Neil Young supports Sanders & Clint Eastwood dumps Trump !

From Clint - "Too much funny business" on that side of the aisle.

He's now supporting Mike Bloomberg for president.
So, are you switching too, or "do ya feel lucky punk ?"

In other news;

" Neil Young Calls Trump 'a Disgrace,' Says Sanders Will 'Make America Great Again' "

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Comments (27)


Love Neil...and his words are not for Trump rallies...the exact opposite...and thankfully Eastwood saw the
Neil Y. and Clint E. are POS!thumbs up
Yes, they are both very POSITIVE, that Trump is a horrible president. Most people are. grin
udge Jeanine: If you thought Trump, Bloomberg were similar, think again
Love Clint, in fact I watched a movie of his last night ( Two Mules for Sister Sara) Clint is getting "up there" and senility or even dementia may be setting in. It wasn't that long ago when he was talking to an empty chair on a awards show. Remember that? Neil young? Well he's always been Neil Young.. nuff said!
They are not similar. Yet, Bloomberg is STILL better than Trump.
That's not a statement about how good Bloomberg is. laugh
While Mike is using his $Billions to buy a better personality,
perhaps he can treat Jeanine to one too. laugh
The guy (Clint) will always be about money...look at his relationships...laugh

But he knows a thing or two about politics...last thing you need is some foul mouthed sob...with law

So a billionaire democrat will alternative to crazy...laugh
yeah, Clint Eastwood said, "hasta la vista, baby"laugh

and Neil Young sang his song, "Old man take a look at my life"laugh

and Ozzy Osbourne called out for "Mr. Crowley"laugh
Oh...that too...doh


This is referring to the guy the RNC had talk to an empty chair ? laugh
I don't remember your protests against this then. How odd.

It was STUPID & I didn't pay a Helluva lotta attention to it.
Hell! I can't even recall during which campaign he DID it!!

Whatever dunno
It didn't bring me in - I went with Barry in '08 & Libertarian in '12.

I don't remember anyone with the name "Libertarian" grin
You seem to stump for TRump a lot for someone who supposedly voted for someone else.
Why aren't you stumping for a libertarian instead ?
keen eyed observers will note that much of my political commenting is advice for 'Crats.

Specifically --
When 'Crats run on Ol' Time Yellow Dog Pocketbook Issues -- THEY WIN!
When they wander into a Weird, Socialist, Elitist SJW mire stuck -- THEY LOSE. BIGLY!!

When The Don picks up the Yellow Dog Issues (and voters) after 'Crats throw 'em down, dance on 'em & leave 'em lying in the street -- HE WINS!!

But hey! Don't take MY word for it scold
Here it is from a Leftie who watched 'Crats gleefully go off a Left Wing cliff in '72 ...

And from another Leftie advising 'em NOT to do it in '20 ...

This from the (WINNER) 'Crat Elder Statesman Emeritus back in '92 ...

The Don HIMSELF made a similar statement regarding 'Crat economic policy during a 90s interview with Wolf Blitzer.

Why 'Crats cannot - or WILL not - learn such a simple lesson is a wonderment confused

Libertarian --
If the major parties (lately 'Crats) stray TOO far off the reservation, I've sometimes gone 3rd Party -- Sometimes Green, more recently Libertarian.

I was underwhelmed by BOTH major party offerings in '16 & went with the 3rd party that stood the best chance of getting 5% of the popular vote in a Prez Election & thus qualify for Minor Party Funding -- to rattle the cages of the Major Parties.

Libertarians came close to pulling it off -- within a single percentage point sigh

'Crats in '72 & '16 ...

Again in '20? ...... dunno

Seems sort of a desperate, meaningless comment to me. Neil Young and Eastwood.....on politics. Both very respected in their fields but is that informational or newsworthy? Ots trivial gossip. Good topic for the forums though, I guess.

"Art imitates life". The living are outraged by a terrible president. Thus, the artists express it.
This song pretty well sums up how a southern man feels about Neil Young. professor
Neil Young actually apologized for the lyrics to Southern Man and actually preformed Sweet Hone Alabama a few times. Read it for yourself Jimmy
Art may imitate life, but it all depends on the artist. Perhaps we all should seek our own levels. We don't...we stray from our areas of expertise and stumble into opining on subjects best left to the artful.
Celebrities want to be politicians, politicians want to be celebrities. Asking Young to comment on politicians is like asking a house painter his opinion of Picasso.

Personally, I prefer the music to the message.

I think he volunteered the critique.
If you aren't familiar with Neil Young's songs, they are often ones of protest and social change for the better.
He is socially aware and an activist. It is his wheelhouse.
Some people are good at more than one thing and sometimes they combine those things.
Frankly, he is less better at music itself. Musically, he has very limited talent, both vocally and
with regard to the guitar.
First time I got high was to Young's 'Needle and the damage done... a little part of it in everyone"....maybe I do remember the message, but I liked the song much better....before, during and after.

All that matters is Trumps landslide victory, so the left can have 4 more years on earth unmollested and Corona virus free ??
After 2024 you fu-ckers are on your own ????????rolling on the floor laughing
If that's all that matters, you may be very sadly disappointed in November. comfort
You mean
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by JimNastics
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Last Commented: Feb 2020
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