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Most Viewed Family Blogs (545)

Here is a list of Family Blogs ordered by Most Viewed, posted by members. A Blog is a journal you may enter about your life, thoughts, interesting experiences, or lessons you've learned. Post an opinion, impart words of wisdom, or talk about something interesting in your day. Update your blog on a regular basis, or just whenever you have something to say. Creating a blog is a good way to share something of yourself with others. Reading blogs is a good way to learn more about others. Click here to post a blog.


Hmmmm! So "Txt'ing" is the Secret to Family Commun

About a month ago my youngest daughter came to visit me. She brought her friend Lisa and they both started giving me a bad time about my "old fashioned phone". You woulda thunk I was carrying an old rotary phone in my pocket. No, it was a small black cell phone with no special features (app's??) and not the "smart phone" style.

They said, I needed one where I could "txt" and something more modern. I was happy with what I had and when they said, "Well, you know they're going to discontinue that phone soon" I replied "I can wait til then". I am learning a new language so I also replied, "I have no need for bling".

This little black phone shaped like a wad of tar was doing a lot of "failed calls" and just failing all around. I called my carrier, used to be phone company, and the rep told me I had a SIM card in it that wouldn't work in my area too well. When he told me the companies name I started to lose my control.

First of all when I opened the account I was told they were using a reputable phone system that I was comfortable with and the SIM card was that companies SIM card. But oh no! They sent me a phone with another carriers SIM cad knowing that this SIM card was not good in the area I lived.

I cancelled and opened an account for less money with unlimited "txt"ing" and phone calls for one price. It was perfect but little did I know how "perfect". I'm not a "txt'er". I like to hear a voice and in particular my children's voices. So I started calling my kids with this new phone and I couldn't reach them. Imagine, with a cell pone they carry in their purse?!?! So I had this revelation. I would "txt" them.

HA HA HA!! My phone lit up with return "txt's" and the rest is history! They wanted to know what kind of phone, what my rates were and on and on with how many "apps"!! OK, I'm learning and I didn't know what to answer.

So, ok, maybe I can't hear their sweet voices but I hear their sweet "txt's"!!
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Great Great Thanks

RELEASED and GRATEFUL!heart beating heart wings

Phone broke, overspending for beloved got me in sudden trouble at the beginning of new year. this incident shows a big gap in my financial risk management lol.

though it is new year time i had no other ways but make phone calls to my debtors to ask for the money back even though i didn't want to do that at all. 1 picked up the call with another promise to return the loan in 1 or 2 years doh the other even didn't pick up the call frustrated

Superfrustrated, i didn't make another call to the 3rd one and started talking with my friends. and in a blink my problem is solved cheering weeee friendship hug

Sometimes in life, the effects don't come in a linear way but a zigzag. we can hardly receive a help back from those we exerted it to but normally from someone new. however, i guess it goes in a circle and one way or another, good things will bounce back to us innocent

You made my day, friends. Love you all, the good and the bad those taught me and made me feel heart wings
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Der Duft von Glücklichen Meschen. Das bedeutet es

Wieder einmal neigt sich der Tag dem Ende zu und du bist auf dem Weg nach Hause. Du sitzt in derU-Bahn und Dir fallen all die Menschen auf die sich mögen.

Es passiert ganz plötzlich und ohne das Du etwas dagegen tun kannst.
Da ist der Mann der zärtlich die Hand seiner Freundin streichelt.
Da sind die beiden die sich an den Haltestangen der Bahn wie zufällig an einander reiben und sich verschämt umsehen.
Dort hinten sitzt der attraktive Mann der in Deine Richtung lächelt doch als Du gerade zurück Lächeln willst bemerkst Du die schlanke Frau neben Dir die leicht errötet und Du bist wieder Traurig.
Da ist das Pärchen auf der Bank gegenüber in der Ecke die sich leidenschaftlich küssen.

Dir fallen all die kleinen Zärtlichkeiten auf die Du nicht bekommst und dein Herz sehnt sich so sehr danach.
Als Du aus der U-Bahn Station steigst fällt Dir das alte Ehepaar auf das seit sich seit Ewigkeiten kennt und sich immer noch liebevoll in die Augen blickt, Dir fällt auf wie er Ihre zittrige schwielige Hand hält und Ihr stützend von der Bank aufstehen hilft. Dieses Gefühl was Du bei diesem Anblick spührst ist Einsamkeit und das Verlangen geliebt zu werden als ob es Deine erste Liebe gewesen wäre.

