If you could call your younger self…. What would you say?

Calling long distance , hi, your me, please don’t ride that bike today,
Don’t ever eat McDonalds, don’t tell dad you found his porno, don’t fall
In line too easily, don’t be what you don’t want to be, admit when your
Wrong, be strong, don’t climb on a roof, don’t hit a bullet with a hammer,
Don’t do magic swallowing a coin, don’t set fire to mothers curtains, if you
See a girl who looks nice, run!, and definitely don’t marry her, and if you are
Ever offered a green or a red pill,,,,,,,shoot the f**ker!
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Comments (22)

I would tell my younger self to hold on to my second love (Ann), she's a keeper, and don't take her for granted, because if I do, I'll forever regret it.

Sadly, that's what happened. If only I could turn back time and change that and a few other things.

It's true that we learn from our past mistakes, but this one is such a hard bitter pill to have to live with. If only I had that one chance to...sigh
Listen to your dad. He's got your back. There are few other people you can trust as much.
SHAWNTHOR, please dont look back with regret, she was the one at the time, but time changes everyone,
look forward, all of our decisions, all of what happens in the past is what we are today, , I'm alive because I
did not get into the car to go home with my friend when he crashed and was killed, forget the past, you dont
live there, forget the future, you dont live there, this blog dont matter, be who you want to be and look to what
you want to see, today!
I CaN't Believe myself now that You've Done All That on Behalf of Me !!! wow

Congrats for Guiding & Encouraging Me for Being what I Was/Am/Will be always !! wine

And Thank You sooo much hug for Being There For Me forever ... teddybear
Scrub the mission.
Criteria exceeds resources.
Stand down and retire.
I would tell her, she's amazing and awesome for having done all she's done and achieved all the things she has inspite of the odds. For helping and still helping those that are less fortunate. For having all these wonderful children and lovely grandchildren. For believing in God and herself no matter the failures and dossappointments. For being brave and strong. For who she's become. Grateful and thankful always for this gift called life.
Itchy, the Irishman knows exactly what he's doing. I can read between the lines.
He's testing us! wink
Agreed Dan which makes me curious as he feeds my introspection of what is. Good morning Dan and Ms. Witch bouquet
Perhaps Dani, but do you know what I think conversing

Concerning the Irishman I'm rethinking my thoughts with what I was first thinking .....
if you know what I mean smitten

I am also thinking it's best we not talk about him as if he's not here .....
big brother you know, is always watching uh oh

And he could come back and burn our curtains laugh
"If you could call your younger self…. What would you say?"

Among many other things...
* Pace yourself. Life (and relationships) is not a marathon. Learn how to 'wait';
* Don't rely on your feelings to make life-changing decisions;
* Pay closer attention to your instincts;
* Don't limit yourself to any one person, thing, place or perspective;
* Live, laugh, love like there's no tomorrow!:

Hopefully, I still have time to make up for some of my past errors. sad_flower:
"you are meant to be an architect- and quit them siggies (!)
become athletic instead you moron!"
Haha Itchy....you mean that we'd better use Socrates's wisdom?
Hello Lindsy wave

Yes, the Irishman gets us thinking, hey?

His poems are full of cryptic clues and he's leaving breadcrumbs to lead us to .....?

I suppose we just need to join the dots?

Good evening Opt...
You've got us all thinking...wink
Loved your comments, humility may be the way to go! Of course I don't know, I need to live another ten years
and talk to myself then.
Good evening all.
By the way, I don't always burn curtains, sometimes I burn ,mmmmmmmmm other things!

I'm watching!
Wow...according to my clock, it must be around 6am where you are.

In this case, good morning Irishman.wave
Good morning d4n.
Not sure what you mean by the other thing confused

But just so you know witches don't get burnt at the stake anymore scold
Hi witchypoo, I burn the candle at both ends sometimes.
I would tell myself to do everything I wanted to do when I was younger.
You may never get the chance to do it later.
Very wise phatdrummer650 you are now eligible for a discussion on the possibility of being offered
a place (if there is a cancellation) to present yourself in person, (video call won't do) to a third party
who will decide if you meet the criteria that meets the expectations of the second party,, where you shall
undergo a written test, followed by verbal communication to prove you are not phadrummer649, wherein
you may be offered a place on paper in front of the first party, now, that offer will self destruct within 30 seconds,
failure at this stage means you have to apply again. If you succeed when you reapply, you will then be part of a unique club called
humanity, where you do EVERYTHING you want when you want, but don't complain about being ticketed for illegal parking.

I agree with ninety five percent of you comment.

thumbs up
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Meet the Author of this Blog


athlone, Westmeath, Ireland

Just here for the poetry and not looking for anything more than people with the same idea, it was 14 years ago I uploaded that pic, now I am old, fat. unhealthy and the camera is broken....if you have a spare bed and a nurse to attend to me.... 24 se [read more]