Forgive and forget ....should we ?

40 years ago i was 9 years old, a young lad full of life, but from the age of 9 I saw my mum and dad fight quite often over a period of 10 years. Those fights were because my dad was having affairs and when mum would confront him he would beat her, and on one occasion I watched him floor her and kick her in the stomach breaking 3 of her ribs.

Those visions have stayed with me but I tried to bury them,and though I had. One women in particular that my dad had an affair with for 10 years, he ended up marrying. This women would call our house 3 times a day for 7 years, we changed our number but she always found it. She even spoke to me one day and said she was my dads wife, I was 10. She even told my mum she was having his baby. My mum stuck it out until the last son left home, me, at 21. She then threw dad out and after 2 years he married this evil woman who made my childhood hell, as well as my mums.

My dad told me he was leaving, I looked at him and said good, that was in 1981..I never saw him again. He died of cancer and on his last dieing day he called out my name many times, but I was no wear to be seen.

From what I hear from my brothers his 2nd wife wanted him stuffed because she could not bare to be without him, yes a nutty women. My dad died in 1995 and that was a relief for me and it was time to forget. My mum had endured hell, yet she never complained, she was the best mother anyone could wish for. She died of cancer 5 years ago, and i remember vividly one day walking into her house, she was staring out the window, knowing she had weeks to live, she was looking back at her life, as she turned to met I knew what was going through her mind.

I will never forgive my dad or that women for why they put us through.

This morning i had a friend request on Facebook from someone called Paul i was curious and accepted...iI was in shock when I saw who it was this women who had made my life a misery...she had remarried but she had posted photos of my dad and her on holiday in the 80's..when he was still with mum..perosnal photos of my dads brothers.. so many things.

I could not believe my eyes..and why was she doing this..40 yrs later...I used Facebook to vent what had been boiling all those years on her FB page..she denied everything..her response takes two.

What and why did she do this, she was not content in making my life a misery in my now rub it in 40 years later...

should I forgive ?
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Comments (34)

Her FB page has now been deleted...hope she dies a slow my mum had to..the wrong person died.
block the old bat and move on. her day to answer for her sins will soon come
comfort hug

Ian, I'm not the best person to give any advice but I can actually feel your pain, really hug

I've come to terms with many things in my life, no matter how bad they are coz I personally believe in Karma. It makes it easier for me when I start to have all the 'Why me??'s.

I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive them, one day. Just for your own peace of mind...hug

comfort hug

I'm sorry that happened to you crying
Thanks Mimi
But I just wanted Ian to Know that hes not alone
A lot of Us Carry our Crosses
And it stays there inside of you forever and can never leave
But Ian Proved something in his Life to all of Us
And that is ..through all that hes been through..he has still risin above it ll and seems to be a better succes that I can ever be........(Way to Go Ian)..............detective
Something I found online:Forgiveness doesn’t mean what happened was OK, and it doesn’t mean that person should still be welcome in your life. Forgiveness just means that you've made peace with the pain, and you are ready to let it go.

Ian I have a former sister in law who has always tried to make my life a living h--- and even though I haven't had anything to do with her in over 8 years she's still trying to destroy the relationship I have with my son.I don't hate her I feel sorry for the kind of miserable woman that she chooses to be.

I've forgiven her for my sake but not hers.Why should I allow someone such as her live in my mind rent free.
But Nam, I think you did good too coz you didn't turn out like your dad.

Also, you're a good dad to your own son, no?

You could've been just exactly like your dad but you choose not to and that to me, it's a great achievement already thumbs up hug
Ccincy, love the online quote wine

Good for you to be able to let go and moved on thumbs up hug
Dream thank you.

Just signed back into my profile, because of this Blog. I admire both your and Nams honesty here......what happens in ones childhood is never forgotten.......conversing
Not sure you can actually make a decision to forgive, you really lost your childhood & that's something that will take a lot of forgiving, personally I think you're better off trying to forget, after all there's nothing that can be done now, spending more time on it may affect the now dunno beer
Ian, like many people here I have my own story, but today is not about me, it is about you. Ccincy spoke words of wisdom, she is so right. You can forgive, you forgive the bad thing's that woman did and how she hurt your Mother and her kid's, but you will NEVER forget.

