Should the safety of our community be compromised?

There's a lawyer named Dan Gustafson who is responsible in filing a lawsuit against the State of Minnesota for these animalistic p*dophile who believe that they should be released from prison and live in normalcy despite factual findings that they're never going to get better.

What on earth is this all about? He cares for these hardcore scumbags and disregard the safety of our society?

How would you like to live near them?

I don't know about you, but as long as there's no cure for these sick people, they should remain in jail. Do you agree? My taxes should be used for my peace of mind knowing they will not commit these heinous crimes again. help

Do you think that this lawyer would still choose to use his services if his daughter, mom, sister or wife got raped or worse molested by these scumbags? I bet he'd lock them to jail and rot and throw away the think? frustrated help devil very mad very mad
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unknown, California, USA

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