OK thats it!

I waited and waited for someone to post a controversial blog or something exciting so I guess its up to me to stir things up a little so here goes:

MEN...who are they and what do they want from us? At times it seems that they are some sort of alien life form and we are but mere prey as they wait to devour our very souls----> in other words this dating stuff can be a pain in the arshelp

So tell us guys what do ya want from us? Come out with it. Do not be afraid to describe what your idea of the perfect female would be or the perfect situation for a relationship.

We (females) eagerly await your responselaugh grin wavedrinking
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Comments (98)

yazz thank you for proving a point ,no woman would even attemp to just put not place a man on a peddle stool but yet everyday men are expected to do that for woman. listen YAZZ i know you do not live on a farm so i am not trying to bring you bull kakaagrin
Yes at times we make mistakes and can be asses.I look back in regret at times.Sorry that happened to you.
Lana - know where your coming from there, I used to do everything, mow, garden, cook, shop, kids, house and work, he would go to golf every weekend the stay on drinking and play golf 4 times during the week, when he was home all he did was drink and watch TV, I think the problem is when you show you love someone by doing things for them is they look at you like your a door mat
If we as couples lived every day as if it was our last together,love would thrive and flourish.We take one another for granted.Its sad.
Lana`of course giving attention to all those important anniversaries is important...and still I prefer even more when those moments of attention come as fallen from the blue sky.

A box of Swiss Chocolats just because its a rainy day, for example
Willem - not even that, most women dont want a gift given to them, Im happy with someone making a cup of tea in the morning for me, I cant speak for every woman but from all the ones I have spoken to, especially when they have kids, the man doing something without being asked just cause then can is what really makes them happy, like cooking dinner, clean the house, bath the kids, take out the rubbish, women want me to do things for them without being asked, to us it shows that the actually care, that they want to make our lives easier and make us feel good
Did someone say CHOCOLATE??love grin daydream dancing cartwheel

Joking laugh
We are now fighting over chores,who's doin em and when and how much.Like old married couples not fun loving singles.
Both jobs are EQUALLY important. Who will raise our children? Are there any volunteers? Its EASY right?applause roll eyes wave
brib - no I think your missing the point of what Lana and I are trying to say, we are happy to do everything around the house its just nice for your significant other to just do something for you, makes us feel like we are cared for and appreciated
ohh my bad ,you were comming off as just someone that hey i need attention ,while he worked .im stupid my mistake,yea ofcourse good for you for kicking him to the curb,handshake
I would like to add that we've all done things and said things in the past that have contributed to deterioration of past relationships which is why I think its a good thing to discuss these things openly and yet in a respectful manner. Though you may still have some unresolved anger and resentment giving into these feelings will not result in a better understanding of interpersonal relationships so...lets keep it civil shall we?cool
No worries danielcool

I guess we're clearing the air on some stuff tonight!

@Lana - You ex was disrespectful and did not appreciate you. Sorry to hear about that. When discouraged in such certain terms, can't imagine cooking for him ever again. mumbling

Hopefully you'll find someone who puts as much effort into encouraging you instead! thumbs up
Yazz,I know what your sayin.We all like someone to show affection thru actions.Actions, we do "just because".
In fairness I have seen both men and women that became lazy in a marriage.I was guilty in my marriage at times as was my ex-wife at times.No one likes mundane chores.
Getting flowers or remembering significant events or doing little things to say I love you aren't mundane.
The bottom line is we all want to feel loved both blokes and shelias.
Thanks inthemindcool
Yes,lana1234567,hind sight is 20/20.In April my marriage of 10 years ended.In retrospect I see the faults which I was responsible for,there was plenty of blame to go around on both sides.Too bad we can't head off certain things before they reach the point of no return.
WOW am i ever gonna have fun with this one when I have more time to post ...peace
Now we're getting PHd disertations.Eat your heart out Darwin.
wow uh oh shock pointing idea drink pouring drinking I think I need a drink.
I thought we were doing a pretty good job of understanding each other better till it got to the "ape fawn thing"wave ...what?grin
I want a woman to be herself. If I am with you its because I like"you". I can cook and clean too but a little help is good. I shower at least once a day usually twice sometimes three times lol so good hygiene is a must. I work hard and sweat a lot when I do that's why I shower often.
Don't nag me when I'm ready for bed. I'm tired and need my sleep. I don't always sleep well myself so when I do go to bed lets not argue.
Is it so hard to find something good in your day to tell me about? Was it really that bad?
if I call or text there's a reason. Don't call me a week later and tell me you were busy. I think 24 hours is enough time to at least send a text.

