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The Power of Words

When we were growing up and would encounter the cruel tongues of other children, we were taught a rhyme designed to assauge our hurt feelings: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Who hasn't since learned to prefer the crippling pain of a broken bone over the searing arrow of a distressing word embedded in the heart?

The Bible says that the tongue is impossible to tame, comparing its power to direct the course of our lives to that of a bit in the horse's mouth being used to control its body, or that of a tiny rudder directing the course of a ship. But is it their wielding by the untempered tongue or the substance of the words themselves, be they accidentally discharged in the urgency of a heated moment or eloquently woven with deliberate precision and released with calculating aim, that have the power to heal or to destroy? The inaudible voice of the mute is the same to the hearing ear as the sonorous persuasiveness of the most eloquent tongue to the ear of the deaf. It is development of the language with which we convey thoughts and feelings, and not the ability to "talk" that sets us apart from other animals. An infant can communicate his needs by making sounds, but his ability to make himself understood is very limited until he learns the words to express what he is feeling.

Unfortunately, within the ability to make ourselves understood lies the inherent pitfall of being misunderstood.

I've always been one who could express myself better in writing than in conversation, at least in matters of the heart and soul, but have sometimes had to face the harsh reality that my best efforts to communicate have fallen profoundly short of their intent, sometimes even yielding the opposite result.....which is what brings me to where I am today.

I think it might be in order to preface whatever follows with a confession, of a sort. I don't have a freakin' clue when it comes to effective communication in a relationship once feelings are involved. It isn't logical when you consider that some of my best qualities, as well as professional competencies, are related to beng able to communicate well, both verbally and nonverbally. But once my heart is invested, I seem to chart a course hellbent on destruction. I apparently have a fatal flaw that keeps relationships from working for me. If I had any clue what it was, I'd fix it. I guess that's why I quit trying for so long. Then, after nearly 20 years, I let someone open that door. He led me to the precipace and made me believe I could fly. He took me where I'd never been and showed me the world through new eyes. He gave me hope, restored my faith and woke my heart from its long, dreamless sleep. Then, in an instant he vanished and slammed the door behind him, leaving me in freefall with no escape and no answers....only fruitless speculation as to how I might've fallen victim to my own untimely words.

Don't be too quick to judge me, however. You're obviously no genius in the relationship game either, else you wouldn't be here reading this. There's only so much that can be written off to lack of opportunity. The truth is, anyone over 30 who is still floundering on how to make a relationship work needs to scrap the old playbook and admit he/she is ill-equiped and be willing to try a new approach. Like it or not, no matter how well we have come to terms with the pain experienced in past relationships, it is still intricately interwoven through the fabric of who we are and will influence how we interact with any partner that follows. So also does a partner bring with him his own wounded history. With 20/20 hindsight, I would suggest that a good place to start over is admitting to one another that the rules have changed, and that you don't necessarily know what the new rules are. You might have to make them up as you go along, but this way, you can at least make them up together so you're both playing by the same ones.
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~ Prayer~

Please take a moment to relax your mind and humble your heart to focus on God. Allow God, to be the only person on your mind while you read this prayer.

Dear Lord, I thank You for this day. I thank You for my being able to see and to hear this morning. I'm blessed because You are a forgiving God and an understanding God. You have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me. Forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to you. I ask now for Your forgiveness.

Please keep me safe from all danger and harm. Help me to start this day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. Let me make the best of each and every day to clear my mind so that I can hear from You.

Please broaden my mind that I can accept all things.

Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over. Let me continue to see sin through God's eyes and acknowledge it as evil. And when I sin, let me repent, and confess with my mouth my wrongdoing, and receive the forgiveness of God.

And when this world closes in on me, let me remember Jesus' example -to slip away and find a quiet place to pray. It's the best response when I'm pushed beyond my limits. I know that when I can't pray, You listen to my heart. Continue to use me to do Your will.

Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others. Keep me strong that I may help the weak. Keep me uplifted that I may have words of encouragement for others. I pray for those that are lost and can't find their way. I pray for those that are misjudged and misunderstood. I pray for those who don't know You intimately. I pray for those that will delete this without sharing it with others. I pray for those that don't believe. But I thank you that I believe.

I believe that God changes people and God changes things. I pray for all my sisters and brothers. For each and every family member in their households. I pray for peace, love and joy in their homes that they are out of debt and all their needs are met.

I pray that every eye that reads this knows there is no problem, circumstance, or situation greater than God. Every battle is in Your hands for You to fight. I pray that these words be received into the hearts of every eye that sees them and every mouth that confesses them willingly.

This is my prayer.

In Jesus' Name,


Just repeat this phrase and see how God moves!!

Lord I love you and I need you, come into my heart, please.
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The Kiss

The Kiss

No shame feel I

for this most envied

kiss! But joy!