Liebe ist so etwas wunderbares das dich erfüllen kann und dich wieder lächeln läst.
Es ist dieses warme wunderbare Gefühl das dich überflutet wie eine Woge aus warmer Glückseligkeit und ein angenehmes Prickeln in Dir hinterlässt.

Sie ist die Sehnsucht die dich nicht mehr schlafen lässt und zu einer süßen Qual wird wenn dein geliebter sich auch nur einen Zentimeter von Dir entfernt.

Aber wie entsteht diese Liebe die Du doch so suchst ? Kannst auch Du Sie finden ?

Ich mag es Dir hier gerne einmal beschreiben.

Ein ganz wichtiger Teil dafür ist Deine Fantasie und Vorstellungskraft.

Denn das ist die Grundlage dafür sich vorstellen zu können wie der Partner aussehen könnte.

Wie sein Körper ist oder einfach nur wie er duftet.

Du wirst ihn spüren noch bevor Du ihn überhaupt gesehen hast. Deine Nase ist sehr wichtig. Schließe einfach mal Deine Augen und stelle Dir vor wie er aussehen könnte dann konzentriere dich und rieche
Denn jeder Mensch hat seinen eigenen Geruch. Je mehr ein Mensch zu Dir passt um so besser wird er für dich duften. Denke an die schönste Blume die Du je gesehen hast und fühle die Luft um dich herum denn dort in den vielen Gerüchen ist der eine der Deine Liebe ist.

Besonders gut riechen glückliche Menschen denn Ihr Körper sendet Duftstoffe aus die sich mit der Luft in der Umgebung mischen und so eine Atmosphäre des Wohlgefühls um sich erzeugen.

Du wirst wie ich riechen können ob vor 15 Minuten einglücklicher Mensch in diesem Raum gewesen ist.

Wie riechen glückliche Menschen tja das ist ganz einfach zu sagen Gut. Ich meine nicht das Deo sondern wenn jemand gut und freundlich ist strahlt der Körper Glückshormone aus die den ganzen Körper positiv beeinflussen und so auch für einen angenehmen Duft sorgen.

Für mich als Mann ist die Fantasie auch sehr wichtig.
Zum Beispiel regt meine Fantasie eher eine schlanke und zarte Frau an die ein niedliches aussehen hat.
Aber das ist bei jedem anders und hat viel mit den persönlichen Erfahrungen zu tun.

Wenn du die Natur liebst kannst Dir zum Beispiel vorstellen wie Du an einem Lagerfeuer sitzt und Ihr die Wärme spührst die von dem Feuer ausgeht. Du hörst das knistern des brennenden Holzes und riechst die Abendluft und den Rauch der sich darin mischt. Es ist ein Sommerabend und Du und dein Partner haben kein Oberteil an. Ihr schwitzt ein wenig und euer Duft vermischt sich auf angenehme Art mit der Abendluft.

Leicht streicht der Wärme Sommerwind über Eure Körper und hinterlässt eine angenehme Kühle.
Das Lagerfeuer lässt Eure Haut leicht schimmern Ihr seht Euch in die Augen und wisst das da jemand ist der Euch liebt.

Fortsetzung folgt...
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She smiled a quick smile with her head cast down!

About 6 months ago this man, his GF and her 2 kids moved into our apartments. They made such an impression that we all became friend immediately. They were down on their luck and I suggested where they could get immediate financial and food help. They had a hard time getting the power on in the house and I ran an extension cord to their home until they were able to power up. I lent them money and as promised they reciprocated and it was ideal. The family became very popular with all the other tenants and things were happy.

Shortly after, the man, Ben, would come over and start bad mouthing his GF, Victoria, and I would tell him if things are that bad you should consider leaving her or asking her to move. Each day his complaints were the same and it became better for me to listen. Ben would go on and on about his demands of Victoria and it was she had to leave at the end of the month. Months came and went and she's still in the home. I ignored "it".

The complaints were that Victoria was cheating on him (Ben). Each day she would leave the house and come back with soiled underwear from her extra curricular activities with men and women. Ben said he found plenty of evidence and her cell phone was filled with nudies Victoria had circulated on the internet. All at Ben's word. I heard nothing, I saw nothing and said no more comments.

