RE: What´s your theme song?

1. Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life
2. Sit On My Face............................both by Monty Python
3. They're Coming To Take Me Away...............Napoleon IV
4. Theme from The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show
(just tongue-in cheek humility) %)

RE: Why do they?

Actually, yes I do; a transient mind of eclecticisms; material very useful for cartoons and in writings; better and cheaper than going to some comedy show performance, which I usually have found rather dull and boring....

RE: woman

HA!! Good; as soon as I read the title, I thought to myself that it probably should be empty! I would guess that the "politically incorrect" version would be as thick as all of the Encyclopedia Britannica! I think that I know women like a book, but out of the few thousand that I have, I can't find it! Besides which, a woman in the flesh, is by far more interesting than any book, except perhaps a comic book perspective... I like what the great actor Orson Wells once said in answer to a reporter's question about what he likes about women where upon he smiled and said very salaciously, "Everything!" ...%)

RE: Why do they?

AND why would there be a law in Florida that if you are a single, divorced or widowed woman, you can't parachute on Sunday afternoons....or that in Cleveland, Ohio , women aren't allowed to wear patent-leather shoes, as men might see the reflection of something he shouldn't..........%)

RE: woman

...the latter..; you mean the Marlena Dietrich school of voice..%)
that soft, gentle, deep ...and , you forgot, mesmerizing tone; people won't go to sleep if you're in a similar outfit as she wore in Blue Angel ! %)

RE: You favourite movie is..?

"Movies for kids", good category; mine (and my 2's), favourite is Totoro and it's sequel, the Japanese animation film; the graphics are simply superb, incredible; the story, enchanting. Shame the Disney was able to purchase the firm that made it and shut them down.
AHH, Peter Sellers---have all his films; I'd never be able to choose just one as my favourite. Love the Jazz created by Henry Mancini for the Pink Panther films; always thought that it would make for a hilarious soundtrack for a documentary, or movie about the bush wars, the so-called "liberation wars" in southern Africa during the 70's trying to hunt down the ters.
My favourite documentaries are : The Sorrow and The Pity
2. Kolberg (made by Joseph Goebbels in 1944) about the Napoleonic wars; 3.The Truth and Lies of 9-11; 4. The Twin Towers Conspiracy,
Why We Fight: The Rise of the Military-Industrial Complex;5. The Yes Men; 5.Supersize Me; favourite "docu-drama": "The Battle Of Algiers"
(Thank you, Rosebud! %) )kiss

RE: Anyone as bored and lonely as me?

Sounds like the start off of a radio-talk show! For those long boring times try the Art Bell show from California, it's carried around the world by satellite. It is great! %)Welcome to the cemetary...

RE: You favourite movie is..?

Finally had the chance and time to see "V For Vendetta"---FANTASTIC
It was great; the dialogue superb, as close to the situations of now; as close to realpolitik as possible. Highly recommended.
Rozebud....where are some nice poems from you!?

RE: woman

Is she real or is it Memorex? (tv commercial of a woman hitting a high note until the glass shatters; Memorex is the digital recording tape brand). Many women sound like that over the phone, high pitched squealing. On speaker phone it's much worse!

RE: America, land of the free?

Parody on Paranoia And Oil by Jack Kerouac,1957

When a US president, like
a bush
Goes visiting around
the world
representing americans
who only think in
terms of Paranoia & Oil,
bkfast behind the
barricaded armed troops
is only a time to read
the nsa/cia briefs
of more invasion scenarios,
across the No Man's Land it's
empty & just a
paranoiac local fox news person
and a fulminating christian-zionist evangelicalist----
he talks over the phone
with his bosses---------------
nothing profound, no independent thoughts
or your family starves------avoid the Truth
Praise Zionism Isreal and Standard Oil
or loose your job and quietly dissapear.
by poster
Never have so many been afraid of their own government while it
should be that the govt. be afraid of the people;
just an ongoing devolution of "freedom" into the brave new world of Orwell and Huxley as portrayed in the american film "The Handmaid's Tale" starring Robert Duval and Faye Dunaway; Homeland Security's version of their "heaven" soon to be in your neighborhood!

RE: Most Powerful love songs

My sentiments exactly! I have always regarded most people as plastic dolls and just as empty. It seems that in "our" society and now others also, that we define ourselves by what we acquire, collect and hoard, be it market products or other "people-dolls", we become what we have; the more we have, the more we seem to lose our "humanity"; it is escapism from reality; what occurs outside our little worlds do not concern us, be it wars, famine or the homeless or the abused or someone lying on a street. The "people-dolls" just keep going, having no other interests other than selfish instant gratification...the old song about "Looking After Number One"...
Cheers to you sunshine!