When you are haunted by something that happened in your past, whether someone wronged you forgiveness is what you do for yourself, not for other people. When you forgive, it doesn't mean that you approve of what's happened. Rather, it means that you're giving yourself permission to move on with your life.

Forgiveness is a choice. Don't wait for it to just wash over you all of a sudden. You have to choose it.
Don't give your power away. The pain of what happened is inevitable, but continuing to suffer is optional. The only person you can control is you. By constantly reliving the pain of what happened, you are giving your power away to the person who wronged you.

Don't cling to negative feelings. Anger is nothing more than an outward sign of hurt, fear, guilt, grief or frustration. While the pain may never completely disappear, forgiveness can help you release the anger and bring those in your life closer to you.
People who make you angry, "CONTROL YOU"

If you can't do it for yourself Ian, do it for your dear Mother, your Mother would want you to be happy, not a to dwell on the past, these "Sociopathic" woman who destroy live's have not one ounce of empathy for anyone, all they care about are themselves.
Its very easy to preach and give advice but the one who goes through the pain knows how difficult it is to forgive and forget ....

For me its easy to forgive but very difficult to forget...

No one can tell you what to do it has to be your decision ..whatever you decide is the right decision comfort
What I endured made me a very impatient and aggressive man ..not to women but to 2010,at 45. when my mum died I eventually went to a councillor , for six sessions , I cried for 6 hrs..releasing my anger at my dad..the frustration of not being able to get him in the floor and break his ribs..let him feel that pain..

5 years this month my mum died...still I have no photos of her..I simply can't look at them ..I just cry..when I lay in bed this morning looking at this fraud fb account...the amount of emotions flowed from anger to sobbing my heart out..for mum.
Ian I wish I was there to give you a hug.hug hug
If its Only Been that short of time since your Mothers have ways to Go Ian...But Crying is the Release...But each day that goes by is just a little further away from that Day when She "Left"...Im sure your Mother wouldnt want you to go all your Life being this way..She would want you to mourn and get on with "The Business Of Living"....Just dont accept anything anymore that you dont know what it is and youll be better off......Hang in there Ian..Soon youll be back here telling us all "Just the way it is"with your Wise Cracks and all.....I mean..What would the Blogs be without Ian here stirring it up and being so blunt as he is?.........Youll be fine....Its just soemthing you have to go through..And maybe its good that this Happened..because there was still some Pent up Sorrow in there that you had to release........"Time Washes Clean".....(For Most of us Anyway)..............detective
I vowed no women would endure, or my kids what I did..however I was affected..and for sure it affected my relationship with my short temper..many things I wish I could change.

But I am better person now . I now want to build up a relationship to my next partner, totally opposite to what my dad gave my mum...I have a lot to give I know...some where, some one is going to get lucky cheers
Yeh...its finding that person.....not easy.....sad flower
I will...I'm single and gwapo ??
Well Ian, you did learn something from your Dad, NEVER to treat a woman like he did.

I have not been on this site very long, but to me I always saw the big hearted loving side to you, and I guessed you were hurting too. What a fantasic comment from Nam. applause
You are a very handsome young man and some lady is going to get lucky one day. At least you have good friends here, good friends love you warts an all. teddybear
Gwapo is handsome in tagalog
Oh....laugh hug
Hi IAN peace

I read your blog and your response to our friends comments here, I am so sorry to what happened to you in the past.
Really hope that you will have much better life than your mom and dad.

Should you forgive her? Forgive her doesn't mean that you have to be friend and forget all the past as it will always in your memory.
Forgive her just to make you peace... Feeling that you have no hate anymore... As it will never bring back your past to be repaired.

More or less I understand who you are, the shape of your character was built by your past.

But you are Strong person that I know....

The best thing that can happen from your experiences is that you both can learn a lesson .... That is that what happenned to you will not happen again in your life with your own children.
It can end here because you know what they did was not good.
Every person is a product of his environment ...your parents too.
You can make something good of this bad experience , take charge of the lesson to be learnt here and make the change in your own life.
It is important to forgive Ian , so you can become content and at peace with yourself.
Also Ian,

I do not know how this whole universe works...but, I am a believer that things happen for a reason.