One day on the way to the laundromat Ben was rifling through Victoria's car. They were in the parking lot and all her possessions that she had in the car were strewn all over. I could only guess why with no particular interest in Ben's actions. I said, "Good morning" and I did my laundry. They didn't return the greeting.

Well, one night at 1 a. m. there was a loud beating on my door. Victoria and her children were at the door pleading with me to let them in. I did. There was no way I was going to let this woman stay out. I offered to call the police and she declined. She slept on the floor and her 2 kids (beautiful children) slept on my couch. I had offered my bed but she declined. In the morning she got up and went back home with the kids.

Her 2 children are well mannered kids. They are such a delight to have them around. They always greeted me with hugs and love. One day the girl said how she had told her teacher all about me. Since Ben was still peeved that I had the audacity to help Victoria and the kids he stewed over that remark. Before I knew they all stopped talking to me and the kids would walk by with their heads cast down completely ignoring me.

Yesterday the little girl was outside with her mother and while no one was looking and with her head cast down she directed her eyes up and smiles a faint smile. I was so elated. I winked at her. And quickly looked away. I am so happy the kids think well of me.

I have worried about them because I know Ben is being a tyrant with them. But so far there's no evidence of anything but not being allowed to talk to me. Physically they look fine. But I'm watching with careful eyes!!!
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IT'S A GIRL!!! Her name is SALMA

My son just called me, his step-mom just delivered a baby girlyay yay

He sent me her photo, she looks like him!shock laugh

He wanted a brother, he's a little disappointed but very happy that he's not going to grow up alone from now on. I'm very happy tooyay yay My son is 10 and half years old, a big gap between them but that's OK. I'm very pleased that he won't be all alone one day...angel angel

Will shop for gifts for his sister this weekend...thinking what would be nice for SALMA...confused

What a happy day...heart wings

Hope you all are having a nice Friday thereteddybear

Here's the angel...angel

Embedded image from another site
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lindsyjonesonline today!

Happy fourth of July fellow Americans

Have a great day enjoying and celebrating our independence.

May we always and forever be free.

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lindsyjonesonline today!


I have decided and put in my will that when I pass away, it will not be a big deal. Meaning no celebration, no eulogy, no accounts and no gathering. Just a very silent but solemn prayers from my children. Cremate me and pour my ashes to the Ocean. Particularly at the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge. Well none of them want to agree with that but I told them my wishes anyway.

An acquaintance who is a pastor passed away and of course, I attended the service. What a mind changing experience. Most of the time we were made to laugh and cry and laugh and smile. I think I might just agree with the wishes of my children but I am not quite sold to that idea yet.

Anyone who wants to share their opinion on this thought is most welcome. Otherwise thanks for reading.

Have a good day.bouquet
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Where has Robert gone?

Does anyone know what happen to Robert? Is he going to return? I think he has yet to post the final chapter of his Indiana Jones (CS version) story.

....not to mention his sense of humor is missed.

I have noticed that for the most part...CS turns into a serious fest without him....well, at least for me.


Maybe he found the love of his life and is no longer needs to be here. dunno
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I Don't Cry ...

After struggled against his disease,my Dad passed away today in the hospital...

Please rest in peace,my dearest Dad.I will miss you forever.

Sorry for my delay to response mails during the period of mourning.sad flower
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Are You @ Peace right now?

Spending my spare time here in CS land made me feel @home like family.We might at times or all the time argue because we are different from one another but in the end of the day I would
show up and be like....

Forgiveness must be a major part of family relationship, because we know more about those we love and they know about us and those buttons can be pushed sometimes too easily, taking our frustration or anger over situations in life or other circumstances out on those we love instead of dealing with the issues more productively and controlling our words and actions.

Our loved ones are a blessing in our lives and if we do say or do hurtful things we need to apologize and make every effort to avoid doing the same thing in the future. As an apology without change in behavior doesn’t mean much.

Colossians 3:13

" Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."

Our families are a blessing or meant to be in our lives, and as humans we often fail ourselves and others, but as long as we recognize and make amends, the one thing about family is most will readily forgive, because of the love and bond families are blessed with.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones, and may this verse provide you with support and encouragement during those stressful times.

This verse is a good one to remember during those times we are tempted to say hurtful things to those we love or to anyone.

Psalm 141:3

"Set a guard over my mouth, LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips" (same as you type")

teddybear teddybear teddybear

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