RE: Most Powerful love songs

Ok, I'll try it, but rather than post the lyrics(as it would be 2 songs), I'll just name them and if anyone is really curious, they can "google" them or find them on a lyrics website.
One is "Play Me" by Neil Diamond from 1972 and the other is "Summer Me, Winter Me" from the old 1969 movie "Picasso Summer"--which are surprisingly similar and until this thread, I'd never have realized it! AHHH, old desires...Desire is like the sun; it nurtures, it burns. It's heat is irresistible. It takes us out of ourselves even as it takes us deeper into ourselves.
By cultivating and understanding our desires and their satisfactions, we connect to our deepest nature, to the sensuality of life and to each other...oops, there I go again.....ah well....

RE: its a technical world

Well, according to the World Future Society(, humanity's next step in evolution is to become telepathic...well sort of.
They actually call it techlepathy--techno-enabled telepathy, in which wireless technology implanted into our brains will enable us to think at each other as if we were actually telepathic. Supposedly we are only about 20 to 25 years away from a time in which nanorobotics are wired to our neurons in order to enhance our brains with powerful computer processing abilities. In theory, we then will be able to think of what we want to say to someone and the patterns of our thoughts will be wirelessly sent to the other person who will decode the thoughts before you even have a chance to open your mouth. As handy as this will be the next time you want to swear at the idiot driver who cuts you off in traffic, or the cute thing walking by you, experts admit that the technology might be vulnerable to freaky forms of mind0hacking,( not to mention what an incredibly bad idea this is for any man who does want a girlfriend).
Nevertheless, according to one "expert" at least, "techlepathy should be as safe as having a mobile phone inside one's head."
Wow! Isn't reassuring; never mind the applications that the Pentagon research into cybernetics could do with this.....

RE: International English

"Listener Friendly" language is an excellent idea to be formalized. Some language schools have actually been doing this on their own for years, such as Berlitz and the Goethe Institute.
All too often the levels of native speakers are far above or even below the listeners experience with it that leave them totally confused, if not non-plussed, but usually in the long run, constant exposure to a language plus some actual courses in it will remedy those problems.
Idioms are the bane of spoken communication between peoples; the native speaker and the listener, if from another geographic area of the same country as Mr. Nelson so rightly pointed out.
I grew up with five languages spoken in our house, none of which were English...that came when I or my mother would tune in the Armed Forces Network, mainly for the music, then the radio drama shows.
Sometimes my father would send me bundles of US comics that I would try to wade through; there was, however, no one with whom to actually speak to or with in English or even US comic book "americaneese". Consequently when I was "dumped" into the US school system, it was "sink or swim".And constantly moving around did not really help, but my father advised me to learn how to imitate, pretend that I was an actor, learning how to mimic a language and it's accents like the native speakers; read out-loud passages from books, speeches etc. Actually it became very useful and downright amusing, especially with English relatives who had attended the best schools in Britain, as well as those from various southern states in the US. Learning languages can be fun and downright hilarious; it all depends upon your attitude toward them, especially the motivation(s) as the last one I learned in Rhodesia and South Africa during my time there,
Shona/Matabele..then having to wear "black-face" and try to pass as a native! But that is another story...

RE: Men's value increase with age and women decrease...