Let others weep

at knowing we

sate our desire

in lips tracing

the lingering lines

of each other's

mouth, of arms

and hands entwined

about each other's

bodies; in this

our kiss, we find

the lingering longing

brought to its surcease--

we, in this, passion

play have found what

all others desire most:

that special someone

with whom to bond!

Let them envy--these

who agonize in solitary

fear. Or let them hope

that they too will

find lips so sweet

to caress all

through the night!
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Trying to start over

I have allowed myself to be under the control of a certain man that had my feeling and thoughts to be locked away. The number of years (27 to be exact) has flown and drug by. Every year has seemed the same. There was never any respect, love, honesty, caring, ect. ect. shown in return.
Now, I want and need a life of my own. But I don't want to go to fast. As a matter of fact, I'm scared of what is out there. I just don't want to be hurt anymore. I do know that I want true happiness one day, but don't know exactly how to go about it.
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A Sunday full of nothing

I am very ambivalent about housework. It is one of the more frustrating things in life, like eating, you cannot do it once and for all and have done with it . Yet there is the instant gratification of seeing a change.

Washing the car, on the other hand, is a task I love. I invariably get soaked and filthy doing it and throw myself into it with such gusto that I sweat enough to leave salt crystals on my skin as the sun evaporates the moisture.

Today I washed and polished and reorganised the boot, all my essential fluids neatly boxed, the air compressor, the jack and various tools, the useful funnels for guiding those essential fluids where they belong, the neat bulb thing for topping up the battery cells, spare light bulbs, spare fuses, all in one place and the spare as clean as the tyres on the car.

I, of course, am wilted and sweaty but happy. just cooling down a bit so I can give myself a thorough skin brushing before my shower and also replacing the water I have poured into the air.

I have decided to push the limits of my fast today and just drink water, no juices. I checked in with a doctor friend first to see just how much damage I could do and the answer was none. Apparently one can fast until there is a deep feeling of hunger at which point it is time to return to eating as that is the point that fasting becomes starving, a condition that leads to death.

Anyway, one day on water alone is not going to do me any harm and I am curious to see if I can do it. It is eight days since I have had solid food and I feel remarkable. It is actually a bit of a struggle to come and write here because my spirit tugs me outside, it wants to interact with nature and with people but the writing too is part of the discipline.

Naming the things I do and feel gives me full ownership and responsibility, grounding me firmly in who and what I am. By midweek my joints stopped aching and the dragging tiredness I have lived with for years was gone completely.

Of course I had a pounding headache and my mouth tasted like something had crawled in there and died but that passed by the fifth day and now my gums are clinging tightly to my teeth, no bleeding when I floss. Many trigger points that were too sensitive to touch are painless while others have subsided enough for me to work them and release the tensions I am holding.

I have become simplified. happy, sad, angry, tired. No overtones just simple recognisable feelings that flow in and out, not staying long, just ripples on a deep abiding sense of...nothing is the only word that fits. A good nothing. Cloud drifting nothing. Stream babbling nothing. the closest I can get to defining it - hampered somewhat by the fact that I am not particularly bothered if I cannot define it - is that I have no opinions, no judgment, no commentary in my head. just nothing.

Kind of like my whole digestive system lots of nothing!
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I am so tired of life.

I've wasted 32 years. My life is meaningless. I ask GOD all the time why do you keep me here? What purpose do I serve? (only one, and that is being a lung donor to my daughter) crying
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are we learning?

I got on a thought after a conversation with a friend who is a biblical literalist. It's seems like a sort of self check question. Is what you believe influenced by what you can see, or do you view what you see in terms of what you already believe?
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~ One Day at a Time ~

We can't change the past
But we can gather up
It's lessons and move on,
Stronger and wiser.

We can't control the future
But we can send our dreams
Ahead of us
To help prepare the way.

We can live each moment
Heart and soul,
And cherish this day's
Greatest gift

The gift of now.

May peace with the past
And faith in the future,
Gently guide you through each
Precious moment of Today.
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The Birth, Brief Life and Eternity of Love cont...

Steve and I had so many dreams and made so many wonderful plans for our future. Life was so good and I was happier than I had ever been. My son had some problems adjusting to the move, but he was happy. It meant the world to my son to have such a loving, healthy family and he loved Steve like a dad. Everything was going right and it seemed as though nothing could ever come between us, as I knew this love would last forever! happy place

After living together for 6 months, my world began to tumble down around me. Steve became ill and was admitted to the hospital. We were told that his appendix had ruptured, but everything would be okay after they did surgery. After the surgery, my son and I were at the hospital every day and night. We only left long enough for me to work and my son to attend school. On the 3rd day of Steve's hospitalization, I began to worry, as he was not doing well at all. He began having difficulty breathing and the nurses were neglecting him. Upon my arrival at the hospital that day, Steve told me that they would not even bring him a drink of water.

