Things are falling into place (education blog)

Today I had that 10 minute "interview", where they got to see who I was and I got to see who they were. I had one question for them: Do I have to pay for anything, or is everything included in the course?

Their answer: Everything is included in the course. You get a complete education, three licenses and a LOAD of experience.

I still need to read up on which career path I would like to take. I am drawn to the container hauling path, so I will spend a few hours reading up on that.

My next move is to find a student place. Preferably one with container haulage or tanker haulage. But I am not going to pass on a place, just because they don't have container haulage. I am open to any place, really. The school DO offer student places, but only to the people who are actually showing up to the classes, which makes sense. No point in offering a student place to someone, who does not want to do the job properly.

So now I have the what and how - I just need the when, which I got as well: January 18, 2021, is my start date. Tomorrow I am going to my aunts place for dinner, and my uncle is going to be there as well. He is an old trucker, so I can ask him about anything and everything regarding trucking. He was hauling those roll-off dumpster containers, so it's not exactly the same as I want to haul, which is those big 40 foot shipping containers.

It's gonna be awesome!
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Comments (6)

Good luck, whatever the future holds for you, having these licenses will always give you a backdoor while seeking a position that you really want. Or maybe you will become an international truck driver? A job full of adventure and you get paid to do it.
e - While I'm sure you made some valid points, he gets experience working in between passing one set of courses and taking the next set.
He gets his car driving license first. It's a step by step program.
So, as he passes each segment, he gets experience in that area.
While he currently has a goal in sight (not a bad thing), that goal may change depending upon his experiences. So far, he's been doing and endless stream of temp jobs. There is no future in that.
While it may not be the best job, at least he is taking the initiative to learn and think about something more stable than temp jobs. There's nothing wrong with being positive about it. No job is perfect. He'll have to decide from the experience if it is right for him. Since he pays nothing and gets paid and can get housing it's several steps up from what he has now. I applaud his recognition of this and his motivation to do something positive about it. thumbs up
jim ..i also applaud his attitude with out a doubt ,,but watching you tube vids that do not tell the whole picture is misleading in itself,,
and believe me trucking is not a barrel of laughs ,, he should look at europe reports and see the true working conditions of truck drivers,,,, they are horrid ,, that is why world wide there is a shortage of drivers
You make some great points Edison, if i was in Phils shoes i would do the car and lite truck licenses first then try out some driving jobs.. maybe driving a courier van to start with and see how that goes, then move on to lite trucks if courier driving goes well;; there's a lot of hours away from home in long haul trucking, you basically live in your truck or in motels at truck stops if your lucky..
I applause Phil's attitude as well but will admit his blog sounded to positive to be true so I am happy Edison pointed out the reality which is very much in line from what other truckers have shared with me in the US.

I wish you well. One other thing I would offer is to investigate the school for legitimacy as it is a very old story of schools teaching students who end up with not being able to get a job after spending all that money on the education.

Still the best of luck to you.
Good for you... The educational path is all out there, you just need to apply yourself and see where it takes you! Stick to it and you'll be so happy after all that commitment!!!

(Sorry, I just turned 50 and need ACDC!!!) laugh
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Vallensbæk, Zealand, Denmark

Well not the LITERAL end of the World.

So.. Who am I? Well, my name is Danny, and I live in Denmark. I am a down to earth, carefree guy, who loves the small things in life. I am a fan of well crafted stories, and old movies. The Godfather is the [read more]