Hello Smoky; you are certainly correct about our Earth being our womb of us humans; She is our only far.
In your readings, I hope you have come across The Jesus Papers by Michel Baigent as the author does provide a well researched and erudite accounting of why, how and by whom this negative attitude and dogma, really, exists against women started, if nothing else pertaining to his theory(ies) of the crucifiction. For myself, I feel that he did not go back far enough in history or traditions of the religions that came to be after the downfall of ancient Babylon and the fracturing of it's "state religion" into sects that finally formed what can be termed the "first monotheistic" religion, which fractured further into Judaic sects with ultimately one forming the barring of women and the subservience of women that still permeates today. The study of Ancient Babylon's religion , I think, is the key.
Theirs was a true merging of State, religion and science. No other civilization achieved such a total, complete integration. The king, was also the high priest. Marduk's rule was the point of rupture. It became the point of a new "creationism", if you will, forming the core of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Everything that could have gone wrong has, basically, gone wrong since; no thanks to that lunatic Archbishop James Ussher of Armagh in Ireland, who calculated from the opening verses of Genesis the precise day and even the very moment of the world's creation, in the year 4004BC. Tragically, this belief, known as "Creationism" has taken on science as its adversary; science, being firmly wed to the Theory of Evolution, has met this challenge and the battle continues. But, I'm digressing...
The Catholic Church that I am familiar with has, since it's recognition of Christ's mother, the Virgin Mary, has always been and still is the only religion to recognize women as equal to men; it is not in any way whatsoever a "democracy" but a monarchical system s given by Christ's teaching and as the oldest form known to Mankind since the very foist known civilization: the Sumerian.
The writings on, about and by women of the Church, be they lay women, nuns, Mother Superiors, mystics and Saints are too many to list that give their thoughts on their places within it's system. But as with anything, libraries filled with knowledge do little good for a closed, calcified mind that no longer is fluid enough to absorb other material other than which justifies its bias and hostility.
Many Roman Catholics wonder why the seemingly monopoly of power in always seems that only they make up the power blocks; why have so many non-Italian Popes been murdered...impressions, realities and theology often clash and tends to blur what is or is not. Non-Catholics are even more confused and misdirected by their own personal and/ or secular impressions. They are outsiders and hence, have no intimate understanding nor comprehension of the Church; as 99% pf Christians have no understanding, comprehension or even interest in the Moslem Faith or of inside the Mosques, the various sects or their teachings; 99% of Christians could not tell of any differences between the Sunnis, Shi-ites or the Sufis; yet many feel compelled to ridicule, criticize and as usual, condemn what they do not know or understand.; after all, it is their secular democratic right to remain ignorant and by God, they will exercise that right! I believe that it was G.K. Chesterton, author of The Everlasting Man; fantastic book, who once said, "if I wasn't a Catholic, by God, I'd be a Moslem!" Anyway, enough! I ramble...

RE: Men's value increase with age and women decrease...

Well said Jan and all too true, unfortunately regarding that women should NOT fell that they are less valuable because of their status as un-married or "unattractive". I have seen this all too often, especially in the "ad world" of magazines; their art departments, the ad copy-writing and design departments; it permeates the north American "culture" more so than here in Europe.
Currently there is a very popular show on US television, "Ugly Betty" which parodies this theme of "we can't have someone so ugly work for us, think of the moral of all our beautiful people that work for us" syndrome. I've downloaded some episodes and I found them all too true and all repugnant. Perhaps the show will change attitudes and altitudes of some of the ad-agencies and magazines.
I have seen some studies on women's salaries compared to men's based on their looks; women not regarded as "attractive" can have as much as a 35% difference in salary for the very same work as opposed to a man or a woman,("girl") considered as "attractive. Seemingly, there are no unattractive males, as I haven't found any studies on that for any specific category of employment....strange.
A "side" issue pertaining to this is that a few times , when in Moslem countries, I asked about their perceptions of equality as in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible,, which Moslems follow fairly accurately, Eve was created from Adam's rib, the symbolic "side" of man, not his foot, nor his rear end....very interesting interpretations of this "symbol"...I found most educated Moslems also see it as symbolic of "equality"; that the female is as good as...the Sufi scholars I've met all agreed on this and work towards it, as that also is their interpretation of women in the Koran. But as some have pointed out, it is from the various strata's, the classes of people that make the interpretations; lower classes seeing females as servants, and/ or chattels, the nobility as equals, both morally, spiritually and intelligently, same as "we" in Europe starting from the "idealist" views to active promotion of equal rights. Many Moslem women hold extremely high positions in various Arab countries, and most are Sufi. And many males appreciate them. Things are evolving for the betterment of all. Apologies for going on so much....%)

RE: Men's value increase with age and women decrease...

Perchance the term "valuable" here means that as the male matures in the business world, his earnings grow higher, as well as his position. This is almost an axiom the world over. Conversely, the female's "value" declines; one example still used is that if she produces children, then her earning capacity is diminished as is her rise up the proverbial "business ladder", hence she must choose one option: children or career...many female workers around the world go along with this and opt for family; but as the years go on, she also looses her "attractiveness" the very qualities that she was married for as the men,(some, if not many), take on a much younger, more "fertile" mate/lover, etc. In some societies, mostly in the third world, she actually becomes more powerful, aka: "the mama-san" position, while the younger lovers/ wives of the male have no such power or respect; in the Middle East, its origins were in the Harems.
This is the only way I can understand the terms the poster used...perhaps I'm way off...

RE: 5 Things that make you go WOW!

Fairly easy, I think...
my 2 children
Mother Nature, in all her glory...
a war..a guerrilla type war; up close and personal,( I have never lost my fascination for/ of it, despite all the suffering and loss)
Catholic High Mass in a Cathedral, especially in Latin
a beautiful lady's smile...

