leostartingoverleostartingover Forum Posts (1,685)

RE: Can anyone answer me this question?

I agree with the guys that either they have decided they aren't that into you (after a certain point) OR they have met someone else. I know it is hard to be honest and reject another person, but in my opinion it is cowardly not to do so and mean to leave them "up in the air" wondering what the heck happened. It has happened to me (the other way around) and I prefer to be honest with the guy and tell him my reasoning, preferably in person.

RE: Hi from Sunny South africa

Hi RR, am also quite new, but it does seem to be fun in the forums at least! Not sure about the meeting up part... Enjoy! cheers

RE: so long

Is it only me or was the only understandable part the first line?
doh clickedy clickedy click click click grin

RE: The beavers

Not sure I dare answer on the grounds that it might incriminate me! grin

RE: Who do you want to win the WC Final - Spain or Holland?

We have an octopus in Cape Town too, who predicts Spain will win! When I told my boys about Paul the psychic octopus, they decided to do a test run on our dogs. They put two plates on the floor with pieces of paper underneath - one Spain other Netherlands, and a piece of sausage on each plate. All three dogs ate from the Spain plate first!!! Hopefully that is a good sign?!!!! laugh

RE: Is any marriage doomed...

I don't think so but perhaps that is idealistic! I managed to stay in mine for 23 years before it all fell apart. My feeling is that the minute one or both of you stop CREATING in any relationship, it is doomed to failure. Great long-term relationships are few and far between, it's true, but I have seen some that have stood the test of time. Usually, it is where the partners have a very strong friendship, and both love and respect each other. I reckon some of the advice our grandparents gave, i.e. importance of give and take is so true... I think any relationship including friendships or parenting takes work. The secret is to enjoy the work - make it fun, so it doesn't feel like drudgery!

RE: Hi, new guy here

Hi Daniel, welcome! Also pretty new here... Enjoy! cheers

RE: Women's Liberation....Was it worth the trouble? For the Ladies

Well, yes I think we lost our innocence in the 60s... Vietnam, drugs, free love, the assassination of the Kennedy's amongst other major world events... It was a time of HUGE upheaval.

I didn't choose any of the above choices because I was fortunate enough to be able to stay at home with my boys when they were little and work flexitime when they were older. These days having a career is really useful because it is necessary to be more self-reliant - divorce is prevalent and we don't have the family structures in place to help each other like we did in the past... The old adage "it takes a village to raise a child" isn't really the case these days - in my view a sad loss.

In some ways feminism has done wonders for women and in other ways I don't think we've progressed that much. It is often the case that women in corporate life have to work twice as hard to prove themselves for half the money! If you look at most of the women who have been successful at least in material terms, I think a lot have had to take on 'male' characteristics to get to the top... and despite having to make many sacrifices, only relatively few make it compared to their male counterparts. It is still really difficult for most women to find the balance between career and family! In that respect, maybe it was easier in the 'old days' when women weren't expected to work... but also possibly very unstimulating???

RE: The beavers

Yelping would be a bit more likely!!! blushing

RE: Who do you want to win the WC Final - Spain or Holland?

Yeah............ GO SPAIN!!!!! cheering

RE: The beavers

You are TOO cute! What is it about a man in a cowboy hat?!!! hug

RE: The beavers

I'm afraid I do not have a beaver - they are not indigenous to South Africa! I do however have 3 dogs, a cat and 2 hamsters! Here is an excerpt from a poem about a beaver:

On a recent poll
for over achievers
who could have won
except for the beavers!

But what is so special,
what unique kind of feature,
has given this reputation
to such an odd sort of creature?

Without a doubt it’d have to be
their natural wood cleavers
that have given them the title
of busy little beavers.

So what do you do
when you need a job done?
Set up lodging for beavers!
and pardon the pun.

