What are friends for

What good a friend are you for if in the direst of needs you aren't there?

Can you share what your beliefs are on friendship? Or better yet, who are your friends?

Here is my story. I have only three friends, I mean real good friends. One is going on for the last 45 years, met her in College. Still going on very strong. She lives in another State but we see each other at least twice a year. Call each other every now and then.

The other is 40 years, met her right after I landed my first job as a University professor. She lives in Switzerland and see each other once every two years. She comes here in the US while I go to Europe alternately. She is rich and just travels but very accommodating. (she introduced me here at CS, she writes poetry and almost forced me to be a member here, long story) Anyways, the third one is about 15 years now. All I can say is that these friends are ready to offer their lives if it is needed. At least that is how I feel and do the same on my part if I am needed.

I can't see nor feel the comepleteness of life without them friends.

Share your expectations and experiences with friends if you want to. Otherwise thanks for reading this blog.

I will be away for a while but will get back later.

Question: Are you there when your friends need you?bouquet
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unknown, California, USA

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I am here for the blogs and poetry writing. I learn a lot from the dynamics of the discussions. Part of my lifetime learning.

I am forever grateful with this gift called, LIFE. After all what I've been thro [read more]