As far as the lady who is still living, maybe the weight of her guilt is her punishment? In a way, it would make sense to me. Why else would she try and reach out to you on Facebook?....other than possibly make amends with you?

Not sure....but my 2 pennies dunno cheers
Finally Ian....

As far as your blog title....forgive and forget?

I think you should let her know if you forgive her if you want to remove some of the weight of the guilt from her essence, reducing her mental suffering. 2 pennies.


I am so sorry to hear what people had to endure. Family should be a haven and a childhood carefree. sad flower
I would give her a chance to make an impression on me and gauge whether she was genuine and sincere,and whether she really regretted her actions and the consequences of them at the time....If she was genuine i could forgive,,,but if she is just seeking forgiveness for her own benefit and isnt truly sorry for her actions then i would not forgive her..........uh oh
I think its important to forgive so we can move on with our life
and realize everyone makes mistakes, I made my share.
Hi Ian,
Better do what will make you in peace. comfort
But I agree with Ccincy,

Forgiveness doesn’t mean what happened was OK, and it doesn’t mean that person should still be welcome in your life. Forgiveness just means that you've made peace with the pain, and you are ready to let it go. thumbs up
I'd acutually forgotten my past, to a large extent, unless all my brothers were together,and we would talk, that day will come this satruday when my middle brother gets married again. He was close to dad and buried his head in the sand, he is weak just like my father even when he was attacking mum.

My eldest who is also my boss, we are so close because of our past, he helped me though many things of which I acutally owe him my life. There are many things I could tell you which as a kid haunted me.

I'm free if nothing reminds me of it, and nothing did until yesterday, I will never forgive my father or her, as she was a party to it, but i do know this women loved him so much.

But i wonder what she had that my mum did not have in truck loads, not enough it seemed for my dad to leave mum, but for mum to tell him that, our last son has flown the nest. Now its time for you to leave.

I know I will never forgive this women, ever. But i wont let it ruin my life, as im really starting to enjoy it now, this expereince working here, being with my brother and friends has made me realise Im going to make the most of it.

You know im not religious, but if there is life after death I so hope my mum is waiting at the gate when this women arrives.

Believe me I did let her know on her facebook page for all to see, all my family read the posts and could not believe it.

Can you imagine she was remarried but made a facebook page he didnt know, posting photos of my dad and her, saying he was the love of her life to her friends on FB, and this 3 rd husband of her's has no idea. Deceitful to the end.

Her FB has now been deleted, I'm so glad I got my message to her publicy and hopefuly humiliated her, it sounds cruel but what she did for 10 years, and the years after that my mum suffered, was at least some pay back.

She was left with very little, my oldest brother brought her a house, we all chipped in to make it her home, it was her little castle, she remanined there till the day she died, the house is still Keiths. I found it so difficult when she passed that I lived there for 2 months, slept in her bed and smelt her everywhere.

That gave me some peace, it was very diffucult to close that door for the last time. Its now rented out to a single mum.

Peace all

sad flower
Try for your own sakè to come out of your childhood pain and leave it behind now. The fact that your mother put up with him and went along with the arrangement Also has its reasons . That he stayed till your mother let him Go , has a reason. People all have reasons for doing what they do.
It might help if you recognise that we are mostly selfish beings and will mostly do what is more convenient for ourselves most of the time.
Try to see the situation with eyes wide open , and as an adult. Your childhood may have been messed up, but its up to you to live differenty as an adult.
Good luck dear man.

Wow Ian, I was surprised that you did something as cruel as that! shock Doing that might make you feel satisfied.. You know, the feeling like saying "YESSS..!!"

BUT Ian..
Did it make your inner really in peace?

I don't think I will do such thing to someone even if that person hurt me badly. Or maybe because I have never been really hurt by any one.. or maybe because I have never let my feeling be hurt by anyone. I don't know. But I know one thing for sure. If I did what you did to her, I would definitely regret it like hell. I will never find peace until I apoligize and hear that my apology is accepted.

Look Ian, I don't know you at all except the things I know from what I read on blogs. But please Ian, just let it go.. don't let your "anger" consume your inner beauty..! hug
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by Ian158
created Mar 2015
Last Viewed: Apr 29
Last Commented: Mar 2015
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