Good luck with your beaver party in Pasadena! May you have many happy times together... Wow, and I thought it was a cute country town which people write songs about.... grin

RE: The beavers

You are too much! rolling on the floor laughing

RE: The beavers

Mumble incoherently? I would've thought your mouth was too busy ........ whispering to do any mumbling?! .... and can beavers actually be tamed or do they still retain their wild streak? confused

RE: Who would you like to go out with on CS?

Not at the moment..... Haven't you been watching the SWC? It's bloody freezing in Jo'burg right now! GO SPAIN!!!! grin

RE: another game!

Why did the chicken cross the road?


RE: How do you get peace of mind ?

Yes it would be a very different world! I just saw the movie "Invictus" and Nelson Mandela was one of these amazingly wise and compassionate men. In South Africa, we call it having "ubuntu" - basically being humane, accepting and celebrating our differences.

RE: How do you get peace of mind ?

I live by the following maxim: "Never regret yesterday for life is in you today and you make your own tomorrow"

....and when I am in need of some wisdom, also read Desiderata - full poem below...

The famous poem Desiderata was written over 50 years ago, however, the words of wisdom in this inspirational poetry still applies today.

Written by Max Ehrmann in 1927

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, And remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly & clearly; and listen to others, even the dull & ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud & aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain & bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing future of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.

Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity & disenchantment it is perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue & loneliness. Beyond wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees & the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labours & aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery & broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

RE: how would you impress your date?

Spoken like a true Scotsman!!! rolling on the floor laughing

RE: I found Mr Right .... I think

Yes I do recall reading this guy's profile after a few anti-women forum topics!! Methinks the song: "Can't buy me looooooooove" applies.... laugh

RE: Step Parents..

Quite possible! Or the Argentinians might have got in first!!! laugh

RE: nerdy girls

Well isn't it great that there's someone for everyone out there! applause

RE: Step Parents..

GO SPAIN!!!!!! I am waiting with bated breath to see which team Paul the psychic octopus chooses to win the world cup!!! dancing

RE: Step Parents..

I admire all of you prepared to take on that role. I haven't got there yet, but chances are pretty good at my age that the guy I eventually do get involved with, will have children from a previous marriage. I've been divorced for 2 1/2 years now, and haven't dated anyone seriously yet.... am just taking it slowly. My elder son (11) seems to be okay with the idea of me dating but my younger son (8) is extremely possessive and hates the idea! It is going to take a lot to win him over... uh oh so my thinking is to take it very slowly if/when it happens. My sister re-married when her daughter was 14. Fortunately her daughter loved her 2nd husband - actually got on with him better than her own father. Her second husband was a fantastic guy who had been divorced for three years prior to meeting her. They had a wonderful marriage except that his children - two in particular - refused to accept her despite her numerous attempts. The kids were in their late teens, early 20s when they married. The ex wife was a huge factor - she hated the idea of her ex-spouse finding happiness and influenced the children. Even when he died over a year ago, his daughter refused to stay with my sister, his middle son didn't even bother to come to his dad's funeral, and the younger son also behaved badly. My sister said the only positive thing that's come out of it is that she now has no reason to stay in touch with her awful step-children...

RE: Where are the Heroes?

I have thought the same thing often... in terms of celebrity figures anyway. But I think the real heroes are unsung. They're the people doing great things for our world and for humanity who don't need accolades - the fact that they're helping is reward enough... We quite often have competitions here in SA where people nominate others who are doing great things to make the world a better place... and it is surprising how many there are!!! There's hope for us yet! applause

RE: It's Complicated...(constructive opinions greatly appreciated)

Yup I agree!! Time to............say goodbye........ wave

RE: Is snogging seriously underrated?

Well it's not underrated with me...... I could snog for hours with the right person of course! grin

RE: Where is my favorite man???

Beats me?!!! confused and does anyone actually care who her favourite man is and where he's gone? dunno Time for bed, I reckon... blues


Shame! Poor you!!! It's only nearly 7pm here.... just an hour and a half to wait... cheers


Sorry, but I'm a woman and I'm just as soccer mad as the men!!! cheering

This is a list of forum posts created by leostartingover.

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