RE: whats the best city to visit in the world

I would love to visit Poland, every nook and cranny of it. Perhaps the next time I sell a few paintings or drawing, I shall take the time and go exploring as for most of my life all of Eastern Europe including Russia, had been closed under the Soviets. We have a lot of of Polish relatives from many of the old families and lost a lot of land that is now part of Poland; wars are so counter-productive between all Europeans. We all lose so much. Hope we never again have one....

RE: you have found someone to be with but they live in another country what now???

I've chased...followed that "rainbow" several times, not only accross a country but a continent or two; it's expensive, exausting and in the end, proved futile...c'est l'amour...but it was worth the effort, regardless. Would I do it one more time? I doubt it; perhaps ten years ago, not now. But try it! It can be fun!

RE: Well I dont now about al you Europeans, but lets stop

Totally agree!!! Most of what is posted on these various threads really belong in e-mails by the handful that deluge these posts, sometimes with nothing more than 2 words and dozens of these annoying emoticons that for some are simple substitutions for a lack of verbal skill to express themselves; so un-European like.
Perhaps it is one reason for so few to stay around, as some seem to live to only post the most inane subjects on what seems to be on a 24-7 basis. Pathetic...

RE: Promise me all to not laugh...PLEASE!!

ahhhhh....somepeople have all the ...luck..? %)

RE: hollydayes r here and im alone................again

Don't think for a moment that you are alone with these feelings, all too many of us share them; try and see this time in a different perspective: the one thing women do not want find in their stockings on Christmas morning is their husbands...the best stocking stuffer is a human to a circus, there isn't anything that packs up and leaves town any faster than the Christmas spirit...Christmas and the holidays at our house is always six or seven times more pleasant than anywhere else...we start drinking early and while everyone else is seeing only one Santa Claus, we'll be seeing six or seven...and despite that there is nothing sadder than waking up on Christmas morning and not being a child, aren't we forgetting the true meaning of Christmas? You know, the birth of Santa! duhhhh%)
Keep your "spirits" up....around 80 to 90 proof, cheers!

RE: Promise me all to not laugh...PLEASE!!

Freeze is right...males have had the same problem; ignore it, do as Freeze suggests or report it,(as it was explicit in her ..."desires") and lodge a formal complaint; you probably aren't the first, but you could be the last as the complaint may have her banned as many others have been...bon chance mademoiselle...%)

RE: music- how does it effect you?

Music; the sound waves that reaches down to your soul an' chills you to the bone; it makes me want to do know, burn, loot,pillage and wenching...:)

RE: comfort music

Alvin & The Chipmunks sing The Top Hits of Heavy Metal....
Pavarotti sings the Top Hits of Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry and Little Richard....

RE: In 2 words describe.........

...impossible dream...

RE: clothes

Clothes sets the imagination on fire; nudity leaves nothing to the imagination, well almost %)
" I think on-stage nudity is disgusting, shameful and damaging to all things American. But if I were twenty-two with a great body, it would be artistic, tasteful, patriotic and a progressive religious experience." Shelley Winters
"I only put clothes on so that I'm not naked when I go out shopping." Julia Roberts

RE: clothes

Ha! Good! There is a saying from Coco Channel...if a man remembers the dress, it means that the woman was horrible, but if he remembers the woman, then the dress was gorgeous....frankly I' not sure of that, but you are right, women do dress for other women more often than not; as for the being seen dead in certain outfits, a friend of mine worked in a exclusive lingerie shop and she always asked the men shoppers if the items were "for mademoiselle or perhaps yourself?" She really had a sense of humour....

RE: Wishing you where here...

Have to somewhat disagree with you here; As far as I'm aware, no church of any Christian denomination preaches self-pity nor encourages it; it's usually the exact opposite; even among Muslims who also celebrate Christmas, though differently.
If there can be a "church" that would profit and preach a gospel that results in what you have described, I imagine that it would be something like The Church O Santa Claus...with Santa on the Crucifix with the sign above his red-capped head saying Life Takes Visa!
I've often wondered why some one has not yet founded one, officially.
Years ago I promoted the idea for the ultra modern "with-it" Church of Man...wherein anyone can submit their name to appear on crucifixes for a limited amount of time, and be regarded as the symbol of universal be-all, end-all of creation and "the humble suffering person of everywhere-all the time...just send in your name and $19.99 and You may appear on the altar of The Church of Man!etc. etc. There is no God, there is only Man; only You!

This is a list of forum posts created by solitare.

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