Don't be afraid to tell me something I may not like. I'm a big boy I will get over it.

There is no perfect person so just be yourself. If I like you I will keep coming back. If I don't like what I see I will let you know.
Lana, Since this is a virtual world then here's a virtual drink . . ... .waiter
Those sound like fair requests to mecool
Lana, That evolutionary thing was by Vostock not me . I'm the one that wants to be neutral .
Frank yes ok, lets keep it simple.....goodwine cool
I think most people just make things to complicated. I just read some other posts lol.

I work hard for a living and I like to keep things simple. I hate technology and how our society has changed.

People also need to focus on their families more instead of the reality stars and trying to emulate them. With the highs come the lows. Best to maintain a calm happy as much as possible.

I'm all for that!!applause cheering thumbs up
I also think women in general like that emotional roller coaster.it makes it hard for some of us men to deal with you because we don't know who we are coming home to.
Yes some men are that way too I know.
Lana, Here is another drink for you . . . .waiter bartender . . . . .it's a double like you requested . . . . . . . wine
Is it too late to input on the org post? confused
Dont wanna break up the sat night party..
Go for it morgcool
At the end of the day I think that everyone is different in their expectations and it boils down to mutual respect, being honest with each other and communication. For me I don't want a guy who will try to win me over by spending lots of money on me. I want a guy who will accept me for me and I will accept him for who he is as a person. I don't have that monthly problem any more but I do remember feeling grumpy very madat that time of month. Very good post lana.
Ok morg

I had a recent conversation with a young lady from Brazil about how American women act like men. That's what your comment made me think of. And yes its hard to find trust these days. Lots of damaged people out there and they are blaming everyone and anyone but themselves.

About that time of month yes I know it has to be rough but its not suppose to last 29 days lol.
Steve. -and i just wrote a rel long thing where i blame am men for not stepping up to the plate..but i felt i coulden't post it without menti the male side of it to why thay sometimes run around like headless chicken. And by then it got to long post, so i put it in the drawr... drinking

This IS intresting sosiology, but STILL i think the MEN should lead the way out of this mess.
Everyone who is has got to know me know that I say I would not get involved with anyone but I do have to amend that slightly to unless they were spectacluar, so seeing everyone is saying what they want in a person Im going to put my 2 cents worth in, in a man I would want someone who is:


I would want someone that is unwilling to follow the beaten track, someone who is free of social conditioning, someone who is not going to think I am strange for going to a protest rally for animal cruelty, who is into equality and fairness, who is happy to allow me my personal freedom, who is true to himself and others, who want to have interesting and sometimes quirky conversations, someone who will drive around chasing the end of rainbows, who loves to watch a good storm roll in, who loves music and dosnt mind that I am a litte quirky and diffent myself.

So there you go, this man does not exist I know but as I said at the beginning I would only consider someone spectacular dunno
I think its too late. Now government and media have control over most minds.

I will always be true to myself and live the life best suited for me and hopefully I'll find the lady who is in synch with me. Otherwise I'll just be a serial dater and keep my heart safe.

I really don't like dating but I don't like being alone neither.but I will never lead anyone on. I've already lost a couple due to my honesty but I'm a better person for it. If and when it happens it will be great.

Don't try and change the world. Just be true so you can be happy and others will see your success and follow.

How can you find out if they are spectacular if you don't get involved?

The bigger the risk the greater the reward.

And Lana,

Sorry if I'm off topic sometimes. I just have a lot to say lol.
Well cheers to you Steve cheers
However i think we CAN change the world to the better, but i think as you that the largest effect lays in power of example (perhaps bad english but u get my point).
And YES remember u can be no excample unless u have it good yourself, cos u should shine. But how about starting to shine first and then make the world a better place..?..!..
purple heart

Hi Yazz! grin

Steve - I really cant argue with that, you do have a valid point, I guess it would have to be very slow?

Morg - hello back grin
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by Unknown
created Aug 2011
Last Viewed: 1 hrs ago
Last Commented: Aug 2011

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