugly inside and out!!!!


RE: The Overweight Woman is Desirable Too!

when i fall for a mansmitten its his personality that makes me fall for him.....not his looks!
but when you fall for someone, you love everything about them!love
but when i am with a man i worry so much about what i look like!! uh oh ive always been bigger than my frinds and i was always the one without the boyfriend, even though i had many male friends......they were never interested in medunno
so i havent been in many relationships.....sigh.... i have always put this down to my size!!
i didnt get my first boyfriend till i was 23.... i married him because i thought that what i felt for him was true love!!!angel
but he belittled me after i gave birth to our twins, making nasty comments about my body blues
i finally divorced him after 5 years banana ......but my weight and confidence has gone up and down since then!help
i am still uncomfortable about my weight.....and am sure i always will be! ive been hurt in many ways by men........but i will NEVER be Used or abused by one ever again!!! hug

maybe one day i will find a man that will have the capacity to love and respect me as much as i will love him sad flower

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