He could not get out of bed, due to the severe pain he was in and he was also becoming extremely bloated. I talked with the nurses and told them that something wasn't right. They assured me that he was okay and just needed to get out of bed and walk, even though I told them that he could not get out of bed. Like an idiot, I trusted them, as that is what I have been programmed to do. blues

When I arrived to the hospital for my 2nd visit on the 4th day, Steve was failing fast. By this time, he began talking out of his head and having extreme breathing difficulty. A nurse's aide had put a re-breather mask on him the prior day, but he would not leave it on, telling me that they were trying to kill him. I explained that he had to wear it in order to get the oxygen he needed, but he insisted he could not breathe. Why didn't I "hear" him? I was very worried, but felt the staff knew what they were doing. I left that night, only to be called back an hour later. The nurse said Steve had pulled his IV and was wandering into other patients rooms. My son and I went back to the hospital and spent the night.

In the wee hours of the morning, Steve's breathing was worsening by the minute, and he was losing control of his bodily functions. I went to the nurse's station and told them that his oxygen saturation needed to be checked, as they were not doing this on a regular basis. His sats were down to 40, when they should be between 95-100. I began yelling at the nurses to intubate him; they refused, only telling him to stop panting like a puppy dog. I was irate and in a panic! very mad I could not believe no one was listening to me, as I was running in and out of the room screaming, "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP HIM!" This was the last time Steve would witness my spunk. Apparently the nurse's aid that hooked up the re-breather oxygen mask had not filled the bag with oxygen, he was breathing carbon dioxide. These people that I was supposed to trust were suffocating him! crying

Steve's life came to an end that morning, and I felt as if my life and his wonderful love had also come to an end. It has taken me almost 3 years to grieve his death and at times I wasn't so sure I would survive. As impossible as it was to realize then, I now know that true love never dies. His physical body may be gone, but his love will live on in my heart forever. very happy
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The Birth, Brief Life and Eternity of Love

This is a true story that I wrote:

Sometimes in our lives, love blossoms, grows and lasts forever. I was blessed with this amazing love, although the physical aspect only lasted a year and a half. I may never find love again, but I will always have it in my heart because of one very special person. I will always feel blessed to have had the opportunity to be loved by him, and to love him with my whole being.

On a beautiful August day in 2003, love found me when I least expected it. At the time I did not realize what an impact it would ultimately have on my life.

Steve and I met on the Internet and talked for several months before deciding to meet. On that sunny, warm, August day, I had arranged a picnic and boating party for the people I worked with and invited Steve to join us. Surprisingly, he said yes and agreed to meet us there. As my sister and I drove to the shelter where the party was being held, I saw him sitting there at a picnic table. He looked so sweet and a bit nervous as I walked towards him. I introduced myself and felt an instant connection. I was not dressed up or wearing any make-up that day, as I was in my "boating clothes", which consisted of a pair of Capri's, T-shirt and a baseball cap. I was surprised that he even sparked an interest in me.

My bosses grown son was there and asked his mom how long we had been married. He told her that we looked as if we belonged together and was shocked that it was the first time we had me face to face. The comments of that stranger validated the instant feelings I was having for Steve.

I asked Steve if he wanted to ride in the truck with me while I backed the boat trailer into the water. Understand that I had only done that a couple of times and it takes skill and practice, which I did not have. There was a man waiting in line impatiently behind me. He must have felt I was taking too long because he cut me off as I was backing down the ramp with a 2000 pound boat. Oh, was I ticked off! I stopped the truck, jumped out and began yelling at the man. We had several heated words, while Steve was in he truck saying, in his adorable southern accent, "you are going to get my butt kicked!" laugh

After that incident, I thought I had blown it with that sweet man. He must of liked my spunk though; we were a couple from that day on. It still amazes me how quickly we realized we were made for one another. Before he left that evening, he thanked me for asking him to accompany me throughout the day. I intentionally did hat knowing how out of place he must have felt. I fell in love with Steve that day! love

Almost a year later, we decided to take the next step in our relationship by moving in together. Steve worked for for and only had 3 years until retirement. I opted to leave my job of 4 years, take my son and move to Louisville to be with him. We rented a beautiful house and made it a wonderful home, even though I did not find a job for 3 months and money was extremely tight.

I had never known a love like that before, and I was finally able to give my son the family I had always dreamed of. We had regular family meetings and did a lot of communicating. We did not have arguments; if we saw things differently, we agreed to disagree and moved on.

My spunk did reappear on a few occasions with his grown son, Steven, however. Steven moved in with us, agreeing to help pay rent and is the reason we had a 3 bedroom house. That boy wouldn't even get a job! frustrated This situation definitely did not help with our financial situation. Not only did we have to pick up Steven's share of the rent, we had to feed him too! mumbling Steven and I had quite a few disagreements, and I honestly felt he was taking advantage of Steve and I. This became very painful for Steve. He did not want to see or say anything bad about his name sake and first born son, even though he could see what was happening.
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